Pulled Apart (3 of 5)
Saturday, May 6, 2006

Part three of five. Prompts 41 through 60 of the Joss100 challenge. Lotsa stuff happens. Kaylee focused with Jayne and Simon in there (and some Mal. Enjoy.


Title: Pulled Apart (3 of 5) Author: meimei42 (Dani) Characters: Kaylee, Simon, Jayne and crew Rating: PG-13ish Challenge: Joss100, prompts 42 through 60 Warning: takes place after the series with no reguard for the film Disclaimer: All characters and places do not belong to me. Pairings: This story veers in a certain direction now, you'll have to read to see

Author's Note: This story is dedicated to Squish_67 who has been so awesome with her help and betaing. Frenzy who also helped with betaing even though she isn't a big fan of what I'm shipping in this story. I hope ya'll like it.


41. Watch

He stayed to himself mostly, trying not to call attention to himself. The last thing Jayne Cobb needed was people knowing how’d been keeping an eye on Kaylee. He couldn’t help himself though. It was easy enough to disguise, girls attention was always on that gorram doctor, sitting with him in the infirmary, making him food or doing things for him. Even when she wasn’t around him she was helping out with River or something. Girl had a heart of gold and Jayne couldn’t help but think she was wastin’ it on that prissy hundan.

Still, with her attention elsewhere, it gave him the opportunity to observe and sort out his thoughts. Jayne knew lots of stuff about guns and tracking and killing people, but women folk were a whole other thing. ‘Less it came to pleasing them of course because he was damn good at that. But when it came to understanding women, he could be a bit slow. He was deliberate in his thinking , not wanting to put his feet on unsteady ground because lets face it, there weren’t ground more unsteady than ground controlled by a woman. No, he would just sit back and watch for now.


42. Monster

Kaylee stared up at the bright light, her hand reaching out to grab it. Every time she got closer to reaching it, the light pulled away. It was frustrating but she tried again. Her hand reached out and she took a step forward, but this time the light went out. It was hard to see anything in the sudden darkness.

"Hello?" She was in Serenity, she could tell that much by the outline of the hall. Even in the darkness she was able to make that out. The ship groaned and she looked around herself nervously. She needed to find someone. Kaylee quietly headed for the infirmary. Simon was sleeping. His face was pale and gaunt, his lips were blue. She reached out to touch his face, but it was like moving through sand. Everything moved so slowly.

"Simon?" she whispered. No answer. Kaylee looked around the room, everything seemed to have a blue glow. That was when she spotted it through the window, the man in the red body armor. His face was fuzzy, but she knew who it was. Turning, Kaylee ran out of the room. Her heart was pounding in her chest. She had to get away from here.

"Kaylee!" She didn’t want to turn around, but she knew she didn’t have a choice. It was like a blink and she was facing him. The man was wrapped in shadows but she knew who it was. Stepping into the light, she could see him. Mal, cloaked in the red body armor stood a few feet down the corridor.

"You ever been raped?" The words echoed in her skull. Her feet felt glued to the ground. She couldn’t move. Mal took a step forward a menacing look on his face. Kaylee couldn’t move, all she could do was scream.

Jayne shook Kaylee’s shoulder, trying to snap her out of whatever nightmare she was in. She was gonna scream herself hoarse. "Gorramit girl, wake up!" Jayne shouted. He heard Kaylee’s hatch door open and saw out of the corner of his eye Zoe dropping down the ladder. She looked at him questioningly and Jayne could only shake his head and shrug.

"Nightmare?" the first mate asked. Jayne wanted to answer yes and that it wasn’t the first one she’d had this week. He had heard her waking up most nights crying. But never like this. Never with a scream that could have woken the rutting dead. So all he did was nod.

Her screaming slowed and Jayne realized she was coming around and waking up. Her eyes opened and she looked around nervously as she tried to catch her breath.

"You okay, Kaylee girl? Monster trying to get you?" Jayne asked, trying to lighten the mood and make her feel safe. She only shook her head.

"N-no….the Cap’n." Jayne and Zoe looked at each other questioningly.

"The Captain was after you?" Zoe asked uncertainly. Kaylee only nodded and buried her head into Jayne’s chest as she cried.


