Uh huh, I said this would happen!

UPDATED: Monday, January 11, 2016 06:58
VIEWED: 2973
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Sunday, December 27, 2015 10:39 AM


"If I had to guess, this man’s case won’t get anywhere in Russia, but I do think video game addiction is something that needs to be discussed more frequently, however goofy this one lawsuit may appear to be."

Warning labels about how long one would need to finish a game are next.


Monday, December 28, 2015 11:16 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

The whole article, with a few comments ....


A 28 year-old Russian man is suing Bethesda Softworks and its localization studio for what he claims is a life-ruining experience with Fallout 4. In the three weeks after release, he claims he was so addicted to the game that he managed to lose both his wife and his job.

He skipped work for Fallout 4, leading to his firing. He ignored friends and his relationship, leading to his wife leaving him. He’s now suing for 500,000 rubles in damage (about $7,000 USD) for emotional distress.

“If I knew that this game could have become so addictive, I would have become a lot more wary of it,” he said in a statement. “I would not have bought it, or I would have left it until I was on holiday or until the New Year holidays.”

It’s an unprecedented case for Russia, though not worldwide. In 2010, a Hawaiian man, Craig Smallwood, sued after becoming addicted to Lineage II, racking up 20,000 hours in playtime. It’s a game he says he would not have begun playing if he knew he’d get addicted to it. That sounds familiar, and in the end, the case was heard and South Korean publisher NCSoft actually did end up paying his legal fees.

It’s tough to know what a Russian court will do with this, but on the surface it’s easy to dismiss the claim out of hand. Proving the addictiveness of a video game is more than a little tough. It’s not something you can test like cigarettes which has a specifically addictive component in it. The counter-argument, of course, is the hundreds of thousands of consumers who played Fallout 4 and didn’t get so addicted to it their entire lives fell apart.

I’ve played Fallout 4 for probably 200 hours so far, which may qualify as “addictive,” but again that’s another question. Where is the line drawn? Are you “addicted” to a game if you sink 50 hours in? 100? 300? 1000? 20,000? Over what period of time? Do negative things have to happen in your life as a result in order for it to “count”?

In general, yes. People aren't considered "addicted" drinkers until it becomes a problem in their everyday lives.

Gambling is recognized as an addiction, too. So why not videogames?


It’s really muddy water, and I don’t think there’s a clear case here, or in any other case like it. I am not dismissing the idea that video games can be dangerously addictive in some cases, but suing for “emotional distress”’ about the addictiveness of one game is legally a tough sell.

I, for example, did not really understand just how addicted I would get to a game like Destiny, which I have now sunk at least 500 hours into over the past year. Could I sue for “emotional distress” because the game didn’t come with a warning about how I might get hooked on it? Almost certainly not.

OTOH, I read of a game that a South Korean couple played to the point where their infant starved to death. The weird thing was, the game was a make-believe household, where they had to - among other things- feed their virtual baby.


Once you start talking about potentially labelling games like cigarettes, you get into dangerous, kind of stupid territory.
Dangerous to whom?

It may be stupid, but it's hardly dangerous. Putting a label on ANYTHING potentially addictive is probably meaningless and totally ineffective, but it's the cheapest response that a business might be forced into. Another possibility ... putting time limits on the amount of time that a device will play a certain program, for example ... would probably be a helluva a lot more effective. Which is why that would almost certainly never be instituted ... it would be too "dangerous" to their profit margin.


I think we’re past the days of potential labels stating video games lead to violent behavior (which has literally been suggested in the past), but labels regarding addictiveness? I don’t think that’s entirely out of the realm of possibility.

Problem is, you could easily extend that to other forms of media. Should Netflix come with a warning that you could get sucked into watching five seasons of Breaking Bad in a row and neglect all your other social and financial responsibilities during that time?

But while this situation does seem goofy, I do think there’s a bit of truth lurking in the shadows here. I have absolutely seen definite “harm” come from many games, in particular “free” mobile titles which vacuum up the free time of anyone from teenagers to middle-aged housewives, some of whom dump ungodly amounts of money into the microtransactions of the games, hopelessly addicted to the title. I feel like we see this more in mobile where so many games can feel like slot machines, and I think those type of games need to be more closely monitored by consumer protection agencies than they probably are.

Fortunately, all a game like Fallout 4 can devour is time. That’s still a valuable resource, but there’s just no way to spend more than $60 on it right now, as the game is completely devoid of microtransactions (a rarity even in full-priced games these days).

If I had to guess, this man’s case won’t get anywhere in Russia, but I do think video game addiction is something that needs to be discussed more frequently, however goofy this one lawsuit may appear to be.

I don't know the latest research on addiction, but it probably has to do with activating a reward circuit... I imagine dopamine is the neurotransmitter involved, because it's the one which causes us to feel rewarded and to repeat an activity. (Has to do with positive feedback and learning.) Maybe is related to OCD.

I think there is a difference between "habituation" - in which your body becomes so adapted to the presence of a chemical that you suffer withdrawal without it - and "addiction".

