Where's Darwin when I need him?
Monday, December 18, 2006

Monday, and already a sucky week.

My idiot "new" neighbors below (see: "Almost" blog) are well on their way to proving that the being with the most intelligence in their household is the dog.

With all the stuff with Mom happening, I've been having a bit of insomnia (aided and abetted by the verboten caffine I had last weekend) and have had trouble falling asleep and staying that way.

Last night, I actually feel off almost immediately...sometime after 11pm. Enter the downstairs idiots. Freaking 1am, they're outside with the dog, screaming and yelling...for FUN! I woke up thinking someone was being murdered and find out they're just out there playing. Oh, and when confronted by me on their way back in (me in disgruntled grizzly bear mode) try to fluff it off as it was someone else out there.

Funny...everything I heard sounded exactly like their voices. Wow...someone outside does impressions at 1am. Not. And even funnier...all the noise stopped one they came back in. How stupid do they think I am anyway?!

These are the same folks that almost got evicted the first week here due to noise complaints, which they didn't know the thin ice they were on at that point...they waited a month to open their mail from the office manager.

They need to get a f****ing clue. I'm ready to beat them bloody with a clue stick. Because of those twerps, I got 2 hours of sleep! yep, I couldn't fall asleep after that and as I had to get up at 4am, was unable to take anything to help.

Someone shoot them and save the gene pool before they reproduce.


On the Mom front: Mom's been doing poorly since I was up there last weekend. She tried to eat something that didn't agree with her and hasn't been able to keep food or liquids down much since then.

She and my step-father are going to the hospital for a conference with the doctors about this and a few other issues tomorrow. If mom doesn't decide to cancel out as she did the previous time in mid-November.

Due to my s-i-l's work schedule, we won't be able to get together up there until after the holiday, but I'm not too sure that mom won't be in either a hospital or a hospice as she needs to get fluids and soon, so an IV may be the only way.

*hugs* to all you shiny folks.



Tuesday, December 19, 2006 4:32 PM


Warm wishes and hugs to you from me. Hang in there; the idiot neighbors may either come to their senses or get beaten senseless. I hope your mom will get to meet with the doctors and get some good information. We're here for you.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006 7:04 AM


RMMC Oh hugs baby and I wish so that I could make things better for you. Your neighbors sound insane...hmm have you considered calling your local loony bin to see if there's been an escape. Or just call the police every time they do it and get em evicted. Hang in there sweety and if there is anything I can do to help, please let me know

Tuesday, December 19, 2006 4:33 AM


your neighbours remind me of my neighbours, who decided to play music at 2am the morning i had an exam.

Monday, December 18, 2006 6:14 PM


Totally agree with you RMMC...there are just some people who either need to be beaten with a clue log (stick ain't big enough for those dingbats) or effectively neutered to keep their shoddy DNA out of the gene pool;D

And lots of positive vibes are coming your way (and your mom's) from me;D


Monday, December 18, 2006 5:56 PM


And hugs to you.

My best wishes go out to your mom, and may a swarm of locusts infest the nether-regions of your neighbours.


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