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This is an annotated log from our FIRST Neverwinter Nights online roleplaying game version of Firefly. As a realtime roleplaying log, it's NOT edited - it's a sort of "Firefly reality TV", if you will - the first of its kind. There is a matching image posted with some screenshots.
The Hero of Canton A Firefly ‘Verse Production brought to you by Forrestwolf, as well as a rather impressively capable group of players
Please note that, as a NWN game log, this is far from an edited document. Rather, it should be considered a sort of “reality TV” in the Firefly ‘Verse – a group effort of seven people (six players and a referee), all roleplaying their characters realtime.
The Cast and their Players (player names are nicknames from “Black” Angus Spindle – Captain of the “Crow” (also called the “Moldy Crow”), played by Bob Thundergut Areema De’Vorath – Pilot, also assigned as the Executive Officer (XO), played by Oogar Marc Bennet – Mechanic, played by Talyn1 Jinny Souderton – Doctor, played by Jenniza Trent Logan – the “Steward” (also someone strangely capable with weapons and fighting), played by Zertz Tius De’Larian – a passenger (“Say, your coat looks kinda…brown…”), played by Jasn
The story begins in the common area of the Crow, as the crew sits down for breakfast. The current destination of the Crow is Higgen’s Moon, a place where a rather useful sort of mud/clay is mined for use in strong but lightweight structures such as spaceship hulls and body armor. The captain has a contact there interested in shipping some illicit goods off-world.
Common Area "Black" Angus Spindle: No - but she can outfly any Alliance craft. Marc Bennet: as long as I keep er together Areema De'Vorath: Not my tuen to cook, So who is making what? Trent Logan: Sure as hell ain't me. Marc Bennet: that reminds me cap't, we still need a new motivator for the aft alternator, it's not gonna hold up much longer... "Black" Angus Spindle: Help yourself. "Black" Angus Spindle: Areema help him with that. Marc Bennet: Compression coil is going bad too, need a fluid recharge and some new tubing somethin bad "Black" Angus Spindle: Damn. Areema De'Vorath: *sigh* can't you do something about it? Marc Bennet: and my TOOLS! bah we gonna get a raise soon? "Black" Angus Spindle: Can it hold til after breakfast? Marc Bennet: it'll hold... "Black" Angus Spindle: Yeh get paid for what yer contracted fer. Tius De'Larian: Would ya mind if i took a look at it with ya? I kind of have a knack for those things "Black" Angus Spindle: Bonuses are earned, not whined for. Jinny Souderton: Black, we got a problem in medical. we're low on propoxin, hydrozapam, droxine and alprazoline. i got a contact on Higgen's Moon that could get us this stuff.... but it could be... dangerous Trent Logan: We ought to rename this bucket of bolts for luck.. How about the Moldy Crow? "Black" Angus Spindle: HOW dangerous...? Jinny Souderton: we really need the supplies though. we're almost out Areema De'Vorath: *Glares at Trent* Such a name. "Black" Angus Spindle: Alright -sit down girl. I dont abide food bein wasted. Jinny Souderton: * Marc Bennet: definitely, what do I need to do to cook? "Black" Angus Spindle: Soon as we're done this job we should have enough for supplies. Jinny Souderton: *sits and begins to eat* Areema De'Vorath: *eats* Trent Logan: Speaking of Higgens, I heard they got quite the legitamit weapons market there. As legitamite as anything out here if you know what I mean. Marc Bennet: lemme get some food up for y'all "Black" Angus Spindle: *shovels in food* Trent Logan: Thanks, Marc. Narrator: The food is on the way...Marc cooks up some beans, and carries over some plates…it smells EXTREMELY good. "Black"" Angus Spindle: This here's Mr. De'Larian. He's goin as far as Higgin's. Marc Bennet: having a problem getting em on the table : Tius De'Larian: Woo