TO ME (and I'm sure this is not the standard definition) "addiction" has to do with the activation of certain feedback systems (probably dopamine) which cause you to repeat an action. "Habituation" is the physical response that your body (enzymes, neurotransmitters) has to the presence of certain chemicals. IMO you can be both "habituated" AND "addicted" to a drug, but they're not the same thing.

Gambling casinos, shopping malls, movies and series, videogames, music, even fast food, all go out of their way to make engaging in that activity particularly rewarding.
The designers build in as much stimulus as possible and remove as much effort as possible - the triple point of fat, carbs, and salt, for example - to KEEP YOU engaged in that activity as long and as often as possible, because that's how they make their profit. Entire swaths of populations are inveigled into eating more junk, buying more stuff, or engaging in more virtual activity than is really good for them.

I can see how a few individuals may be particularly vulnerable to becoming addicted to an activity - perhaps images, sounds, etc engage their emotions in an exaggerated fashion by tapping into specific memories and associations (a character looks or sounds like them or someone that they have meaningful memories of, for example) and - viola- they become addicted.

Interesting topic. Thanks for bringing it up.

You can't build a nation with bombs. You can't create a society with guns.

There is a difference between THUGR is a genius., and THUGR is a "genius". And everyone knows it except THUGR, who is a "genius".


Monday, December 28, 2015 5:37 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

I can see how a few individuals may be particularly vulnerable to becoming addicted to an activity - perhaps images, sounds, etc engage their emotions in an exaggerated fashion by tapping into specific memories and associations (a character looks or sounds like them or someone that they have meaningful memories of, for example) and - viola- they become addicted.

Interesting topic. Thanks for bringing it up.

This is the problem. People who are prone to addiction, people with ADD, people who are depressed, and many on the Autism Spectrum, are vulnerable to being addicted to videogames and yet no one says a peep about it. These are also the people least likely to have the resources to do anything about the problem...

It IS a bigger problem than anyone realizes. People only see the extreme articles where kids die, but for every one of those there is a hundred others where the kids almost died from interrupting a game or didn't eat for days because of games or drowned because someone was playing a game, or ran away or got injured. OF COURSE the parents don't want to admit it half the time.

I would put gaming addiction right up there with alcohol and drugs.


Monday, December 28, 2015 10:53 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I think that it's all about altering brain chemicals. You can alter them indirectly with signals coming from food or activity, or you can alter them directly with drugs that mimic naturally occurring brain chemicals. I know some neurologists have recently claimed you can't be addicted to gambling, or running, or sex, or eating salty/greasy/sugarycarbs or whatever. But why not? All drugs (the only thing they claim one can be truly addicted to) simply exploit receptors and biochemistry that's already there to react to the natural world. I truly don't see what difference it makes in how you activate those pathways.

SAGAN: We are releasing vast quantities of carbon dioxide, increasing the greenhouse effect. It may not take much to destabilize the Earth's climate, to convert this heaven, our only home in the cosmos, into a kind of hell.


Tuesday, December 29, 2015 8:25 PM


RPG: role-playing game. Certainly not the only addictive type of computer game.
We've got sims, shooters, flying, driving, arcade-type, board, cards,
puzzles ... all the games we had before, but now with computer &
internet, I can play at home-solo or online, MMO.

One can also be addicted to their work or hobby. Felix Unger is the
only one I know who is addicted to house-keeping. For work, you get
paid; for hobbies, not so much, tho you could break even. Many folks
read addictively.

Is gaming addiction destructive to "normal" social life. I think so.
But plenty of folks are socially maladapted ... I mean, look at any
discussion board. How many come just to snark & troll?

Is gaming addiction bad for my health? You betcha!

An Escapist is an Escapist, with or without a computer. It's my OCD.
I was a gone-lost escapist by age 5. But the computers sure make it
easier to avoid all real life, except for Power Figures such as my Stomach.

I started RPGs in the 80s when I had an Apple. When I tell the kids
online, I'm in my 70's, they can't quite believe it. God knows, I don't
play as fast & as hard as they do. Just puttering along. Leveling Up.

... oooOO}{OOooo ...

I've given up looking for the meaning of life.
Now all I want is a better game.


Tuesday, December 29, 2015 10:24 PM


rezident owtsidr


Wednesday, December 30, 2015 8:42 PM



Originally posted by G:

Originally posted by Oonjerah:
Felix Unger is the only one I know who is addicted to house-keeping.

:::Tangent Warning:::

Ahem, I take umbrage with the term "addicted." I find mornings with coffee and some light cleaning in the kitchen (we cook a lot) to be therapeutic, even meditative. It takes very little concentration to clean moderately well, leaving plenty of mental power such as it is, to unravel and organize plans for the day. ...

"I find mornings with coffee and some light cleaning in the kitchen to be therapeutic, even meditative."

Ooo!! I like the sound of that, and hope to learn it.

... oooOO}{OOooo ...

I've given up looking for the meaning of life. Now all I want is a cookie.


