
There comes a time in everyone's life ...
Thursday, September 1, 2005

So that’s it. No more Fanfic (an observation that is likely to upset no one but me!) …

I’m gonna concentrate on writing proper stuff that I should be writing, but don’t’ enjoy as much instead, but I’m gonna take what I learnt with me. Among other things I learnt writing my first (and last) ever fanfics were the following:

1. I never knew I could write anything that long;
2. Intersperse exposition with conflab – it’s makes it easier to read;
3. Character is everything;
4. If you don’t have a plot, peril will do;
5. *guay* is the Mandarin for Hell;
6. Always re-read old fanfics after some months, you won’t believe you wrote them;
7. Write a little bit every day whether you want to or not, you can always delete it later;
8. Writing it down tends to ruin your imagination – it’s like it’s set in stone and it did happen that way, you can’t change the story once it’s written;
9. You may think you’re writing for yourself, but you actually just want an audience, ya big egomaniac!

So adieu, Hat et al, I’m sure gonna miss you guys …

But I have to be big and grown up about this and write something I might be actually able to sell! But at least I know I can persevere and I owe that all to Mr Whedon and Firefly!

As one of my very best friends said to me (whilst waiting to see the BDM last week):

“There must be something seriously good about this Firefly thing to make you actually write fanfic, ya freak!” (ah, I love my pals!)


Friday, September 2, 2005 12:41 PM


NOO!!! Aw, well... I'm about to go read all your other stories..So au revior for now!!

We'll miss you!!


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