What smells so good? Areema De'Vorath: Mmmm, not bad at all. Trent Logan: Hi there. Areema De'Vorath: *smiles and eats* "Black"" Angus Spindle: First meal's at 0600. Dinner's at 1800. Youre late you don't eat. "Black"" Angus Spindle: Sit down Logan, quit fussin. "Black"" Angus Spindle: *shovelshovelshovel* Trent Logan: *methhodical consumption* Tius De'Larian: So, what kind of entertainment you got on this thing? *says with a mouthful of beans* "Black"" Angus Spindle: *slurp SLURRRRP* Tius De'Larian: Oh and the beans are Excellent! Marc Bennet: lol table needs to be a little lower hehe "Black" Angus Spindle: This aint a pleasure boat The only entertainment we got is work. Areema De'Vorath: *giggles* if you brought a book, well there is your 'entertainment' Marc Bennet: no I'm not dancing on the tables again! Trent Logan: Well, hey now. Areema De'Vorath: But it was so 'CUTE' last time, Marc Trent Logan: There is one thing we can do. Marc Bennet: awww thanks :) Jinny Souderton: *carefully with surgical precision selects each food type one at a time from the plate, before starting on the next food type* Trent Logan: We could always have a nice game of eject the passenger. Jinny Souderton: do i need one of those foods? Areema De'Vorath: Why do people keep putting the food on the floor? *giggles, yet again* Marc Bennet: now that's now very profitable now is it? lol Areema De'Vorath: Trent.... you can be such a pain. Trent Logan: But if we have them pay upfront, we would save on.. "Black" Angus Spindle: Jinny make a list of what you need. Areema De'Vorath: Trent! *sighs* Tius De'Larian: As much as i'd love to be turned into oatmeal in the depths of space... I have things to attrnd to on Higgens Marc Bennet: hope there's a bar on higgens... Areema De'Vorath: Actually, it isn't hot enough outside to make Oatmeal. Areema De'Vorath: Dong ma? Marc Bennet: Hope there's a bar on higgens... Trent Logan: I'm just kidding, heh heh. Its good to have you on board Mr. De'Larian, hope you find The Moldy Crow well. Narrator: The food is very, very good. Marc has always been one of the best cooks onboard. Marc Bennet: of course I need to restock on the cooking spirits! Trent Logan: Yes... cooking. "Black" Angus Spindle: Who's turn on dishes? Marc Bennet: I cooked... "Black" Angus Spindle: Logan, YOU do it. Trent Logan: Well now, theres the issue of the... Trent Logan: Um.. Areema De'Vorath: Can't we just call her 'Crow' - just keep the Mouldy quiet in your own head *chuckles* Marc Bennet: *cough* Trent Logan: ..yes, of the ship renaming. Areema De'Vorath: I need to check on the bridge.... Trent Logan: We should do that first. "Black" Angus Spindle: Crow'll do. I like it. Marc Bennet: oh come on, the gum on the auto pilot is *still* holding... Narrator: 'Alarm sounds on engine room' Areema De'Vorath: Something doesn't sound good.... Trent Logan: What the? Marc Bennet: ack maybe not! Areema De'Vorath: You check it, Marc - I'm to the Bridge Tius De'Larian: Eh... WHats that? Trent Logan: I'll come with, just incase Marc Bennet: which way is the engine rtoom? Jinny Souderton: *heads to the engine room just in case* The pilot, captain, and passenger head to the bridge to see what the alarm is about. Bridge Areema De'Vorath: *On intercom* what do you see, Marc? Marc responds on intercom that there is a fire in the engine. Areema De'Vorath: holler if you need help - but get it out fast "Black" Angus Spindle: If it gets out of hand I'll lock it down. "Black" Angus Spindle: Aremma get ready to depressurize engineering. Areema De'Vorath: Say the word when everyone is out. Areema De'Vorath: *checks scanners to see if anyone is in hailing distance* "Black" Angus Spindle: Will it hold til Higgins? Tius De'Larian: Does this thing have lifepods? "Black" Angus Spindle: Lifepods are expensive. Areema De'Vorath: I have Higgens on Com. Do we want to ask for assistance? "Black" Angus