43. Time

Mal didn’t like this one bit. He didn’t like the fact that his engineer was having nightmares about him. From what he had heard coming from Kaylee’s bunk and what Zoe had said, they sounded like rutting bad nightmares at that. Zoe had said to just give it time, but from the little Kaylee had told his first mate, these nightmares had been going on for awhile. How much time did Kaylee need?


44. Seasons

Simon stared up at the ceiling as he basked in the quietness of the infirmary. River was asleep on the bed up against the wall and Kaylee was out with Wash and Zoe. The couple had thought taking her out to get some fresh air and go swimming might be good for her. She was so nervous and jittery since that night terror she had had a few days back, it was good to get her off the ship and relaxed.

It seemed like every waking moment was spent with him in the infirmary if she could manage it. That or she was working on the engine. Anything to keep her mind busy was what Simon assumed. He was glad to have her company, glad to see her smiling face beam down on him as she talked about anything she could think of. But he worried about her. Soon he would be up on his feet and working on River’s medicine again and he wouldn’t have as much free time

It was summer where they were stopped, warm and sunny. It was a perfect day for her to get out and have some fun. Kaylee had told him before she left that it was her favorite season and he believed her. That was one thing about living on a spaceship. You missed having seasons.


45. Want

Jayne didn’t know why he had tagged along with Zoe and Wash. Maybe it was the way Kaylee had asked him to come. He wasn’t much of the swimming type but if he got to see Kaylee get all wet he figured it was worth it. Jayne watched Wash out of the corner of his eye as the flyboy put on more sunscreen than Jayne would have though humanly possible.

"What?" Wash asked, after Jayne had been staring at him for a little while.

"Nothing," Jayne said with a chuckle.

"I have sensitive dry skin, don’t judge," Wash said, looking at Zoe like he wanted her to defend him.

"Leave my husband alone Jayne or I’ll hurt you," Zoe said dryly. Jayne rolled his eyes and jogged to catch up with Kaylee who was bouncing along like a gorram ray of sunshine. It was amazing how much she was like two sides of a coin . During the day she was as bright and cheerful as any ten human beings could be put together, but at night when things were quiet, he could see how nervous she got. As annoying as it was, he liked her cheerful.

As they reached the clearing to the lake, Jayne let out a groan. There was a small beach just waiting for them to go set their stuff down and lay in the sun. But that wasn’t where little Kaylee was headed. The cliff that bordered part of the lake wasn’t the steepest he’d ever seen, but it was higher than he would have liked and the twinkle in the mechanic’s eye told him exactly what she was planning on doing.

"Gorramit girl, I told you I’d go swimming, didn’t say nothing about cliff diving," Jayne said, moving purposefully towards the beach.

"No come on, it’ll be fun," she said, grabbing his hand and pulling him along as she started her ascent to the top of the small cliff.

"Shouldn’t we test the water, make sure there ain’t no sharp rocks waitin’ for us when we jump in?" Jayne asked, looking back as Zoe and Wash as they made their way to the beach.

"Don’t be such a baby, Jayne," Kaylee admonished as she continued to pull him along.

"I ain’t no gorram baby," Jayne growled, pulling out of her grasp and striding ahead of her to reach the top of the cliff first. He pulled his shirt over his head then look down over the cliff to gauge just how high up they were. He wasn’t exactly excited about jumping off a rutting cliff, but he wasn’t about to have Kaylee calling him a baby neither.

"Alright Jayne, you ready?" Kaylee asked. He turned to look at her and nearly choked. He hadn’t ever seen Kaylee with so little clothes on. Her bathing suit wasn’t skimpy at all, but it was two pieces and showing more skin then he’d even seen on that little girl. She wasn’t as little as he liked to think.

"’Course I’m ready," Jayne said with a grunt. Kaylee smiled all big like and took a step forward.

"Alright on the count of three we’ll jump. One….two…three…" he watched her leap forward and jump down into the awaiting lake. She made a big splash as when she surfaced she glared up at him.

"Jayne you big baby, you didn’t jump!" she called. At that moment, Jayne realized there wasn’t anything in the world he wanted more than Kaylee.


46. Need

Her hair was still dripping wet when she made her way into the infirmary to visit Simon. His eyes were sleepy like, but he was pretty much awake. "Am I bothering you or can I come in?" she asked, standing in the doorway.

"Come in, I’d enjoy the company," Simon said groggily.

