Nasty, Brutish, and...Short? I Wish.

UPDATED: Tuesday, July 24, 2012 07:39
VIEWED: 1061
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Tuesday, July 24, 2012 2:01 AM


Keep the Shiny side up says it all for me.


Thomas Hobbes’ oft-cited phrase from 1651, “nasty, brutish and short,” does not describe the 2012 presidential campaign — unfortunately. The contest so far has been nasty all right, and disregard for the truth has been brutish on both sides, in our judgment. But alas, it won’t be over until Nov. 6.

So many false and misleading claims have already surfaced that, once again, we are moving up the clock on our annual wrap-up of the campaign season’s worst political whoppers, as we did four years ago. We’d like to think there would be no need for a “Whoppers, Volume 2,” but for the record, we wrote a sequel in 2008.

We’re also permitting ourselves a rare bit of editorializing about the deplorable tone of this particular campaign. Besides being marked by a cavalier disregard for facts on both sides, the campaign also has become bitter and trivial. It is failing to engage the public in a fact-based discussion of the hard choices that will very soon be forced on Washington.

In its triviality, the 2012 campaign so far resembles the infamous 1988 contest that pitted George H.W. Bush against Michael Dukakis. The “issues” featured then included Dukakis’ support for a state prison furlough program and Bush’s knowledge (or lack of it) about aid to Nicaraguan rebels. Neither side said much about an unfolding debacle in the U.S. Savings and Loan industry, which eventually cost taxpayers more than $130 billion.

This time the real issues facing the country are much bigger: A lagging recovery from the worst recession since the 1930s, a string of $1-trillion-plus deficits, inexorably rising medical costs that burden both state and federal taxpayers, and a Social Security system unable to pay full benefits for more than another 20 years or so. Just to name a few.

And what are the candidates and their allies talking about?

In Chicago, the Obama campaign for weeks has been consumed with the date (1999 or 2001?) of Romney’s departure from Bain Capital, the venture-capital firm he founded. The reason? The Obama campaign wants to blame Romney for management decisions made after Feb. 11, 1999, at a few of the companies in which Bain invested. Romney did retain ownership and corporate titles listed in routine SEC filings after February 1999, but no evidence has yet shown that he exercised any active control over Bain’s investment decisions during this time. Romney was working 12-hour days, six days a week, as president of the 2002 Winter Olympics committee and was not actively involved in Bain.

Obama has even stooped to make a false claim that Romney favored banning abortion in cases of rape or incest, as though the contrast between their actual positions was not sufficiently clear. In doing so, the president mirrors the distortions of opponents who once accused him of favoring “infanticide.”

For his part, Romney has claimed to have created as many as 100,000 jobs while at Bain, happily taking credit for hiring that happened long after he left (and offering no actual accounting for the figure). He has accused Obama of waging a “war on women” based on job losses from a recession that started more than a year before Obama took office. He has falsely stated in a TV ad that an inspector general found stimulus contracts “were steered to ‘friends and family,’ ” when the IG made no such finding. And he has repeatedly misrepresented Obama’s new health care law.

Meanwhile the tone of the campaign becomes ever more nasty. Obama campaign aides recently suggested Romney was guilty of a “felony,” while a Romney surrogate said the president should “learn to be an American.”

And neither candidate speaks candidly of what he would actually do if elected. Romney won’t say how he plans to cut taxes further without losing revenues. Cutting or eliminating the deduction for home mortgages or for state income taxes? Obama says nothing about how Social Security is to be preserved. Raising the payroll tax?

Perhaps we’ll hear more in the 109 campaigning days to come. Perhaps the candidates will become less personal, more substantive, and more forthcoming about their plans for leading the nation. We remain hopeful. But, based on the facts so far, we’re not optimistic.

Even just a little discussion of actual issues - here, in the media, in political ads - would be nice, but I'm not hopeful. And being in a "battleground" state, every second TV ad is political. We're gonna need to replace the MUTE button by Nov. 6.


Tuesday, July 24, 2012 2:16 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

And yet ...

"In Chicago, the Obama campaign for weeks has been consumed with the date (1999 or 2001?) of Romney’s departure from Bain Capital, the venture-capital firm he founded."

Is there a fact in dispute?

"Obama has even stooped to make a false claim that Romney favored banning abortion in cases of rape or incest, as though the contrast between their actual positions was not sufficiently clear."

“If hypothetically, Roe v. Wade was overturned, and the Congress passed a federal ban on all abortions and it came to your desk, would you sign it? Yes or no?” Debate moderator Anderson Cooper pressed him to answer the question directly, asking: “Would you sign the bill?” Here’s Romney’s response: “I’d be delighted to sign that bill."

