
Tarantula migration?!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

WTF? I don't want to be anywhere where there's a possibility of tarantula migration! That's right--TARANTULA MIGRATION. Let that image sink into your head for a minute. Are you visualizing the horrible image I'm getting? Of thousands of gross, hairy giant spiders...rolling over the search of, god only knows what...I mean, what the hell do they want?! I can tell you right now that I'd face Reavers before I'd be anywhere near that shit!

I hate spiders. Hate'em. Too many legs. Gah!

Imagine now my relief that "its not really a migration" but individual males travelling the countryside in search of females...for mating. And they won't hurt you, cause they aint poisonous...

Ew! Guess what? I am not relieved at all.

As far as I'm concerned, I'm for loading up the
gorram land mines to keep them from crawling anywhere near me. I'm serious. I do not even want to think about these things!

Unfortunately, there are people around me who find this no end of amusing. I find it a good way to get shot. I've got bug spray with the long range nozzle, and I am sleeping in my gorram boots from here on out.

I totally did not want to know about the existence of spider migrations. I will never be the same. I am scarred. I might need counseling for this.

Going into serious, hardcore denial now...


Sunday, March 14, 2010 1:25 PM


Supposed to be out in Arizona, which is where I'm heading...

We'd never cotton to that shit in Kentucky...

I am NEVER, EVER taking my boots off again until I am away from any possibility of migrating gorram spiders!

Thursday, March 11, 2010 4:26 PM


LOL! Where do you live? 'Cause I am NEVER coming there! Never! "Gah" and "Ew" sum it up nicely.


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