
Coinkidinks and Go-Se...
Friday, September 9, 2005

It's not like I am obsessed with "Serenity" and "Firefly" these days, but as the movie approaches, more and more things show up before my eyes and ears that remind me of it. Cases in point:

1. I opened a Victoria's Secret shoe catalog yesterday (yes, VS sells shoes too, boys!) and there, on page 3, I read:

FRYE shearling boot.

I mean, what are the chances? And so you can see I'm not on crack, go here:

2. I usually like to watch an episode of something Joss with my breakfast, so I turned on the TV and went to fetch my "Angel" DVDs. As I approached the TV to peruse the DVD player, the people in the CBS local morning news had just finished with the traffic report, and the lead anchor went, "Thank you, VERA ."

I mean, come on, what are the chances??

One last thing - what kind of crack is Universal on? Or the site designer for the movie? Why are they calling Hoban "Wash" Washburn, our pilot, "Jerry Lee Warren" on the screensaver??? Warren is Zoe's last name, even though they're married. WTF???


Friday, September 9, 2005 7:47 AM


I've noticed similar oddities. I am ashamed to admit that without the show I may not have noticed, but you know how River says "Mal. Bad. In the Latin?" Well it turns out it means bad in French too ... and Spanish too ! And I even speak French. Speaking of River, every time I look at a map it says something like the Mississippi River, or the Ohio River. Does every map in the world just assume that River Tam is looking at it? That is obscene! I even saw a group of kids playing Simon says next to a statue of Hippocrates the other day.

Ok I made that one up. But the rest is true. I think something very strange is up.


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