Spindle: Hell no. Aft Corridor Jinny Souderton: what about the fire extinguisher? Tius De'Larian: *sigh* I knew i should have dropped the extra cash for a larger transport. Areema De'Vorath: well then, Cap'n. What do you want to do. We have no Juice. Areema De'Vorath: *sigh* why can't we keep the passengers off the bridge? "Black"" Angus Spindle: I aint never been towed to dock ever. "Black"" Angus Spindle: Bennet get those engines back online as fast as possible. Areema De'Vorath: Think you will be able to pull em together enough to do more then coast? At least we are on course for higgans.... but not in a controlled manner Areema De'Vorath: If we have to, can we use the thrusters on the shuttles to give us a little control? "Black" Angus Spindle: That's the same as limping to dock. Areema De'Vorath: If we can get into orbit we can take a shuttle down for parts "Black" Angus Spindle: That's your job Areema. Get us a good orbit. Aft Corridor Trent Logan: Parts in engineering won't do. Trent Logan: Hmm Cargo Bay Jinny Souderton: *searching cargo bay for metal tubing* Infirmiry Trent Logan: Gotta be something somewhere Cargo Bay Jinny Souderton: FOUND SOME TUBING Infirmiry Trent Logan: Good! Lets move! Cargo Bay Jinny Souderton: Don't know what they carry but they're big enough enough. someone help me in the cargo bay Infirmiry Marc Bennet: ok great we still need something to pressurize it Cargo Bay Jinny Souderton: over here Jinny Souderton: Black! Jinny Souderton: help me get this tubing "Black" Angus Spindle: *helps Jenny carry the tubing* Jinny Souderton: thanks "Black" Angus Spindle: Logan get down here! Bridge Areema De'Vorath: Cap'n, there is a problem.... Areema De'Vorath: We need some power just to get us back on course. if we can get engines (or use the shuttles for thrusters) soon, we can get back in the right direction. But.... when the engines conked we... veered Cargo Bay Marc Bennet: search the cargo bay for a compressor, pump, anything I can use to repressurize the fluid system... Marc Bennet: I'm lookin for a compressor, the tubing is just the first part, without a compressor or pump to repressurize we are still dead in teh water Marc Bennet: tanks in the vac suits might work, fire extinguishers too... Marc Bennet: thanks jinny Bridge Areema De'Vorath: Can we take one from the ship water system.... at least to get us on course? Say grab a few barrels of water first though..... Cargo Bay Marc Bennet: what do we wanna lose more? vac suits or extinguishers? maybe everyone better grab an extinguisher and meet me in engineering, I'd hate to lose the vac suits if this things falls apart! Aft Corridor Jinny Souderton: fire extinguisher just outside engineering, is it worth it? Cargo Bay Marc Bennet: might need more than one, I'm on the way with one myself Aft Corridor Jinny Souderton: Black? Bennet? Cargo Bay Marc Bennet: since I can't seem to get the fire ext, letting you know, I am grabbing the one in eng... Aft Corridor Jinny Souderton: *grabs fire extinguisher from outside engineering* Engine Room "Black" Angus Spindle: There'll be a slight delay, Mr. De'Larian. Tius De'Larian: I understand Jinny Souderton: what else, Bennet? Tius De'Larian: Perhaps there is something i can do? Bridge Areema De'Vorath: Jen dao mei Engine Room Tius De'Larian: If not I sure could use a nap. Jinny Souderton: *tries to follow instructions of what to do to the fire extinguisher* "Black" Angus Spindle: Find me some extinguishers. "Black" Angus Spindle: *takes extinguisher from Jinny* Tius De'Larian: I brought the one from the fore corridor Jinny Souderton: thanks, Black, i'll find more Marc Bennet: *checks tubing* Marc Bennet: *tightens some fittings* Tius De'Larian: *hands over the fire extingushier over* Bridge Areema De'Vorath: Yeah Trent? Engine Room Marc Bennet: *attactches first fire extinguisher and attempts to pressurize system* Marc Bennet: