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Let The Hypocrisy Begin
Tuesday, November 20, 2018 8:28 AM
Tuesday, November 20, 2018 8:39 AM
Quote:Originally posted by THG: Ivanka Trump Reportedly Used Personal Email Account For Official White House Business And she set up a private server as well. I wonder if the Trumpets here will start chanting lock her up. I bet not...And lets not forget Trump as president using his personal cell phone and forgetting it on a golf cart. Again, no chants of lock him up. Let's not forget Jared who's emails are all over Ivanka's server. And so on and so on. Any Trumpets what to start the chant??? T Hey, you guys know what white supremacist hate more than Jews, Polaks. Who here fits that description? kiki and sig to name two. Who loves the Polak hater Trump, kiki and sig to name two. Fucking dummies
Quote:"While transitioning into government, until the White House provided her the same guidance they had to others who started before she did, Ms. Trump sometimes used her private account, almost always for logistics and scheduling concerning her family," Mirijanian said in a statement obtained by NPR's Tamara Keith.
Tuesday, November 20, 2018 3:03 PM
Tuesday, November 20, 2018 3:49 PM
I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.
Tuesday, November 20, 2018 8:24 PM
... stay crunchy...
Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: huh. I didn't know that hypocrisy had to "begin" because I thought it was thriving already!
Tuesday, November 20, 2018 9:17 PM
rezident owtsidr
Wednesday, November 21, 2018 2:38 AM
Quote: huh. I didn't know that hypocrisy had to "begin" because I thought it was thriving already! - SIGNY NESLON - YEP! -GSTRING
Wednesday, November 21, 2018 2:40 AM
Quote:Originally posted by JO753: At this point, its like accuzing an organized crime family uv a parking violation.
Wednesday, November 21, 2018 5:17 AM
Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: Quote:Originally posted by JO753: At this point, its like accuzing an organized crime family uv a parking violation. Well, if Ivanka BleachBits her hard drive after having been subpoenaed for its contents, THEN you can accuse her of a Hillary-style crime!
Wednesday, November 21, 2018 6:34 AM
The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at
Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: Well, if Ivanka BleachBits her hard drive after having been subpoenaed for its contents, THEN you can accuse her of a Hillary-style crime! "The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND
Wednesday, November 21, 2018 7:55 AM
Wednesday, November 21, 2018 7:58 AM
Wednesday, November 21, 2018 8:16 AM
Wednesday, November 21, 2018 8:21 AM
Quote:Originally posted by THG: Apparently Jack and others are unflappable when it comes to protecting Trump and his. Not one is addressing the issue of National Security and Ivanka. They still can't stop talking about Hillary doing it, yet when Ivanka Donald and his family do it, silence. T Hey, you guys know what white supremacist hate more than Jews, Polaks. Who here fits that description? kiki and sig to name two. Who loves the Polak hater Trump, kiki and sig to name two. Fucking dummies
Wednesday, November 21, 2018 2:57 PM
Quote:Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK: Read my first post. The second post in this thread. Nothing that has happened so far is anywhere in the same ballpark as what Hillary did, and Ivanka did NOT have a private server like you said the story says she did. It said the complete opposite. I'm not arguing any point you made because your points are invalid due to the fact that you obviously can't read.
Wednesday, November 21, 2018 3:37 PM
Quote:Originally posted by second: Quote:Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK: Read my first post. The second post in this thread. Nothing that has happened so far is anywhere in the same ballpark as what Hillary did, and Ivanka did NOT have a private server like you said the story says she did. It said the complete opposite. I'm not arguing any point you made because your points are invalid due to the fact that you obviously can't read. What did Comey say about Hillary's emails? That there is nothing there to investigate.
Wednesday, November 21, 2018 3:48 PM
Quote:House GOP 'Working With Whistleblowers' In Clinton Foundation Probe "Mr. [John] Huber with the Department of Justice and the FBI has been having an investigation – at least part of his task was to look at the Clinton Foundation and what may or may not have happened as it relates to improper activity with that charitable foundation, so we’ve set a hearing date for December the 5th.," Meadows told Hill.TV on Wednesday. ... According to a report by the Dallas Observer last November, the Clinton Foundation has been under investigation by the IRS since July, 2016... Additionally Meadows said that his committee is trying to secure testimonies from whistleblowers who can provide more information about potential wrongdoing surrounding the Clinton Foundation.
