If This Were Your Last Day Alive What Would You Do, Murder Yourself For Israel and Lorn Michaels?

UPDATED: Thursday, December 29, 2011 17:45
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Thursday, December 29, 2011 3:42 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Say It Ain't So Joe

Former ‘Saturday Night Live’ (SNL) writer Joe Bodolai, co-founder of The Comedy Network, was found dead Monday afternoon in a cheap Los Angeles hotel room, and police have thus far ruled the death to be suicide after finding a bottle of Gatorade and a bottle of anti-freeze close to his body. The same LAPD who said Senator Bobby Kennedy was shot by a Palestinian with amnesia, not his Mafia bodyguard with a gun to his head.

Born and raised in the United States, Bodolai was opposed to the Vietnam War and moved to Canada in order to avoid being drafted. He moved back to the United States in 1981 to write for twenty episodes of Saturday Night Live before returning to Canada.

Bodolai, 63, co-wrote the first draft of the 1992 comedy “Wayne’s World” with Mike Meyers. Bodolai also enjoyed a lucrative career as a producer for the Canadian sketch comedy show “Kids in the Hall” as well as for “Comics,” a stand-up comedy venue for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.

According to an article in the Daily Mail, “Three days before his body was discovered… Bodolai laid out his life story, his regrets and his successes in a lengthy post on his blog…”

The article goes on to say that in addition to admitting to a long bout with alcoholism, Bodolai also expressed “an inability to cope with the doom-and-gloom vision of the future he saw for the coming year, including war with Iran and fascism and martial law in America.”

A variety of news outlets have covered the story; including TMZ, the Huffington Post and the Wall Street Journal. Only the Mail has touched on the conspiratorial aspects of Bodolai’s final post, but none have mentioned that Bodolai also had strong words against the state of Israel, made it clear that he did not buy the government’s version of 9-11, and was a fan of Mike Rivero’s “What Really” and John Lee's "Pirate" (the few links he provides on his blog).

In a December 23 post on his blog “Say It Ain’t So, Joe,” Bodolai has a piece titled “If This Were Your Last Day Alive What Would You Do?”

Under the heading “Things I Think Will Happen Next Year” he writes, “More wars for Israel, our rulers. Probably Syria soon.”

Bodolai follows that up with another prediction: “War with Iran (!) for Israel may trigger WW3 conflict with Russia.”

Among some of Bodolai’s other predictions:

•Depression greater than that of the 30’S
•Martial Law in the USA, first probably in Louisiana
•Americans will go along with this, but resisters will be FEMA camped.
•America the one I loved, the one my dad fought for on Omaha Beach on D-DAY, the man who helped take out the machine guns on the cliff, won’t be alive to see young men wearing uniforms and BE the enemy he fought.
•Fascism will be America. It already is. Simple definition: When government rules over corporations, that’s socialism. When corporations use government that, my friends, is fascism.
•Foreign troops may likely be used in popular insurrections.
Under the heading “Stuff I Would Like To Have Seen In My Lifetime” Bodolai lists (among others):

•Truth about 9-11. THREE buildings went down that day. Building 7 wasn’t even hit.
•Truth about the JFK murder
•USA not being Israel’s puppet bully
In an earlier post titled “Seeing World Events Through Celebrity Tweets” Bodolai critiques a “tweet” that Lindsay Lohan made after the recent regime change in Egypt. Lohan writes, “Congratulations to the people of Egypt. Your voices were heard and you proved that peaceful demonstrations are possible and effective …. x… And I pray Egypt maintains it’s treaty with Israel and sets the trend for its neighbors to create peace with Israel and the entire region.”

Bodolai’s response to that was, “I guess she has something in common with Israel: theft! (necklaces, Gaza, West Bank… that kind of stuff. Oh, and one of them has nuclear weapons, also stolen. Think Congress minds?) If this seems like a non-sequitur to you, I can’t think of Egypt today without thinking of Israel. And our “experts” (the not-hot people on news channels) applaud the Egyptian military for taking Lindsay’s advice. They will “honor” the treaty. Plus ca change….”

It may be too soon to cry “foul play” in the death of Bodolai. But it isn’t too soon to speculate that his career may have been cut short after his politically incorrect views on Israel caught the attention of some sensitive Hollywood power broker(s).

Bodolai definitely knew what was going on and what was likely to occur in the near future. He was obviously quite concerned about the direction this world was headed, but perhaps lacked the moral support and emotional strength needed to weather the horrific storm he saw coming. That’s the easy answer.

Unfortunately, answers don’t come easy, and Bodolai may have grown tired of waiting for them. That’s why all of us must continue to seek those answers—for Bodolai—and all of those like him who find their worlds too broken to fix.

Rest in peace, Mr. Bodolai. We are your family, and you will be greatly missed.


