Today judge kicked Hussein Obama off Georgia ballot, no illegal aliens allowed to campaign for political office

UPDATED: Saturday, February 4, 2012 08:00
VIEWED: 2939
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Thursday, January 26, 2012 6:16 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

The Judge pulled the lawyers for the three cases into chambers before it all began and advised them that he would be issuing a default judgment in our favor, since the Defense council failed to show, and wanted to end it there. We argued that all the evidence needed to be entered in to record so the Judge allowed for a speedy hearing where all evidence was entered into the court record. What that means is this… Any appeal, if one is even possible, would be based on the evidence provided by the lawyers in each case.


Thursday, January 26, 2012 6:30 PM


America loves a winner!

The case centers on the fact that Obama's dad wasn't a US citizen, but was a citizen of Kenya, and a subject to the crown of England.

Not really sure how that plays into anything, since he was born in Hawaii, and his mom was an American.

Other questions raised, though, were how did he get to Pakistan, and under which passport did he travel ?

Some have even speculated that he got into Occidental College on a foreign student program, which seems unlikely. Grandma was rich, and as an only son, it seems to have been no problem for them to foot the bill for Barry's ivory tower education.

Still don't know why we've never seen his HS or college transcripts.

What's he hiding, anyway?

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Friday, January 27, 2012 7:28 AM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

The school transcripts list Hussein Obama Soetoro as a "foreign exchange student" and he lived in a dorm for foreign exchange students. He never actually attended Columbia since he was in Pakistan in Al Qaeda with CIA agent Usama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda's jewish founder Zbignew Brezenski.

I would like to read a transcript of the hearing yesterday. There were 4 lawyers with 4 different clients with 4 different arguments, consolidated into 1 case. One exhibit entered into evidence was the FOIA documents proving his daddy was deported from USA as an illegal alien.

Here's a radio report on the verdict:


Friday, January 27, 2012 8:23 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

PN gets the prize for the first guffaw of the morning. I know we're Crazy Californians, but Orly Taitz takes the prize for stupidity, as well as craziness. Dog with a bone, she obviously has no compunction about looking like an idiot, as long as she gets attention! It's to laugh.

California lawyer Orly Taitz, a leading proponent of challenges to Obama’s candidacy, made the latter argument. She turned and faced the gallery -- and the TV cameras -- during her opening statement, prompting Malihi to tell her: “Counsel, please address the court.”

During closing arguments, as Taitz began referring to documents that were not in evidence, Malihi pointedly asked, “Counsel, are you testifying?”

Taitz abruptly halted her arguments, took the witness stand and began testifying. Malihi soon cut her off.

The claims raised Thursday have been brought in courts across the country in dozens of cases, all of them dismissed. Obama released his long-form Hawaii birth certificate last year, quieting but not extinguishing the challenges. Malihi’s ruling earlier this month that Obama should appear gave renewed hope to undeterred “birthers” and made Georgia the latest battleground.

Marietta lawyer Melvin Goldstein, who has practiced extensively before the court, called Malihi a “very fair and very reasonable” judge. “But this issue has been adjudicated and then dismissed so many times, I can’t imagine his decision would be contrary to decisions in the other cases.”

Woman's a kick in the head. From last year:

Taitz thinks that the birth certificate should peg Obama’s race as “Negro” and not “African.”

She also claims Obama isn’t a “natural born citizen” because she uses a standard that requires both parents to be American citizens — a misreading of the Constitution which if enforced would have rendered several other American Presidents ineligible.

Obama predicted this type of reaction from Taitz and those he described as “carnival barkers” in his comments to reporters on Wednesday.

“I know that there’s going to be a segment of people for which, no matter what we put out, this issue will not be put to rest,” Obama said. “We do not have time for this kind of silliness. We’ve got better stuff to do. I’ve got better stuff to do."

