The sex abuse scandal is bigger than Penn State

UPDATED: Wednesday, November 23, 2011 07:48
VIEWED: 1053
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Monday, November 14, 2011 6:14 PM


Tip of the ice berg. Get ready, it's all going to come out now.


Tuesday, November 15, 2011 5:29 AM


Well yeah, there's that - hell the sexual exploitation within youth sports programs of ANY kind has been an open-secret for as long as the abuse in the Catholic Church was (ironic: one of their primary investigators was recently busted as part of an illegal porn roundup, AGAIN.) and just as with that it's not proving it happens so much as getting anyone to freakin CARE.

That said, with the Pennsylvania situation, in all honesty the whole Sandusky/sports issue is a bloody sideshow and one I wish wasn't taking up so much attention and putting the focus off to one side - one might say the brighter the light, the deeper the shadows where it ain't shining...

This... this is something else, something darker, and the primary (but not only) connection so far is that missing DA, and chances of finding a body are minimal - more interesting is an administrative anomoly since anything government related involves paperwork out the ass and so when files are removed someone with access and ability can easily see the gaps and determine in at least a general sense what those files mighta been, you see.

And that's got shit to do with Penn State, the M.O. is all wrong, too professional and they had no reason or motive - likely he tripped something else while digging and wound up turfed as a result.
There's also some ties still with the notoriously corrupt Cuyohoga County prosecutors office, which he was rather encouraged to leave at one time for reasons unknown.

Oh, and the name of one Thomos A Pavlinic keeps popping up too - which bears watching.

More data when available.



Tuesday, November 15, 2011 5:44 AM


I have no doubts that if a big dumb football coach could have put together his own little pedophile scheme to combine charity for under-priviliged kids with the allure and excitement of attending sporting events, then this type of thing must be fairly rampant throughout sports.


Tuesday, November 15, 2011 5:53 AM


Good points. The youth sports and pedophile connection is pretty obvious, but I'm thinking that the Penn State thing will give a lot of other victims the courage to come forward, and we're going to hear a lot of cases.

However, Frem's right, the case I posted and these potential other cases probably aren't directly related to the Penn State thing.

He's also right in that digging around Penn State and the cover-up is more likely to reveal a rabbit hole and a bigger scheme than the surface issues we've seen and unconnected similar events elsewhere.


Tuesday, November 15, 2011 6:10 AM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

Well yeah, there's that - hell the sexual exploitation within youth sports programs of ANY kind has been an open-secret for as long as the abuse in the Catholic Church was (ironic: one of their primary investigators was recently busted as part of an illegal porn roundup, AGAIN.) and just as with that it's not proving it happens so much as getting anyone to freakin CARE.

That said, with the Pennsylvania situation, in all honesty the whole Sandusky/sports issue is a bloody sideshow and one I wish wasn't taking up so much attention and putting the focus off to one side - one might say the brighter the light, the deeper the shadows where it ain't shining...

This... this is something else, something darker, and the primary (but not only) connection so far is that missing DA, and chances of finding a body are minimal - more interesting is an administrative anomoly since anything government related involves paperwork out the ass and so when files are removed someone with access and ability can easily see the gaps and determine in at least a general sense what those files mighta been, you see.

And that's got shit to do with Penn State, the M.O. is all wrong, too professional and they had no reason or motive - likely he tripped something else while digging and wound up turfed as a result.
There's also some ties still with the notoriously corrupt Cuyohoga County prosecutors office, which he was rather encouraged to leave at one time for reasons unknown.

Oh, and the name of one Thomos A Pavlinic keeps popping up too - which bears watching.

More data when available.


Just doing a google on that guy is enough to give me vertigo. I don't even like looking at his site:

"Tom has a special interest in defending child sex abuse cases in which the complainants are pre-school or very young children. In many instances, incompetent social workers and other zealots who investigate allegations of abuse influence the children to make certain statements by the way they interview the children. This psychological suggestion gives rise to the legal concept of “taint.”"

The use of the word "zealot" is troubling... the fact that there are experts at defending people accused of this is also troubling.

Thing is is I also know there are cases where people have been wrongly charged with sex abuse and it has to be an almost equal nightmare for them. What an effed up world.

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Tuesday, November 15, 2011 9:52 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Bytemite:

Tip of the ice berg. Get ready, it's all going to come out now.

IDK. Seems more of the 'run of the mill' sort of teacher / student sex story, than anything related to the Sandusky scandal.

"The world is a dangerous place. Not because of the people who are evil; but because of the people who don't do anything about it." - Albert Einstein


Tuesday, November 15, 2011 10:01 AM


I know, I just said that. What I meant was that more victims are going to come forward now.


Tuesday, November 15, 2011 10:07 AM


America loves a winner!

Oh yeah, the Sandusky scandal will get worse. There are already stories of those who weren't sexually abused, but certainly did feel as if they were being 'hit on' by the creep.

