Manifesto posted in the chat room...

UPDATED: Tuesday, July 17, 2012 08:09
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Tuesday, July 17, 2012 6:39 AM


[11:46] KEITH_RICHARD_RADFORD_JR: With approximately 43 people per day murdered in America alone can you tell me why we only see headlines about someone when someone is a sex offender that is allegedly committed such a crime?in 2008 there were 14150 Male murdered Male 65.3%, Male murdered female 22.7% Female murdered male 9.6% and Female murdered female 2.4% so it seems that Men get to the lowest rate of attention and the highest number murders unless someone plugs sex into the equation. Is it because of the sparseness of this action or is because sex offenders are being singled out as a class of people to cause problems by the media? Seriously sex offenders can not get work, did everyone forget just back in 2002 people threw them sex offender out of their homes and jobs and media wants to make this economic crunch a racial problem Ha! What have they developed the Manson "we're going to start a race war" no it's a problem much deeper and much more sinister when children will black male to get sex, a term deriving from racial slurs. Knowing the age old struggle. If you are a breastfeeding child, now you are just old enough to drive say 16 and you remember a birthday meal say at a special restaurant where you got a great meal don't you go back to the best restaurants sometimes just to relive the experience even if you are broke you do a drive by to reminisce the experience? Now the women who started all this were the MKULTRA ladies who want men to go to jail for life for the thought? No sex laws got to go.when a kid can be vilified for wanting to see breasts, and where did all the guys that went through torture as MKULTRA? Where are all those that our government experimented on today? Are they just like the Jews in Europe that were placed in ovens? Is that what the Doctors want to do today to hide what they have done? How they may want to use an excuse of sex to get out of restitution?

