Orphaned Soul, Part 2
Friday, July 30, 2004

Inara and Shephard Book try to help a troubled girl who has lost her brother, and perhaps her mind.


Read Part 1

----- A drop of water, sky-black. Two. Five. Eleven. The drops are now a cascade, a torrent of blackness raining down, circling, spiralling, dragging her down, choking her, drowning her… “SIMON!” She gasps and sits up on an unfamiliar bed, shedding the tangle of silken sheets clinging to her. An eyelid pulses distractingly as she takes in her surroundings. An elegantly dressed courtesan speaks in whispered tones with an elderly veteran wearing a protestant’s collar in place of dog tags. They do not look her way.

“simonsimonsimon…” Images flash through her head, resonating deafeningly behind her eyes – large, rough hands that reach at her from the dark – Her father lifts her high into the air, smiling proudly up at his ballet prodigy. Simon rolls his eyes. She sticks out her tongue at him – the cold metallic glint of the CTC seventy-one eleven – River collapses dramatically over Simon’s pad, mortally wounded by one of the independents’ pterodactyl lancers. Simon elbows her off the couch – the hard grate of a midbulk transport cargo bay, digging crosses into her skin – Simon cradles his shivering sister, concern etched across his face. A man asks what the hell is this? “This…is my sister,” he replies defiantly, unashamed of the tears running down his face.

“Simon?” She looks about the small shuttle, confused. Blue sky shines invitingly through a crack in the curtains. She closes her eyes and smiles. She wants to play, to run, to feel the grass between her toes. Where is Simon?

“What about us?” Simon’s nearby voice calms her. But why can’t I see him? Other voices, raised in anger and concern.

“You wanna throw me out the airlock, fine, but River's not a part of this.” River gasps, clutching the sheets to her sweat-drenched robes. The images are spinning past her faster now: a girl on an operating table, the shepherd with his head bowed to his Bible, a confrontation in the cargo bay, Simon running to the infirmary, the captain at the airlock controls, the companion screaming as she strains to reach the airlock door, the scenes blur together as they crescendo into a deafening roar.

Blackness takes her once again.


Continue to Part 3


Friday, July 30, 2004 9:50 AM


Shiny, this is good!!

Friday, July 30, 2004 3:49 PM


Thanks, SoS! :)

Saturday, July 31, 2004 10:31 AM


Shiny, where is the rest of this fanfic? I thought I told you to get writin'. ;p
REALLY nice job, man. I love it.

Sunday, August 1, 2004 4:03 AM


Quote: " elderly veteran wearing a protestant’s collar in place of dog tags."

I've always thought that the Christianity we see in Firefly is a result of Roman Catholics and Protestants being reunited. While Book does have a Protestant feel, there are some definate Roman Catholic elements. Such as his having previously been at a monestary and that he's taken an oath of celibecy.

Monday, August 2, 2004 11:59 AM


Good point, SittingDuck. I wrote protestant only because I had remembered reading that somewhere, either in an early script, or in an interview with Joss or something. But you are right, there are some clear Catholic elements as well.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005 9:52 AM


Oooooh!!! What the di yu is going on?!
Why is Mal so furious?

Great job Shiny!


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Orphaned Soul, Epilogue
Inara and Shephard Book try to help a troubled girl who has lost her brother, and perhaps her mind.

Orphaned Soul, Part 15
Inara and Shephard Book try to help a troubled girl who has lost her brother, and perhaps her mind.

Orphaned Soul, Part 14
Inara and Shephard Book try to help a troubled girl who has lost her brother, and perhaps her mind.

Orphaned Soul, Part 13
Inara and Shephard Book try to help a troubled girl who has lost her brother, and perhaps her mind.

Orphaned Soul, Part 12
Inara and Shephard Book try to help a troubled girl who has lost her brother, and perhaps her mind.

Orphaned Soul, Part 11
Inara and Shephard Book try to help a troubled girl who has lost her brother, and perhaps her mind.

Orphaned Soul, Part 10
Inara and Shephard Book try to help a troubled girl who has lost her brother, and perhaps her mind.

Orphaned Soul, Part 9
Inara and Shephard Book try to help a troubled girl who has lost her brother, and perhaps her mind.

Orphaned Soul, Part 8
Inara and Shephard Book try to help a troubled girl who has lost her brother, and perhaps her mind.

Orphaned Soul, Part 7
Inara and Shephard Book try to help a troubled girl who has lost her brother, and perhaps her mind.