Tuesday, May 9, 2006

This is a short one piece, set after the last episode, but before the movie.


Title: Confessions Author: Alysia Category: This actually takes place after “Objects In Space,” but before the movie. Summery: The group does a drop off and that night there is a bit of a celebration. Think of ‘Our Mrs. Reynolds’, only no one gets married in drunken stupor. Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the characters associated to Firefly. Author’s Note: I’m relatively new to the Firefly ‘verse, so forgive me if I mess up names of both, people and places. Also, I’ve been writing stories for this for a month now (though none of them are posted) , I still don’t have some of the phonetic grammar down for them, I apologize in advance for that and for capturing any character out of character to the show.

“So, you think they’ll like it?” Kaywinette Lee Frye asked into the screen as she confided her plan for Zoey and Wash’s anniversary present.

Smiling brightly over the link, Inara Serra nodded. “It is a heartfelt gesture,” she answered. It was such a ‘Kaylee’ thing to do. The companion couldn’t ever remember meeting anyone else quite like the mechanic she was talking with. “I just…are you sure about the song?” If the two were celebrating their anniversary, she couldn’t quite understand Kaylee’s reason for picking a song about breaking up.

Letting out a laugh, Kaylee nodded as a small grin tugged at her lips. “They’ll understand it.”

“Ah, it’s one of those inside things,” Inara said reverently. She missed everyone on the ship. There were times that she wished more then anything that she was back on Serenity, but it had all just become too painful for her. “How is…everyone?” Mal had been the first person she wanted to mention, but she didn’t want to be transparent.

“We’re all good. I mean there’s been a bit of adjustment since you left…and then the Shepherd left a month later. We’re get’n by, s’ just taken a while.” Wisely, she didn’t mention Malcolm Reynolds personally, but she tried to stress the point of getting by as what the captain was doing. “I really miss you.”

“I miss you too mei mei,” Inara confessed. In the months that she’d been aboard the ship, she and Kaylee had taken instantly to each other. The young mechanic had become the sister that she never had. “Any new developments with an alien doctor that shall remain nameless?”

Scoffing at the idea, Kaylee shook her head in denial. “No. I mean we’re closer now, but…”

“No where near close enough for you?” Inara asked, finishing off her sentence.

With a half smile, Kaylee nodded. “Am I that transparent?”

Smiling in kindness, Inara denied the question. “No, I just know you well enough. Don’t lose faith Kaylee, it’ll happen…I’m sure of it.” And she was. Both Simon and Kaylee had shown signs of interest, even if Kaylee’s was more noticeable.

“I better get going…” Kaylee announced after a pregnant pause. “Besides, I’m sure that you have an evening of romance planned to ready for…”

“Talk to you soon?”

“Of course.”

“Give everyone my love?” Inara asked once again, “well, mostly everyone…”

Nodding, Kaylee disconnected the link, a beaming smile on her face being the last thing that Inara saw.


Walking to her closet, Kaylee pulled it open and paused as she tried to plan out what she was going to wear. She was never one for dresses, in fact, she only owned two. One, being the dress that Mal bought for her the night that he was challenged to a duel, the other was the pink one she’d worn the night that Tracey’s body had been mailed to Mal and Zoey. For obvious reasons, the first one was no appropriate, as for the other, Kaylee just wasn’t sure.

Cocking her head to the side, she gnawed on her bottom lip. Shepherd Book had already promised them an evening of fun, she just wasn’t sure if wearing a dress was the way to go. Looking to rest of her clothes, she settled for a nice shirt and a pair of pants that she’d never worn. Being a ship’s mechanic was most definitely not the most glamorous job in the world, aside from that, she wore coveralls every single day, she really had no need for an over abundance of clothes. Now, she wished that she spent her credits on clothes rather then new parts for her ship.

Walking over to her sink, she washed her face, making sure that all traces of engine grease were gone. Changing into clothes, she went for her scarce make up collection. Growing up as a tomboy, Kaylee had never found much need in the stuff. Aside from that, Inara had once complimented her complexion. Since then, whenever she would go out, she’d put on the smallest amounts to accentuate her features, but it was never anything drastic. To top it off, she added a bit of perfume from the bottle that Inara had given to her before her departure.

