Woman follows car thieves, defeats the criminals and wins a shootout, and retrieved her own vehicle

UPDATED: Sunday, December 25, 2022 09:46
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Saturday, December 24, 2022 4:36 PM


Seems that some strange Lawyers aka Liars and homosexual Police are supporting the criminal car hijackers

Meanwhile the media wants you outraged about some Basketball thing or Trump wrote something mean or Whoppi said something about chosen people

The Wild West days might return and street justice this ever expanding vigilante way because an entire system is about to fail?

Hopefully she is backed up by video recording like Kyle, hopefully is on tape shouting 'a citizens arrest' before she shoots them all dead.
steal a car worth 950 bucks in Commiefornia, then criminals are just allowed free rein with no punishment.

Perhaps she was tracking down the car with some app GPS satellite RFID thing or perhaps some poor sucker in some innocent way bought stolen goods on a site like craigslist and this woman shot him / her

Remember those old news reports, old photos and stories when the USA used to hang horse thieves?


Sunday, December 25, 2022 9:46 AM


Well... This one is kind of hard to gauge.

It only takes one person to steal a car. The article doesn't say the car was hijacked, so it's possible she had no idea who actually stole her car. Could be that one dude she killed didn't even know he was sitting in a stolen car. Then there's the case of a third man who somehow got shot in the head and survived (they don't go into detail at all about that, so it's left entirely to your imagination).

She's got to go to trial. You can't just go up to a car and start executing people. Especially not in public where innocent people who aren't related to the incident can get wounded or killed as a result, which seems may have been the case here with the third man who was shot in the head.

And how many people in our dumb species do you suppose actually have their license plate memorized? Could she have even been 100% positive that was her car in the first place and that she wasn't just straight up murdering people who had nothing to do with the theft of her car? I could step out into a parking lot from shopping on any given day and if I don't remember where I parked I could see 3 other cars that are the same color and style of mine, and back in my drinking days I've even walked up to one or two of them and only figured out the car wasn't mine when the key didn't open the door.

Yeah... No thanks. I don't want to be living in a world where some 50 IQ meth-head gets out of any justice deserved for walking around and being judge, jury and executioner every time their AIDS riddled brain reckons that they've been wronged.

Now... if she pulled out a gun and killed both of them while they were trying to drag her out of her car and steal it, I'd be all for it. It would be justified. If that were to start happening, as it did recently in Nevada, you'd see a lot of criminal balls shrinking and a lot less car jackings out there.


Growing up in a Republic was nice... Shame we couldn't keep it.






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