Thursday, December 31, 2015 12:59 AM


I clean the kitchen right before I go to bed, because I can no longer put it off, and also having the kitchen clean helps me sleep.

Which it's clean now.. so night night


Thursday, December 31, 2015 9:06 AM


rezident owtsidr

I clean the kichen just befor going to

jail for violating EPA regulationz.


DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Friday, January 1, 2016 1:27 AM



Originally posted by Wishimay:
"If I had to guess, this man’s case won’t get anywhere in Russia, but I do think video game addiction is something that needs to be discussed more frequently, however goofy this one lawsuit may appear to be."

Hey Wish. :)

I'm not a scientist or psychologist or even a social worker, but having grown up with addiction I can say that video game addiction should be discussed more frequently. Not that it will do any good, mind you.... The D.A.R.E. program in school didn't keep me from smoking cigarettes, drinking booze, taking Ex, snorting coke, downing shrooms, and even smoking crack once....

I think it DID keep me away from Heroin though, although old-age is probably the reason I never tried Meth.

When I was a little kid, I couldn't wait for Christmas time. My old man (I mean, Santa) would buy me and my brothers like 10-15 games for the Atari and later the Nintendo for Christmas. Then we'd have 2 weeks to veg out and play them. My dad was great about taking us to parks and doing things outdoors most of the year, but there's not much to do outside for long when it's frigid by the great lakes (one reason that we probably SHOULD have school full time during the winter here).

I'm currently playing a game on PS3 called Demon's Souls after completing another game called Dark Souls. Two of the supposedly hardest games ever made, rated by a bunch of younger folk who never played really hard games me and my bros did.

That being said, I poured over 300 hours into Dark Souls, and I'm well on my way to putting 100 hours into Demon's Souls now. What did those 400+ hours do for me in real life? Nothing.

I'm 36 going on 80. I'm single. I don't have a job. I don't work out. I'm 30+ lbs overweight. I'm depressed 80% of the time and the closest thing to New Years Eve I had this year was listening to all the fireworks outside while I started writing this and drank my 9th or so beer for the night.

A lawsuit is fucking ridiculous, and I really hope he loses and gets laughed at. Fuck him. If he deserves 10,000 bucks I deserve a million. :)

I'm 36 years old now. Assuming 8 hours a day of sleep, I've spent 12 years of my life sleeping.

There is no way in hell that I've spent less than 2 years of my entire life glued to one screen or another with a controller in my hand.....

Think about that for a second....

2 Years = 104 Weeks
104 Weeks = 730 Days
730 Days = 17,520 Hours
17,520 Hours = 1,051,200 Minutes
1,051,200 Minutes = 63,072,000 Seconds.........

That was over 63 Million seconds wasted that I could have been doing something..... ANYTHING to better my life.

730 Days = Wasted Youth.

People in Prison get more out of life with their time than any type of Junkie. Video Games are no exception to the rule.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, January 1, 2016 2:01 PM


She said the 270lb Dearman then forced the boy to lie on his side, facing the couch cushions, and pinned him to the spot with his body weight.

The seven-year-old said his brother was crying and begged Dearman to let him go to the bathroom, eventually urinating on himself, according to Bradenton Herald.

'When dad squished him, he got dead,' the seven-year-old told police.

Cole said the boy also screamed that he could not breathe and tried to free himself but Dearman ignored his pleas.



Friday, January 1, 2016 2:18 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

That was over 63 Million seconds wasted that I could have been doing something..... ANYTHING to better my life.

Thank you for making my point.


No one is going to come along and save you. You have to do it.

Grab your balls, stop with all this pity potty shit AND GO TO WORK.

You know, I stand a fifty fifty of being in a wheelchair IF I make it ten years. I have things that subluxate on me every day that would make you cry.
Teeth aren't much. You can still drink ensure, in fact it's not a bad diet.
I'm not trying to marginalize, but you are sitting around and DWELLING on your failures, rolling around in your own emotional filth.


Now it's a new day of a new year....Start over. Stop hanging out here and go to

When you get insurance GO SEE A THERAPIST. Please, dear buddha...


Monday, January 4, 2016 4:18 AM


I don't hang out "here" Wish....

Hanging out "here" is just me trying to be something I used to be.

Though I don't subscribe to even any crazy religion in particular, I'm so far fucking "gone" that I might as well be doing so....

I'm not going to say which Girl ruined me, but even knowing she did it to me I still can't bring myself to speak against Female Domination of Everything.

I'm still not going to vote for Hillary Clinton, although admittedly that's because She would never vote for Hillary either... :)


Monday, January 4, 2016 4:30 AM


Wasn't sure if Youtube or FFF.NET wasn't working so I had to do this...\

Turns out they both were working. Why didn't my reply work with my song reply before?

They don't like Jack admitting a Strong Female Influence......

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, January 5, 2016 12:01 AM


Blah blah blah DID YOU GET A JOB YET??


Monday, January 11, 2016 6:58 AM







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