Quote:Clinton Foundation Donations Plummet 90% The Clinton Foundation saw contributions dry up approximately 90% over a three-year period between 2014 and 2017, according to financial statements. The global charity is currently under investigation by the DOJ, FBI and IRS for a variety of allegations - including whether favors were handed out while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, also known as "pay for play." The Clinton-led State Department authorized $151 billion in Pentagon-brokered deals to 16 countries that donated to the Clinton Foundation - a 145% increase in completed sales to those nations over the same time frame during the Bush administration, according to IBTimes... Then there was that $1 million check Qatar reportedly gave Bill Clinton for his birthday in 2012, which the charity confirmed it accepted.
Wednesday, November 21, 2018 4:35 PM
Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: One thing is clear: The Clintons have been protected from prosecution over actions that would have had Trump crucified.
Wednesday, November 21, 2018 8:07 PM
Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: Quote:House GOP 'Working With Whistleblowers' In Clinton Foundation Probe "Mr. [John] Huber with the Department of Justice and the FBI has been having an investigation – at least part of his task was to look at the Clinton Foundation and what may or may not have happened as it relates to improper activity with that charitable foundation, so we’ve set a hearing date for December the 5th.," Meadows told Hill.TV on Wednesday. ... According to a report by the Dallas Observer last November, the Clinton Foundation has been under investigation by the IRS since July, 2016... Additionally Meadows said that his committee is trying to secure testimonies from whistleblowers who can provide more information about potential wrongdoing surrounding the Clinton Foundation. Also, too many links to re-post. You'll just have to go look at them yourselves. ***** Noooooo. Really?? Quote:Clinton Foundation Donations Plummet 90% The Clinton Foundation saw contributions dry up approximately 90% over a three-year period between 2014 and 2017, according to financial statements. The global charity is currently under investigation by the DOJ, FBI and IRS for a variety of allegations - including whether favors were handed out while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, also known as "pay for play." The Clinton-led State Department authorized $151 billion in Pentagon-brokered deals to 16 countries that donated to the Clinton Foundation - a 145% increase in completed sales to those nations over the same time frame during the Bush administration, according to IBTimes... Then there was that $1 million check Qatar reportedly gave Bill Clinton for his birthday in 2012, which the charity confirmed it accepted. ***** Clinton Foundation Scandal The Six Clinton Foundation Scandals Everyone Needs to Know One thing is certain in the Clinton Foundation scandal: Hillary didn't avoid the 'appearance' of conflict From Whitewater to Benghazi: A Clinton-Scandal Primer ***** One thing is clear: The Clintons have been protected from prosecution over actions that would have had Trump crucified. ----------- Pity would be no more, If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake "The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND America is an oligarchy] Do Right, Be Right. :)
Wednesday, November 21, 2018 10:06 PM
Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.