[11:47] KEITH_RICHARD_RADFORD_JR: I Remember a meeting when I was under 17 with Chris Dodd, Burgess, Senator Grassley, Reid and a host other religious and Healthcare people at that church in Hollywood when a bunch of Death penalty advocates took over the MKULTRA program, call the Church Committee and Rockefeller Commission investigations after the Stanford Prison Project and I was standing there not knowing how I got there or anything for some time about the events that lead to my being there. I have called the offices of these people many times though they don't want to own up to the fact that I was told there were videos taken of that meeting at the time or do they feel the need to address the needs of a male who has gone through horrible traumatic experiences when they have women to listen to.My name is Keith Richard Radford Jr: my phone is 818 913-3914I was also at the Stanford Prison Experiment In the film shot when we were in a large room getting ready for the part of the program that we were going to be like prison guards I can be found along the wall in the back with out a place to write and ater given one at a back table. I was one of the last to finish the paperwork along with 3 or 4 others and made a guard right off Then nto the exercise I was/had become abusive to unruly people said to be inmates. We were told what to do by much older administrators. There were plenty of administrators. I did not know who they were exactly because they were alway giving us as mkultra kids, drugs. In the program mkultra I would wake in strange situations, in strange women's beds asking what are you going to do to me, strange costumes, boxes, sets, battlefields, Sometimes eye drops were used and often strange one on one beatings, maybe for cameras or just to document response. Back to the project, Those beatings were most often very bloody and provoked by their own design. Anyway When they swapped sides that is when the other guys became guards and were given batons and I and others became the prisoners exchanging positions as guards and inmates and the now prisoners did not need any provoking because they were already upset, beat us up, using lead weighted batons stress positions lights loud sounds and through torture, sleep deprivation. beatings by our tormentors had one of the only batons that had a lead slug running through the end of it, so they would beat me bloody and then laugh and would eat candy in front of us then beat us bloody some more. The guards got candy and the inmates did not. The beating were daily and the things like sleep deprivation was all the time in the cells. All these things happened after the shift from one side to the other and were so much more because at first there were no batons. They had asked for blackjacks and were refused but now the same administrators had weapons.Some one had one black jack and showed it too me and I know the damage one of those could do. At Wilshire Station back in the 70's an officer tore up an office with one I was in all the time threatening he would hit me with it.My guess was they were trying to make us ready for something and I know that hypnosis was used allot in the mkultra. I can tell you so many things that I experienced, and what they did and how bad it was but I am sure that you know most of it by having this website. The program was not only for murdering people, many of the people were finding prominent positions in government. Before this Stanford Prison experiment they would move me around all the time. I would wake up in people's beds, handcuffed to plumbing and many other things, inside boxes, in costumes on sets. When the church got involved there was a meeting with congress member who may have thought they were going to do something good but now they won't even answer my phone calls? I was met by a mob outside my High School which I have written about on my blog Allot of those people are in congress and the house of representatives today. Worse than all of that people in my Jr. High are also doing the same things in the same capacity and if you read my blog you will find that in my humble opinion the entire thing was designed before I was ever born and with the fact that as a small child I would wake in strange women's beds, many of whom I remember but keep their names to myself, men who are in the entertainment industry so on asking what are you going to do to me, or having been briefed before and told what to do by people saying this is the last time you have to go through this or we only need you for one more, or in this scene ... well you get my drift. I am here to tell you it's not over. I know the program is still going. The use of it can not be justified by anyone, How are people going to explain putting children through these programs today? People being tortured for and industry, religion, country? Honestly sex laws are murder. Now I know you might be one of those people that thinks all things go better with the death penalty but the fact remains that the rest of the world does not share these sentiments. So honestly by doing what we are doing is nothing more than premeditated murder. I can remember before radio control was a given I was tossed in the back of a squad car that took off on it's own. That was before they put a metal screen between the back and front seat of the cars and I dove over the seat to try to stop the car but it would not stop. I could not depress the brake peddle and was that just to attempt to prove to me there is a god? Well time has past and sorry but I do not think abusing children or frightening them like kill switches on buses when everyone gets off the bus and prays the bus will run, then flipping the switch after a brake will prove much but I digress.See often I was at the very least by some of my captors advised that it was a movie. Or they would say in this scene so what was going on around me always felt somehow like a dream or some fantasy especially in situation like when a soldier had his leg blown off and I began to cry for him and then he picked up his leg pulled his real leg out of a hole and began to dance a jig to a irish tune he and the others started to sing and me coming to the realization that it was the teams morbid joke.When Wayne Dillard was in Hollywood and I was sold Guys and Dolls Public Relations for one dollar by a Mr. Hamilton in Hollywood Mr. Dillard would do things like drive at night with his light off just to frighten me so I lied to him, about something which I try to never do and told him I saw something I did not but I was just getting sick and tired of his putting my life in danger.Police Brutality connected to State Sponsored Terrorism I can not believe the extent people will go to lie.I just spent from May 6th 2011 to August 25th 2011In jail one month of that in the hospital in our Los Angeles County jail after officers brokeinto our apartment in a senior Citizen living complex in Burbank California, called the Olive Court, broke/fractured my arm, damaged myback and in court the officer perjured himself which if I am not mistaken is a