engineering roll? Bridge Trent Logan: Areema, anything I can do for ya? I'm the extra cook down their in engineering, we've got the pressurizors. Engine Room Jinny Souderton: need another extinguisher? "Black" Angus Spindle: DAMMIT! What's going ON up there? Jinny Souderton: *offers another* Bridge Areema De'Vorath: *sorts things out* Areema De'Vorath: Sorry, Cap'n Engine Room Marc Bennet: thanks jinny, might need it "Black" Angus Spindle: Hows it looin Marc? Marc Bennet: *waiting for pressure to equalize* Jinny Souderton: anything else you need, Bennet? Marc Bennet: I got both Marc Bennet: not yet.. hang on Marc Bennet: I have both of them Marc Bennet: looks like one might do it... "Black" Angus Spindle: I'm getting back to the bridge. Let me know how it works out. "Black" Angus Spindle: Good work - keep an eye on it. Jinny Souderton: thanks Marc Bennet: ok good to go, get her to port! Tius De'Larian: Whew! *wipes face on his sleeve* Marc Bennet: *uses rest of extinguishers* Bridge Areema De'Vorath: Okay, I have her headed back to Higgan's... though we may want to cut power again and not over tax the repairs, so we have engines when we need them Engine Room Marc Bennet: that should hold her till docking Bridge Areema De'Vorath: Er, sorry. Still off =/ Engine Room Marc Bennet: engines are on
Aft Corridor Tius De'Larian: Is there a place i can lie down for a while? Bridge Areema De'Vorath: *Tries to gently redirect back on course Engine Room Marc Bennet: makes a note to get more extinguishers at higgens Bridge Trent Logan: Mr. De'Larian, if you'd come to the common area I'm sure I can give you a hand. Bridge Areema De'Vorath: Looks like we should be able to sttle in. Bridge Areema De'Vorath: One our to Orbit. Common Area Trent Logan: Mr. Delarian? Oh, good. Engine Room Marc Bennet: *whew breathes a sigh of relief* Aft Corridor Marc Bennet: that was a little too close Bridge "Black" Angus Spindle: Good work Reem. Marc Bennet: everything ok up here? Areema De'Vorath: *nods, though still seems focused on the instruments* Marc Bennet: is she responding good enough? "Black" Angus Spindle: *on the com* Areema, Bennet, Jinny... good job. Marc Bennet: that was a bit too close Marc Bennet: just doin my job capn Areema De'Vorath: Aye, some good thinking down there, Marc Marc Bennet: thanks Areema :) "Black" Angus Spindle: (watches Higgins get larger in the front windows) Marc Bennet: I'll be with the engines, gonna watch em close till we're landed "Black" Angus Spindle: Trent - make yourself useful for once. See if Bennet needs a hand in engineering. Aft Corridor Trent Logan: I'm on it, but captain, if I may say so, you'll be needing me on Higgens Engine Room Marc Bennet: *watches engine closely* Bridge "Black" Angus Spindle: If you dont start earning your keep I'll be LEAVING you on Higgins. Engine Room Trent Logan: It can get pretty rough... Well Marc, anything I can do for ya? Marc Bennet: help me watch for leaks? *wince* Trent Logan: Alrighty then.. Marc Bennet: and once again the Duck is flappin' thru the stars! er I mean Crow... Bridge "Black" Angus Spindle: Not funny. She just needs a tune-up is all. "Black" Angus Spindle: She can still handle anything the Alliance's got. Engine Room Marc Bennet: hey I'm protective of 'er, she's my baby too ya know! Trent Logan: Well I hope to get some children of my own down there, heh heh. Marc Bennet: *Marc has more than a liking for engines and things that hum in his ear* Bridge "Black" Angus Spindle: Get me a stable orbit, Reem. Engine Room Marc Bennet: trent and I are watching the engines for any signs of leaks... Bridge Areema De'Vorath: *Pulls for a steady orbit, not too tight* Engine Room Marc Bennet: watching AND listening.. leaks can be heard too :) Bridge "Black" Angus Spindle: whos our XO? Areema De'Vorath: Aree or Reema please... Reem - just don't like the sound of it "Black" Angus Spindle: Fair enough.