Wednesday, November 21, 2018 11:53 PM
Quote:Originally posted by 1kiki: NESLON ??? Who's Neslon? tic tac
Thursday, November 22, 2018 12:09 AM
Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: Quote:House GOP 'Working With Whistleblowers' In Clinton Foundation Probe "Mr. [John] Huber with the Department of Justice and the FBI has been having an investigation – at least part of his task was to look at the Clinton Foundation and what may or may not have happened as it relates to improper activity with that charitable foundation, so we’ve set a hearing date for December the 5th.," Meadows told Hill.TV on Wednesday. ... According to a report by the Dallas Observer last November, the Clinton Foundation has been under investigation by the IRS since July, 2016... Additionally Meadows said that his committee is trying to secure testimonies from whistleblowers who can provide more information about potential wrongdoing surrounding the Clinton Foundation. Also, too many links to re-post. You'll just have to go look at them yourselves. ***** Noooooo. Really?? Quote:Clinton Foundation Donations Plummet 90% The Clinton Foundation saw contributions dry up approximately 90% over a three-year period between 2014 and 2017, according to financial statements. The global charity is currently under investigation by the DOJ, FBI and IRS for a variety of allegations - including whether favors were handed out while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, also known as "pay for play." The Clinton-led State Department authorized $151 billion in Pentagon-brokered deals to 16 countries that donated to the Clinton Foundation - a 145% increase in completed sales to those nations over the same time frame during the Bush administration, according to IBTimes... Then there was that $1 million check Qatar reportedly gave Bill Clinton for his birthday in 2012, which the charity confirmed it accepted. ***** Clinton Foundation Scandal The Six Clinton Foundation Scandals Everyone Needs to Know One thing is certain in the Clinton Foundation scandal: Hillary didn't avoid the 'appearance' of conflict From Whitewater to Benghazi: A Clinton-Scandal Primer ***** One thing is clear: The Clintons have been protected from prosecution over actions that would have had Trump crucified.
Thursday, November 22, 2018 1:15 AM
Quote:Originally posted by 1kiki: NESLON ??? Who's Neslon?
Quote:Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN: A different thread had a title misspelling Nelson for a few hours. When Libtard Trolls were struggling to find a single error from their opponents to compare to their cornucopia of lies, that is what they came up with.
Thursday, November 22, 2018 4:32 AM
Quote:Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN: Quote:Originally posted by 1kiki: NESLON ??? Who's Neslon? tic tac A different thread had a title misspelling Nelson for a few hours. When Libtard Trolls were struggling to find a single error from their opponents to compare to their cornucopia of lies, that is what they came up with. Hey 6ix, you missed an unquote.
Thursday, November 22, 2018 8:16 AM
Thursday, November 22, 2018 9:51 AM
Quote:Originally posted by 1kiki: Quote:Originally posted by 1kiki: NESLON ??? Who's Neslon? Quote:Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN: A different thread had a title misspelling Nelson for a few hours. When Libtard Trolls were struggling to find a single error from their opponents to compare to their cornucopia of lies, that is what they came up with. Oh, the oodles of fun I miss by not being here every day (not). Thanks for the reply.
Thursday, November 22, 2018 9:57 AM
Thursday, November 22, 2018 10:38 AM
Quote:Originally posted by captaincrunch: Thanks for reminding us that Comey turned the tide and ruined Clinton's chances of becoming president with his 2nd "Clinton emails" reveal right before the election - essentially giving the election to Trump.
Thursday, November 22, 2018 11:43 AM
Quote:Originally posted by second: Quote:Originally posted by captaincrunch: Thanks for reminding us that Comey turned the tide and ruined Clinton's chances of becoming president with his 2nd "Clinton emails" reveal right before the election - essentially giving the election to Trump. I would say it is unlikely you will get any of the Trump voters here at to believe that. They mostly believe what will "win" in their minds their arguments with Democrats: Almost Half Of Republicans Believe Millions Voted Illegally In The 2016 Election. Trump has been lying for years that millions of illegal aliens vote for Democrats. He said the same old lie last week. Have any Trump voters on every forcefully condemned him for lies? No. Arguing with Trump voters will not win a change in the minds of the diehards at They already think they have The Whole Truth despite their "truths" being provable lies. Trump voters piss on the truth. It is part of their character to disbelieve whatever they please and believe lies and pass them along. After Trump is gone, it will remain a big part of Trump voters' character, as it was before Trump ran for President. The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at
Thursday, November 22, 2018 3:28 PM
Quote:Seriously - when *some people* felt the need to put some others down for their grammar/syntax, it only seemed right and fair to hold them accountable to their own standards. How dare I! They of course whined like a 2 stroke engine (as usual).
Thursday, November 22, 2018 4:44 PM
Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: Seriously, *I* wasn't the one who brought up THUGR's misspelling of the word hypocrisy. Look it up. In fact, I rarely point out typos, misspellings or grammatical errors unless they're really funny, change the meaning of the post, or are just egregiously stupid, like THUGR calling people "dummies" with a post full of dumb grammatical errors. I expect apologies and six packs from the lot of you.