Damned straight he does, and obviously she doesn't. Lawrence O'Donell said it best, back in early 2011:

In April 2011, Lawrence O'Donnell invited Taitz on MSNBC so that she could address Obama's long form birth certificate. When Taitz only wanted to talk about Obama's alleged Selective Service papers and refused to comment on his birth certificate, O'Donnell kicked her off the show, stating: "Look, she's crazy. I invited a crazy person on this show to see if the crazy person...could say something responsive, something human, to the document that was released today...and she wants to play with all of her other kid's toys."
That about sums it up...she should get professional help.

I wondered how long it would take PN to snatch this one up, given he's as crazy as she is...took longer than I thought.

PN is lying about the transcripts:

Two years ago, a still-unknown party posted an April Fool’s Day joke that Occidental College had supposedly publicized Barack Obama’s transcript, revealing his supposed Indonesian citizenship and his supposed true name of “Barry Soetoro.” Two years ago, the fake “Associated Press article” was exposed as a fiction (
/). But two years later, a bunch of illiterate right-wing chumps are still baaaaing right along and posting the hoax as breaking news!

The rest is just typical PN assininity. Nothing to see here, folks, just more batshittery.

Geez, folks, get REAL! Oh, wait, that's not possible, is it? Go ahead then, put your tin hats on and keep at it. Gives the rest of us a good .


Friday, January 27, 2012 7:56 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

Here's the legal documents that kicked Hussein Soetoro's gay crack ass in court today:

After two hours of hearing from plaintiffs challenging Barack Obama’s eligibility to run for the office of President in 2012, Judge Michael Malihi for the Office of State Administrative Hearings for the State of Georgia asked them to file briefs with him on their positions no later than Sunday, February 5.

The complaints originated on October 25 of last year with a lawsuit filed by the Liberty Legal Foundation (LLF) requesting an injunction against the Democratic Party that would prohibit the party from certifying that Obama is constitutionally qualified to run for office in 2012. Without that certification, says the foundation, Obama’s name would not appear on any ballot in the general election.

The case has nothing to do with Obama’s birth certificate or his place of birth or how many Social Security numbers he may have. As noted by LLF,

These issues are completely irrelevant to our argument. [Our] lawsuit simply points out that the Supreme Court has defined “natural-born citizen” as a person born to two parents who were both U.S. citizens at the time of the natural-born citizen’s birth. Obama’s father was never a U.S. citizen. Therefore, Obama can never be a natural-born citizen. His place of birth is irrelevant.

Article II, Section 1, of the U.S. Constitution reads, in part: “No person except a natural born citizen ... shall be eligible to the office of President.” Since the only entity responsible for vetting a candidate’s qualifications to hold office is the political party that nominates the candidate, LLF chose to sue the Democratic Party and thus “we ... avoid taking on any state or federal government.” And Georgia has a state law that requires that “every candidate for federal office shall meet the constitutional and statutory qualifications for holding the office being sought.”

The Supreme Court’s 1875 Minor v. Happersett ruling stated:

The Constitution does not, in words, say who shall be natural-born citizens. Resort must be had elsewhere to ascertain that. At common-law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives, or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners.

A motion to quash a subpoena issued to Obama to attend the hearing was rejected by the judge, who did not find merit in arguments that the subpoena would require the President "to interrupt duties as President of the United States” and that the subpoena is, “on its face, unreasonable.” Specifically, Judge Malihi wrote: “Defendant fails to provide any legal authority to support his motion to quash the subpoena to attend [and] has failed to enlighten the Court with any legal authority evidencing why his attendance is ‘unreasonable or oppressive, or that [his] testimony ... [is] irrelevant, immaterial, or cumulative and unnecessary.’... Thus, the argument regarding service is without merit. Accordingly, Defendant’s motion to quash is denied.”

The hearing was held anyway with lawyers presenting their cases against Obama, the Defendant. American Thinker writers Cindy Simpson and Alan Halbert noted:

Under Georgia law, the Secretary of State had properly deferred the ballot challenges to the OSAH [Office of State Administrative Hearings] for the court's opinion, and the determination of whether or not Obama's name will appear on the Georgia ballot ultimately rests with the Secretary.

