
....... why.... HEY there :)
Monday, February 27, 2006

Hey everyone!!!

Nice to see all the happy smiles again!!! My trip to Brisbane was as good as it could of been although I'm now suffering from some sort of sickness and I have no ide what the hell it could be!
---> You see, as my plane was landing my ears like blocked and my right ear has yet to pop (it's been like a week) and it's driving me insane!!!! And now, I have this rash on my feet, hands, neck & elbows and the doctor said they were bites... Umm yeh, wow those critters are picky with my skin - OBVIOUSLY they don't like my legs (and my legs are hot!!! DAMN YOU!!!)
what a quack!!! I'm going again this arvie to another doctor...

Hmmm enough of my sickness LOL! Brisbane was fine - it was sOo hot! But I was pretty much "under the weather" *wink wink nudge nudge* the whole time... While I was sloshied, I decided to make a face mask with some avocado (from that nights salad... hahaha sOo gronky!), lemon, honey, toner, clearasil and some commercially made mud masks... it was AWESOME!!! I recommend it lol!!!

I'll be going up there in about a couple of days -it's my brothers 18th... they grow up sOo fast don't they? It will be a little weird, he has kinda changed and there is nothing I can really say (as a speech) because he has let me down so much... it's heartbreaking thinking about it! But nonetheless, as a big sister, I want to give a nice little speech but I do need some help - I've been going through a couple of things but nothing seems to work... My dad gave a crappy speech for mine... *ahem* "Let's just hope she doesn't run up the phone bill again! HAHAHA!"
Funny.... It was only the once! Ahhh... I think I'll stop my ranting...

So yeh... can anyone help? :)
But again... it's great to be back and thank you ALL for your emails :)

Love ya!!!


Monday, February 27, 2006 3:22 PM


Hey Jessica,

Funny how that works. It's night here, and dark; and yet my sky is all manner of shiny because you returned! :) ... Okay, that was pretty lame. Perhaps I just really need to say it like it is: I'm very happy you're back. Period.

Oh yeah, and you're a totally cool person! :)

Seriously, I like your radiant nature. More so, even, because I sense it's real. I read this blog, and you write in such sweet fashion, lifting up the soul of the reader. And yet, what I read between the lines makes my heart grow even fonder of you. Because, I dunno how to put this delicately, but when it comes to your family, it appears you're pretty much on your own. :( And that is monumentally sad. :( Not to mention baffling, too, since you have such a genuinely loving disposition -- which is, I guess, the worthier part of this story.

It really makes my heart glow that you want to "do" for your brother, given he's given so little back. Short of lying, I'm not really sure what you could tell him. And I do not know him, of course. And some say the best revenge is living well. But I never really like that, because it just keeps people separated and detached from one another. Personally, I believe the best way of living well, is living by example. Like you do, here. So, why not try just that? Simply, as his older sister, let him know he can count on you. Maybe that's the best present for him to "get".

I'm messing up your space again; I'm sorry for that. :( Just know, that whatever you do, I'm here for you.

Monday, February 27, 2006 2:54 PM


True true!!! V. funny line!!!

Monday, February 27, 2006 2:47 PM


Well, if it's a crappy speech you're looking for, you can always borrow Jayne's material.

". . . but you took that stick, and y-- . . . Well, you took it, and I guess --well, I guess that's somethin'. . ."

Monday, February 27, 2006 2:23 PM


Awww thanks chicky!!!
Thanks for your emails hun!!! I haven't got a chance to reply yet...
BTW... Your secret is safe with moi :)

Monday, February 27, 2006 2:19 PM


Welcome back darling!


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