Thursday, November 22, 2018 7:20 PM
Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: Quote:House GOP 'Working With Whistleblowers' In Clinton Foundation Probe "Mr. [John] Huber with the Department of Justice and the FBI has been having an investigation – at least part of his task was to look at the Clinton Foundation and what may or may not have happened as it relates to improper activity with that charitable foundation, so we’ve set a hearing date for December the 5th.," Meadows told Hill.TV on Wednesday. ... According to a report by the Dallas Observer last November, the Clinton Foundation has been under investigation by the IRS since July, 2016... Additionally Meadows said that his committee is trying to secure testimonies from whistleblowers who can provide more information about potential wrongdoing surrounding the Clinton Foundation. Also, too many links to re-post. You'll just have to go look at them yourselves. ***** Noooooo. Really?? Quote:Clinton Foundation Donations Plummet 90% The Clinton Foundation saw contributions dry up approximately 90% over a three-year period between 2014 and 2017, according to financial statements. The global charity is currently under investigation by the DOJ, FBI and IRS for a variety of allegations - including whether favors were handed out while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, also known as "pay for play." The Clinton-led State Department authorized $151 billion in Pentagon-brokered deals to 16 countries that donated to the Clinton Foundation - a 145% increase in completed sales to those nations over the same time frame during the Bush administration, according to IBTimes... Then there was that $1 million check Qatar reportedly gave Bill Clinton for his birthday in 2012, which the charity confirmed it accepted. ***** Clinton Foundation Scandal The Six Clinton Foundation Scandals Everyone Needs to Know One thing is certain in the Clinton Foundation scandal: Hillary didn't avoid the 'appearance' of conflict From Whitewater to Benghazi: A Clinton-Scandal Primer ***** One thing is clear: The Clintons have been protected from prosecution over actions that would have had Trump crucified. ----------- Pity would be no more, If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake "The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND America is an oligarchy
Thursday, November 22, 2018 7:31 PM
Quote:Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK: Quote:Originally posted by second: Quote:Originally posted by captaincrunch: Thanks for reminding us that Comey turned the tide and ruined Clinton's chances of becoming president with his 2nd "Clinton emails" reveal right before the election - essentially giving the election to Trump. I would say it is unlikely you will get any of the Trump voters here at to believe that. They mostly believe what will "win" in their minds their arguments with Democrats: Almost Half Of Republicans Believe Millions Voted Illegally In The 2016 Election. Trump has been lying for years that millions of illegal aliens vote for Democrats. He said the same old lie last week. Have any Trump voters on every forcefully condemned him for lies? No. Arguing with Trump voters will not win a change in the minds of the diehards at They already think they have The Whole Truth despite their "truths" being provable lies. Trump voters piss on the truth. It is part of their character to disbelieve whatever they please and believe lies and pass them along. After Trump is gone, it will remain a big part of Trump voters' character, as it was before Trump ran for President. lol Do Right, Be Right. :)
Quote:Originally posted by second: Quote:Originally posted by captaincrunch: Thanks for reminding us that Comey turned the tide and ruined Clinton's chances of becoming president with his 2nd "Clinton emails" reveal right before the election - essentially giving the election to Trump. I would say it is unlikely you will get any of the Trump voters here at to believe that. They mostly believe what will "win" in their minds their arguments with Democrats: Almost Half Of Republicans Believe Millions Voted Illegally In The 2016 Election. Trump has been lying for years that millions of illegal aliens vote for Democrats. He said the same old lie last week. Have any Trump voters on every forcefully condemned him for lies? No. Arguing with Trump voters will not win a change in the minds of the diehards at They already think they have The Whole Truth despite their "truths" being provable lies. Trump voters piss on the truth. It is part of their character to disbelieve whatever they please and believe lies and pass them along. After Trump is gone, it will remain a big part of Trump voters' character, as it was before Trump ran for President.
