
Yay for Silver Birch!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007

ooo, I have had such a blooming marvellous weekend!
On top of a pay rise at work (ok, only 20p an hour, but still... my first pay rise, no longer on minimum wage) I also won £58 on the Grand National! (hence the yay for Silver Birch - the horse that won). Now before you jump to conclusions, no, I do not gamble, but its a tradition in my family to each put £1 on a horse in the National, and this year I got lucky (very, since I pick the horse by the colours the jockeys wear. This one was lack with blue stars, so it was clearly going to be the best
So I can now pay for the beautiful bright red shoes I want for prom that match my cheongsam so perfectly, and actually cost more than the dress (I'm doing the whole thing on a shoestring, seen as I have to pay for everything myself). I know its a bit early, but I have to buy them now, so I can learn to walk in them - they have huge heels, and I don't want to fall flat on my pigu. I have extreme difficulty with anything over about an inch.

I wore my glasses to school for the first time today, and I had so many people ask me "when did you start wearing glasses?" including my ex, and of course it was only after I had walked away that I realised that I should have said: "I've always worn glasses. Thanks for noticing." to him
Its so weird seeing everything in focus, but I still don't like wearing them, even if they do make me look slightly less of a dumb blonde. Fortunately, the problem with my eyes isn't too bad, and might not even be permanent, so no ridiculously expensive designer glasses for me not that that is so much of a problem, anti-fashion person that I am!

Watched V for Vendetta at the weekend.. what a film! That, 300 and Pan's Labyrinth are by far the best films I have seen recently, though I am determined to read the graphic novel of V for Vendetta, there were so many things that the film left unanswered. And was I the only one yelling "take the mask off!!" at the end? I think not.


Wednesday, April 18, 2007 1:17 PM


Don't think that even in the graphic novel is V's presumably scarred visage shown. Though I haven't read the GN yet, even though I own it:$

And congrats on the Grand National win. I don't gamble either, but I recently netted £100 in the national savings bond lottery..even though I am not a citizen of the UK (gotta love Welsh relatives;D)


Tuesday, April 17, 2007 10:01 AM


I REALLY wish I'd put a bet on the Grand National, because there's a place called Silver Birches just down the road from me, and I would have chosen that horse!

I didn't though. *sigh* But my housemate did, and I'm glad to hear you got to share in the plenty too.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007 9:57 AM


Yes V for Vendetta is fantastic!!! Oh and serious whoooo for shoe shopping finance!!!


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