The judge could end the matter with a ruling of a default judgment against the President. Or he could direct the Secretary to declare the President ineligible to run as a candidate for the presidency. Whatever the outcome, the American Thinker writers claim that by his ignoring the subpoena, “Obama has openly shown his disregard for the laws of that state.” This opinion was shared by Van Irion, the LLF attorney bringing the case against the president:

[He has] decided that he is above the Courts, the law, and the Constitution. He has just indicated ... that he is not subject to their authority. This is the true story from today.


A hearing to determine whether President Barack Obama is eligible to be on the primary ballot in Georgia took place on Thursday, with the defendants, Obama and his legal team, notably absent.

Georgia Deputy Chief Judge Michael Malihi subpoenaed the president last week after refusing to hear his legal team's challenge to the case, but neither Obama nor his lawyers ever planned on showing up.

First the good news. Yesterday–26 January–I watched live feed of an extraordinary event. The setting was a courtroom in Georgia and the presiding jurist was Deputy Chief Judge Michael Malihi. The case centered around and on Barack Hussein Obama’s eligibility to be placed on the Georgia ballot in the upcoming 2012 General Election(s). During the hearing, 3 attorneys–Orly Taitz, Van Irion and J. Mark Hatfield–presented their witnesses and individual ineligibility cases brought against Mr. Obama. Neither Obama nor his attorney Michael Jablonski were in attendance–both having opted to avoid and skip the proceedings altogether–and none of the court’s required production of Obama’s eligibility was provided.

Note: Jablonski seems to be perpetuating the long-standing myth that his client is above the law and now–by association–he appears to be operating under the delusion that he is, also. This brings up the interesting possibility of Atty. Jablonski–having provided no apparent legal reason for his non-attendance–being subject to revocation of his license to practice law in the State of Georgia. But, that’s a discussion for another time.

The evidence presented was strong and there appears to be, at least, a 50-50 chance of Judge Malihi and the State of Georgia ruling in plaintiffs’ favor. Judge Malihi will file a report, including his recommendations, with the Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp. When a decision is given by Judge Malihi, this will be the first time that any ruling on the merits of Obama’s eligibility will have been rendered. Note: After yesterday’s hearing there was some indication that Judge Malihi was planning to rule for the plaintiffs. But, I have been unable to confirm the report.

Now the extremely bad news for US citizens. First, on 19 January 2012, multiple videos were made of a shipment–via rail–of hundreds of Bradley tanks and related equipment moving from Northern California Southward. Then, a few days later, the US military, DHS and local LAPD leaders advised of military drills on the streets of Los Angeles. Note: Said streets, we are advised, will remain secret and no one will be allowed in or out while the ’drills’ are going on. If that’s true and civilians are cordoned off and allowed nether entry nor exit, Martial Law will already be in place.

The US military, Department of Homeland Security and LOCAL Police are conducting “urban warfare exercises” in recent and unprecedented “showings of force” under the now undeniable (by any intelligent beings) Dictator-in-Chief Barack Hussein Obama. These military forces are inhabiting the streets and air of and over Los Angeles, Boston, Little Rock, Miami and Colorado amongst others. At a joint meeting between DHS, US Army Garrison-Fort Carson and IMCOM (Installation Management Command) in June 2011, the reason for the seminar was given as: “The focus of the two-day seminar was to evaluate installation performance and develop corrective action plans to improve and maintain emergency preparedness, prevent hostile acts, protect Soldiers, Family members and civilians, and improve response and recovery capabilities.” Hostile acts? If this true “emergency preparedness” to what hostile acts might they be referring? And what would cause these hostile acts? Certainly not the supposed ‘weather emergencies’ they are trying to push onto the American people. When did a tornado cause hostile acts from the American public?