Thursday, November 22, 2018 10:53 PM
America loves a winner!
Thursday, November 22, 2018 11:36 PM
Quote:Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN: Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: Quote:House GOP 'Working With Whistleblowers' In Clinton Foundation Probe "Mr. [John] Huber with the Department of Justice and the FBI has been having an investigation – at least part of his task was to look at the Clinton Foundation and what may or may not have happened as it relates to improper activity with that charitable foundation, so we’ve set a hearing date for December the 5th.," Meadows told Hill.TV on Wednesday. ... According to a report by the Dallas Observer last November, the Clinton Foundation has been under investigation by the IRS since July, 2016... Additionally Meadows said that his committee is trying to secure testimonies from whistleblowers who can provide more information about potential wrongdoing surrounding the Clinton Foundation. Also, too many links to re-post. You'll just have to go look at them yourselves. ***** Noooooo. Really?? Quote:Clinton Foundation Donations Plummet 90% The Clinton Foundation saw contributions dry up approximately 90% over a three-year period between 2014 and 2017, according to financial statements. The global charity is currently under investigation by the DOJ, FBI and IRS for a variety of allegations - including whether favors were handed out while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, also known as "pay for play." The Clinton-led State Department authorized $151 billion in Pentagon-brokered deals to 16 countries that donated to the Clinton Foundation - a 145% increase in completed sales to those nations over the same time frame during the Bush administration, according to IBTimes... Then there was that $1 million check Qatar reportedly gave Bill Clinton for his birthday in 2012, which the charity confirmed it accepted. ***** Clinton Foundation Scandal The Six Clinton Foundation Scandals Everyone Needs to Know One thing is certain in the Clinton Foundation scandal: Hillary didn't avoid the 'appearance' of conflict From Whitewater to Benghazi: A Clinton-Scandal Primer ***** One thing is clear: The Clintons have been protected from prosecution over actions that would have had Trump crucified. ----------- Pity would be no more, If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake "The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND America is an oligarchy Seems silly that 6ix requires my tutelage. But here it is, as he requested.
Thursday, November 22, 2018 11:39 PM
Quote:Originally posted by AURaptor: So please, just shut the fuck up about this non story and go shove a turkey leg where it fits.
Friday, November 23, 2018 12:40 AM
Friday, November 23, 2018 12:46 AM
Friday, November 23, 2018 12:52 AM
Quote:Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK: Quote:Originally posted by AURaptor: So please, just shut the fuck up about this non story and go shove a turkey leg where it fits. If you're brave enough, anything can be a dildo. Do Right, Be Right. :)
Friday, November 23, 2018 8:09 AM
Friday, November 23, 2018 9:39 AM
Quote:Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN: This is the post, as posted, that 6ix cannot conjure how to post correctly (apparently he is not smarter than the syntax app subroutine) : Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: Quote:House GOP 'Working With Whistleblowers' In Clinton Foundation Probe "Mr. [John] Huber with the Department of Justice and the FBI has been having an investigation – at least part of his task was to look at the Clinton Foundation and what may or may not have happened as it relates to improper activity with that charitable foundation, so we’ve set a hearing date for December the 5th.," Meadows told Hill.TV on Wednesday. ... According to a report by the Dallas Observer last November, the Clinton Foundation has been under investigation by the IRS since July, 2016... Additionally Meadows said that his committee is trying to secure testimonies from whistleblowers who can provide more information about potential wrongdoing surrounding the Clinton Foundation. Also, too many links to re-post. You'll just have to go look at them yourselves. ***** Noooooo. Really?? Quote:Clinton Foundation Donations Plummet 90% The Clinton Foundation saw contributions dry up approximately 90% over a three-year period between 2014 and 2017, according to financial statements. The global charity is currently under investigation by the DOJ, FBI and IRS for a variety of allegations - including whether favors were handed out