"Maybe I should just let you sleep," Kaylee said softly, but she stepped into the infirmary anyway.

"I’ll sleep in a few minutes. Tell me how your trip went," Simon said. He reached his hand out and took her into his. Kaylee smiled at the gesture.

"What are you thinking?" Kaylee asked, taking a seat next to him.

"I was just thinking how much I need…need to get better so I can start working on River again. I’ve been away from it for so long." Kaylee gave him a small smile and kissed his hand.

"Get some rest," she told him softly. His eyes slowly closed and his breathing deepened some.


47. Vengeance

Kaylee was tired, but she knew she couldn’t go to bed. After her night terror, she’d been stealing naps in the engine room during that day and staying up working on the engine room at night. It was easier to sleep when you could hear the hustle and bustle of people up and about. It was the only thing she could think of to get rest, the last thing Kaylee wanted was to get sick again.

Kaylee made her way out of the infirmary, giving the sleeping Simon one final look before she headed up the stairs to the engine room. As she rounded the corner to head into the engine room, she was stopped in her tracks by Jayne. He towered the doorway, preventing her from going in. She might have tried to squeeze by him, but he had managed to take up all the space between the door frame.

"Uh...Jayne?" she asked, tilting her head up and lifting an eyebrow at him.

"Bed time, little Kaylee," Jayne said, crossing his arms over his chest, making himself even larger in the door frame, if that was possible.

"I ain’t tired, Jayne. Serenity needs a little tinkering…"

"That’s a load of bull, girl and you know that. I ain’t lookin’ t’see you get sick again."

Kaylee let out a long breath and leaned against the wall next to him. "Can’t sleep," she told him simply.

"Your dreams?" he asked.


"Wanna tell me ‘bout it?"

Kaylee could see he was struggling with getting the question out, Jayne wasn’t exactly the touchy-feely type. She shook her head slowly. "Same as I told you and Zoe."

"Me and Zoe was talking about that actually," Jayne said. Kaylee rose an eyebrow at him. "She was worried about you and so we was talking and we was thinking about the dream you had. When that bounty hunter came, he made you feel powerless. Zoe teaching you self defense, well that helped some, but deep down in you somewhere you feel like you don’t got no power. And who’s the one person in this verse who probably has more pull over you than your own daddy?"

Kaylee didn’t even have to think about that. "Mal." She owed him so much, didn’t think she’d ever leave him or Serenity as long as her girl was up in the air.

"That’s what Zoe thought too. So maybe if you weren’t feeling so powerless, if you could get some vengeance over the bounty hunter, over people you think got control over you, maybe you wouldn’t be havin’ them dreams."

Kaylee froze. Maybe Jayne and Zoe were right. But how could she prove to herself that the captain didn’t have this control over her? Without a word she turned and headed away from the engine room and towards the bridge. If Jayne called after her, she didn’t hear him. Stepping onto the bridge, she looked between Mal and Wash before fisting her hand and connecting it with Mal’s face. The captain fell back into his chair and looked up at her like she’d gone mad. Maybe she had. Her hand hurt a lot worse than she suspected his face did.

"You ain’t my brother or my daddy and you ain’t got no control over me or my body Malcolm Reynolds. I’m a free person."

"Of course you’re a free person, Kaylee. What the hell is this all about?" Mal asked. She could see he was trying to rein in his anger, but Kaylee didn’t care.

"Ain’t your concern s’long as you know you ain’t got no power over me." Mal nodded slowly and that was good enough for her. She turned and left. It felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. She should have felt bad about hitting the captain, but it wasn’t the captain she’d been hitting. In her mind, it was Early. That bounty hunter wasn’t going to have power over her anymore.


48. Direction


She paused outside her bunk when she heard her named being called. She wasn’t surprised the captain had come after her, but she was surprised he wasn’t yelling yet.

"Yes, Cap’n?" she asked softly, but not meekly.

"I don’t know what all that was about…"

"Don’t need t’know what it was all about," she told him simply.

"Right. Like I was saying, don’t know what it was all about, but I wanted to let you know this. You’re my mechanic and a damn fine one at that, but I ain’t ever gonna make you stay on this boat or do something you don’t wanna do. Dong ma?"

"I know, Cap’n," Kaylee said, giving him a ghost of a smile.

"Whatever you decide to do, whatever direction life takes you. I’ll be there to support you. Just thought you should know that," he said.

