236K More Jobs, Lower Unemployment, and a Strengthening Economy - What Happened!!!???

UPDATED: Sunday, March 10, 2013 17:29
VIEWED: 2130
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Friday, March 8, 2013 6:21 AM


Despite a Herculean effort by House Republicans and T-Party People, the light at the end of the tunnel is getting bigger. What could have caused this positive turn of events in light of all the negative tidal waves crashing down upon the White House and the POTUS? Where did Obama fail to have things go so right? I am shocked, surprised even, at all the good news.
I did not see this coming, as I said at my farewell debut, just you wait Obama will turn things around.

Of course, there are those who would give the majority of the credit to those self same Republicans and T-Party people for their relentless badgering, er..I mean, support. What with their wacky sequester and silly fiscal cliffs, how else were they to assist the president, keeping him on his toes and producing the best news in years. So, hats off to the tireless and annoying efforts of those brave rich men (and what, 2 women) hounding the president into submission regarding, well, everything.

Our "small" government in action ladies and gentlemen. Raise the flag and belt out the National Anthem, every American (please only the legal ones) should stand at attention and give the One-Finger Salute to these wonderful civil servants, who deserve the Freedom Medal for their selfless acts of patriotic duty. They worked tirelessly to oppose the POTUS at every turn, all for the common good.

There's still the matter of that bridge in's still up for sale.........;-)



Friday, March 8, 2013 7:58 AM


My current job doesn't count in the numbers, nor I'm afraid, does the fact that I'm not even "trying" to get a good job anymore.

By "trying" I only mean that I've stopped my weekly application for unemployment because it ran out a while back.

So.... only speaking for myself, the government is no longer counting my "-1 really good job", and at the same time they're counting my "+ 1/2 shitty job with no benefits".

I used to make roughly 1.6k every two weeks after taxes, with full health benefits, a 100% match on the first 6% of salary in my 401k and 5 weeks of vacation a year.

I make roughly 300 bucks every two weeks with zero health benefits, no 401k, and a maximum of 1 week of vacation after one full year of employment.

"F" the Dow Jones.....

Don't mean nothing to me.....


Friday, March 8, 2013 6:24 PM


Ain't America grand. You could go from 60 to 0 in no time flat...............meanwhile Rush Limbaugh keeps backing up that Brinks truck.



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
My current job doesn't count in the numbers, nor I'm afraid, does the fact that I'm not even "trying" to get a good job anymore.

By "trying" I only mean that I've stopped my weekly application for unemployment because it ran out a while back.

So.... only speaking for myself, the government is no longer counting my "-1 really good job", and at the same time they're counting my "+ 1/2 shitty job with no benefits".

I used to make roughly 1.6k every two weeks after taxes, with full health benefits, a 100% match on the first 6% of salary in my 401k and 5 weeks of vacation a year.

I make roughly 300 bucks every two weeks with zero health benefits, no 401k, and a maximum of 1 week of vacation after one full year of employment.

"F" the Dow Jones.....

Don't mean nothing to me.....


Saturday, March 9, 2013 3:09 AM


America loves a winner!

That light you see isn't the end of the tunnel. It's an oncoming train.

Stock market is falsely being propped up, thanks to Ben Bernanke's printing of so much cash, and then there's the absurdly low interest rates. Also, there's the lowest participation of those into the work force in 30 years.

" The labor participation rate fell to 63.5% from 63.6%, returning to the low reached last summer and matching the lowest level since 1981.

If it had stayed at the pre-recession rate of 66%, unemployment would be 10.7% .

Herculean efforts ? Simply trying to keep this country from falling over the cliff is all.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

Resident USA Freedom Fundie

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Sunday, March 10, 2013 8:09 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
"The labor participation rate fell to 63.5% from 63.6%, returning to the low reached last summer and matching the lowest level since 1981.
" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall

Kind of reminds me of Orwell's 1984....

MAJOR NEWS BULLETIN ON TUESDAY: Unfortunately, because of unforeseen losses in our war alongside Big Brother against the "other side", there has been a .25 ounce reduction of weekly chocolate rations per household to only 2.25 ounces.

