
Stuck fast
Friday, April 8, 2005

I knew the day would come . . I just didn't think it'd be so soon . . I’m on my 3rd series of fanfic and I (personal opinion only) reckon they’ve got better and funnier as I’ve gone along (especially when I cringingly read the first one!) . . . But I wrote a nice first chapter, set up a great story line and sat back expectantly, waiting for something to happen, inspiration to strike etc. and now I’m totally stuck – I really have no idea what’s gonna happen next . . . . It's such a shock . . . I guess I just have to sit back and let it rest – let the sediment sink to the bottom etc and maybe in a few days I’ll see where its going . . or maybe not!

Does this happen to everyone???

In the mean time I brought the DVDs of Sports Night – Aaron Sorkin’s first TV thing before West Wing – I’m watching it on my apple as I don’t have a region 1 DVD player and it never came out over here in Blighty! It’s surprisingly good!

You can see where West Wing came from (including a lot of the actors), but you can also see the mistakes. . e.g. Aaron just can’t write full-on comedy as the stories are often pretty poignant and have those overblown West Wing speeches and the 30 minute format just doesn’t sit right and as for the canned laughter track – eurgh!

But my main question is why the hell isn’t Josh Charles in more stuff – he’s pretty damn cute – last thing I remember seeing him in was as Knox Overstreet (?) in Dead Poets Society – that awful schmaltzy, teen, finding-yourself, coming-of-age film with Robin Williams (*sticks finger down throat*). As I recall he was the only reason to watch it . . . Is he in more stuff in the US? If not, why the hell not??



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