"I do know."

"I also thought you should know you have a mean right hook." Mal rubbed his cheek and shook his head. He gave her a small smile before turning to head back to the bridge.


49. First Love

When Kaylee woke up she was surprised at just how thoroughly rested she felt. She couldn’t remember the last time she had gotten such a good nights sleep. She had even slept in some.

Rising from her bed, Kaylee dressed and pulled herself up her ladder. Her stomach was growling but she had had an epiphany last night laying in bed. Her and Simon had been spending a lot of time together since he’d gotten hurt. But he was just so gorram shy and proper, she didn’t think he’d ever make the first move. So she was going to have to do it herself. Kaylee wasn’t a hundred percent certain where this new found courage was coming from, but she thought it might have something to do with the wonderful dreams she had had the night before.

When Kaylee got to the infirmary she was surprised to see Simon up and about. He was moving really slow and careful like, but he was moving. And he was shirtless. She licked her bottom lip and watched him for a moment before she decided to make her presence know.

"Hey Simon," she said, leaning against the door frame.

"Oh, hi Kaylee," Simon said, jumping slightly and looking embarrassed. Probably because he didn’t have a shirt on.

"Feeling better?" she asked, moving further into the infirmary until she finally took a seat on the bed.

"Very much better, actually. Sore still, but I will recover fully I think," he told her, his tone automatically shifting into doctor mode.

"Gave us all a scare ya know," she told him, watching as he put on a pair of gloves.

"I’m sorry I scared you," Simon said sincerely.

"I like you." Kaylee didn’t know how she had managed to blurt the words out, but it had been her whole purpose for the visit and she just couldn’t stand the small talk anymore.

"What?" Simon asked, setting his stuff down and turning to give her his undivided attention.

"I like you, and I mean as in more than just you’re my friend I like you. I like you in the kinda way where I wanna be with you. This can’t come as a shock to you," she said, laughing a little at the thought.

His mouth hung open for a moment like he was searching for the right words to say. Kaylee held her breath. She had thought for sure Simon wanted her too. But the way he was hesitating and stuttering, well maybe she didn’t know as much as she thought. Something her mama had always told her came to mind and she wished she could just push the thought away. ‘Your first love will always break your heart,’ she said. God Kaylee hoped her mama was wrong just this once.


50. Weapons

Setting the whetstone aside, Jayne eyed his knife once more before pulling the polish out. He liked killing people with real shiny knives. He could hear footsteps approaching, but he didn’t stop what he was doing. He had a lot to do and he was getting anxious to get on with it already.

"Why in the gorram hell do you have four hundred knives laid out on my table, Jayne?" Mal asked perturbed.

"There ain’t four hundred knives there, Mal, and you know it. But you see I got me a doc to murder and I wanted t’have some fun ‘fore he went so I’m sharpening and polishing up all my girls here," Jayne said, motioning to the table where all of his collection of knives were laid out.

"Yes, I see. Now lets go back to the part where you have a doc to kill? This wouldn’t happen to be my doctor, Serenity’s medic, would it? Because if that is the case, I just may have a bone to pick with you about that." Mal’s thumbs hooked into the band of his holster as he stared down at Jayne. "Now tell me, why is my merc wanting to kill my doc?"

"Well it seems little Kaylee finally decided to make her feelings known to that prissy pants and all he told her was he needed to think about the whole thing. I warned him, Mal. He’s been letting Kaylee fuss and fawn over him like she was his woman, but now that he has the chance t’have her, he’s even considering passing it up…well I figure it’s time to put the boy out of his misery. ‘Bout near broke Kaylee’s heart and if he don’t decide he wants t’be with her, I think she might just crumble to pieces. Girl’s just starting t’get back t’her old self. Ain’t looking to watch her lose it again." Jayne continued to polish his knife as he spoke, only sparing Mal a glance here and there.

"Don’t you think you should leave this whole thing ‘tween the two of them, Jayne?" Mal asked.

"Normally I’d agree with you Mal. But it was me who Kaylee came crying to, and I don’t like it much when women cry."


51: Destruction

He’d frozen like he was scared of her or something, staring at her like she’d grown two heads. Hadn’t he wanted her? She had thought she read him right, but now she was starting to question herself. With everything that had happened lately, she thought Simon had gotten past the whole Roger thing. Maybe it wasn’t something he was ever gonna be able to get over.