Engine Room Marc Bennet: Come on baby, don't worry, daddy will fix ya up in port, promise! -- *Marc says lovingly to the Engine* Marc Bennet: *realizes his com is still on* er, uh, ya gotta talk nice to em sometimes ya know? I swear it helps! Bridge "Black" Angus Spindle: Now listen up. From now on Areema is XO. Anybody got a problem with that? Engine Room Trent Logan: Right.. *furrows his brows at the comment* I should head out to the common room and clear up- Mabye grab a snack too Bridge Areema De'Vorath: *giggles* Engine Room Marc Bennet: aye capn Trent Logan: Naw, she'll be a good Executive, execu- if looks could kill. Marc Bennet: Areema is XO, got it Bridge "Black" Angus Spindle: Stow that talk Logan. "Black" Angus Spindle: I'm going below to check on things. Let me know when we get there. Common Area Trent Logan: Will do. Trent Logan: Ah, Mr. De'Larian? Bridge Areema De'Vorath: Pulling into a distant orbit, Cap'n Common Area Tius De'Larian: I a, needed a snack *smiles* Tius De'Larian: Gonna head up to the Bridge for a bit. Trent Logan: Well, say hello for me then Bridge Areema De'Vorath: Shut em down, Mark Tius De'Larian: Wow this high-tech...and what a View...Never been on a bridge before Engine Room Marc Bennet: do a cursory exam on em and see if there is anything else wrong... Marc Bennet: and we are out of pressure.... Marc Bennet: got it :) Bridge Areema De'Vorath: Cap'n, I think it's best I stay on the ship - if you can pilot a shuttle down? Aft Corridor Marc Bennet: coils are really shot now, we're not gonna get started again without parts and fluid Infirmiry Jinny Souderton: *getting medical in order* Bridge Areema De'Vorath: The orbit should be steady, boss. But there is always a small chance of something un-toward happening.... And if it happens down their, I guess I own a ship... Common Area Trent Logan: Understood. Tius De'Larian: Which is where? Aft Corridor Trent Logan: Mr. De'Larion, the Cargo Bay Catwalk. Bridge Areema De'Vorath: You all be safe down there. The crew gathers in the ship’s shuttlecraft. Shuttle Trent Logan: Captain, Jinny. "Black" Angus Spindle: Get UP here! We aint got all day! "Black" Angus Spindle: Strap in. Here we go. Marc Bennet: thanks Tius De'Larian: *straps in* Trent Logan: I see you'll be taking us down, Captain. Trent Logan: *sits back* Entering the atmosphere involves a lot of shaking onboard the shuttle.. "Black" Angus Spindle: Atmospheric turbulence. Help me keep her steady. Trent Logan: Roger that. Trent Logan: Ahh, there we good. Serenity. Tius De'Larian: Man! you guys scare the crap out of me! Jinny Souderton: *smiles* Trent Logan: Welcome to Canton. Trent Logan: I hope you enjoyed the flight. "Black" Angus Spindle: Lets try to stay as sober as possible. I dont want a repeat of the last time. Jinny Souderton: nice flying Marc Bennet: Thank you for flying Crow Spacelines :) Tius De'Larian: Its Been interesting "Black" Angus Spindle: Remember if you gamble - its on your own dime. No advances. Trent Logan: Come on, just a week or so? Marc Bennet: yeah hangover's bad with an engine droning in your ears. After landing (it is evening local time), the crew (and passenger) see the local mud fields and get directions to town. After a brief stop at a local supply store, the crew gathers at the local tavern, the Mudder’s Home, to find their contact. The contact, a man named Lorio, explains that his client is none other than the Magistrate of Canton, Mr. Higgens, the ruler of this moon. Mr. Higgens is trying to ship a side shipment of mud off-world while avoiding Alliance taxes. The group agrees to meet Mr. Higgen’s men in the night, outside town. In addition, Lorio says the men will sell the group the replacement ship parts and medicine they’re looking for. The Mudder's Home Joris Singer of Canton: *sings* Trent Logan: Uh.. sir, I'm already over the limit, don't worry I can take a couple more. Kentie Snyden: Did you need some drinks? Marc Bennet: Bartender, a round for my mates if you please Kentie Snyden: A round'll be ten creds. Marc Bennet: *pays bartender* "Black" Angus Spindle: I'll take whatever you got that won't blind me. Kentie Snyden: There ye go. Kentie Snyden: *nods* "Black" Angus Spindle: *slaps down a few credits* Marc Bennet: ahhh that hit the spot Trent Logan: Sure did. "Black" Angus Spindle: Let's get out of here. The music's giving me a headache. Jinny Souderton: thank you *giddy* Trent Logan: Yeah, lets head back. Marc Bennet: heh good stuff Jinny? Jinny Souderton: *drunk* Joris Singer of Canton: *sings* "Black" Angus Spindle: yep. Marc Bennet: hehe I love to watch her drink ;) Marc Bennet: let's roll before that guy starts playing the same song again... Jinny Souderton: *giggles* Trent Logan: Race ya! Ha ha ha *burp* "Black" Angus Spindle: *grabs Jinny by the arm* Come on you.
