
bwah!- and its physics
Sunday, September 18, 2005

so, anyone else notice that we only have 12 FREAKIN' DAYS LEFT! i'm now throwing a party at my house for newbies and am staying up all night before making jayne hats while they watch ff. *super excited*

i plan on entering the npr this i believe essay contest. once i'm done i plan on posting it here if you don't mind . . . how to mention firefly though? i suppose there is a way. i will win and be on the air and all the browncoats in the world will smile.

i gave the first disc of the dvds to my physics teacher. he watched 'em with his 12 yr old son. apparently i should have answered in the affirmative when he asked about nudity -BUT YOU DON'T SEE ANYTHING. sorry, mr. he he he!

12 mo' days!


Monday, September 19, 2005 10:06 AM


that's the scene he was talking about. he hasn't even gotten past kaylee getting shot. he says he's been sick but the way i see it- nothing fixes a body like a trip to the riM!

Monday, September 19, 2005 5:20 AM


There is also her opening scene where she's getting humped by the clock cheating guy ...

Sunday, September 18, 2005 7:44 PM


What Nudity???

The only exposed skin on disk 1 I can think of is Enara's back while she sponges off. She's covered from the waist down, so she's not "nude", and some women wear evening gowns that expose as much back.

God help this guy if he ever sees a woman laying face down on a towel with her top untied.

I guess my life is a lot more risqe' than I thought. . .

Sunday, September 18, 2005 4:30 PM


Uh ... since when has it become inappropriate for people to be nude anyway? We are all born naked, as it turns out. Perhaps we aren't all born attached at the groin to another human, but hey that only happens like twice, three times if you must count Wash's spanking Zoe. And well, that's just another part of life. Don't make the kids ashamed of it or there won't be any 12 year olds left to protect from the evils of our animalistic reality.

But if sex is what brings 'em on over to this side, well, I'll see to it they get their fair share. Not no sad seven.

No seriously, we have to pimp out Firefly or we may never get a new episode. And yes, I believe we will get a new episode. I have to.

"Why's that sir."

Sunday, September 18, 2005 1:05 PM


Yeah, those of us with 7 and 9 year old nephews could have told you to give the nudie warning. (I bet the 12 yr old thanks you, though)

But, hey, yay to spreading the word! Your physics teacher? Wow. That's impressive.

So far, I have my fiance, my mother, my friend and the guy behind the counter at the DVD shop. My work is far from over.


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