How would you like to upload fanvids to

UPDATED: Wednesday, September 1, 2004 07:44
VIEWED: 5327
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Friday, August 13, 2004 5:55 PM


I had two separate 'conversations' today with Embassy and with Haken about the possibility of uploading and hosting fanvids on The main issue is that the files are just too huge to do it automatically (or at least without Haken having to spend a lot of time -- that he doesn't have -- writing new code for it).

He thinks it shouldn't be a problem if people upload the files to a ftp site, then he could have a script automatically load them into the SQL Server database. The only questions are:

1) Are people comfortable uploading files using FTP? I'm pretty sure recent versions of IE support drag-and-drop file uploading to ftp servers if you click on an ftp URL, so hopefully this won't be too difficult.

2) Any thoughts about how to automatically set up the page describing the video? One idea is to have people upload an info file along with the video, which a script could automatically parse. Or perhaps we could have a submission page similar to the one you use to upload fanfic to the bluesunroom, where you could input a description, the name of the file you uploaded to the ftp server, etc.

Thoughts? Comments? Would people find this useful? Any ideas on the easiest way to do this?


Friday, August 13, 2004 6:04 PM


Well, as mentioned I'd be interested in doing this. I think that standardizing a video format would be a big favour to anyone wanting to download.

For example, if we all said, "Okay. Right. The official vid format is DivX 4 at 512 kbps, mp3 sound at 128 kpbs, 352 by 240, letterboxed if necessary, in the .avi container" we'd probably be doing everyone a favour both in bandwidth and compatibility.

One could always put pointers to the high-quality versions of any given vid.

As far as uploading via ftp, there shouldn't be any problem with that. I prefer scp myself, but ftp wouldn't be the end of the world. It's not secure data or anything, it's just for fun.

It would be neat to have a vid area of the Blue Sun Room, just so long as we didn't make unreasonable bandwidth demands on the Best Browncoat Fansite Ever.


Saturday, August 14, 2004 1:59 AM


A stray thought from someone who won't be uploading video. If someone can't hack FTP upload they probably can't hack producing a vid (that's worth downloading).


Monday, August 16, 2004 3:02 AM


I think this would be a great idea! I tried to work with Haken a while back to get the Jewel at Dreamcon video to him, it just didn't work out for various reasons (not for lack of trying!). But, this idea can only be a good thing in my opinion.


Monday, August 16, 2004 4:16 AM



Originally posted by csteinme:
I think this would be a great idea! I tried to work with Haken a while back to get the Jewel at Dreamcon video to him, it just didn't work out for various reasons (not for lack of trying!). But, this idea can only be a good thing in my opinion.

Post it to the binary newsgroup csteinme :)


Sunday, August 29, 2004 7:08 AM


1. There are several FTP programs out there that are easy use. With a link and short instruction sfor these programs, as well as for IE as you suggested, I think anyone would be able to FTP their mvs. I'm also willing to volunteer to help troubleshoot.

2. I think the submission page would be the easiest and make for the lease amount of errors. You could also have a text file that is a template that people download, rename and replace certain pieces of info (name of creator, name of video, description, etc.), and then upload through the submission page. This might make parsing easier since (hopefully), everyone has the same formatting in their descriptive text file.

I would *love* to see a music video section in the Blue Sun room. I have made one FF mv, and have ideas for other ones, but can't support the bandwidth I image the Firefly community would bring to my page (which is already maxing the bandwidth I have because of my anime music videos). I am going to have to take my personal page down to a rotation of only a few videos a month, so I'll eventually be able to incorporate my FF mvs there, but being able to have my mvs online all the time somewhere is a wonderful thought.

Also, creating a mv and having a web page to show them on are two completely different things. For those creators who have mvs but no other way to show them off, would be the perfect venue.

My .02 credits.

"It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."
- Dumbledore, "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets"


Sunday, August 29, 2004 7:22 AM



Originally posted by Embassy:
For example, if we all said, "Okay. Right. The official vid format is DivX 4 at 512 kbps, mp3 sound at 128 kpbs, 352 by 240, letterboxed if necessary, in the .avi container" we'd probably be doing everyone a favour both in bandwidth and compatibility

Another .02 credits worth ...

I agree setting a standard would be helpful, especially regarding the bandwidth issue, but I'd like to suggest a more general definition. Such as "no larger than 30 megs", along with recommended audio settings as you mentioned above and even video setting "suggestions", but not requirements. This lets people work within whatever program they are using to set whatever screen resolution and compression they need to meet the standard.

I think it would also be more accessible to a greater number of people of a specific codec was not set. DivX does some great things, but to the average creator using Windows Movie Maker which has limited output options who can't incorporate the DivX codec, they are suddenly locked out of the chance to show off their work. Having a standard of MPEG/".mpg" addresses the compatibility issue, and links to programs that will do conversions would help those who are using programs that are less sophisticated be able to participate.

"It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."
- Dumbledore, "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets"


Sunday, August 29, 2004 7:49 AM


I think all this about codecs is the smallest problem. The large one is filespace and bandwidth - but perhaps someone in europe feels like donating some, i have been told they are ripping people of over there :)


Monday, August 30, 2004 5:41 PM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

Well, FWIW, I finally got KestrelSempai's video into the Blue Sun Room the new way. Too a bit of manual work to get the code right, but sorta kinda works.

So, the following are needed for this to work right.

- File encoded as mpeg and zipped up.
- Info file with username, emailaddress, title, and description on separate lines.
- Both the zipped file and textfile should have the same filename, but with different extensions.

For example, if I were to upload a video called "Like a Reaver," I would:

- create "likeareaver.mpg"
- zip it to ""
- create a text file called "likeareaver.inf"
- in this file it'll look like this:

Like a Reaver
Video of Jayne made up like a reaver dancing to the Madonna tune.

The description field should be one long continuous line.

So, while this solves one problem, the bigger problem will be trying to figure out how much bandwidth this is going to use up.


Wednesday, September 1, 2004 7:44 AM



Originally posted by Haken:
So, while this solves one problem, the bigger problem will be trying to figure out how much bandwidth this is going to use up.

Can you track how much bandwidth an individual file uses? Just curious.

A suggestion for managing the bandwidith might be a rotation of videos, so there are only a certain number of videos online at any one time (example: 5), but all videos are accessible over a period of time (next week/month a new set of 5 videos are available).

"It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."
- Dumbledore, "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets"






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