After he’d gotten shot though, they had spent so much time together. Maybe it was just ‘cause he was immobile though. Couldn’t get away from her when she came down to the infirmary. No it was more than that. There had been something there. So why couldn’t he just say he wanted to be with her?


Hearing her name, Kaylee broke out of her thoughts and turned around to face Simon. She tried to keep a calm expression on her face, but she was as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. She wasn’t looking to get hurt, but right now it seemed inevitable. "Yeah?" she asked.

"About what you asked earlier…there is so much I want to say to that. So many ways I would answer that question under normal circumstances, but these are not normal circumstances," he said. His words were very deliberate, like he had practiced them. Probably was trying to avoid putting his foot in his mouth. "I want to say yes."

"Then say yes," Kaylee interrupted.

"It isn’t that easy," Simon shook his head.

"Yes it is. It’s a three letter word!" she exclaimed.

"It’s more than that, Kaylee. Don’t make me out to be the bad guy here. I care about you, I honest to god do. But this isn’t fair to me, or you or….or to River. I want to give the woman I am with everything she wants, but I can’t do that. I can barely give you the little I already have. You are a wonderful person who gives off so much love, but you need someone who can give you love back, Kaylee. I have so much on my plate right now, between running from the feds and trying to take care of River…I can’t do this. River has to come first right now. Maybe when she is better things will change. Do you understand what I am trying to say?" he asked.

"I hear what you’re saying, Simon. But I won’t pretend to understand it. I know River needs you, but she’s got everyone on this ship. We’re all her family," Kaylee said. "Why can’t she share you?"

"Kaylee…" Simon stepped forward and gently took her face in his hands. He pulled her close, pressing his lips to hers in a delicate kiss. When he pulled back, he wiped the single tear that had slipped down Kaylee’s face and stepped back, letting his hands drop back to his sides. "I want us to be friends."

"Me too," she said quietly. There was a long awkward pause before Simon finally spoke up.

"Maybe one day things will change."

"Maybe," was all she said.


52. Apocalypse

Watching Simon leave was one of the hardest things she had to do. It took all of her self control not to call him back and beg him to rethink this whole thing. When he was finally out of sight, she numbly moved to her hammock as sat on the edge of the cloth. She closed her eyes and forced herself not to think about this. She had a million things to do and after all, it wasn’t like anything had changed.

"It ain’t the end of the world," she told herself softly. It sure felt like it though.


53. Faded

Kaylee’s bright a cheerful disposition had dimmed over the last few hours. She had avoided him most of the rest of the day, he couldn’t blame her for that. But now sitting here at dinner, Simon was forced to be near her, to see just how hurt she was. She didn’t pout or fuss over what happened, she just tried to smile and be regular, but he could see it in her eyes. The twinkle that was normally there was dulled by sadness.

Looking to his left, Simon watched as River counted all of the corn on her plate, her lips moving silently as she mouthed the numbers then she began to divide them and put them into different piles. Some sort of formula if he had to guess at it. Someone made a joke, and River looked up and laughed. It was worth everything he did to see her laugh.

His sister was getting better, if very slowly. It made him melancholy to think about it, but he knew he was sacrificing Kaylee’s brightness in the hopes that River might one day shine again. Maybe it wasn’t fair, but it was all he could think to do.


54 Colorless

Mal watched Kaylee as she stepped into the galley. She smiled at everyone and took a seat next to Jayne. A seat, Mal didn’t miss, the merc had been saving for Mal’s mechanic. She turned to tell Jayne something, something Mal couldn’t hear. It didn’t matter much what it was, it had made Kaylee smile and that was what was important.

It wasn’t as though his mechanic had been moping around, quiet the contrary. Kaylee was upset over what happened between her and Simon, there was no question about that; she was trying so hard not to let it disturb the peace of the ship. She and Simon both talked still, though it was strained. Everything about Kaylee though, all her smiles and her jokes… they were lacking something, some spirit. In time Mal knew Kaylee would bounce back. Now though she reminded him of a kid’s coloring book. A beautiful picture to be sure, but it was only an outline of what it could be. Of what it was supposed to be.