felony and the matter has traumatized my wife and me, all on false arrest charges since all charges have been dropped and the officer of the law has to my knowledge not been effected himself though the matter is being passed on to higher authorities, but do you have any idea what it is like to be stalked by police for 25 to 30 years?My wife was forced to move from our senior citizen living facility by herself while I was incarcerated for just short of four months and weare both damaged by the incident which was created by laws passed in the middle of the night through a chain of events where our house legislation refused to follow protocol and ignored procedure and an executive at the property management group that forced our move from or apartmentback in 2003 called Bur-Cal Property Management in Burbank California. I remember the day and the events like it was yesterday, Going in toask what is going on and being told they were recording me and they could edit the recording to suit their needs but most don't rememberhow people were forced out of their homes being called sex offenders, Now government law makers are doing a kind of damage control by trying too stop bullying saying our economy is under stress by people that would not pay their mortgages not addressing the domino effect when mindless laws were enacted that relate to everyone’s well being by arbitrarily singling out a group to economically endanger through legal means placing everyone at risk of collapsed structure which clearly eroded our banking system with the notion they would pack all the sex offenders into concentration camps, or send them all to GetMo Bay, or genocide used time and time again by an elite class that must be stopped, especially the maniacscalled Republicans/Democratic's connected to religion like Harry Reid, or Gwen, Moore, the dirty Debs' like Wassermann Swartz, Mrs Jackson Lee or our extremists and the like do I need to go on, which the neighborhoods here in Burbank, Ca. and across the nation are full of and now they all wonder why there are people in the streets protesting, after being forced from their homes and jobs, that they now have no jobs, homes, and congress have people in the streets protesting conditions that have brought us to the brink through misguided laws where everyone suffers because of ideologies that has no merit taking ail house ideas to our streets since the 70's which was a very bad choice of action at the end of the Vietnam War, used by lawmakers and putting cops in schools telling citizens we are all bad like Omar Gaddafi ran his country, calling his people rats, imposing political and religious rule and congress can't see the celebration in the streets knowing that he is gone? The recidivism rate of sex offenders is lower than the opinion that the imbecile Bill O'Riley has for sex offender yet the fake news and the real one all had it wrong yet and still they advertised lies for forty years. Will it be any different here when the imposition of religious bickering is replaced with a break down because of the traders betting stocks on a lie?This person by the name of Barbara Benton called the Burbank PD and offered a bogus tip that I was not compliant but I was and theofficers attacked us in our apartment at 1100 W Olive Ave., Burbank California after a chain of bazaar events. Far too numerous to list I will give some examples like: Having officers come to our prior residence telling us We could not contact anyone concerning the theft or anything else We had a laptop we had taken to a computer repair center and sere told the laptop was donated to the archdiocese, after paying a fee and giving our phone number to call us when it was done the proprietor told us the laptop was donated to the Archdiocese? This company has gone under now or out of Burbank but it was Computer Country on Victory in Burbank, CA. Having people come to our residence with cameras and attacking us, being taken to court because someone wants to force us to move out because they want to put a daycare center on the same street when there are multi daycares in the neighborhood already, having people going through our trash and telling us that they are required to do so by local officials at the Apartment on Victory. Having people going through our property on Olive, calling the police and lying about the circumstances. Having computers in our position that will not boot unless connected to the internet yet computer repair facilities refuse to work on them for fear they would be required to explain their findings in court. My wife and me have been married for 18 years, my offense is about 30 year old and we are getting far too old to put up with this stupidity. Then in jail staff almost killed me. Creating bogus test results harassing me during blood pressure tests which were documented, and officers written up for the action by members of medical staff, yet a doctor knowing this or at least having this information available to him, still prescribing blood pressure medication when I did not require it among other actions. I could not stand without falling, near death they were forcing needles on me chasing me down in my cell with syringes and prescribed 14 pills when all I am is a type2 diabetic? I know how that works having signed a plea bargan drugged out of my mind and having left custody in the past not knowing more than my name these practices in police work must end. I can not help but think that is what happened in Europe with the Third Rite when human experimentation got so out of hand that they just fired up ovens as if that was the answer and no one has been able to live that down and they think that is the answer today?This is what they are doing to people in jails. I happen to be a sensitive person and have been put through Far to much and my heart can’t take this abuse any longer. Just the cost of medicine like that is astronomical; being a disabled senior the officer would yell at me, "I don't believe your arm is broken IT'S NOT BROKE" Like he is a doctor? Yet medical staff supplies me with a sling for my fractured arm he knows better? This officer would take my sling and force me to have no support for the injury after medical staff issued the sling and the pain is always there now and he threaten to pummel me if he saw it again and he did. Trashing the cell we were in and telling the other inmates it was my fault they were having their property destroyed along with mine as they do as mentioned above, the use of jailhouse "pitting" people against one another which goes on in schools and on our streets now as an outdated means of barbaric control. As if we don't need change? Forcing narcotics along with insulin on me? Do you know what nsulin is made of? Did you know that there is a good chance that some medications can actually end diabetes but powerful companies would do anything to destroy that if they can hook you for life on something? We do not have to be hooked for life on anything but people with no ability to use self control would have us all think we are hooked for life on things, Not