Michigan 'Rape Insurance' Bill Passes Into Law

UPDATED: Monday, December 16, 2013 05:33
VIEWED: 1117
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Friday, December 13, 2013 1:23 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...


The Michigan Legislature has passed a ban on abortion coverage in private and public insurance plans, requiring women to buy an extra policy before becoming pregnant. The bill provides no exception for rape, incest, or fetal anomalies.

The law, to take effect in early 2014, was passed Wednesday in both chambers of the Michigan Legislature and is protected by a rarely used legislative loophole which effectively insulates the measure from the governor’s veto power.

Opponents have equated the policy to “rape insurance,” as a woman would not be eligible to purchase the insurance rider once pregnant - regardless of the circumstances. The only exceptions to the policy are for a woman’s health in the case of miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies, or “to avert her death.”

“You couldn’t buy a rider once you were pregnant to have [an abortion] covered,” Meghan Groen, director of government relations for Planned Parenthood Advocates of Michigan, told RH Reality Check in November. “It’s not like, ‘Oh, I was raped and so now I’ll buy this rider.’ Nobody is anticipating being a victim of crime.”

A similar bill was vetoed last year by Republican Gov. Rick Snyder, who then called the proposal “too extreme.” In 2000, former Gov. John Engler also vetoed a similar bill.

This time around, an uncommon procedure allowed in the state’s constitution was used to circumvent Snyder and an overall referendum that would require the initiative to reach Michigan voters.

The anti-choice group Right to Life Michigan used the obscure provision, which says that a proposal can go directly to the Legislature if three percent of state residents sign in support of the initiative. The House and Senate can then pass it without the possibility of the governor’s veto - if both chambers act within 40 days of the state canvassing board’s approval of the initiative’s validity.

The legislative initiative provision has been used only four times in the state’s history; three of those times were by Right to Life Michigan.

The Michigan Senate passed the bill 27 to 11, with all Republicans and one Democrat voting in support. The House approved the law by a vote of 62-47, with all Republicans, two Democrats, and one Independent supporting it.

Republicans said the move was legal and that signatures came from residents in all 83 state counties. They also claimed the measure makes sure abortions are not subsidized by taxpayers, though it's already illegal in federal and state law for any taxpayer dollars to go toward abortion, nor do federal dollars pay for abortions in the Affordable Care Act’s new insurance exchanges.

During the debate over the bill, state Senate Minority Leader Gretchen Whitmer (D) spoke out against the proposal, revealing that she was raped while in college 20 years ago.

“Thank God it didn’t result in a pregnancy because I can’t imagine going through what I went through and then having to consider what to do about an unwanted pregnancy from an attacker,” Whitmer said, according to AP. “If this were law then and I had become pregnant, I would not be able to have coverage because of this. How extreme, how extreme does this measure need to be?”


Friday, December 13, 2013 1:34 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I trust this will go to the Supreme Court. On the face of it, it seems to defy equal protection under the law.


Friday, December 13, 2013 8:21 PM



Originally posted by Niki2:
The Michigan Senate passed the bill 27 to 11, with all Republicans and one Democrat voting in support. The House approved the law by a vote of 62-47, with all Republicans, two Democrats, and one Independent supporting it.

And they wonder why I wanna get all Exterminatus on them...



Friday, December 13, 2013 8:33 PM


What manner of hell do you live in?


Saturday, December 14, 2013 12:03 AM


Keep the Shiny side up


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I trust this will go to the Supreme Court. On the face of it, it seems to defy equal protection under the law.

One would hope so.

Apparently, a lot of states either have banned, or are considering banning, inclusion of abortion coverage in ACA exchanges.

Read more:

per this article, "... the Affordable Care Act also allows states to ban abortion coverage in the exchanges..."

"When your heart breaks, you choose what to fill the cracks with. Love or hate. But hate won't ever heal. Only love can do that."


Saturday, December 14, 2013 6:50 AM



Originally posted by BYTEMITE:
What manner of hell do you live in?

Well, first, a little background.

Way back in the day there was Engler - he was corrupt, but he was EFFICIENT, and he kept his graft and chicanery within acceptable bounds, but as he was unable to find an appropriate sucessor, and DICK* postumous was laughably stupid, he got curbstomped by up and coming Democrat Jennifer Granholm, whom I supported due to other factors like her squishing the sinister six I'd been hunting for a decade and more.

Cue endless foot dragging and sabotage by the GOP, up to and including submitting a ficticious budget and causing tax increases they subsequently blamed on Jenny - who's primary flaw was actually expecting the GOP faction to do the job they were given instead of being willing to burn the fucking state around them just to spite her, and despite this Devos got his ass handed to him, the coward refused a televised debate and refused to even have it in this state, and then had the temerity to show up hung over and clueless against one of the most badass former State Attorney Generals this state ever had ?

But then term limits came into play, and folks tired of the incessant corruption of Kym Worty's kingmaking, not least of which was that fucker Kwame Kilpatrick, foolishly turned to the other side for a new start, and even THIS would not have been enough, save for some particular... erm, irregularities, you know, like negative votes being uploaded, polls closed or moved miles away at the last minute, roll purges and machines in the poor districts convientienly malfunctioning, yadda yadda.