The group heads out of town, and starts to pass their shuttle towards the rendezvous point, when they are stopped by two local men, one of whom is named “Vino.”
Higgen's Moon Landing Site Marc Bennet: wow that was fast, made ma head spin Tius De'Larian: *scratches head* Jinny Souderton: what do you mean? Vino: See...the Magistrate's a cruel man. Vino: Treats us all like slaves. Vino: But our hero - he's been helping us see something more. Vino: Now he's sitting in the Magistrate's place, waiting for a trial. Marc Bennet: a trial for doing what? Vino: And you're about to take a shipment of mud offworld to sell without taxes. Trent Logan: Captain, normally I'd advise against intervening on this sort of thing, but these people... Vino: All for the Magistrate's little secret profit! Vino: He and the other two - they both got shot - were trying to take the mud shipment for ourselves. "Black"" Angus Spindle: *glances at crew* Stow it. This isn't our problem. *to the men* Look Im sorry for your troubles, but we cant help you. "Black"" Angus Spindle: Now if you don't mind... "Vino: You do what that Magistrate wants, he'll take all the money for himself. "Black"" Angus Spindle: ...we got business to do. Vino: *pleads* Vino: You gotta help us! Trent Logan: Are you sure about this, Captain? Marc Bennet: whatever happens, make sure it's *after* I get my engine parts dong ma?? Vino: Ever since Jayne Cobb left, our hero's all we've got! Jinny Souderton: are they still wounded? Vino: They're dead. Vino: Helped bury them myself. Jinny Souderton: oh Vino: Magistrate's not real kind about that sort of thing. Vino: But the hero - Fes - he's still alive! Marc Bennet: *shakes head* sorry for your loss boys, I follow my captain, if he says jump, I jump... what say ya cap'n? "Black" Angus Spindle: Look - you boys best mosey on now. We cant help you. Trent Logan: I feel for ya, but although I'm not as obedient as Marc over here, Spindle seems like my only way off this rock. Marc Bennet: *whispers to black* we could get the mud, that parts, and come back down and help these folk... "Black" Angus Spindle: Thats true enough. Jinny Souderton: i'm not real brave myself, i might be able to do a little talking in there, but if the magistrate's dead set on keeping him locked up, i'm no good to you there Vino: *threatens* You come back in our tavern, we'll give you a taste of Mudder's Milk for sure. Vino: Jien tah duh guay! "Black" Angus Spindle: Now hold on. "Black" Angus Spindle: Give me a minute. Nore: All right. "Black" Angus Spindle: Crew huddle. Over here. "Black" Angus Spindle: If we go about helping out every sob story that comes along we'll never get paid. Trent Logan: Yeah, but I've got a feeling here, what if this Magistrate pulls one on US? "Black" Angus Spindle: Not to mention we'll have Badger on us if this deal goes bad. Marc Bennet: understandable, but we could get the mud, the parts and a warm fuzzy for helpin these folks if we play this right... Trent Logan: You know how I feel, and I ain't changin' my mind, and sure as hell not trying to change yours... How do you feel Jinny? Marc Bennet: but everything needs to go as planned for the moment... "Black" Angus Spindle: *looks to Jinny for an opinion* Marc Bennet: what time is it? the people we're supposed to meet might be here any minute... Marc Bennet: *looks around* Trent Logan: Jinny? Jinny Souderton: i'd like to help them, but i don't think i could bribe him with enough money, do you? you've sen me done some serious bribing before, but, this guy means business Marc Bennet: I don't think bribing is gonna do much good here... Jinny Souderton: nor sweet talking, do you? Marc Bennet: right... I think a more direct approach will be necessary unfortunately, and keeping the alliance out of it to boot... "Black" Angus Spindle: I agree. It's too pricey for us. We've got a lot to lose. These boys better come up with somethng better'n pleading to make it worth our time. Tius De'Larian: *pokes his head in* Seems to me like your in need of a fem more hands if your gonna try to pull somthing off... Trent Logan: A piece of the action mabye? "Black" Angus Spindle: Let's see what they've got to say. Trent Logan: If we take the overt approach to rescuein' this fella, mabye we can do some Jayne'in "Black" Angus Spindle: We might be able to help yeh. But we dont work for free. Vino: *cheers* Vino: Sure - we could give you a cut of what we get from Badger for the mud. Vino: More than Higgens'll pay you for transport. Vino: Call it ten percent, on top of your transport fee. Vino: That's what Fes told us we should do, if we ever needed someone to help. Trent Logan: Well, Captain? "Black" Angus Spindle: Ten percent...? *tries to do quick math in his head* Marc Bennet: *whispers to black* 15%... "Black" Angus Spindle: *nods* Alright. It's a deal. Where's this 'hero' of yours? Vino: Magistrate's Estate. "Black" Angus Spindle: Point. Vino: it's night. After you pick up your goods - don't tell them! - meet us at your shuttle, and we'll take you there. "Black" Angus Spindle: That'll work. Now get out of sight before you're seen. Vino: Right. Shuttle Trent Logan: FAHNG Sheen
The crew agrees to help the locals save their hero, a man named Fes, who tried to steal the mud shipment before the crew arrived on world. But first, they meet with the Magistrate’s men, and take the mud shipment, the ship parts, and the medicine they need. They pretend they’re going along with the Magistrate’s plan. Afterwards, they’re led by Vino to the Magistrate’s estate, where they’ll need to break in and free Fes, the Hero of Canton.