True! Poor little liars are so worried if there were no AA or NA to absolve their habits with jokers in habits, but the truth is we have been doing wrong things about thing because of people turning on the water works for years. Yet on the other hand we have behavioral science people that what to make it their way or the highway and force people into some cookie cutter mold of dependence being only what they see as any way too live when some use one or the other. We have ads on TV that say buy this and get a good nights sleep, stop smoking and the side effects are only suicide? I would rather die a good natural death. "Common! Stop hurting, one another and planning how to harm someone or put them to death and you'll sleep better for sure! (back to the cell) I was almost gone. Writing my public defender and the ACLU for a month, (documented) when the attorney finally came to see me they moved me to twin towers across the street. Likely named for their fiasco plannedyear in advance with their thinking they can just kill anyone taking use back in time to the stone age? Do you have any idea how far in advance these ridiculous long range planners, plan these boneheaded moves? Please read my blog on an exorcism performed on me as a child and I’m 59 years old now.These are the same people who put together my mother and stepdads marriage years ago and he was in the same cell (referring to my stepdad) He did not remember his name when It was Albert Mack but it was him because I remember his birth mark on his belly and it is avery one of a kind and so is he. I wrote Mrs. Corrine Brown to tell her of my experience in the 60's with what is called the Street Sweeper Program used in the innercities by some radical religious individuals who feel they just need to hurt someone because she is an avid proponent for the death penalty and pushes sex laws and over the years I completely understand what they want from these laws which is not just criminal but in fact is more than criminal, it’s an encroachment on human nature when people do what they can to seek a mate/date/Maslow's respected need called sex is being misrepresent today in text book while these hacks try to rewrite history. What they did to me was throw me into a dumpster in the early evening and lock it. By morning when the dumpster was to be emptied as the trash truck came around the operator had the keys and by the timeI was awake enough to respond to the situation I was being dumped into the garbage truck. Once in the truck there were other children in thetruck already in fear for their lives as the compactor was becoming a problem as the truck filled through the route. There was a girl andtwo boys already in the truck and since there were some wooden planks and some carpet center rolls in the dumpster I was in we fashionedsome struts to keep from being crushed inside the truck body. Now all this is documented at the landfill in Los Angeles California and thegirl was actually thrown out by her parents she said "My parents never called the police" so I do not know if they had anything to do with the situation or not but the people at the dump at the time were suspicious as to whether or not they knew. Our parents were call to pick us up at the landfill. At school one kid came up to me and said that one of the original Garbage Pail Kids cards were dedicated to me and showed me a card with a fat kid and a bunch of spaghetti on his face on the card and said that’s you. As a kid I was disappointed with the look but did not appreciate the card being a child wanting to look a bit better but now understand the honor given if what the other kid was saying was true but at least that is what I was told. The card is not as important as the documentation at the landfill which will show that we were in the back of that truck. There was also a huge Hog thrown out on a sofa that day Now from what I hear some people were released from jail that were said to have been the perpetrator of the crimes and if that is the case then some people use their children to create a stir in their community by calling the incidents like this one to community outrage when in fact its just some parents wanting to dispose of their children and get sympathy for doing so. "True Story documented and verifiable". Please look into it because I am not making this up. Now this is a true statement and by now you know I am not a fabricator of lies and tell the truth. The facts are that I have been told by people (one such person is Larry Squires) who worked/works in the position of commissary inmate services that said that the people that put the money on the books of inmates that have had their children murdered have told him that the murder for hire of the childwas in fact done for the parent of the child. Now I know this may sound difficult for you to except but this is what I have heard along with even much worse directed to some of these people that use these crimes to further their positions in government. Now if you don’t believe me ask Larry Squires. I am sure you can find him, he’s doing life in prison. This is an outrage the push for the death penalty and sex laws being used to forward an agenda to make legal the use of laws to perpetuate murder or life sentences for touching someone. This is disgusting and criminal at least. Savageness of a people using ideology outdated beyond usefulness. I think by now people know the use of the stock market and the way that derivatives work where people can actually bet on whether or not someone will pay their debts and how the sex laws have driven out of homes by people through use of these markets but if you don't believe me ask Bernie Madoff. This is why I have no debt except a vehicle note with my credit union just recently accrued and a suit against one of the largest phone companies in the world, but it took us twelve years to chose to borrow anything.I downloaded an App from the net to be alerted where sex offenders live and got an EMail that can be directly traced to that App asking me to send any children I have, (noting teens) to school for making movies in Hollywood. Now you may ask why this seemingly early SNL John Adam Belushi reference modification to oneof his early movies (The Blues Brothers) seems so fitting when he said "I want to buy your children"dressed as a saudi in a restaurant, has been changed to send us your money and your children but read on and you will understand.As a child I was subjected to Electroshock Therapy and made to believe that I was somehow the devil's only child by outside interpretations of religious groups/organizations and people using my folks these people would stick needlesin my neck, place me in situations and use my responses to write their shows.True story:If you have seen the movie Case39 you can imagine a very over active and imaginative social worker who wants to blame some-kind of supernatural occurrence on a child who in fact was not a girl in real life but was a boy living with his very religious Mom andDad in Whitter California in the late 50's, the removal of the child