Antifreeze is ethylene glycol which is turned into glycolic acid in the liver. Death from antifreeze poisoning is extremely unpleasant. The glycolic acid causes “metabolic acidosis” meaning the blood becomes acid and you feel like you cannot get enough air. Then convulsions and death. If you don’t die, your kidneys can be destroyed. It is a terrible way to die. It is very easy to detect, so anyone using it as a poison WILL BE CAUGHT. Because the death is so awful, cops usually don’t believe it is suicide. The WILL look into possible murder, even if they initially SAY it is a suicide.

Thanks for letting people know, Richard. It does seem kind of fishy, doesn’t it? I would think one could get some good opiates on the street in LA.

One expects that an intelligent, web-savvy guy would have simply googled ‘painless suicide’ or ‘quick suicide’ – the number one and two concerns of people that want to die. Slowly destroying your internal organs means you will be tempted to call for an ambulance once the pain get unbearable. Suicide fail.

With attitudes like that, Mr. Bodolai had plenty of friends. I don’t believe suicide was the cause of death.Jimi Hendrix took a powerful sedative, true and then somebody poured his lungs full of wine.He was not legally drunk at the time.

The fellow investigating the Florida 2000 election vote fraud through the Florida State Transportation department, likewise was found dead, But the police claim of suicide and a broken evidence camera were soon disproven by a loyal and competent department employee getting the photos of an obviously beaten and tortured investigator out on the web and to the investigator’s family.

If this SNL writer died in a burrough of The Big Apple, the odds of him actually ‘comitting suicide’ are ZERO. The antifreeze would serve as a punishment for his quests for the truth. At present, the head of the NYPD and NYFD are covering for the initial demolition set-up, as well as the naothermate retriggering and WTC 4,5,and 6 demolition wiring just before the morning of 9-11-2001.

He was very correct about Isreal but the analogy to Omaha Beach and Iwo Jima disgusts me. WW2 was a disaster made by the JEWs.That war was started by them,for them,and won by them. THEY RULE BECAUSE OF IT. Plus killed f the best people and cultures! Nor does the term Facisem apply. Technically a Facist State does not allow Wall Street style speculation, supports manufacturing,nor exports jobs, or allows JEW run Central Banks to control it.

Zionism is a satanic cancer upon humanity.

Everyone would love to see Israhell disbanded and the Ahskenazi occupiers sent back to their orginal nations in Europe but that can no longer happen. Germany has been used as a jewish ATM for any jew that can tear up and make up fairytales about phony gas chambers. Poland, Romania……. have all been impoverished and don’t want the parasites back either. So the world has a dilemma. What to do with the MONSTERS that have taken over Palestine. Does the world let them live or does it put them on trial similar to staged Nuremberg trials?

Anti-freeze? No Sir – this was very clearly a typical Hollyweird mishpucka MURDER.

So which killed him the gatorade or the antifreeze?


Thursday, December 29, 2011 4:01 AM


America loves a winner!


including war with Iran and fascism and martial law in America.”

Silly person. Everyone knows that Obama, the Great One, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, and Humanitarian elite that he is, would NEVER start a war with Iran, or impose martial law.

Truly a misguided individual.

( And building 7 of the WTC was indeed " hit ". By massive pieces of the other buildings that fell on it. )

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Thursday, December 29, 2011 4:50 AM


Just in case you gloss over PN's links, here is Joe Bodolai's suicide note that has gone viral:

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.


Thursday, December 29, 2011 5:19 AM


America loves a winner!

Hell, I regret Lisa too, but not so much to kill myself over.

Not a man alive that has NO regrets. As Kirk says,

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Thursday, December 29, 2011 6:44 AM


Sorry to hear

Originally posted by AURaptor:

( And building 7 of the WTC was indeed " hit ". By massive pieces of the other buildings that fell on it. )

I know you're form Georgia, but it's going to be hard to convince me that you're *this* dumb [/snark]

Building always collapse when hit by flying debris, which is why every other building in the area, also hit, many far more severely than B7 did not fall, perhaps because they were NOT under the control of Larry Silverstein.

That's what a ship is, you know - it's not just a keel and a hull and a deck and sails, that's what a ship needs.


Thursday, December 29, 2011 7:39 AM


I really liked this part:


When government rules over corporations, that’s socialism. When corporations use government that, my friends, is fascism.

And this part:

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.


Thursday, December 29, 2011 5:45 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by dreamtrove:

I know you're form Georgia, but it's going to be hard to convince me that you're *this* dumb [/snark]

Building always collapse when hit by flying debris, which is why every other building in the area, also hit, many far more severely than B7 did not fall, perhaps because they were NOT under the control of Larry Silverstein.

Yeah, I don't believe in Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, alien visitors, and that 9/11 was an 'inside' job. I also think JFK was killed by 1 man, Lee Harvey Oswald.

Oh, and Jongs thinks I'm one of the smartest guys on here, so you can suck it !

"The world is a dangerous place. Not because of the people who are evil; but because of the people who don't do anything about it." - Albert Einstein

You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot help the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer. You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves. - Someone.






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