That JoePa NEVER confronted Sandusky over this, at all. I find that indefensible. Might not be have broken any laws , but he clearly failed the morality and leadership test.

"The world is a dangerous place. Not because of the people who are evil; but because of the people who don't do anything about it." - Albert Einstein


Tuesday, November 15, 2011 1:20 PM


Well, I don't have much to work with now, and can't share mosta that Piz...

But yeah that guy's a sleaze, there's certain ways to say things in the legal profession, the method in which one words claims and advertisements, you see - and essentially this translates to "We'll get you off no matter how guilty you are!" instead of "If you're innocent, have no fear." - critical difference with this, many lawyers if they KNOW you are guilty, either take a different tack with the case or refuse to take it, in regards to this sorta thing... even evil has standards, right ?

I'd love to see the bastards retainer list, since I would lay good odds it's almost a one for one match for a certain list of mine, but that's for another time - right now my concern is how this connects to the cuyahoga county prosecutors office, and exactly where the missing files fit in once their approximate content can be discerned by looking at the non-missing files carefully, especially if there's cross-refs between the documents.

For the moment, tenative-theoretical, this is looking like more of a problem from the Foster Care angle than anything else, which does also touch on the penn state thing, but again as almost unrelated side-bit, but worth investigating the exact procedure of those adoptions in detail, something which will take some time, and convincing people to talk...
And they ALWAYS talk, people always do, especially when and if they ain't supposed to.

But for now... not a lot to go on, just refining where to spend the effort of lookin.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Tuesday, November 15, 2011 3:30 PM


... fully loaded, safety off...


Originally posted by Fremdfirma:
But yeah that guy's a sleaze, there's certain ways to say things in the legal profession, the method in which one words claims and advertisements, you see - and essentially this translates to "We'll get you off no matter how guilty you are!" instead of "If you're innocent, have no fear." - critical difference with this, many lawyers if they KNOW you are guilty, either take a different tack with the case or refuse to take it, in regards to this sorta thing... even evil has standards, right ?

Must be lucrative defending those clients. No matter how hard they are trying to sound like "the good guys" that's not what I'm picking up. All you have to do is put yourself in the mindset of a guilty person "I'm desperate and I know I'm guilty, can anyone help me??!!??" and then read the site and it's all smiles and red carpet, "we take all forms of payment."

Scifi movie music + Firefly dialogue clips, 24 hours a day -


Tuesday, November 15, 2011 9:59 PM


Oh indeed, but much to the ire of a lot of people I will not act against the sumbitch unless he actually crosses certain lines of conduct, because no matter what kinda sleaze he is, without folks like him the presumption of innocence falls and our whole justice system becomes one long railroad train - not that it ain't already, but its bad enough that imma hedge my bets when dealing with even a scumbag like this unless they step outta line in a really overt kinda way...

"The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one's time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all."

Doesn't mean I like it, doesn't mean I don't grind my fuckin teeth with hatred - but being true to my own beliefs REQUIRES staying my hand unless I have real cause, you know ?

It's stuff like this, where the rubber meets the road, that most people fail their own values and beliefs, and I flat refuse to do so because it would essentially make a lotta what I do meaningless - you don't defend things by torching them.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Tuesday, November 22, 2011 5:39 PM


Reposting here as appropriate topic:


Tuesday, November 22, 2011 5:40 PM



Originally posted by Fremdfirma:

Originally posted by Kwicko:

Originally posted by Bytemite:

I responded to the confidentiality thing, I think it's a load of bull that we give CPS the benefit of the doubt. They are public servants. They are not allowed to operate with no transparency. If they must, if there are privacy issues to consider, they can use TACT, but the blue code on their part is unacceptable. Heck, the blue code in ANY public service organization is unacceptable.

^This. And it's becoming the norm. Ask about our security theater apparatus, and you'll get shouted down with claims that you can't know about it, because of "NATIONAL SECURITY!" And it's spreading through every agency, bit by bit. You can't know about CPS because of confidentiality issues. You can't film the police because they passed a law that says you can't. Rather than just do their fucking jobs the right way in the first place, the norm now is to just make it illegal for you to ask if they're breaking the law.

That's what I call mens rea in action, you ask me - ain't never the crime, it's the cover up.

Speakin O which...

Behind Closed Doors

I've been to Family Court a few times over the years, but it was never a place where I felt at home. Everything about it felt wrong, from the essential absence of anything remotely resembling rights, to the way everyone in the room talked down to children as if they existed so every adult in the room could lecture them. The one aspect of Family Court that I never gave much thought was that the courtrooms were closed.

Closed courtrooms in criminal court are bad, where the constitutional right to a public trial is violated by the secret happenings behind closed doors. The only time they were allowed to throw everybody out and close the courtroom was when the undercover took the stand, and then only when he remained active and could articulate a threat, either to him or his assignment. When the prosecutor asked that the courtroom be closed, we fought it. No star chamber would be allowed without a fight.

