Geller hesitant to do Slayer Movie

UPDATED: Thursday, January 6, 2005 05:48
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Monday, October 11, 2004 6:14 AM


BUFFY star hesitant about making a SLAYER movie

Oct. 11, 2004

"I have a lot of hesitation about it, since it WAS a movie, and I spent the first year of the show constantly explaining to people, ‘no no, it’s not like the movie’ because there was such a bias to the movie, because it didn’t work as a film," explained Gellar to Moviehole.

"And that’s my initial hesitation and the other is that clearly you’re going to disappoint people. I mean, I was very happy with the finale, but I still believe that it should have been two hours.

I believe there wasn’t enough Xander, that certain things get left out, and when you make a film you’re setting your self up to disappoint people.

Part of the reason I believe the show worked was because the story’s an arc and you felt for this character’s experience, and it wasn’t a beginning, middle and end and I don’t believe she worked like that.

I say that now, and if in a year they could send me the script, I could think it’s great and we could be at the junket a year and a half from now, but I will say that I have a lot of hesitations about it and it is not something I particularly want to do at this time."


Monday, October 11, 2004 10:03 AM


She must be smarter than Joss. Yes, that's it.


Monday, October 11, 2004 10:12 AM



Originally posted by Succatash:

She must be smarter than Joss. Yes, that's it.

Well her career is going SO well !!!

" Don't Blame Me I Voted For Kudos "


Tuesday, January 4, 2005 2:57 PM


I can understand her reasoning.

The original BtVS movie was a pile of crap.

However, if they did do a movie, I feel that it would be better than the original. The original movie was screwed with by the director...if there was another Buffyverse film, whether it be BtVS or Angel, I'd figure that Joss would direct, since he's got experience with it now.


Tuesday, January 4, 2005 4:52 PM


Well Sarah did say how she wanted to move onto bigger things, like Scooby Doo...Scooby Doo 2, and uh, that horror movie thing that wasn't really that good. Oh come on, Joss wouldn't let us down with a movie..right...right?


Tuesday, January 4, 2005 5:28 PM



Originally posted by DirtyBrowncoat:
I can understand her reasoning.

The original BtVS movie was a pile of crap.

However, if they did do a movie, I feel that it would be better than the original. The original movie was screwed with by the director...if there was another Buffyverse film, whether it be BtVS or Angel, I'd figure that Joss would direct, since he's got experience with it now.

The original BTVS movie was a pile of crap, because Joss had nothing to do with it. He sold a spec. script, and the studio made it into crap. We all know how well he handled the same material when he was in control (the series), so I have little doubt that a new movie would be great! SMG needs to get a grip. BTVS wasn't great because of her, it was great desite of her. The Scooby movies have made buckets of cash, but they are hardly movies she should be proud of, and her other movies are yawn fests! BTVS is the best acting job she's ever had. One day, she'll realize that, and quit trash taking it and Joss.

Personally, I'd rather see an Angel movie. We need closure after the series ending cliffhanger. Who survived (Angel, Spike?), who didn't (Gunn?), and can Wesley really be dead? Is there any of Fred's soul hiding within Illyria? Joss should include BTVS favorites, like Willow, Xander, and Giles, and include "other" Slayers like Vi (the most believable fighter of the group of potentials) and Kennedy. Now that Tru Calling has bitten the cancelation dust, Eliza Dushku seems to be availible again!!!

I'd given some thought to movin' off the edge -- not an ideal location -- thinkin' a place in the middle.


Tuesday, January 4, 2005 8:13 PM


From what I hear, all the movies are right now are just rumors. Joss is obviously busy with Serenity, and I imagine if it does well he'll be busy with sequels. True, he was able to juggle three shows at once, but a feature film is different.

And while you're right about the fact that a movie would be better with Joss at the helm, I can still see where SMG is coming from. I do, however, happen to think that SMG was fantastic as Buffy up until the last couple of seasons, where it kind of seemed like she didn't care anymore.

See, I'm iffy on movies or continuations of the story, myself. For Buffy, it kind of feels like it's over and done. The ending of Chosen really brought about a sense of closure to the series, and although I realize that we've gotten updates via season 5 of Angel and it's obvious they're not just sitting around and doing nothing, I'm not really sure that would warrant a movie or anything like that unless it was worth doing.

Same thing for Angel. Although Not Fade Away ended in a cliffhanger so to speak, I thought it was a fitting ending to the series and it had a message behind it.

I, personally, would like to see a brand-new show set in the Buffyverse, but with new characters.


Wednesday, January 5, 2005 9:14 AM



Originally posted by DirtyBrowncoat:
I, personally, would like to see a brand-new show set in the Buffyverse, but with new characters.

Well, there is that rumor about a possible BBC series called "Ripper"! That could be fun.

I'd given some thought to movin' off the edge -- not an ideal location -- thinkin' a place in the middle.


