Here it comes...

UPDATED: Sunday, November 20, 2011 18:12
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Sunday, November 20, 2011 8:39 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Apparently they're starting to take us seriously. I urge you to watch, even tho' it's MSNBC, to find out what you should expect coming soon:

Pertinent aspects:

The memo lays out a plan for a nearly one million dollar campaign against Occupy Wall Street and any politicians who might express sympathy for Occupy Wall Street.

It speaks of the specific threat Occupy Wall Street poses for the banks and their sworn defenders in the Republican Party.

In order to head off this terrifying eventuality, the memo proposes "a program of opposition research on Occupy Wall Street activists, which also will identify opportunities to construct 'fact-based narratives' of OWS for high-impact media placement."

"Individual companies under threat by OWS and its adoption by Democrats of their cause will likely not be the best spokespeople for their own cause." Ergo, they are sketching out a strategy of deploying proxies to shill for Wall Street and against OWS without the public knowing.

"A big challenge is to demonstrate that these companies still have political strength and that making them a political target will have severe political cost." So they are planning to intimidate anyone who might be friendly to OWS' cause and target specific (mostly Democratic) candidates.

"A strong media placement in the transition to adopt the OWS movement will send a powerful signal about the risks of carrying that through." Nice clear little threat.

They are proposing a campaign to use Wall Street money to defend Wall Street's political allies and specifically "...provide cover for political figures who defend the industry".

The lies are coming, folks, and the power is BIG. Supposedly the former Boehner aide who was part of writing the memo "knows how to kill legislative threats to its clients". In other words they are drawing up a plan for the financial industry and it's clients to use their deep pockets to attack the Occupy movement and protect the banks' political interests by creating political cover for bank-friendly policies.

This is just one memo, from one firm, that we happened to get our hands on. Think for a minute how many similar documents are floating around out there, how much money and power is being amassed to make sure Occupy Wall Street is just a brief fad, a quirky cultural moment we'll all vaguely recall years hence.

The memo itself can be found at

It's pretty chilling to read. They offer numerous "deliverables" of surveys, audits, analyses and reports to utilize. Given they call them "deliverable", one wonders, if the results aren't what they want, if they will be accurate. They talk of "sophisticated monitoring and analytical tactics" to produce "exceptional political intelligence", including research into "media analysis of OWS and their leaders", records research of "leader's histories including civil and criminal information, litigation histories, tax liens, bankruptcies, judgments...", as well as "IRS and federal election filings, sanctions, regulatory actions and litigation." There's much, much more; it's interesting reading, to say the least, and shows us the direction they're headed.

We seem to have gotten their attention; we knew this was coming, and it shows they've become afraid of us. That's the first step. Their power is great; it remains to be seen whether it's more powerful than the voice of the American people. Long ways to go.


Sunday, November 20, 2011 3:20 PM


This is not only no great surprise, those with long enough memories will note a certain parity with the events regarding HBGary...

And I will mention that a considerable amount of the same personnel seem to be involved, which strikes me as odd given their lifestyles versus reported income - and firmly convinces me these dickheads are someones intel op cutouts and deniables.

Oh, and this JUST FOR YOU, Adrian Lamos.

Don't let that fucker near a goddamn thing to do with OWS, people, he's a stooge and a stoolie on the federale payroll no matter what he says.


I do not serve the Blind God.


Sunday, November 20, 2011 5:00 PM


Keep the Shiny side up

And you don't think there are Democratic operatives, party hacks, and supporters out there planning or doing exactly the same things to sell their positions?

"Keep the Shiny side up"


Sunday, November 20, 2011 6:12 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Geezer:
And you don't think there are Democratic operatives, party hacks, and supporters out there planning or doing exactly the same things to sell their positions?

"Keep the Shiny side up"

C'mon Geezer. It's only devious and corrupt when the Right does it. When the Left does it... "hey, who's gonna get voted off the island on tonight's episode ? "

"The world is a dangerous place. Not because of the people who are evil; but because of the people who don't do anything about it." - Albert Einstein






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