Entries are sorted in chronological order with most recent entries at the bottom of the page.


I have heartburn
Thursday, July 6, 2006 9:15:37 AM

I have had it since Monday. All day Tuesday I was sick as a dog. I am od'ing on Prevacid, but it won't go away. It is the awful kind that makes you throw up. Yeah, TMI. Saw the lawyer yesterday. ...


Tonight I feel:
Wednesday, July 12, 2006 6:00:35 PM

Every Little Thing by Dishwalla Let me in to see you in the morning light to get me on and all along the tears they come see all come I want you to believe in life but I get the strangest feeling ...


This too shall pass - but give me a valium anyway
Wednesday, July 19, 2006 5:06:27 AM

OK #2 has Marfan's and a severe case of pectus excavatum (look them up its lovely). He has to have surgery NEXT WEEK. Yesterday we spent the afternoon getting an echocardiogram. ON A 15 YR OLD BOY. ...


Tonight I feel
Thursday, July 20, 2006 2:38:16 PM

Home Dishwalla (Opaline) I'm so sick and tired of all these things that drag me down I've got no where to go they say that life is in these hands you give everything you give yourself away ...


Status Quo
Friday, July 21, 2006 2:28:21 PM

Good news - Tricare has approved the surgery, so #2 and I will be at the hospital bright and early Wednesday morning for the surgery. I have to admit I am not crazy about some man cutting open my child's ...


Day after the day that shall not be named
Monday, July 24, 2006 4:09:21 AM

Well I had an interesting anniversary of my mothers labor. Lets see - #1 called in a panic because his tire was flat - so mom (me) rushed to the rescue and 2 tires and $249 dollars later - problem ...


Freaking out and Hyperventilating
Tuesday, July 25, 2006 9:20:22 AM

So the nice lady from the Mobile Infirmary calls me to ask about #2, things they need to know before surgery and she says that after the surgery he will be brought to the Surgical Intensive care unit ...


I'm about to lose my mind up in here, up in here!
Monday, July 31, 2006 6:39:55 AM

With #2 at home and my mom on the mend, though still in hospital, I must now turn my thoughts to the divorce hearing on Friday. I am not looking forward to it. I get a really bad feeling and my heart ...


I swear by my pretty flower bonnet I must end him!
Monday, July 31, 2006 11:07:22 AM

OK Please excuse my language but that F^&king piece of S&*t has gone to the house on the pretext of visiting #2 ONLY so that he could take pictures of the inside of the house. When borrowed girl told ...