55 Colorful

Jayne pressed the barbell up and set it onto the hooks before sitting up and grabbing a towel. He wiped the sweat off his forehead and froze for a minute. "What do you want?" he asked, standing up and starting off towards his bunk.

"Oh uh…nothing. Just watchin’ is all," Kaylee said with a shrug. She didn’t move from her seat on the stairs, just watched him as he started to walk off. "Uh Jayne!" she called after him. Standing up and holding onto the rail. As Jayne turned to look at her, Kaylee spoke. "I wanted t’say I’m sorry."

"Sorry for what?" the big merc asked as he turned and took a couple steps towards her.

"Sorry for cryin’ on your shoulder like a big baby. I know it ain’t your problem and I didn’t mean t’put it on you like that," she said.

"You mean when the doctor was being a piece of go se? Nah, don’t worry ‘bout it, Kaylee girl. Ain’t your fault all that boy’s got on his brains is his crazy sister. Tell you what, got any of that engine ale?" he asked.

"Just made a fresh batch day before yesterday," she said, not seeing where alcohol was fitting in with her apologizing for blubbering all over him.

"Why don’t me and you have a couple drinks and just relax for a few? Get your mind off that doctor. How does that sound?" he asked. He crossed the distance between the two of them in a few slow strides and set one foot up on the first step of the stairs.

"Sounds shiny," Kaylee said with a warm smile. "Think the Cap’n will get mad?"

"Maybe. But ain’t that part of the fun?" he asked with a wink. "Come on, pretty girl, let’s go get us some drinks." He moved past her on the stairway and started his ascent. Kaylee paused and turned to watch him go up.

"Aww, you think I’m pretty, Jayne?" she asked. He stopped and turned to look at her, smirking.

"Something like that, Kaylee," he said. Color flooded her face, her cheeks turning a bright shade of pink as she shut her mouth and hurried up after Jayne.


56 Black

"Okay, so this is how the game goes. You say ‘I never’ and then you say something you ain’t never did and if I’ve done it, then I take a drink. Then it’s my turn and I say something I ain’t never done and if you done it, then you drink. You got it?" Kaylee asked.

"I told you, I played this game ‘fore, Kaylee," Jayne said, a mite edgy. Kaylee just laughed and poured some of her ale into each of their cups.

"I’ll go first," she told him as she took her cup into her hands. "I’ve never….um….I’ve never kissed the Cap’n on the mouth," she said with a wide grin. Jayne practically pushed his cup away from himself. He looked disgusted at the thought and it made Kaylee giggle some more . "Your turn," she elbowed him.

"Alrighty, I’ve never worn a dress," Jayne said.

Kaylee took a drink and smiled at Jayne. "I’ve never killed a man."

Jayne took a drink and watched her for a moment before her spoke. "I didn’t ever go all moonbrained over some fancy doctor," he said. Kaylee glared at him only a moment before taking a swing from her cup and letting the liquid slide bitterly down her throat.

"Alright, you gonna make this personal. I ain’t never been with a whore," she said matter of factly. Jayne just laughed and took a couple of long gulps before setting his cup down and refilling it. When he did, he turned and looked at her, his hands turning the cup slowly on the table.

"I ain’t never been in love," he said. He watched her closely as she held the cup in her hands. After a moment, she pushed the cup away from her and looked up at Jayne purposefully. He nodded, then slowly lifted the cup up to his own lips.

"Jayne, I didn’t say, ‘I never’, why’re you drinking?" she asked.

"Cause maybe I was lying before," he said simply.

"’Bout bein’ in love?" she asked.

"Maybe," Jayne said with a shrug. Kaylee chewed on her lip and tried to read his thoughts. Sometimes she wished she could read people like River did. Jayne had his poker face on. It was about as easy to see through as engine grease. Like this black veil that kept her from seeing what he was trying to say.


57 White

Kaylee felt her eyes lids growing heavy. She’d had more to drink than she’d anticipated, but she was okay still. She’d thought she was okay anyway. Her stomach hurt from laughing so hard, but otherwise she was feeling just fine. Jayne had been telling her stories ‘bout all kinds of things. To be perfectly honest she couldn’t remember a one of them, but they had been funny.

There had been an awkward moment between her and Jayne when he said he’d been in love before. She had tried to push him for answers, but he had only smiled at her and shook his head. She was more curious than ever to know just who he had been in love with, but he wasn’t budging. She was too drunk to push him very far.