while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, also known as "pay for play." The Clinton-led State Department authorized $151 billion in Pentagon-brokered deals to 16 countries that donated to the Clinton Foundation - a 145% increase in completed sales to those nations over the same time frame during the Bush administration, according to IBTimes... Then there was that $1 million check Qatar reportedly gave Bill Clinton for his birthday in 2012, which the charity confirmed it accepted. ***** Clinton Foundation Scandal The Six Clinton Foundation Scandals Everyone Needs to Know One thing is certain in the Clinton Foundation scandal: Hillary didn't avoid the 'appearance' of conflict From Whitewater to Benghazi: A Clinton-Scandal Primer ***** One thing is clear: The Clintons have been protected from prosecution over actions that would have had Trump crucified. ----------- Pity would be no more, If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake "The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND America is an oligarchy Do Right, Be Right. :)
Friday, November 23, 2018 10:05 AM
Friday, November 23, 2018 10:10 AM
Friday, November 23, 2018 11:32 AM
Quote: The Saudi financial ties Donald Trump Hillary Clinton doesn’t want to talk about - THUGR
Quote:Foundation Ties Bedevil Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Campaign The kingdom of Saudi Arabia donated more than $10 million. Through a foundation, so did the son-in-law of a former Ukrainian president whose government was widely criticized for corruption and the murder of journalists. A Lebanese-Nigerian developer with vast business interests contributed as much as $5 million. For years the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation thrived largely on the generosity of foreign donors and individuals who gave hundreds of millions of dollars to the global charity. But now, as Mrs. Clinton seeks the White House, the funding of the sprawling philanthropy has become an Achilles’ heel for her campaign and, if she is victorious, potentially her administration as well. With Mrs. Clinton facing accusations of favoritism toward Clinton Foundation donors during her time as secretary of state, former President Bill Clinton told foundation employees on Thursday that the organization would no longer [as of Aug 2018. Note that The Foundation was formed in 1997] accept foreign or corporate donations should Mrs. Clinton win in November.
Quote:The Clinton Foundation Took Money from Saudi Propagandists The Clintons and Their Royal Saudi Friends: More Dubious Donations to the Family’s Foundation In December 2008, as Hillary Clinton prepared for the hearings that would confirm her as the next U.S. secretary of state, the Clinton Foundation disclosed a list of its donors — separated into tiers by amount given — to reassure the public and Congress that the former first lady would avoid any potential conflicts of interest in her new perch atop Foggy Bottom. “I agree that these are matters that have to be handled with the greatest of care and transparency,” Clinton said during her confirmation hearing. A look at one organization that made a donation in the range of $1 million to $5 million shows how the Clintons’ gestures toward transparency often revealed little. Meet Friends of Arabia, or FSA, a thinly veiled public-relations organ of the repressive Saudi regime. In a testament to the Clinton Foundation’s confusing, tangled, and secretive finances, Friends of Saudi Arabia’s former CEO, Michael Saba, denies that the nonprofit ever made the contribution. He suggests, rather, that the group’s founders, which included members of the Saudi royal family, made the donation before filing papers with the IRS. For three years, the now-defunct FSA functioned as a propaganda tool for the Saudis, a mission that put it at odds not only with some parts of the State Department’s assessment of the regime, but also with Hillary Clinton’s attempts to position herself as a champion for women’s rights across the globe.
Quote:Saudi Arabia, George Soros On Clinton Donor List The most recent data show that the foundation received at least $492 million in donations from its inception in 1997 through last year, according to The Associated Press.
Quote:The two top donors are the U.K.-based Children's Investment Fund Foundation and UNITAID, a multinational charity that promotes low-cost drugs for impoverished regions. Other donors include the governments of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and Oman. In a different vein, the list also includes such prominent liberal moneymen as Peter Lewis and Steven Bing — not to mention George Soros.
