Morena, Chris Buchanan, Jewel, Nathan & Summer - lovely
Monday, May 2, 2005

Nathan really does carry the show & sometimes the cast as Summer cuddles upto him during a guest talk as Morena, Chris & Jewel look on. Darin (Zol.)



Monday, May 2, 2005 6:58 AM


I see now...River is a vampire, and she just bit our captain...Now he'll live forever!

Damn vampires! Look at their soulless eyes!

Monday, May 2, 2005 7:01 AM


It`s probably an evil stare at Zol. for having a camera pointed in their direction :)

Darin (Zol.)

Monday, May 2, 2005 12:06 PM


They're not vampires.

They're cat people!

Monday, May 2, 2005 12:43 PM


Umm, anyone spot the mistake I made, that`s not Chris Buchanan - That`s Jewels husband!

Monday, May 2, 2005 2:03 PM


Beautiful...and just to add an appropriate quote from Nathan:-

"Summer is the little sister I never had."

"....or wanted."

Monday, May 2, 2005 3:41 PM


Could that be Mark? It doesn't look like Chris or Matty.

Tuesday, May 3, 2005 2:17 AM


Nathan seems to have something to say for every occasion... which is a good thing, because it's always very funny :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2005 2:58 AM


Hiya Zol,
Another mistake, it's not Jewel's husband Matt, but Morena's love interest. Believe me, I talked to Matty a few times during the weekend, and this sure ain't him! And this guy was inseperable from Morena ...

Also, I thought the quote was about Jewel, Jewel is the little sister I never had, nor wanted!

But oh oh oh was it a great event or what!!! Still on cloud nine...


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Is that Jayne? Is that really him? :)
Alan Tudyk and myself at Collectormania 9 in Milton Keynes (UK) this weekend (end of April). A good time hd by all, Alan & Ron were there in High Spirits and great sports. Darin (Zol.)

Got VERA? (This is the really thing)
On display at a recent Starwars convention, there was a section set aside for Firefly props (& some form Serenity too) - I have more photos, but the Gorramn Alliance has shut it down due to excessive Browncoat action - but here`s Zol holding Vera, and I know it`s gonna make people very jealous, but you should have been there, maybe if we all email Starfury they will get the props displayed at Serenity3! Darin (Zol.) p.s. please don`t re-use the image without 1st asking, thanks!

Chrstine, Zol & Nathan
Newver get between Nathan & any hot(!) women, take a look at where he`s pointing his gun(!) this photo was altererd form 2 photos, I just wasn`t smiling or looking at the camera in the 1st photo but Christine was in such a hot pose! Darin (Zol.) p.s. taken at Starfury Serenity2 Con.

Serenity Production Art Wallpaper (1024x768)
Ok, so I added flare, chopped it in half, moved the artist info (to keep it on there)& otherwise darkened and sharpened the original image - so enjoy this as your desktop wallpaper. Darin (Zol.)

Fruity Oaty Bar - Wallpaper center image
Here`s just the center image of the wallpaper I posted earlier, just need to use this one as a `centered image` and not stretched or tiled - should work just fine. Darin (Zol.)

Alternative to Fruity Oaty Bar Advert?
A wallpaper (1024x768) that I created from the Serenity DVD, an old Postcard Scan of some cute aliens & some font choices too :) Darin (Zol.)

Joss accepts No.1 Film 2005 Award
Shown on the 29th of December, a screen cap with extra bits from the video clip, this was as voted by the viewers of the BBC programme Film 2005 in the UK. Joss thanks his fans from Britain-Land :). The vid clip is available from
regards, Darin (Zol.) May this be the 1st of many accolades for Serenity!

Back spaceship driver Mal with Inara in the pilot seat :)
came across this image, although it was very grainy, so cleaned it up for everyone to see. Darin (Zol.)

Hey Kids, Our lift has arrived! (a PC Wallpaper)
following on from a conversation on the official browncoats about `March of the Penguins` being in the top DVD selling spot, I present a wallpaper featuring Serenity & the Penguins!! :) Enjoy! Darin (Zol.)

Happy Browncoat Holidays Gift Tag
Up on the official board, they are having a competition for gift tags (closes on the 21st December), so I thought I would preview mine here, so anybody could use it either as a sticker or a tag, Happy Holidays everyone :) Darin (Zol.)