I LUV SCI-FI and i hate every store I can find
Friday, November 25, 2005

Can I just say there is nothing better to a poor Firefly fan who cannot afford the dvds until her birthday (I am talking about me if their are any really stupid people out there!)so anyway there is nothing better then four hours of Firefly I LOVE YOU SCI-FI!!! and I hate Wal-Mart and every other retail store I have been to cause none of them have the dvds so I cannot get them at the store, even for my Birthday which is now in...16 days whooohooo!!! I am gonna get a firefly t-shirt, the dvds, a poster anything and everythng firefly!! and for christmas SERENITY!!!!!!


Sunday, November 27, 2005 9:24 AM


I cant get them at Amazon cause my computer isnt secure. so I cannot buy things online without a great risk.
and I have not got a car or drivers lincense yet to go to best buy or anyplace unless my mom takes me... and oddly enough my mom does not symphethize to my plight! so basically I am screwed.
I WANNA GO SEE THE BDH'S!!!!!stupid poorness and stupid un-symphathetic parents!

Saturday, November 26, 2005 7:19 AM


I feel your pain, there are those of us who are so poor we can't afford to go to ANY of the Flanventions to see the BDH's! OR buy more than one copy of the DVD's!

Friday, November 25, 2005 4:32 PM


The last time I was at Best Buy they had about twenty copies of the Firefly dvds on the rack.

Or, there's always, and you can use Haken's link on the homepage to buy them and help out this site a little bit too.


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