Worth a note here that the person in charge of election integrity around here is the Secretary of State, and always, ALWAYS a republican, and always, ALWAYS "winning" by EXACTLY 18181 votes, every single time, even when polls go 70% the other way, what an amazing COINCIDENCE, isn't it ?

Of course, that fuck Snyder *IMMEDIATELY* reneged on all his campaign promises, as expected by anyone with any sense, and his overreach damn near got him recalled except for, again... erm, irregularities....
(Anonymous is on the job in this, as they were against Karl Roves bullshit)
But of course they shot themselves in the foot a little bit there as investigation of such revealed that poor wittle Thadpole (and every other fucking candidate of either party in the whole goddamn state) had been photocopying signature blocks.
Of course no one wants to investigate cause they're *ALL* guilty.

Anyhows, so right now what we're left with is a pair of warring GOP factions in a race to the bottom competing on out-scumbagging each other.

On one hand you have the Koch-Synder-ALEC faction which isn't even pretending anymore that their intention isn't to loot the state, pick it clean like vultures and then shit on the remains as they fly off laughing - hell they even intend to loot the fucking museums and sell off the artifacts and artwork, which is REALLY offensive to me personally, not to mention pensions - but just ask any Native American what a Government promise is worth why don't you ?

And then there's the Devos-Prince-Knights of Malta cult faction out of Holland, MI which is prettymuch a fundamentalist american-puritan taliban, and that's where most of the state level GOP have their allegiance.
I've posted about that before, CoTL snuck an infiltrator in and got a recording of one of Prince's speeches at the oddly named Tulip Time Festival (but given how closeted these motherfuckers are, maybe not..)
They are seriously woo-woo friggin nutballs, thinking they should wage a genocidal crusade in the middle east and manipulate the Government into backing it up.

And so you have the better-off-dead factions of the Randroid GOP in the person of Snyder, the better-off-dead faction of the American Taliban in the state level representatives, and the intensely corrupt Detroit based Kym Worthy and her scheme ripped straight off Jonathan Wild...
And while she CLAIMS to be a Democrat she's prettymuch apolitical when the $$$ come calling, cause when Monica Conyers sumbitted a state level impeachment against Bush, the GOP paid off a couple of her properties which were about to be foreclosed in exchange for Worthy going after Conyers, which eventually resulted in a joke of a "trial" before a Judge who was ALSO involved deeply in the same goddamn real estate swindle who was sore pissed that they "bought" him a LOT cheaper than Conyers.
What kind of a fucking "Justice" system allows a friggin DEFENDANT to sit in judgement of other accused, I ask you ?

Ergo, yeah, hellhole - mind you I don't live in Wayne County no more, having been run out of town on a rail for trying to clean house in my former township by way of being forcibly elected and damn near shanghaied to the city council, which blew up in a most epic fashion - these days I haunt Washtenaw County, and the mere thought of me running for office around here scares the piss out of em enough to make em behave, which is fine by me cause I wouldn't want the job if they handed it to me.

On the grander scale, well, having pulled the mask off, and done the shit he has, I assure you it will be DECADES before any motherfucking GOP neofeudofascist slimeball is ever taken seriously in this state again, cause one thing about Michiganders is their ability to hold a grudge - just ask John McCain, who tried to make a speech about the glory of nuclear power to folks who were downwind of Fermi when it nearly melted down.

While it ain't QUITE to the point of hanging Republicans from the lampposts around here yet, it wouldn't take all that much of a push... and call me what you will, if I see a chance to tip it over, I *WILL* fucking do it.


*Ironic how many Republicans are named DICK - DICK Cheney, DICK Postumous, DICK Devos... hidden in plain sight, really...


Saturday, December 14, 2013 5:25 PM


I was bemused by the republicans presidential candidates. Newt, Mitt?? Aren't these odd names?

What about Rush? Isn't that strange? Or are these normal in America?

I thought a newt was this.

"she turned me into a newt. (pause) I got better"


Saturday, December 14, 2013 5:36 PM


Gettin' old, but still a hippie at heart...

Yeah, Magons, "Newt", "Mitt" and "Rush" are unusual names.

Rushbo's is actually "Rush Hudson Limbaugh III"--yeah, there were two before him! "Newt" is short for Newton, and "Mitt's" real first name is Willard--his middle name is "Mitt", taken from his father's cousin, Milton "Mitt" Romney, a former quarterback for the Chicago Bears.

So now you know. ;o)


Saturday, December 14, 2013 5:40 PM


Dick is still terribly amusing.

As is the name 'Fanny'.

A cross cultural anecdote. 'Fanny' means vagina in both Australia and the UK. The fact that many Americans talked about their 'fanny packs' caused us much amusement when we were travelling.


Saturday, December 14, 2013 8:45 PM



A cross cultural anecdote. 'Fanny' means vagina in both Australia and the UK. The fact that many Americans talked about their 'fanny packs' caused us much amusement when we were travelling.

Either way, you can keep a lot of things in there.

Though not very comfortably or stylishly.


Monday, December 16, 2013 5:29 AM


"she turned me into a newt. (pause) I got better"

Ah, good old Monty Python.........



Monday, December 16, 2013 5:33 AM


Have all the politicos in this country lost their minds?

Next we'll be hearing that slavery is the Lord's will, women should be barefoot and pregnant, and Santa Claus is a terrorist......







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