Wednesday, January 5, 2005 9:31 AM



Personally, I'd rather see an Angel movie. We need closure after the series ending cliffhanger. Who survived (Angel, Spike?), who didn't (Gunn?), and can Wesley really be dead? Is there any of Fred's soul hiding within Illyria? Joss should include BTVS favorites, like Willow, Xander, and Giles, and include "other" Slayers like Vi (the most believable fighter of the group of potentials) and Kennedy. Now that Tru Calling has bitten the cancelation dust, Eliza Dushku seems to be availible again!!!

I'd given some thought to movin' off the edge -- not an ideal location -- thinkin' a place in the middle.

I am in 100 percent agreement. Although If I had my way I would want Joss to end it his way & not necessarily the "heroes never die & miracle always happen" ideal that so many want to see. After all it's Joss. I'd want it dark & depressing & then the few rising up from the rubble and carrying on the good fight. After all that's what evil is ther for...to be fought. oh and.......F-a-i-t-h...

Check out my shop! Firefly & LOST products.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the road less traveled by and they CANCELLED MY FRIKKIN' SHOW. I totally shoulda took the road that had all those people on it. Damn." --Joss


Wednesday, January 5, 2005 10:53 AM


I agree Buffy had a great ending Angel on the other hand had so many lose ends and could do with a movie. Also is there a site anyone knows of that has free downloads of Buffy and Angel episodes? Ya FOX is repeting the series but it would take forever to get to the ones I missed


Wednesday, January 5, 2005 11:08 AM



Originally posted by kateri:
I agree Buffy had a great ending Angel on the other hand had so many lose ends and could do with a movie.

I thought it was kind of a fitting end. It was poetic and kind of pure Jossy...the heros taking their chance to fight the fight even though they probably won't make it.

(Spoilerishkinda for those who haven't seen Not Fade Away)

Select to view spoiler:

Though, I always have a fantasy idea of, JUST after Angel's line about taking the dragon, we hear the ever familiar voice of SMG offering to take the it for Angel, and cue a pan up to the top of a building. There stands Buffy, with dozens and dozens of former potentials behind her. They're armed and ready to fight. I think it would have been teh awesome, and then after the fight...Spuffy! ^_^

As for a Buffy movie, I would actually enjoy seeing a continuation of all our favorite characters. Maybe more of a meshing of Angel and Buffy characters, and we could find out more about the new council and all that new shiny stuff. And then see what happened with Angel and the gang over in LA. *Shrug* Though, I think if Joss should do anything involving that particular 'verse, it should certainly be a stage musical. Perhaps one named 'Andrew!'

And Sarah...I couldn't care less about Sarah. She's far to whiney for my taste. She's a very good actress, at least Buffy wise, but she just doesn't know how to treat the public and her fans. It seems she doesn't understand how truly obsessed we all are/were with Buffy. Just my opinion.

"Bwaa...it's kind of a warrior...strikes fear into the hearts of..."


Wednesday, January 5, 2005 11:14 AM


I sorta think a movie that didn't focus on Angel or Buffy would be the way to go. They've had their time in the spotlight. Sure they're still around and still major players in the buffyverse but it's time to explore something more.

I know most people never liked her but I think Dawn could be a good choice. They could do something with her being the key. We never really found out too much about that. I'm sure there are others in the verse that wouldn't mind a free ticket to another dimension. Glory could also be revived.

Willow is always another good choice. Faith is great and one of my favorite characters, but I don't know if she really could work as the main focus.

Anyway there are plenty of directions Joss could go other than Buffy and Angel. The only problem I see is $$$. I'm sure all the suits out there will think that unless Buffy & Angel are the focus there just won't be enough draw. Bah!


Wednesday, January 5, 2005 2:16 PM


I think it would be an interesting project to make Fray into a tv movie...who knows? It could lead to a series. Not that that is AT ALL likely, but I'd watch it.

***Never judge a book by its movie***


Thursday, January 6, 2005 4:23 AM


Though I agree that a Buffy movie wouldn't work as well as the TV series, I have faith that Joss Whedon would find a way to make it great.


Thursday, January 6, 2005 5:21 AM



Originally posted by Zeek:
I know most people never liked her but I think Dawn could be a good choice. They could do something with her being the key. We never really found out too much about that.

totally. they mentioned how the key used to be a green glowy swirl energy thingy, i always thought that it'd be cool to see dawn be able to tap into that energy in some way to make her a kick arse fighting force all of her own. that and the fact she's waaaaaay hotter than her big sis :)

and we need to see more of illyeria. definitely.

but, most importantly of all, people need to stop diffing the buffy movie. it bloody well rocked. kristy swanson was a far more attractive buffy than buffy ever was (as was eliza for the short period of time that she was buffy, making smg the 3rd, and least attractive buffy) and some of the gags were brilliant. and the bestest death scene ever filmed EVER!

eviltobz - that's lowercase gorram it!


Thursday, January 6, 2005 5:48 AM


Perididdle, in response to the section of your post in spoiler tags...

...I've thought about that myself. I mean, suppose

Select to view spoiler:

Wesley or Angel made a phone call before they went into battle?

Oh well. I guess we'll never know. That's what fanfiction is for anyway. ;)

Simon: You...you came for us.
Mal: You're on my crew.
Simon: Right. I guess I just didn't...you don't even like me.
Mal: You're on my crew. Why we still talking about this?







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