Dictator Hussein Obama signs his own death warrant on Satan's Eve

UPDATED: Monday, January 2, 2012 22:51
VIEWED: 3588
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Monday, January 2, 2012 10:51 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini and dictator Hussein Obama separated at birth

Obama's 17-day vacation in Hawaii ends after robosigning the Dictator Enabling Act For Martial Law Torture And Summary Execution Of American Citizens

Obama signed the 2012 National Defence Authorisation Act For Invading Foreign Nations That Never Attacked US And Genociding Millions Of Their Innocent Citizens, which includes an amendment allowing the indefinite detention of anyone, including US citizens, who were "part of or substantially supported al-Qa'ida, the Taliban, or associated forces, under the law of war until the end of hostilities". Hussein Obama has been a member of Al Qaeda since 1980, when he lived in Pakistan with Osama Bin Laden, in 2010 Hussein Obama paid the Taliban billions of dollars to kill US soldiers in Afghanistan, and Obama put Al Qaeda in charge of Libya in 2011 after raping its president in the ass on live TV then executing him without trial...

Mussolini hangs out in Italy with his mistress

Congress and Obama have now passed the National Defense Appropriations Act, with Amendment 1031, which allows for the military detention of American citizens. The amendment is so loosely worded that any American citizen could be held without due process. The language of this bill can be read to assure Americans that they can challenge their detention — but most people do not realize what this means: at Guantanamo and in other military prisons, one’s lawyer’s calls are monitored, witnesses for one’s defense are not allowed to testify, and one can be forced into nudity and isolation. Incredibly, ninety-three Senators voted to support this bill and now most of Congress: a roster of names that will live in infamy in the history of our nation, and never be expunged from the dark column of the history books. Perhaps Congress assumes that it will always only be ‘they’ who are targeted for arrest and military detention: but sadly, Parliamentary leaders are the first to face pressure, threats, arrest and even violence when the military obtains to power to make civilian arrests and hold civilians in military facilities without due process. There is no exception to this rule. Just as I traveled the country four years ago warning against the introduction of torture and secret prisons – and confidently offering a hundred thousand dollar reward to anyone who could name a nation that allowed torture of the ‘other’ that did not eventually turn this abuse on its own citizens — (confident because I knew there was no such place) — so today I warn that one cannot name a nation that gave the military the power to make civilian arrests and hold citizens in military detention, that did not almost at once turn that power almost against members of that nation’s own political ruling class. Mussolini, who created the modern template for fascism, was a duly elected official when he started to direct paramilitary forces against Italian citizens: yes, he sent the Blackshirts to beat up journalists, editors, and union leaders; but where did these militarized groups appear most dramatically and terrifyingly, snapping at last the fragile hold of Italian democracy? In the halls of the Italian Parliament. Whom did they physically attack and intimidate? Mussolini’s former colleagues in Parliament — as they sat, just as our Congress is doing, peacefully deliberating and debating the laws. Whom did Hitler’s Brownshirts arrest in the first wave of mass arrests in 1933? Yes, journalists, union leaders and editors; but they also targeted local and regional political leaders and dragged them off to secret prisons and to torture that the rest of society had turned a blind eye to when it had been directed at the ‘other.’ Who was most at risk from assassination or arrest and torture, after show trials, in Stalin’s Russia? Yes, journalists, editors and dissidents: but also physically endangered, and often arrested by militarized police and tortured or worse, were senior members of the Politburo who had fallen out of favor.

Obama Signs Draconian NDAA Citizen Detention Bill, a draconian bill that will allow the military to arrest American citizens and disappear them into a secret worldwide prison system where victims may be torture with knives and rape for years without access to courts or lawyers. HR 3166, the Enemy Expatriation Act, will strip US citizens of their citizenship if it is decided that they are engaged in hostilities against the government.

Obama’s NDAA Signing Statement Is Meaningless, Administration itself demanded power to detain American citizens without trial, is already targeting American citizens worldwide for state-sponsored assassination with no legal process whatsoever

Obama's U-turn on to keep Guantanamo prison open seals fate of lone Briton. After 10 years, Shaker Aamer can see no hope of release as US President reneges on 2009 pledge. He said he was helping to build a school in Afghanistan when he was seized; the US said he was fighting with al-Qa'ida. Despite never being charged with any offence and being cleared by a military commission in 2007, Mr Aamer, now 45, remains locked up and with little prospect of returning home soon to his family in London. Tom Malinowski, a Human Rights Watch spokesman, said: "It's something so radical that it would have been considered crazy had it been pushed by the Bush administration." A report by Amnesty International has shown that, while more than 750 detainees have been sent to Guantanamo, only one has been tried under the federal court system.


On June 7, the day Afghanistan became America’s longest-ever war [not counting the 20-year Iraq War], the New York Times reported on an ongoing investigation poised to prove that private security companies "are using American money to bribe the Taliban" to fuel combat and thus enhance demand for their services. The news follows a "series of events last month that suggested all-out collusion with the insurgents," the Times said.

Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), a leading opponent of the war, wondered, "Is the U.S. paying for attacks on U.S. troops?”

"Our troops are dying in Afghanistan, and now it turns out we may be funding their killers," Kucinich said in a statement e-mailed to Raw Story, renewing his longstanding call for a pullout. "Our continued presence in Afghanistan is detrimental to our security."

"The American people are paying to prop up a corrupt government that may be using our money to pay private companies to drum up business by paying the insurgents to attack our troops," he said.

Kucinich’s motion in March to implement a swift withdrawal of US troops from the region failed by a margin of 365-65 in the House.

"In the coming weeks, Congress is expected to be asked to give another $33 billion for war efforts... I will be bringing this report to the personal attention of individual Members of Congress prior to the vote on any additional war funding," the Ohio congressman said.

The Times interviewed a NATO official in Kabul who "believed millions of dollars were making their way to the Taliban."

A White House spokesperson did not return a request for comment.

Barack Hussein Obama's and President Jimmy Carter's National Security Advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski (the jewish founder of Al Qaeda) visiting 'his boy', Osama Bin Laden, in training with the Pakistan Army, 1981. Photo originally scanned from the New York Village Voice. Photo credited to the Sygma/Corbis Agency, Paris

Pastor Manning: "Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Worked for CIA, Al Qaeda and Taliban Dealing Heroin in Pakistan, Never Graduated from College"






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