Friday, November 23, 2018 2:48 PM
Quote:Originally posted by SIGNYM: Quote: The Saudi financial ties Donald Trump Hillary Clinton doesn’t want to talk about - THUGR Fixed it for you Quote:Foundation Ties Bedevil Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Campaign The kingdom of Saudi Arabia donated more than $10 million. Through a foundation, so did the son-in-law of a former Ukrainian president whose government was widely criticized for corruption and the murder of journalists. A Lebanese-Nigerian developer with vast business interests contributed as much as $5 million. For years the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation thrived largely on the generosity of foreign donors and individuals who gave hundreds of millions of dollars to the global charity. But now, as Mrs. Clinton seeks the White House, the funding of the sprawling philanthropy has become an Achilles’ heel for her campaign and, if she is victorious, potentially her administration as well. With Mrs. Clinton facing accusations of favoritism toward Clinton Foundation donors during her time as secretary of state, former President Bill Clinton told foundation employees on Thursday that the organization would no longer [as of Aug 2018. Note that The Foundation was formed in 1997] accept foreign or corporate donations should Mrs. Clinton win in November. Quote:The Clinton Foundation Took Money from Saudi Propagandists The Clintons and Their Royal Saudi Friends: More Dubious Donations to the Family’s Foundation In December 2008, as Hillary Clinton prepared for the hearings that would confirm her as the next U.S. secretary of state, the Clinton Foundation disclosed a list of its donors — separated into tiers by amount given — to reassure the public and Congress that the former first lady would avoid any potential conflicts of interest in her new perch atop Foggy Bottom. “I agree that these are matters that have to be handled with the greatest of care and transparency,” Clinton said during her confirmation hearing. A look at one organization that made a donation in the range of $1 million to $5 million shows how the Clintons’ gestures toward transparency often revealed little. Meet Friends of Arabia, or FSA, a thinly veiled public-relations organ of the repressive Saudi regime. In a testament to the Clinton Foundation’s confusing, tangled, and secretive finances, Friends of Saudi Arabia’s former CEO, Michael Saba, denies that the nonprofit ever made the contribution. He suggests, rather, that the group’s founders, which included members of the Saudi royal family, made the donation before filing papers with the IRS. For three years, the now-defunct FSA functioned as a propaganda tool for the Saudis, a mission that put it at odds not only with some parts of the State Department’s assessment of the regime, but also with Hillary Clinton’s attempts to position herself as a champion for women’s rights across the globe. Quote:Saudi Arabia, George Soros On Clinton Donor List The most recent data show that the foundation received at least $492 million in donations from its inception in 1997 through last year, according to The Associated Press. That's a lot of money! Quote:The two top donors are the U.K.-based Children's Investment Fund Foundation and UNITAID, a multinational charity that promotes low-cost drugs for impoverished regions. Other donors include the governments of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and Oman. In a different vein, the list also includes such prominent liberal moneymen as Peter Lewis and Steven Bing — not to mention George Soros. Yanno THUGR, before the election I posted - often- that morality-wise Trump and Hillary were about THE SAME, with Trump having a slight edge simply because he did not have the years-in-office to commit a vast number of money-laundering and pay-to-play operations. Also, he did not appear to be a sociopathic killer. I still stand by that. Trump is not an angel, but neither is Hillary. If Trump is to have a Special Prosecutor crawl up his ass, Hillary and Bill surely deserve the same. So, back to the OP of this thread: You see, THUGR? Hypocrisy doesn't need to "begin" because it's already thriving, right here in!
Friday, November 23, 2018 2:53 PM
Friday, November 23, 2018 3:38 PM
Quote:Originally posted by AURaptor: Quote:Originally posted by THG: Ivanka Trump Reportedly Used Personal Email Account For Official White House Business And she set up a private server as well. I wonder if the Trumpets here will start chanting lock her up. I bet not...And lets not forget Trump as president using his personal cell phone and forgetting it on a golf cart. Again, no chants of lock him up. Let's not forget Jared who's emails are all over Ivanka's server. And so on and so on. Any Trumpets what to start the chant??? T Hey, you guys know what white supremacist hate more than Jews, Polaks. Who here fits that description? kiki and sig to name two. Who loves the Polak hater Trump, kiki and sig to name two. Fucking dummies
Friday, November 23, 2018 5:08 PM
Friday, November 23, 2018 8:18 PM