
I just don't know what to do with myself
Sunday, May 22, 2005

Well blow me down with a feather! I can't actually believe it. I've reached the end of the line. Everything acedemic I have ever done has been leading up to this very moment. Yes ladies and gentlefolk I have finally finished my life as a student. There is one major problem. What do I do now?

I had my final exam last Monday and I feel like I havn't had a spare moment since. What with work, a dance competition and the annual university music festival I've been on the go continuously. I'm not complaining though. It has been lovely to do something exclusivly for me for a change without worrying about the next deadline and how much revision I should be doing.

So today I slept for 10 hours! (boy did I need to) When I finally woke up I figured that as it was a lovely day I would do some spring cleaning. In the space of an hour I broke my printer, the internet stopped working and the door fell off the washing machine. Some days you just shouldn't get out of bed right?! On the plus side I now have a lovely tidy house.

Today was the first day I have had a chance to even think about the fact that I need to figure out what to do with the rest of my life. The trouble is I don't have a clue. I'm very much of the view that everything will be alright in the end so I'm trying not to let this sudden realisation worry me too much. I'm looking forward to whatever life has in store for me as I embark in to the big wide world. Beside with trips to the zoo, the beach and the Summer Ball coming up in the next few weeks I know I'll always be a kid at heart!

Take care

Alison (BA)


Sunday, May 22, 2005 4:52 PM


There's always graduate school. :-)


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