MAJOR NEWS BULLETIN ON FRIDAY: All praise be Big Brother. Thanks to BB and his allies, the weekly chocolate rations per household was raised by .25 ounces to 2.25 ounces!!!!!!


Sunday, March 10, 2013 2:52 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Sigh...Shiny, if you'd just stop posting on issues close to my heart, maybe I could get outta here! Just kidding...I'm killing time at the minute waiting for uploads, and spotted this one. One of the few threads worth paying ANY attention to.

You know it's not good; the DOW reflects this WITH money, and they've been getting richer and richer all along. Unemployment figures don't represent those who've quit looking or used to have a decent job but now work two or three part time or something that pays less, and still don't get along.

Household income is flat or lower, and the gap between rich and poor is bigger than ever, and BOTH parties are to blame for that, tho' certainly the right works harder than anyone to make it so.

The gap between the rich and everyone else is wider today than the American people can possibly imagine.

The video focuses on the stark divide between how Americans prefer the country's wealth to be divided, how they believe it to be divided and how it is actually divided. Find out more by watching the video yourself.

I posted this long ago, but it's even more valid now than it was then, and that wasn't very long ago.

The COUNTRY isn't doing well; the WEALTHY and CORPORATIONS are, but that's a house of cards that will come down.

Eight years of digging us into the worst hole we've ever been in since the "Great Depression" and a war of choice that built up the military-industrial complex and the military beyond anything ever necessary; NOW all they can talk about is "fixing" the deficit, but what they're doing is precisely the opposite. They've cut government jobs, thus upping unemployment; they've demonized teachers, cops and firefighters, more unemployment; they've screwed unions, so everyone gets to work more to MAKE less; given all kinds of gimmies and handouts to corporations already rolling in dough, while trying to do away with what restrictions we have to keep us even SLIGHTLY safe; and on and on and on. It looks pretty only if you view it through squinty eyes and rose-colored Republican glasses.

That Obama and the Dems have managed to dig us out as much as they HAVE is downright miraculous, you're absolutely right on that score. But as they/he dig, Reublicans keep shoveling in more bullshit and I've lost hope that there are enough people with brains who give a flying FUCK about the American people to actually get us back on track.

And there's plenty of blame for the Dems, don't get me wrong, and Obama as well. It's just that the bullshit THEY pull is "same old, same old", while what the tea baggers and fringe right wingers are bent on is complete and utter destruction. Ayn Rand paradise, except that all the idiots like Rap and his buddies who worship at her altar don't realize that THEY're the ones she'd have screwed if she could.

You missed, too, that the deficit is projected to be lower than expected, and that as of October of last year, not only had the president cut the deficit by $312 billion during his first term, but he'd cut the deficit by $200 billion in 2012 alone. And the CBO projected that the 2013 Obama budget, if enacted as it was then, would have shrink the deficit to $977 billion -- a four year total of nearly $500 billion in deficit reduction.

Obama cut the deficit by 22 percent so far -- theoretically 35 percent by the end of 2013.

Okay, best I go do something else and come back to see if the videos have loaded, I really and truly don't want to get pulled back into this shit. I could write the responses from the right myownself, they'll be so predictable, so why care? Ergo, thank you for posting this, but dang you for posting this, at the same time. ;o)


Sunday, March 10, 2013 5:29 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by AURaptor:
"The labor participation rate fell to 63.5% from 63.6%, returning to the low reached last summer and matching the lowest level since 1981.
" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall

Kind of reminds me of Orwell's 1984....

MAJOR NEWS BULLETIN ON TUESDAY: Unfortunately, because of unforeseen losses in our war alongside Big Brother against the "other side", there has been a .25 ounce reduction of weekly chocolate rations per household to only 2.25 ounces.

MAJOR NEWS BULLETIN ON FRIDAY: All praise be Big Brother. Thanks to BB and his allies, the weekly chocolate rations per household was raised by .25 ounces to 2.25 ounces!!!!!!

Odd how you missed the big, bold point, down at the bottom...

If it had stayed at the pre-recession rate of 66%, unemployment would be 10.7%

10.7 > 7.7, genius.

Think about it.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

Resident USA Freedom Fundie

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall






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