
Ex-girlfriends are made by the devil
Wednesday, June 16, 2004

So, God only knows why, I went to hang out with my ex-girlfriend, get my hair did, etc. Backstory for those of you, being everyone but Static, who don't know the "sitch". Ex-girlfriend dumped me for my friend, dumped him out of the blue, cheated on both of us, sometimes with the other, and still likes to play silly mind games revolving around my incomprehensibly remaining desire for her. Well, maybe not her so much as her in certain circumstance. Anyway. We don't get along in the prescence of, well, humans. Just the two of us, and it's a-ok. And she's got and doing things with my hair, coloring, cutting, etc. So I get my hair touched up and go to the mall, meet another friend. All fine and good. Then she calls her current boytoy, a will-less boy some few weeks older than me, and, as she has reminded me, also a lot like me. Right. Also he's her manager. That has good written all over it. But he makes a lot of money, and bends to her will. Everything she wants, nothing she needs. So we're all eating and she decides that it would be a good idea to bring him into our collective presence. Yeah. Great. Wonderful.

I hate ex-girlfriends, but still love her. If I didn't, it wouldn't hurt. Goramnit straight to ruttin' hell.


Friday, June 18, 2004 10:22 AM


I thank you all for your kind if...blunt words. I don't generally spend time around her if I can help it. In this case, another friend of mine was going up to visit and wanted a buffer, so I take one for the team. There are a few times when I can't help but be around her. She belongs to the same Royal Court that Static and I are a part of. And you better believe I'll be bringing that super-intelligent, gorgeous girlfriend to meet the ex. Whenever she decides to show up. She's a little late, but hey. I'm a patient guy.

Friday, June 18, 2004 9:33 AM


If you lived here, I'd do your hair so you don't have to hang out with that #@!**&^ (*&^%! anymore. Hey I'm almost a neuropsychologist, I can do hair You'd look shiny, trust me
Anyway, I hope you meet an extremely gorgeous, superintelligent, and NICE girl soon, and the moment you do.. introduce her to your ex and 'till then: STAY CLEAR OF THE EX FROM HELL!

Thursday, June 17, 2004 9:07 AM


Not all ex-girlfriends are from the devil. Just yours, and maybe Courteny Love. If you stop hanging out with her, you'll eventually stop caring about her. She clearly doesn't care about you.

Thursday, June 17, 2004 7:24 AM


I agree with quicksand. You need to hurry up and meet the next ex missus thegreyjedi

Wednesday, June 16, 2004 8:22 PM


You need to hurry up and meet your Next Ex.

Wednesday, June 16, 2004 7:48 PM


Tell you what I'm 30 and been married three times yes that is alot but out of all three I've learned that it is hard to find a good women but she is out there if a women cheats once it will happen again. Hard to live with Hard to live with out lolol.


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