Simon "Those Left Behind" Cover Wallpaper
Thursday, August 17, 2006

See my previous cover wallpaper for information and disclaimer. Note: I had to touch this one up a bit to fit the wallpaper format.



Thursday, August 17, 2006 6:17 PM


Amazing wallpapers here, jpstargazer...even if some of the artwork seems a tad OOC;

I mean...most of the artwork is spot on, if only in conveying the spirit of the character. My only complaints come in how Inara and Simon are portrayed. Inara cuz she seems a tad youngish than she looks when made up...and a tad chubbier (though I certainly like me some full-figured women *wink*), and Simon holding a gun (especially one that looks like it's launching its sound suppressor as a projectile at the reader) that confidently seems a tad bit unsettling to me:(

Still...gotta give ya mucho props for doing these covers up as wallpapers, JPS:D


Thursday, August 17, 2006 9:14 PM


Yeah, going with Brigadier on this one. Same thoughts, oh and that Kaylee looked a tad younger than she looks on the show. Though, of course, you can't really do anything about that. And I only disagree on one point. I think Simon looks sooo hot with that gun. I mean, the man is sexy, but who doesn't like a man who knows how to shoot his pistol? Hmm, wow, let me take a step back for a sec. Oh yeah, and all you have to do now is put them all in one wallpaper;) Consider it a special request from the Terri-meister. Pretty please? We all believe in you.

Friday, August 18, 2006 9:47 AM


Ok. this reviews for all of them. I like the style of the artwork by the darkhorse guy. but I get the feeling he's not a fan/browncoat. The character's aren't as spot-on as I'd like to see, though your transition to wallpaper was flawless.

In my honest Opinion, I think they should hire mphillips, his artwork is exceptional, and his comic/graphic novel stuff is outstanding. So, yea, i'll send them a wave.

Monday, August 21, 2006 4:32 PM


Thank you for your comments, although I'd like to clarify that the artwork in not my own. It comes from the "Those Left Behind" comic series and therefore the portrayal of the characters had nothing to do with me (I wish it did for some of them...). I just touched them up and ported the images to wallpapers.

Terri, I'll see what I can do about a multiple character wallpaper, as I may have to remove the Serenity logos to avoid least I have something to work on now in my free-time! Thanks again.


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"Captain Tightpants Edition" DVD Cover
I bought the Serenity DVD for a friend last month for her birthday but I wanted to personalize it. So, knowing she thinks Nathan is just dreamy, I made this joke DVD cover for it. I thought I'd post it for all of the Nathan-appreciators out there.

(Note: If you want to print it out to use it in a DVD, you will have to resize the picture to a height of 520 pixels...I think that's the correct height for a DVD cover.)

Serenity Logo Aqua expression
I did this a while ago. I applied various effects to the Serenity logo to give it that glossy aqua look that's all the rage nowadays. It's only 128 pix because I use it as an AOL buddy expression and my Windows user icon (it looks better resized to the native 64 pix). I also did a BSG one that turned out pretty well, which I can post that if there's any interest. Enjoy!

Punch wallpaper from "Those Left Behind"
By request, here is the Book-punching-Mal scene. At first I had just the punch, but I felt that without and explanation, it was out of place. So I added the previous page...let me know if anyone wants only the punch (basically a larger version of the right half, minus the extra frame). I designed this for Windows-with-taskbar users, but anyone who doesn't want the additional white space, just crop it. Enjoy.

Standoff from "Those Left Behind"
Part of the comic series where our BDH's find themselves at gunpoints...not really the first time, I guess. Artwork created by original artist of the comic.

Scene from "Those Left Behind"
Took this image from the comic series. Artwork belongs to original artist.

Battle of Serenity Valley from "Those Left Behind"
When I was getting the artwork for my "Those Left Behind" character wallpapers, I grabbed a couple images I thought were cool. I'm not really a comic fan, but being a Browncoat, I really like these wallpapers. Artwork is the work of the original artist.

Serenity Blueprint Wallpaper
So I tried to make this look like a technical overview drawing of Serenity. The bounding box was designed for Windows users so that it was sort of centered due to the taskbar (sorry for any non-Windows or auto-hide taskbar users). The schematics are the work of the great people at ZOIC and the Serenity logo isn't mine either. Enjoy!

"Those Left Behind" Cast Wallpaper
Can't decide which of my "Those Left Behind" character wallpapers to use? Fret not, for now, by request, I have created a collage of all the covers/characters in one wallpaper. It slices, it dices, it makes julienne fries...okay, maybe not. Anyways, I'm pretty pleased with it. Much of the character placement was based soley on the margins of the original artwork. Please offer any comments or suggestions about character placement, and I apologize that Simon ends at the waist...there wasn't anything I could do.

Simon "Those Left Behind" Cover Wallpaper
See my previous cover wallpaper for information and disclaimer. Note: I had to touch this one up a bit to fit the wallpaper format.

Zoe "Those Left Behind" Cover Wallpaper
See my previous cover wallpaper for information and disclaimer. Note: I had to touch this one up a bit to fit the wallpaper format (if you can't notice, then I guess I did a good job).