Top 21 Things I learned from watching Firefly (by request)
Monday, October 4, 2004

here's the shirt hopefully this is fairly easy to read. Yes, it's available at my Zazzle shop.



Monday, October 4, 2004 3:56 AM


Since this is a picture of the shirt design, understand the text quality of the shirt is alot crisper.

Monday, October 4, 2004 5:41 AM


Love the shirt. Got to have one of those to wear for when new people ask me why I like Firefly; I can just point to one of the 21 examples. :)

Monday, October 4, 2004 8:53 AM


Shiny! Check your spelling though. Number twelve should have "too" instead of "to" and the first set of quotation marks around "Firefly" should be turned, if you can.

Monday, October 4, 2004 9:24 AM


The only thing I would say is slightly biased is the final part, people (non-fans) from different countries might not get that but otherwise it`s seriously coool.

Can we have one dedicated to the Jaynes philosophy & sayings? ;)

Monday, October 4, 2004 11:40 AM


Thanks for the input friends, it's always appreciated.

Zol, there are Jayneisms & Riverisms shirts at my Zazzle shop as well. In fact a few folk on here have them.

Monday, October 4, 2004 1:11 PM


funny the last one is so true


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JESUS FISH movie Poster
This is the poster for an upcoming independent film I'm producing. I posted something bout it earlier. But basically think of taking all the characters in the Omega Code & dropping them into Reservoir Dogs.

She's so articulate - Resurrected
With the Simpsons pic I felt inspired to bring this one back up.

Saw a lady with an M&M's shirt and this idea just popped into my head. Hope ya likes it. Yeah, I might do up a shirt of this design if there is interest.

A Browncoat & A Con-Geek. Me & my friend Crystal
Yeah, they did the whole dress-up thing for work, so we got into the spirit of it. There are lots of great con / fan stuff on Crystal's getup. All in all this was fun. I need to get the pics of me & FixedByFaith on here sometime. Her Kaylee outfit is the cutest, and yes, my wife would want me to use that word to describe it.

Only you.......
If you've experienced this you know what I mean. This was inspired by a talk with my friend Bryan. I have to give him credit for the "Fight Funk" Bar

Kirk vs. Mal
Inspired by the thread. I couldn't help it.

You might be a BROWNCOAT - Shirt
Come on we've all thought this. But I the shameless one had to do it. Here's the link...

Gorrammit! I want YOU to see SERENITY
Had to think of a pic to put in one last stream of e-mails to all them folks I know. I may try to make the resolution & such better later, for now I think this says it all.

Alba in a Paka / River in Kickin-a Mode - Inspired by Joss
"However it opens, it needs to HOLD. Instead of the Alliance we'll be fighting viewer apathy, fear of something new, the urge to wait for DVD, and Jessica Alba in a bikini. (Although I have it on good authority that she spends 90% of the film in a huge wooly parka. Make sure that gets out.)" - Joss

So here's my idea. Yes, I know I already posted this description. But you have a two sided pic, or poster, or the front & back of a t-shirt like this. Obviously this is just thrown together, but you get the idea. Have fun with it Browncoats.

Shameless Flirtatious Guerrilla Marketing Shirt
I have no shame. [cat]=

Yes, I'll make a regular T-shirt version as well.

I should work for the WB.