"You alright, Kaylee?" Jayne asked. Kaylee had to shake her head and brought her thoughts back together, which was more difficult than one would think. "Shiny, Jayne….just shiny. You really think I’m pretty?" she asked, giving him a lopsided grin.

"You still thinkin’ on that?" he asked, finishing off his cup and setting it on the table. "I was just tryin’ t’get a rise outta you."

"I don’t care. Think it’s sweet you said it. Here let me get some more," Kaylee moved to stand up, the blood rushing to her head and causing all sorts of dots before her eyes. She stumbled back, giggling a little. Jayne rose and supported her some so she didn’t fall down.

"I think we’ve had enough, girl," he said gruffly, steadying her shoulders as she tried to take a step away from the table.

"I’m tired anyhow," she told him with a lazy grin, her eyelids half closed. "You ever gonna tell me who it was you was in love with, Jayne?" she asked.

"Maybe. But not tonight. Come on, let me help ya t’bed," he said, leading her out of the galley. Kaylee tripped and Jayne caught her. She smiled up and him and leaned her head on his shoulder.

"Like my white knight," she whispered.


58 Sunshine

Kaylee reached up and threw her pillow at the comm, trying to ignore the captain s voice as it reverberated loudly against the walls of her bunk. She groaned and pulled her blankets up over her head.

"Gorramit, Kaylee, I said I need you up in the engine room now. I ain’t payin’ you t’sleep," Mal snapped through the comm.

"Why doesn’t he go away?" Kaylee asked aloud, immediately regretting in.

"Keep you’re voice down, I’m sleeping," Jayne growled from the floor.

His voice scared the crap out of her, making her scream and fall out of her bunk onto the floor next to Jayne.

Her bunk door popped open and Mal jumped down the ladder. He looked around anxiously, his eyes narrowing on the two of them on the ground. "What the hell is going on here?" Mal asked.

"Guess I’m not gonna get sleep anytime soon," Jayne grumbled, sitting up and nodding over at Mal.

"That ain’t answerin’ my question," Mal said. If Mal was any more impatient, Kaylee thought he might have been tapping his foot. She really didn’t have an answer for why Jayne was on her bunk floor. Everything from the night before was sorta fuzzy.


"Don’t worry, Mal. Ain’t nothin’ happened. Kaylee had a little too much to drink, I was worried about her throwin’ up when she was sleepin’, so I slept on the floor. Now she’s awake(,) I can go to my bunk." He stood up and tossed the blanket onto Kaylee’s bed before pushing past a slightly stunned Mal and climbing up the ladder and out of Kaylee’s bunk.

Mal’s gaze followed Jayne out of the bunk before returning his eyes to Kaylee. "That true?" he asked.

"Not so loud, Cap’n," she said softly as she pushed herself off the ground and stood up. "Me and Jayne was drinkin’ last night and everything is sorta hazy." Mal crossed his arm over his chest and nodded slowly.

"Get some coffee, try and sober up. Take an inventory of everything we need in the engine room. We’ll be planet side in about two hours. You and Wash are going out once we land."

"It day time there?" Kaylee asked, rubbing her aching head.

"Sure is. It’s nice and bright and sun shiny, hope you’re ready."


59 Puppet

"I’ve got a secret," River said, her feet kicking lightly as she sat on the infirmary bed. Simon didn’t look at her, he was too busy measuring some medicine he was planning on injecting her with. "Don’t you want to know my secret, Simon?"

"Perhaps secrets are meant to be kept that way," Simon said, setting the medicine down on the counter and turning towards her.

"It’s about Kaylee," River said in a sing song voice. She smirked when Simon faltered for a moment. He wanted to know, she knew he wanted to know.

"Oh?" he asked. She smiled at the way he tried to be casual about it.

"And I’ll tell you, but under one condition." She pulled her feet up, drawing her knees to her chest and waiting for Simon to take the bait.

"And what would that condition be?" Simon asked, gently taking her arm and swabbing the spot where he intended to inject the medication.

"You have to do everything I ask for the whole day. Like my puppet. I say jump and you jump."

"And why would I do that?" Simon asked, administering the medicine to her as she spoke.

"Because it’s about Kaylee and Jayne and Kaylee’s bunk," River said matter of factly. Simon swallowed hard and looked up at River for the first time since the announcement of the secret.

