Momentum Chapter Two
Wednesday, May 17, 2006

This one is loosing momentum. Yes. Pun intended. I dunno how to continue. But here the second part.


Wash knew he couldn’t shout to the others about the imminent danger. He decided to put Jayne's full theory to the test. He broke into a flat-out dash down the narrow trail winding amid the rocks. He nearly tripped several times, but, as promised, his momentum kept him on his feet. His pounding footsteps worried him a bit, but they were quieter than a shout, just the same, he needed to catch up.

Jayne whirled as soon as he heard Wash running. His face held a look that was both puzzled and annoyed. Zoe and Mal turned as well to watch him descend toward them. Wash tried to signal with his hands for them to be quiet and that there was a dire problem, but while running, his flailing arms conveyed no meaning. Suprisingly though, the others remained silent as they waited for him.

Wash tried to slow down as he neared them, but his momentum was now too great and he stumbled and fell headlong at Jayne's feet in a pile of loose scree.

Jayne chuckled while Zoe helped him to his feet. "Too much momentum, little man." He said smugly.

Wash tried to talk while taking gasping breaths and brushing dust from his jumpsuit. "Over there" He gestured vaguely. "There's…"

Zoe cut him off "Sweetie, sit." He promptly did so on the nearest large rock. "Look, now you've gone and made yerself bleed." She dabbed her bandana on his lacerated palms.

"Why'd ya run? We wouldn’ta left ya too far behind." Mal said.

"It's the drop. It's, uh, tainted. I saw Alliance!"

Mal spun around and peered toward the town. "I see nothin'."

"I could see a little ship from up higher. It's at the far end of town." Wash insisted. "Ai ya!" He jerked his wounded hand away from his wife who had just spit on it to wipe away the grime.

"Jayne, check it out." Mal pointed over his shoulder toward the town with his thumb.

Jayne grinned and dashed off nimbly. Wash watched him navigate the rocky terrain easily and silently. He couldn’t help feeling a little bit jealous of that ease.

Mal and Zoe crouched next to Wash, out of view behind a tall boulder. Zoe wrapped Wash's palms in two halves of her kerchief. They waited nearly five minutes before Jayne suddenly appeared around their shelter.

"The little man's right." He said. "There's an Alliance skiff parked on the far side of the town. Some twenty Feds wandrin' all around. Looks like somebody skunked us."


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 6:07 PM


Dun dun dun! Who's the turncoat/leak? I wanta know.

Great humor, as always :) There should be a lot more. Get that work muse into shape and keep going! Momentum can be hard to get going, but once it's going, then it's hard to stop :P(Wash can attest to that)

Thursday, May 18, 2006 1:39 AM


Momentum is better than inertia. This is good but TOO SHORT, *dong ma*? Can't wait to see what will happen next, loved what you have written so far. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Thursday, May 18, 2006 8:40 PM


Loved this chapter to bits (couldn't help but picture Alan Tudyk charging down a hill during an episode like this to warn off Mal and Zoe [wink]):)



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