Moldy matters: How wasted food is destroying the environment

UPDATED: Tuesday, July 3, 2012 11:36
VIEWED: 2021
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Saturday, June 30, 2012 4:14 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

We all know that vast amounts of food are wasted, but this is an aspect I hadn't considered, done by an artist with an interesting perspective:

At first glance, Austrian artist Klaus Pichler's spell-binding photographs could be mistaken for a set of stylish advertisements. It takes a moment to digest -- excuse the pun -- that you're staring at pictures of rotting food.

Coco Pralines
Place of production: Germany
Production method: Factory
Time of production: All-season
Transport distance: 795 km (final product), up to 12,000 km (ingredients)
Transportation: Ship, truck
Carbon footprint per kg: 1.06 kg
Price: $16 (€13)/kg

Place of production: Zorawina, Wroclaw, Poland
Cultivation method: Foil greenhouse
Time of harvest: May to September
Transporting distance: 485 km
Means of transportation: Truck
Carbon footprint per kg: 0.24 kg
Price: $1.50 (€1.20)/kg

Place of production: Jalisco, Mexico
Cultivation method: Outdoor plantation
Time of harvest: October to June
Transporting distance: 9,900 km
Means of transportation: Aircraft, truck
Carbon footprint per kg: 11.97 kg
Price: $19.88 (€15.92)/kg

Place of production: Behamberg, Austria
Production method: Farm
Time of production: All-season
Transporting distance: 183 km
Means of transportation: Truck
Carbon footprint per kg: 3.54 kg
Price: $4.61(€3.69)/k

Ice cream
Place of production: Ingredients from all over the world
Production method: Factory production
Time of production: All-season
Transporting distance: from 100 km (Hazelnuts) to 8.500 km (Bananas)
Means of transportation: Aircraft, ship, truck
Carbon footprint per kg: unknown
Price: $13.12 (€10.50)/kg

Place of production: Karachi, Pakistan
Production method: Factory production
Time of production: All-season
Transporting distance: 6.629 km
Means of transportation: Truck
Carbon footprint per kg: 1.95 kg
Price: $29.24 (€23.40)/kg

Place of production: Guayaquil, Ecuador
Cultivation method: Outdoor plantation
Time of harvest: All-season
Transporting distance: 10.666 km (linear distance)
Means of transportation: Aircraft, truck
Carbon footprint per kg: 11.94kg
Price: $2.62 (€2.10)/kg

Instant whipped cream

Place of production: Balmazujvaros, Hajdu-Bihar, Hungary
Production method: Factory production
Time of production: All-season
Transporting distance: 460 km
Means of transportation: Truck
Carbon footprint per kg: 8.07 kg
Price: $1.23 (€0.99)/kg

Among them, a pineapple hangs suspended in negative space above an antique gold dish -- its formerly yellow flesh having given way to luminous green mold; Deep purple beetroots sit snugly in an elegant porcelain vase with thin films of gray fur accumulating on their skin.

The idea is simple: "To expose the contradiction between the beauty of food products -- particularly as presented in the media -- and the ugly reality of overconsumption and waste," explained Pichler.

The title of his new series -- "One Third" -- derives from a 2011 U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization report. It revealed a chilling statistic: A third of all food products worldwide go uneaten.

Depending on the type of food in question, this figure ranges from between 25% and 75% and, altogether, it amounts to 1.3 billion tons of edible goods discarded each year.

In a world where approximately 925 million people suffer chronic hunger, the overarching moral implications are stark. But the less documented environmental consequences are almost as alarming.

According to a Greenpeace report, the food industry is responsible for creating up to 30% of the world's total annual carbon emissions.

"The dominant food production system is based on fossil fuel at every level," said Dr Martin Caraher, Professor of Food and Health Policy at London's City University. "It needs oil to make the fertilizer, oil for the farm, oil for the food processing, oil for the packaging and oil to transport it to the shops."