Looking at the result in the mirror, she paused to do a once over. She’d never been one for being vain, but she wanted to make sure that she still looked beautiful. Even though it didn’t matter that she had the young doctor were nothing more then close confidants and friends, she still hoped to get a reaction out of him.

With one last looked, she crawled up the ladder and moved to the common room. Noticing that no one else was anywhere to be found, she pulled out a small paper and began going over the song that she’d written down. Closing her eyes, she began reciting it over in her head.

“You talkin’ to yourself?” Jayne Cobb asked as he entered the room. The sight of Kaylee standing in place with her eyes closed as she seemingly worded a chant was something to see. “You know, I’d expect to see something like that from the doc’s crazy sister… not you.”

Looking up, Kaylee rolled her eyes in greeting and put the sheet of paper in her pocket.

Then again…the one thing that both Kaylee and River had in common was Simon. “Maybe it’s someth’n bout the doc…”

“Do you just sit around and think insults up when you aren’t on a job?” Kaylee asked, not finding his words very entertaining at all.

Shrugging, the larger man nodded. “Basically. But there’s working out…and the women…” Seeing that the mechanic was about to open her mouth again, he had no doubts that it would be something bad. “Uh…what were you doin’ when I walked in?”

Normally, Kaylee wouldn’t have dreamt of saying anything to Jayne about her plans, the man just was very bad at keeping secrets. Then again, she planned on revealing it to everyone in just a few hours time…what harm would there be? Peering around, she made sure that they were alone before she pulled him to sit on a couch next to her and handed him the paper.

Since his reading skills were limited, it took him a moment to realize that what he was reading were song lyrics.

“I plan on singing it for them…” she said after a moment.

When he finished reading it, Jayne looked to her and nodded. “That’s a good idea. It minds me of ‘em.”

“Me too. Actually, Shepherd Book and I have planning it for a while,” she whispered.

“Plannin’ what?”

At the familiar voice that belonged to the captain, the two spun around guiltily. They’d been so lost in their quiet conversation, they never noticed that the others had come around. Seeing Mal standing with his first mate and her husband as well as the Tam siblings, Kaylee blushed.

“Plannin’ what?” Mal asked once again.

For his part, Jayne watched as Simon noticed the close proximity between himself and Kaylee, he couldn’t let the moment pass by without ruffling the core bred doctor’s feathers. Pulling her closer, he used her as a shield as he slipped the paper in her back pocket. “It’s a surprise…”

As if sensing what he was doing, Kaylee nodded, wanting to do anything to keep focus away from her plan. With a slight blush from him feeling up on her back side, she cleared her throat. “We ready?”

As everyone trailed out of the room, River looked to her brother, who still stood shocked at what he’d seen. Finding the close manner in which Kaylee was standing with the man-ape gone wrong thing, he had the perfect vantage. He’d seen the mercenary feel her up. A smile broke out on her face, her brother’s thoughts and feelings come in loud in clear. “Shame on you Dr. Tam for thinking something so scandalous,” she reprimanded gently. When would her brother get a clue?

As they rounded out the group, they’d already noticed that she door was down and that the others were already surrounding their very missed friend, River hurried up to join them in the hugs and handshakes.

Walking down the path that lead towards the settlement, Kaylee lagged behind the others with Shepherd Book and even Jayne.

“Everythin’ set?” Kaylee asked.

“Something has happened. The gentleman that was supposed to play the violin broke his arm. We need to find a replacement…” Letting out a defeated sigh, the preacher looked back to Kaylee. “I tried, but there wasn’t anyone nearly as good.”

Looking between the two, Jayne cleared his throat. “I could do it,” he offered.

Kaylee made a face. “Really Jayne? Are you sure?” She didn’t want to doubt the man, but… “I mean you have a skill with the guitar, but the violin is completely different.”

Ahead of them, they spotted River walking with Simon. “What about River?” The preacher brainstormed.

