I F***ing Q.....

UPDATED: Wednesday, October 12, 2016 03:46
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Wednesday, October 12, 2016 2:50 AM


Take a completely average group of Males, and an equally yet opposite group of Females. The overall NET IQ will be more or less Equal.

What women are likely to NEVER admit, espeically the VERY FEW exeptions to the rule, is that there is a MUCH WIDER Gap between the dumbest and smartest Males as there are Females.

This is, afterall, unless they go crazy youtube left wing feminist, women are generally thought to be pretty overall stable, while men can flucutate on things. That's why over the last 200 years we did our best to keep it real.

About that Bell Curve though, there is Good News and Bad News for everyone.

The reason why Women in the studies are relatively around 100 IQ points is because, for tens or even hundreds of thousands of years, they did not have to ever be very smart to proliferate the race. There was no reason for any woman in the past to be SUPER SMART. And Yin meeting Yang, there was no equally inverse reaction. Most educated women are right around 100 IQ pts.

Then there are men. The handful of 10 Men on the equal and opposite side.

As you would probably admit, any woman who has delt with men, at least 2 or 3 of them are barely human and can be attributed no more than 65-75 IQ points.

What these men grow up with though is an Alpha Male mentality that superseeds their glaring lack of intelligence. I think things are changing today, but I'm fucking done with women and minorities grouping me in with these bullies that made my life hell 15 years ago. These 80's bully stereotypes.

Some of you might call Trump that, but if He was, I wouldn't remembered liking him when I was just a little kid. He might have worn a rediculous rug even back then, but I always liked him when he came on TV.

I never watched Reality TV outside of the 2nd season of Survivor, so you'll have to tell me about "You're Fired!".

It's not my fault that Men automatically rate higher IQ than Women do. Likely any discrepancy was because of nature, and now there are many more women going to college than men. And more and more women than men. And mroe and more. And....

This really isn't about Equality, is it Ladies?

It's about Female Superiority, isn't it?


Wednesday, October 12, 2016 3:10 AM


What's that you say, Equally aged and only still semi hot because you're wearing a glob of makeup and a Princess dress and shoes that cost more than half of what my house cost me...?

Touche.... Touche.....

You win this round Maleficence, old hag witch that used to be Katherine Heigel in the late 90's.

Just don't blame me when I was your age and saw you in My Father the Hero and masturbated a month straight to your Perfect age-appropriate ass at the time.

I know. I'm evil for bringing up how awesomely amazingly persuasive you used to be back in the 90s.

I know it wasn't your fault personally, but you made that french Bastard look like a total child rapist. You even told everyone else at the resort that he was fucking you while underage just to get the older guy to chat with you.


Admittidetly, I do think it led to one of the most unintentional funny scenes in the last quarter decade. "Thank Heaven for Little Girls". He's a brilliant French man singer and piano player and when he finished and waited for applause, the room was empty....

There was a reason this was funny back in the day.

You took it in the very equal and opposite reaction the other way Katherine.

Go fuck yourself.

And I'll keep my balls, thank you. ;)

To think that when I was 13 years old I thought you were a Goddess.

Now I get to see a 32 year old parody of what you used to be taking glee in cutting off balls of males and I'm still supposed to think the same about you.

Seriously, I'm not into it Katherine. #SorryNotSorry

Fuck You

OR...... hmmmmmm.....

Let me rephrase that in a total Bill Murray way.

Fuck your Medium Talent.

Bridget Jones is going to have a kid way to late that we're all going to worry about this year....

You're very close to that.

Who knew Briget Jones was still a thing?

Who knew your ass was ever a thing outside of my admittedly wild masturbation fantasies in the mid 90's?

Feel free to cut the balls off of whatever "Tom Arnold" is attaching himself to your name Roseanne...

Seriously, you're still pretty, but you're at least half that fat now. If we were going to do a comedy show together, I'd have to put on 30lbs to make it real.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, October 12, 2016 3:46 AM


So, being equal and opposite, I'd be lying if I didn't talk about the Love Song from the movie I was talking about.

I was just some dumb Freshman in HS with a huge IQ and no skills with the Girls when I saw this movie.

I'm far too old and cynical now, but I'm not dumb.

I can totally admit that with the Perfect "Cleopatra", any man of any age could be controlled to do whatever She wanted.

As Old and Cynical as I am now, I'd give it all up to be a part of that young love again.

Everything now is just kind of bullshit and lived in and calculated. Even if we try to pretend, we're far from young....

Never again...

It doesn't mean that this isn't one of the most powerful songs ever made in history though, does it?

Do Right, Be Right. :)






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