from the family by officials. The truth was of the boys removal from the home, and he did ask to live with her (the social worker) and the case is documented. The boss did bump his head and die in his bathroom and did have a fly crawl through the nasal passage that he got at a picnic that flew up his nose, and the social worker did take the boy to the funeral blaming the child for some strange activity when in truth in her mind was real but really just how the movie showed could only be presented as a horror film genre from a demented mind by a person that could really believe such bunk.The boy, not girl, was getting phone calls from people that were using wireless phones when the technology was new and the sounds were very disturbing like growling. If you don't know, our secret service tests all technologies before allowing them to be released to pro developers whotweek them before releasing them to consumers.The social worker did drive off the end of a pier and she did try to kill the child. Not knowing the other child was in the car at all The officer that fished me out of the water clinging to the pier thinking I was going to try to survive on my own because my family was gone they told me that I was going somewhere where she could not get to me again and that she had become unstable but the fact is I was put into a youth detention center where guards pitted kids against one another in fights for the staffs entertainment.What is not made clear in the movie and would be more horrible than the movie is the truth that the child was not alone in the car. Therewas a girl who was in the trunk having been taken from her family overand over again that had help making a way through the trunk via the back seat by others she knew, she would come through the back seat and would hide on the floor behind the social workers seat and pop up to frighten her in retaliation for being removed from her family. Now if you want more information I can supply that because I was that boy who lived the occurrences, so badly skewed and misrepresented by the studio used in the movie produced by Paramount Studios and if that is the way for Hollywood/Missing and Exploited Children/Congress/any one else to somehow conceal the murder of a young girl then you all deserve one another, but I can not believe that is the case.See years ago we were more savage than today but I have got to say, we have a long way to go and at 76% of a billion dollars per year addedto our defect a short time to get there. Just between you and me I told congress rep straight to her face that I would not do this if I could not go to jail, See when I talked to the Admiral that put my name in the hat for service related duty, he told me of his story and how concerning the past war how he spent his time mostly in the brig and that for whatever reason which he would not clarify said he felt that was what saved him, which getting more on the subject was like pulling fingernails on a an empty Pepsi can, you just are not going to get anything. I guess he was and still is pretty tough, even though he was just made to step down this does not negate the facts.No on base with my brother I was asked by an officer to say that this was a General for what ever reason she had, but that if anything has beenmy crime, by doing what I am asked by people I think might be for some reason asking me to do things might own up to their requests like having people tell me do this or do that or else, but being naive I have found trusting people to tell the truth does not work out. Like Benjamin Cardin tells of a French psychologist naming Turret Syndrome but I bet he did not look into who paid for the treatment or the young girl who I sat in a reading of a will in Whiter Ca. who was also one of the first to be named with the said infliction who told me she just likes to cuss. I don't mind cussing and do it all the time but to use it as a means to write someone out of a will? This is all true and verifiable and that does not scratch the surface of the garbage I’ve been through. So pleases help your loved one and end sex laws because being made ward of the state and then being used like one time when they actually put sticky pads one me as a child and attached wires in the back of a car and that car being run into a cement block,,, I was told that they need the data?TO CALIBRATE the machines I was used as a crash test dummy!The guys hooking me up told me stuff which I am thankful today for what the guy said,,, he said "We think you're getting the dirty end of the stick on this one so we're pretty sure they can't hide that information (name of persons used to calibrate the safety test made and thats how they work (meaning some factions of our government go around deleting information that can get them in trouble) So your name will be onthat documentation and will be available some day to the right people when you really need it.This is all true and I would swear to it in a court of law. There is no statutes of limitations on murder and I have no idea if the little girl that was in the trunk of that small car was ever retrieved but I do know that I was drugged by both police and others in an industry that will actually sell you names and information on the web, gleaned from the web through companies like intuit, set up email through companies like Solendra running backdoor programs too increase wealth and all in the name of protecting children as they hide the murder of children during the exploitation of them like a hide and seek game telling people "We are the good guy's, look at those other people." Well have you looked at one of those sex offender maps lately?There is like three sex offender on every block and it costs billions of dollars to legislate, prosecute, warehouse, move and house, monitor,all these people that a very few are getting rich off the process with no results other than the reasoning that people Like Oliver Wendell Holms might respect or some bigot like Bill O'Reilly may salivate over but the devastation is the nation we live in. The CNN fake news loons spent the last three decades telling the nation how dangerous sex offenders are and how the only good sex offender is a dead one, even naming Apps after news shows like 360 when the truth is all together something else. Who is behind this farce if not the closedminded. These jerks would tell you it is ok to have an open mind but not so open that your brains fall out. Tell me if that is not one of the most preposterous statements ever made by a person ever in a direct effort to close minds. Anyone using such an argument is doing nothing less and are locked into such ignorance as the people that would argue the world is flat. I can not help but think that is what happened in the 30's in Europe is that the human experimentation got out of hand and they knew that had doing people so bad but genocide is not the answer and the programs must stop and the people deserve compensation for the horrors they have been put through by people that think they read in a book they should kill their neighbor.