Per their first group meeting with Simon, he’d made no qualms about the talent that his sister possessed when it came to mastering anything. Nodding, Kaylee ran up to the Tam siblings.


“Okay, let me start off by saying, congratulations and happy anniversary. There was a time that we didn’t think that you guys would make it to marriage,” Kaylee confessed.

At the comment, Zoey and Wash laughed as Mal and Jayne smiled at the various memories that wound around them.

Looking up from a guitar, Jayne nodded. At the last minute Kaylee decided that they could use another instrument, and he hadn’t had very much to do in the song. It was fine with him, less to screw up. “Or to see another year of one,” he added, his voice taking on an out of character tenderness. Mal, Zoey, Wash, Kaylee and himself had been through so much in their time together. Even River and Simon nodded at the truth of words knowing that whatever the group had been through before them was multiplied as they came aboard Serenity.

“Now, I know that you will understand when we say that we didn’t have enough money to do anything more. So, we came up with this. Shepherd Book and I came up with a plan to do a little song for you, one that I thought would fit you guys, and Mal passed up one or two jobs to get you a night away from the ship…so enjoy it,” Kaylee finished with a laugh.

Looking over at his wife, Wash nodded. “Oh we plan to,” he informed her simply.

As Shepherd Book began playing notes on the piano he was sitting at, Kaylee once again smiled. “If you two would stand up…”

You tell me that you're leaving I can't believe it's true Boy, that's just no living without you Don't take your love away from me Don't you leave my heart in misery 'Cause if you go then I'll be blue

Breaking up is hard to do

Remember when you held me tight And you kissed me all through the night Think of all that we've been through And breaking up is hard to do

They say that breaking up is hard to do Now I know, I know that it's true Don't say that this is the end Instead of breakin' up I wish that we were making up again I beg of you Don't say goodbye Can't we give our love Just one more try Come on baby Let's start anew Breakin' up is hard to do Breakin' up is oh so hard to do

When the soft music and Kaylee’s musky singing voice filtered through their thoughts, they didn’t waste any time in dancing along to the tune. The entire time, various moments flittered in their minds. They became lost to the world, only pulling away from one another after the music stopped.

Trailing off, Kaylee felt a burst of emotion as she watched the husband and wife kiss tenderly. Before she’d met Zoey and Wash, she’d never seen a couple so in love and full of so much passion, even her parents. They’d proved that love could be found and fulfilled in the line of work that they did. She only hoped that she would as lucky and happy as them.

One the married pair finally pulled away, Kaylee bounded over to them with a large smile that threatened to swallow her entire face. “Thank you Kaylee,” Zoey thanked as the two shared a hug. Despite the fact that they weren’t as close as Kaylee was with Inara and River, they still considered each other family and would do anything to protect each other.

As the members of Serenity shared hugs, Jayne pulled away uncomfortably and smiled. “Now, how ‘bout get’n the party started?”

Pair by pair, the people that had reconvened into the house made their way outside where the festivities had begun. Everyone congregated to separate groups, the crew members, always making sure to keep an eye on the others.

Standing at the porch, Kaylee watched as Shepherd Book and Mal walked away from the others to spend some time catching up as Jayne joined the group of musicians playing the guitar with such ease. Zoey and Wash settled in front of the bonfire as the younger children pulled at River to join them in their games. Taking a seat on the top stair, Kaylee just let the moment wash over her. Everyone was so happy, it was such a rare occasion these days. Between their line of work and the possibility of the Alliance on their tail. If she could, Kaylee would have frozen the moment in time. It was simply perfect. Tonight, there was no danger, no Alliance, nothing but sweet perfection. Squinting, her heart began to hurt as she looked to the people she held so dear to her heart. A foreboding feeling encased her chest and squeezed her heart.

“Is this a private moment, or can anyone join?”

Smiling at the recognition of Simon’s voice, Kaylee gestured for him to join her. “I was just trying to pain a memory,” she answered. “Things are jus’ so perfect right at this moment. I wish it would always stay this way.”