Black Hawk helicopters were filmed flying around and over bank buildings in both Los Angeles and Miami. Military personnel are seen flying in position-ready mode to shoot at targets (that’s people) on the ground. Yet, these exercises are billed as ‘for some future foreign adventure’. Really? We are going to fly our Black Hawks over the banks of foreign countries, in order to protect them while, in actuality, hundreds of tanks (at least a Brigade) are being sent to our own cities? No. As Judge Judith Sheindlin (aka Judge Judy) often says: “If it doesn’t make sense, it isn’t true.”

Is Obama’s violent Martial Law almost upon us? It sure looks as if the positioning under the guise of “exercises” is underway and being implemented. And…what about those tanks that appear to have been sent to Los Angeles? Wonder where they’re being stored? So do I.

One thing is now very clear. Obama, his DHS, the US Military and local law enforcement (who by the way would not be deployed to foreign soil) appear to be working to take down US citizens in fairly short order. Soon they will come for any and all of our weapons. Hitler did it in Germany under the pretense of “It will help us protect you” in the 1930s. After that came the (at least) six-million Jews’ Holocaust. Although I have heard many times that US citizens won’t allow it, I have strong doubts. US citizens are already allowing their small children and the elderly to be sexually groped and prodded by perverse TSA employees–their own children, folks!

Will you be courageous enough to fight against the tyranny that has, already, almost totally encompassed us? Or, will you submit to the imposition of your complete slavery? The decision shortly will be forced upon us all.

“Above all, we must realize that no arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women. It is a weapon our adversaries in today’s world do not have.”–President Ronald Reagan

VIDEO: Military Helicopters Conduct Covert Exercises Over U.S. Bank Building:

Military Exercises in Downtown LA:

Joint military exercises in Boston, LA, Little Rock in past six months:


Exercise tests homeland security in Colorado:

BREAKING! MILITARY EQUIPMENT Filmed 1\19\12 near Santa Cruz, Southbound:

Brigade: “A brigade is a major tactical military formation that is typically composed of four to five battalions, plus supporting elements depending on the era and nationality of a given army and could be perceived as an enlarged/reinforced regiment. Usually, a brigade is a sub-component of a division, a larger unit consisting of two or more brigades.”


Friday, February 3, 2012 7:44 PM


John Lee, conspiracy therapist at Hollywood award-winner History Channel-mocked SNL-spoofed wooHOO!!!!!!

An administrative law judge in Georgia today ruled that Barack Obama’s name can be on the state’s 2012 presidential election ballot despite zero evidence from obama, citing Indiana case proving he was NOT a natural born citizen...

Because that's how Nazi Big Brother works -- zero evidence and millions of guns in the hands of police state death squads.


Saturday, February 4, 2012 6:24 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

I hadn't seen that previous response until now, are one sick fellah. Juswt glancing through the visuals you put up alone makes me weep for how many sick, lost people like you are out there. Thank gawd there aren't many of you!

Of course the ridiculous thing got tossed out; it was never on the same plain as reality in the first place.

Please, DO get help.


Saturday, February 4, 2012 7:40 AM


America loves a winner!


In a 10-page order, Judge Michael Malihi dismissed one challenge that contended Obama has a computer-generated Hawaiian birth certificate, a fraudulent Social Security number and invalid U.S. identification papers. He also turned back another that claimed the president is ineligible to be a candidate because his father was not a U.S. citizen at the time of Obama's birth.

The findings by Malihi, a judge for the State Office of Administrative Hearings, go to Secretary of State Brian Kemp, who will make the final determination.

" I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend. "


Saturday, February 4, 2012 8:00 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

The "defendant" didn't need to show evidence, since the judge threw out virtually every piece of "evidence" presented by the plaintiffs, and found that none of their "experts" had any basis on which to claim their expertise.

PN wrongly thinks that we are under a Napoleonic code of justice here, wherein the accused must prove his innocence, rather than that the accuser must prove guilt.

"Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservatives." - John Stuart Mill






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