
Fully clothed yet strangely inarticulate …
Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Do you ever commit yourself to a course of action, which you know to be right, but which you somehow wish you’d never embarked upon??

Yes, that’s right, I’ve gone and got myself a new job and this week is my last week at my friendly, funny little law firm where they don’t seem to mind that I spend all day reading Blue Sun Room items and surfing the net. As of Monday I shall be with a big, shiny firm, where they’ll expect me to work hard and get results …

Why oh why did I decide to do this??

Yes I know I thought I was bored and that fanfic was not a way to advance my legal career, but now I think I might have been wrong …

Someone tell me it’s just pre-performance anxiety, a stage fright of sorts, if you will …

Thing is, I got sent a letter from my new firm in preparation for my advent, well not so much a letter as a prior warning in an envelope… It was a memo all about what I am to do in my first few days of “induction” and how, if I don’t read the three staff manuals handed to me in a “branded” bag and follow them explicitly, I will be guilty of a “serious disciplinary offence” …

I feel like I’m being punished prospectively just in case I screw up and I’m as scared as all hell! Erk! Hopefully this Memo is just an example of HR gone crazy, but what if I’ve made a horrible mistake???

Worry-wort Zoot (I’m thinking of changing my name, it's got a sort of puritanical ring to it)


Tuesday, September 20, 2005 8:35 AM


My new job gave me a whole load of do's and do not's, all framed in scary legal terms. I turn up and everyone is as nice as pie. The contracts won't define what the place is like.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005 1:51 AM


it’s just pre-performance anxiety, a stage fright of sorts!

if you've managed to wait to see firefly brought to the big screen you can handle anything! i just know you'll do marvelously and have great conversion stories for us later.

YOU'RE STILL FLYIN'! keep it up


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