Nodding, Simon looked at the scene before him. Before Kaylee’s comment, he hadn’t taken the time to really grasp the gravity of their situation, and how lucky they were. He could understand why she’d want it to stay the same forever. “So…that was the surprise huh?” he asked, referring to the scene that he and the others had walked in on.

A grin broke out over Kaylee’s face. “Yup.”

He shook his head at the thoughts that had been swimming in his head all night. He’d been nearly driven insane with jealousy over the idea of Kaylee and Jayne.

Simon wasn’t an idiot, he’d known that Kaylee was interested, truthfully, he had been as well. He’d chosen Serenity on account that it hadn’t looked like much, he was sure that they would stay as far away from the Alliance as he preferred to be, but more then that, it was the small, enchanting woman that had caught his attention. Other then Kaylee, the rest of the members hadn’t taken to his lying to them in the beginning. Even now, there was still an underlying current of tension between himself and Jayne. Kaylee though, sweet Kaylee, had accepted him and River without any qualms. She tried to help Simon’s adjustment into the life that lay before him.

Every morning, Simon look forward to each day…all because of the bubbly mechanic. He relished in every moment that they shared, despite how much he’d try to keep it hidden. Kaylee just had a manner of making people fall in love with her, and he’d been no exception to those charms. River had still been his number one concern, but the longer he was on the ship and began to trust the other members, he’d slowly began letting Kaylee in farther then he‘d ever let anyone in…other then River.

“I…we’ve grown pretty close through these past few months,” Simon said, his voice cracking in nervousness. He was never very good with words, at least where Kaylee was concerned, a habit that she’d vocalized on more then one occasion.

Looking to her companion, Kaylee nodded, wondering where Simon was going with this.

“I think it’s common knowledge that my feelings for you are more then platonic…” he trailed off as he finally moved his blue orbs to her own amber ones. At the astonished and hopeful expression on her face, he hurried up to clarify his statement. “At least I hope it is. You’ve managed to captivate me in a way no one else has,” he explained. With a courage he didn’t know he possessed, he grabbed her hand and laced his fingers with her own. “I was so envious and jealous when I saw the way that you Jayne were whispering with each other. I thought that I was too late.”

Barely unable to keep her hope in check, Kaylee nodded with difficulty. “Too late?”

Letting humorless smirk twist over his face, Simon nodded. “I will never be the suave, sweet talking doctor that you think I am,” he warned, wishing that he was more for Kaylee. “I…there is one thing I can say though, going on the run with River was the best decision I ever made,” he confessed. “Because that decision led me to you.”

At the confession, Kaylee’s heart dropped into her stomach as it did a flip. Bringing her free hand to cover his that held her other hand encased, she squeezed it. “I don’t care about that, so long as you’re truthful.”

The End

Let me know what you thought!

Also, the song is called Breaking Up is Hard to Do. I’m not sure who it actually belongs to, but it isn’t mine. I got the idea based off Gloria Estefan’s album, “Hold Me, Kiss Me, Thrill Me.”


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 11:49 PM


Nice, so planing on writing more?

Wednesday, May 10, 2006 4:16 AM


Most definitely, I'm a huge Simon/Kaylee shipper, so I'd like to do them some justice, and I definitely plan to...if the RW permitts me to.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006 4:49 AM


Ohh, another S/K fan! Great to have another in the ranks! This was a great first story! I hope you continue writing and share more with us.

I like how you have Simon still a little nervous but able to hold a conversation and tell Kaylee how he feels. They'd gotten pretty close (he told Kaylee he stood on a statue naked and sang!)after OiS, obviously more comfortable with each other, which you portray nicely.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006 6:09 AM


Very nicely done, that little scene with Jayne was just the push Simon needed to actually do something about it. I wonder whether Jayne did it on purpose to prod the doctor into doing something. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Wednesday, May 10, 2006 8:41 AM


Just plain shiny!!! And, YAY!!!, 'cause theres another Silee shipper around (There were never really enough of us) Great story, stay Shiny, and thanks for the fic!!!!!



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Swing Schwing
Simon has a dream one night, and Kaylee learns about it. Just be warned, there is some smutt in it.

This is a short one piece, set after the last episode, but before the movie.