But wasted food doesn't just entail all the embedded carbon released during production and transportation. It generates more emissions once it's discarded on the trash heap.

"A significant percentage of the household food that is wasted ends up in landfill, where it produces CO2 and methane gas," explained Richard Swannell, director of waste prevention at the UK-based Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP). "Methane is 23 times more potent than CO2 as a greenhouse gas," he added.

As such, WRAP calculates that every ton of food and drink wasted roughly equates to 3.8 tons of greenhouse gas emissions that could otherwise have been avoided.

"Applying this factor to the quantity of food waste in the UK, leads to an estimated 17 million tons of CO2 in 2010 -- the equivalent to the emissions of 1 in 5 cars on our roads," said Swannell.More at


Saturday, June 30, 2012 11:05 AM


Well, I don't know so much it's the wasted food itself, but rather the issue with how we get food from the field to the table in general. Local and organic is the way to go.


Saturday, June 30, 2012 11:20 AM


Oonj raises her hand. Guilty, guilty; it's me who's doin' it!

For a frugal person, I sure do waste a lot of food. There are two stores close
by where food is cheap, and I shop there as well as the local chain supermarket.
I come home with a lotta food that's not really edible to me. I rarely eat the
heels on a loaf of bread. Last year, a friend got Meals on Wheels and gave them
all to me -- he thought he was helping. Half of that went to waste.

What do I do? I chop it up, mix it up; I let it rot. I add some dirt sand and
leaves and let it all compost down. I feed the fat earthworms as they turn it
all into super rich soil. Right now, I have tub full of it ready for the garden,
and I wanna put it there and start the next batch.

So yeah. Send the CO2 police to my place.

In the long run, does my lush garden produce more oxygen than its rotting dirt
produces CO2? This is one of Nature's inevitable cycles.

What about the food that is not wasted, that we eat? What happens to that? We
all know: it makes shit!! Billions of tons of shit produced by humans & animals,
it's all gotta be recycled sooner or later, somehow or other, making methane.

Quote: "greenhouse gas emissions that could otherwise have been avoided."

I'm not so sure they could be avoided. Once you've got food, Nature will process
it back into the earth one way or another.

I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. ~Charles R Swindoll


Tuesday, July 3, 2012 9:04 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Mmmm, I don't know, Oonj. Stuff that goes in landfill eventually decomposes, true, but I wish there were less of it. We recently got "composting" added to our pickup of "yard waste" and wow...we cut our trash more than in HALF by composting all food products. We probably don't throw away as much for as, say, the average family, but it still surprised me to find out how MUCH it cut down on our trash.

We have three pick-up containers for the garbage men to wrestle with; the usual trash container, a container divided into two sections (glass/plastic and metal) and the big yard-waste container...the latter two are full (or stuffed more than full!) by the time the garbage men come along, and the trash container is about half full. Our local "recycling" center uses the compost for a bunch of stuff, and they raise everything from pigs to turkeys, which they feed with the compost. Marin's really in there trying!

A drop in the bucket, I know, but it's a start. And it kinda feels good, despite knowing how futile it is compared to some of our neighbors...and most of the rest of the world..


Tuesday, July 3, 2012 11:36 AM


Quote Niki: "We have three pick-up containers for the garbage men to wrestle with" --

That's great. But for it to work, people have to be willing to sort their trash.
Very few of my trashy neighbors give it a thought. Our complex has 2 trash
bins & a recycle bin, but oddly, no yard clippings bin. A lot of recycling goes
right into the trash. Rarely, we still get a bag of garbage into the recycling.

It's like driving the car too much vs walking, ride-sharing or combining errands.
The majority of Americans are still ignoring the problems of planetary pollution
and appear to have no thought at all about green habits.

Apparently, we deserve to die in our own mess, taking the hummingbirds, foxes
and elephants with us.

I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. ~Charles R Swindoll






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