I did some editing, but the question and answer were pretty clearly at least one of the positions Romney’s taken on the issue.

SignyM: I swear, if we really knew what was being decided about us in our absence, and how hosed the government is prepared to let us be, we would string them up.


Tuesday, July 24, 2012 3:56 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


Even just a little discussion of actual issues - here, in the media, in political ads - would be nice, but I'm not hopeful.
I agree with that statement and the article, and I'm sick to death of it--and it's only late July...sigh...

The Obama obsession with when Romney left Bain IS a political ploy...there isn't any evidence he took any actions after the date he claims, tho' I find it hard to believe. The FOCUS on it, however, is totally political for the reason stated. The bit about Romney wanting to ban all abortions is true, but we all know he says what he says because it's politically expedient at the time, and he said that to look further right than his opponents for the nomination. Nobody can actually know what Romney HIMSELF believes.

The things enumerated with regard to Romney's lies are valid, as is the fact that both sides have been playing a nasty playground game, which all campaigns do. Personally, I don't see it as much nastier than any other campaign, but the selective quoting, twisting and flat-out lies disgust me and make me wonder just how stupid the American public IS, that they buy into them, repeat them as if they were fact and use them to argue either side.

The article is valid, in my opinion. Unfortunately.


Tuesday, July 24, 2012 4:38 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by 1kiki:
And yet ...

"In Chicago, the Obama campaign for weeks has been consumed with the date (1999 or 2001?) of Romney’s departure from Bain Capital, the venture-capital firm he founded."

Is there a fact in dispute?

Doesn't seem to be. From the article I cited... "Romney was working 12-hour days, six days a week, as president of the 2002 Winter Olympics committee and was not actively involved in Bain."


"Obama has even stooped to make a false claim that Romney favored banning abortion in cases of rape or incest, as though the contrast between their actual positions was not sufficiently clear."

“If hypothetically, Roe v. Wade was overturned, and the Congress passed a federal ban on all abortions and it came to your desk, would you sign it? Yes or no?” Debate moderator Anderson Cooper pressed him to answer the question directly, asking: “Would you sign the bill?” Here’s Romney’s response: “I’d be delighted to sign that bill."

I did some editing, but the question and answer were pretty clearly at least one of the positions Romney’s taken on the issue.

And from the article YOU cited..."Romney claims he has been perfectly consistent with his stance on abortion in cases of rape and incest. But he made comments during a 2008 debate that suggest otherwise. Perhaps his remarks represent a mere slip-up, but we don’t really know. The campaign ignored our requests to clarify, and we’re not going to assume for Romney’s sake that he made a mistake.

Still, the Obama ad said Romney “backed a law that outlaws all abortion,” and we have to account for the fact that no such law exists. Beyond that, Romney has said time and again that he supports exceptions for victims of rape and incest. And the former governor has shown near perfect consistency on this issue, with one notable exception in 2008.

The president’s campaign earns two Pinocchios for its abortion video. The ad might have been even less credible if Romney’s team had cleared up the confusion about his 2008 debate response, but maybe the GOP candidate prefers ambiguity."

Even the Washington Post can see that a law overturning Roe v. Wade (while not, in my opinion, a good idea) would not ban abortion in all cases.


Tuesday, July 24, 2012 5:35 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Ahh, our favorite "Nonpartisan" speaks up again...strangely, supporting the right while dissing the left. How surprising.

The FACT remains that Romney said what he did; that he has said other things at other times means nothing when arguing the FACT that he said he would SUPPORT a law that overturned Roe v. Wade. That no such law exists is also irrelevant.

Yes, banning abortion in all but the cases of rape or incest would not ban all abortions. That's not the point. The POINT is that Roe v. Wade IS the law of the land, and for good reason, and that people like Romney might overturn it. The cite you mentioned even says "we don’t really know. The campaign ignored our requests to clarify, and we’re not going to assume for Romney’s sake that he made a mistake." Everyone knows he didn't make a mistake; he needed to look more right than his opponents. But "we don't really know" what his actual stance is. And his comment didn't "suggest" anything; he said clearly that he would be "delighted" to sign such a bill. He's responsible for what he says, politics notwithstanding.

Threadjack: As to the abortion issue, the FACT is that even banning abortions except for rape and incest will have one result and one result only: back-street abortions such as my mother had, resulting in death, injury and/or the inability to have more children. The FACT is that states utilizing cute work-around to Roe v. Wade has probably already started up this industry, and the more they restrict abortions the bigger it will grow.

Not having Roe v. Wade didn't lessen the number of abortions before we had it and it won't do so now. You want one simple fact?