"When you say day, do you mean twenty-four hours?" he asked. River nodded. "I’m going to hate myself for this later…" he mumbled.


60 Birthday

"Why are you so grumpy, Jayne?" Kaylee asked, skipping after the mercenary as they headed for town.

"Cause we was supposed t’be here yesterday," Jayne said, not bothering to hide the annoyance in his voice.


"What do you mean so? You asked why I’m grumpy an’ I told you," Jayne snapped.

"Is Mal still on your case ‘bout you being in my room that morning or something?" Kaylee asked, hopping in front of him and walking backwards as they headed for town.

"No, that ain’t it Kaylee," Jayne said. He sighed and stopped walking. She stopped as well. "So you’re mad ‘cause we landed a day late?" Kaylee crossed her arms over her chest and stared at him.

"Yeah," Jayne said.

"An’ why was getting here yesterday so important?" Kaylee asked, pressing her finger into his chest.

"Gorramit, Kaylee, ‘cause yesterday was my birthday, you happy?" he asked. Jayne moved past her and kept on walking. Kaylee turned and watched him go for a moment before it finally sunk it.

"Jayne! Why didn’t you tell someone? Why didn’t you tell me?" she asked, running to catch up with him.

"Cause all I wanted was t’get a drink and a whore and just have a little fun off ship? Still plan on doin’ that, really not sure why you tagged along," Jayne said. Kaylee shrugged and fell into step with him.

"’Cause I didn’t wanna be stuck on the ship an’ Cap’n said I couldn’t come t’town by myself. Maybe I’ll get myself a drink and a whore myself. Ain’t my birthday, might be fun though," Kaylee said with a big smile.

"Big ol’ birthday celebration?" Jayne asked with a snort.

"Yes!" Kaylee said enthusiastically.

"Don’t think we’re gonna be able t’find you a guy whore who services womenfolk," Jayne said, smirking.

"Well then how about just a drink then?" Kaylee offered.

"One drink and I’m cutting you off. Mal’ll kill me I get you plastered again," he said.

Author note: okay, now to all you Silee shipper, I just want to say, I have NOTHING against Simon and Kaylee. In fact, I quite enjoy them. I think that River is a big issue between them though and I think post BDM they have a much better chance together, but this is not post BD< and River still needs Simon. The prompts sort of lead me in the direction of Jaylee though so that is the way I am running with it. You never know, Simon could make a comeback. There are forty more prompts left.


Saturday, May 6, 2006 12:56 PM


Like I said, Simon could make a come back, you never know. Kinda depends on the prompts, but this seems to be the direction the story is going in. Thanks for reading so far.

Saturday, May 6, 2006 5:52 PM


Just wanted to comment over here too! I like this so much, wonder what Simon will do when he sees them getting closer?? I like angst.

Saturday, May 6, 2006 7:13 PM


Take the Jaylee and run with it...
Good writing. I'll read no matter which way it goes. Good character voices.

Sunday, May 7, 2006 2:57 AM


Again with the liking this! Of course there must be angst before the (hopefully) good ending!


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Complicated: Part 1
Kaylee/OMC (for now). A new man comes into Kaylee's life.

Final Goodbyes: Sweet Surrender epilogue
Epilogue to my story Sweet Surrender. Takes place a few years after the end of the story.

The Hunt: Chapter 3
Two years ago Kaylee was kidnapped by alliance. Now she has returned to Serenity under mysterious circumstances, a living weapon and a very confused girl. This one kinda squirked me folks, just warning you.

Jaylee. Kaylee has some mixed up feelings.

Trapped: Chapter 2
Help arrives, but a little late? Simon/Kaylee

The Hunt: Chapter 2
Kaylee wakes after Simon puts her to sleep with the safe word. Mal is uncertain what need to be done with his mechanic.

Who I am
Kaylee finds Jayne in a bar with a whore on his lap. Jaylee. Song fic, angsty.

In the Way
Jayne's big brother act gets in the way of Kaylee getting some lovin'. Set pre-series. One-shot Kaylee/OMC

Cut Off
Angsty piece of Jaylee I wrote to get my muse going. Part of the 30_angsts challeneg. The ship has crashed and Kaylee is trapped in the engine room.

Teacher's Darling
Inara is reminded of a dear friend and lover. Implied Mal/Inara.