Somehow, this never translated to Family Court. I never gave it any thought, as it seemed appropriate when the subject was children that their identities not be made public, that their future not be burned for something that happened when they thought like a child. I was wrong.

This article also references other events within Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, to a degree no one else has addressed and those references name names, which frees me from any concern of doing so at this time either, given that said blog is run by lawyer type folk.

Where Ethics Go To Die

But it isn't all that was happening in Luzerne County, as unbelievable as that may seem. This place is a judicial cesspool, and the only reason there hasn't been an overwhelming outcry is that Ciavarella and Conahan were such outrageous criminals that they dwarf pretty much any other impropriety one can think of. That doesn't make Judge Michael T. Toole look any better, however, and it would be wrong to ignore his misconduct just because it didn't rise to the level of his fellow judges.
And if this plain vanilla corruption isn't enough to make you angry, consider this: Toole entered into his plea agreement on September 25, yet continued to sit on the bench as a judge. Let that one sink in. The judge signed a plea agreement and continued as a judge for months.

6,500 Convictions Overturned


The decision means all convictions within that time frame will be vacated and the records of the juveniles expunged, or erased. Prosecutors also were barred from retrying any juveniles other than those that remain incarcerated or owe restitution or fines.
That leaves about 100 cases that may be reopened - serious offenses in which the defendant was represented by counsel, and is either still incarcerated or involved in the juvenile justice system through probation, treatment, or unpaid fines or restitution.
Though it's likely true that there were guilty amongst the abused innocent or trivial cases that resulted in incarceration, the District Attorney's argument is disingenuous. Where was Carroll's concern for justice when Ciavarella and Conahan were tossing kids in jail for staying out past curfew? Their scheme went on for five years right in front of the District Attorney's nose, and no one gave a damn. Now they are true seekers of justice? Too little too late.
While the effort to retry these children doesn't come after an acquittal, it does come after a "travesty of justice" dismissal and vacation of the convictions. That these scum judges crimes have reduced every case before them to a nullity, the children who remain under court supervision aren't to blame for the fact that these judges were able to perpetrate their crimes for years without interference from the District Attorney.

And it goes on and on - but take note: not ONE of the charges against any of these fucks had ONE GODDAMN THING TO DO, with how they treated those kids or what they pulled on them, no - ALL the charges were about MONEY, failure to pay their "cut", tax-evasion essentially...
Which strikes me as the State of PA not caring what they did, only that they didn't share the largess, and THAT, folks, oughta tell you something.

And there's more where this comes from, cause there's some serious tangle between this, the PA Foster Care System, and Second Mile - which seems to be either a feeder system or at least cover for one, cause this is a dynamic I've seen before with Boystown and the Fresh Air Fund.
Here's background on the "Fresh Air Fund" for you...
And Boystown, shit, echos of that still ring out on capitol hill.
It's one of the few things I ever held against Hunter S Thompson, is that him and Rusty didn't come clean about what they knew - and the known, proven, FACTS of the case are so goddamn woo-woo out-there weird that most folk can't even wrap their brain around it...

And there's something like that going on in Pennsylvania.
stay tuned for more as we know more.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Tuesday, November 22, 2011 5:41 PM


Lets see if the current speculative chart posts correctly...

corbet + staff level involved

Thomas A Pavlinic <-|-> Tom Corbett (staffers?)
Justice System <-|-> Foster Care System
Sandusky/Penn St <-|-> Second Mile

Sandusky-> Second Mile -> Justice System (Noteworthy: ALL FOUR Center County Judges recused)

Sandusky-> Second Mile -> Foster Care System (Adoptions: Case files are.. interesting)

Pavlinic <-> Second Mile ? Retainer ? Unknown ?
Joe Amendola ? Unknown ?

Corbett <-> William DeWeese (Antagonism?)
Mutual Ongoing Conflicts of Interest.
DeWeese criminal record/Corbett former AG - holdover ?
Investigator (unknown) assigned to "case" re: 2009 ?
Abuse possibly known prior to news break ?
No action taken/coverup at Governor Staff Level ?
AG Linda Kelly <-> Out of loop ? Complicit ?
Ciavarella/Conahan/Toole <-> Robert Powell(Hellcamp Operator) <-/-> Second Mile?
Musto Carroll (definately involved) Sabotaged investigation?
Sandra Brulo -> Patsy who knows something.



Wednesday, November 23, 2011 7:48 AM


Culture of corruption indeed: more names to add..

Thing is, it doesn't take so many, when every freakin body else is covering for them.

That makes it damn hard to sort out the aggressors from them who knew and didn't say nothin, or assisted to one degree or another in the coverup.
I *WILL* say, tenatively, that it looks like it ends at the Staff level of the Governors office, and I don't think Corbett is actually guilty of anything but being a politician - the MO is all wrong for him anyways, so I am going through his staffers with a fine toothed comb.







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