Making abortion illegal will be just as "effective" as making booze illegal. But that's what the "pro-life" crowd will do if they ever get the power to do so. We can't know if Romney would allow himself to be pushed into doing away with Roe, but HE DID SAY SO once. That's a fact which cannot be contested.


Tuesday, July 24, 2012 6:04 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by Niki2:
Ahh, our favorite "Nonpartisan" speaks up again...strangely, supporting the right while dissing the left. How surprising.

And not surprising that you'd ignore Kiki being the one who brought the issues of the Left's allegations up in the first place. Hypocrite, much?


The FACT remains that Romney said what he did; that he has said other things at other times means nothing when arguing the FACT that he said he would SUPPORT a law that overturned Roe v. Wade. That no such law exists is also irrelevant.

But that's not the issue. It's that the Obama campaign claims Romney said he would ban abortions in all cases, even rape and incest. He didn't. He's often said he wouldn't ban abortions in cases of rape and incest. That's what the FactCheck and Washington Post articles are discussing.

BTW, even if there was a law (actually it'd have to be a Constitutional Amendment, I think) reversing Roe v. Wade, it wouldn't actually ban abortion. It'd just return the decision to the states. If you're against such a law/amendment I'm right there with you, but false claims about Romney opposing ANY abortions are still false.


Tuesday, July 24, 2012 6:13 AM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Romney has supported "personhood" bills on more than one occasion, which would declare every fertilized egg a "person", thus banning not only every abortion in any case, but even many birth-control methods, in-vitro fertilization, etc.

To say that he hasn't supported abortion bans is idiotic, and an obvious error in Geezer's argument.

"I supported Bush in 2000 and 2004 and intellegence [sic] had very little to do with that decision." - Hero

"I've not watched the video either, or am incapable of intellectually dealing with the substance of this thread, so I'll instead act like a juvenile and claim victory..." - Rappy


Tuesday, July 24, 2012 7:00 AM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

How strange that you can't seem to comprehend the simple facts of this issue:

Kiki posted two things which showed that the claim that Obama "falsely" accused Romney was wrong. ""Obama has even stooped to make a false claim that Romney favored banning abortion in cases of rape or incest". No, Obama didn't "stoop to make a false claim", Romney actually DID say he would be delighted to sign a bill banning ALL abortions. In other words, Kiki showed via quotes that Obama's "allegation" that Romney would ban all abortions was TRUE. You said it wasn't, basing you claim on what Romney has said at other times. But the fact remains that he said what he said, so your saying he DIDN'T say it was false, an argument on the side of the right, as I pointed out. No hypocrisy there; I presented facts which showed you were wrong; you (apparently?) misunderstood the quotes on your effort to defend the right.

And yes, it is an error on your part, Geezer. The specific quote says clearly "If hypothetically, Roe v. Wade was overturned, and the Congress passed a federal ban on all abortions" So no, it wouldn't revert to the states if Congress PASSED A FEDERAL BAN on ALL abortions--that includes rape and incest, obviously. That's what Romney said he would be "delighted" to sign. As I said clearly, we can't know what he truly believes, we can only know what he says and what he does, especially given that at other times he's said something different. But we CANNOT know that he wouldn't sign a federal ban on all abortions or that he would be pressured into signing same. In this case it is quite clear and unquestionable; he said he'd be delighted to sign a Federal ban on ALL abortions.

Even the article you quoted said "..."Romney claims he has been perfectly consistent with his stance on abortion in cases of rape and incest. But he made comments during a 2008 debate that suggest otherwise. Perhaps his remarks represent a mere slip-up, but we don’t really know. The campaign ignored our requests to clarify, and we’re not going to assume for Romney’s sake that he made a mistake." His comment didn't "suggest" anything; he was asked if he'd sign a bill into law which federally banned ALL abortions, and he said he'd be delighted to do so. That's just a fact; spin it however you want, it happened, he said it. Even the quote says it, and said they weren't going to assume that it was a mistake. Ergo, once again, it is a lie to claim that Obama "stooped" to make a "false claim" that Romney said he'd ban all abortions. They quibbled with the idea that no such law exists...but if Romney were President, a bill involving a federal ban on all abortions were presented to him and he signed it, that would MAKE it law--twisting it, of course, but nonetheless true in that respect.

It's simply true: Romney said he'd sign a bill with a federal ban on all abortions, which would make it law. What Obama said is accurate except insofar as calling it a "law", which it wouldn't be until Romney signed it.


Tuesday, July 24, 2012 7:39 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by Niki2:
How strange that you can't seem to comprehend the simple facts of this issue:

How strange that you have to twist the words and conclusions of both FactCheck and the Washington Post to try and make a point most everyone with a sense of fairness has said is bogus.

This is why there will never be any discussion of real issues here.






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