[11:50] KEITH_RICHARD_RADFORD_JR: From the guy who was in the grass field when you captured the fire flies in the mason jar when you were so afraid and then you had your own flashligt to walk home on your own.


Tuesday, July 17, 2012 6:41 AM


Somehow I think someone does not quite understand the meaning of the word "chat"


Tuesday, July 17, 2012 6:50 AM


Freedom is Important because People are Important


It's as though someone created a hybrid of two of our posters.


Note to Self:
Raptor - woman testifying about birth control is a slut (the term fits.)
Six - Wow, isn't Niki quite the CUNT? And, yes, I spell that in all caps....
Wulf - Niki is a stupid fucking bitch who should hurry up and die.

“The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naive forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget.” -Thomas Szasz


Tuesday, July 17, 2012 7:23 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Ha ha, Anthony. But if you're honest, NONE of us, even any two put together, could ever have equated that amazing rant! If you look at the text size, it's truly impressive, and I think I, or DT, AND Sux, MIGHT have come close, but any two of us? No way!



Tuesday, July 17, 2012 7:28 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

That's an impressive wall-o-text, even by PN's standards!

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"I've not watched the video either, or am incapable of intellectually dealing with the substance of this thread, so I'll instead act like a juvenile and claim victory..." - Rappy


Tuesday, July 17, 2012 8:02 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Nah, PNs posts are filled up with pictures and videos and photoshopped images, his text doesn't amount to squat compared to us three! Requires just as much scrolling to ignore them, but the text ain't there except for snarks containing "Jews" and--oh, hell, it's been so long sice I've read even part of one, I can't even remember any of his favorite pejoratives...oh, except "opperative", 'cuz that's the one he aims at me...


Tuesday, July 17, 2012 8:09 AM


I'm pretty sure someone here has the secret decoder ring that goes with this... inside the ring is ample amounts of crack needed to just to scan through all of it

My first thought was PN too, but I think even he has a few brain cells on this guy...






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