Magistrate's Estate Trent Logan: I'm at the front gate, its looked, going around the sides Trent Logan: I'm not very good at the whole listening thing, any more observant people? Try at the door Marc Bennet: no way in on that side Trent Logan: Anything round the back? There are two Alliance patrolmen acting as guards inside the gate. Alliance Patrolman: You hear something? Trent Logan: *hides* Alliance Patrolman: Nope. "Black" Angus Spindle: *nand signals to the others* Trent Logan: Careful with the light! "Black" Angus Spindle: *places finger to lips* "Black" Angus Spindle: *places finger to lips to indicate silence needed* Trent Logan: Can you listen to the sounds inside? I'm a little hard of hearing. "Black" Angus Spindle: *slaps forehead* Jinny Souderton: heheheheh Trent Logan: This is the only way in I think, should we just bash our way in? "Black" Angus Spindle: this is embarrasing. I need a dice bag. Tius De'Larian: *whipsers* or knock Jinny Souderton: can't you pick the lock? Trent Logan: I dont have any lockpicks... wait, okay Marc. Trent Logan: I'll go next. Trent Logan: Chur Ni-duh Marc Bennet: go around the front I'll open the gate Marc Bennet: nevermind Marc Bennet: use the tree, 2 armed guards right at entrance Jinny Souderton: *takes off lab coat* "Black" Angus Spindle: That's jest great. Trent Logan: *tries to climb* Marc Bennet: we'll have to deal with them on the way out... Marc climbs the a tree over the wall to the side of the estate, but lands right next to a servant of the Magistrate – man expert in martial arts. Fortunately, Marc is very skilled with a flashlight, and he knocks out the guard. Marc Bennet: medic! "Black" Angus Spindle: An alliance man. That's just great. "Black" Angus Spindle: Now you've done it. Trent Logan: *tries to climb* Marc Bennet: come on Jinny you can do it! *whispers* Trent Logan: Not criticly it seems, well I guess thats better than falling "Black" Angus Spindle: (pulls her up from the wall) Tius De'Larian: *whipsers* we could go open the gate Trent Logan: *goes over expertly* Hurrah Marc Bennet: *whispers* got any med packs on ya Jinny? :) Trent Logan: *locks and loads his carbine expertly* "Black" Angus Spindle: This job just got costly. *points to the Alliance guard Marc killed* Trent Logan: I'll go forward again. Jinny Souderton: *treats the man's wounds so he doesn't die* Marc Bennet: unconconcious... Trent Logan: *stealthily moves away* Jinny Souderton: *treats marc's wounds* Trent tries to break in, but sets off a loud alarm, which attracts the attention of the Alliance patrolmen. Trent Logan: Sorry! I tripped an alarm! "Black" Angus Spindle: This just keeps getting better and better. The patrolmen approach, but the Captain intercepts them, alone and unarmed. The rest of the group stays back, trying to break into the Magistrate’s home. Alliance Patrolman: Hey, you! Trent Logan: GRAH! Alliance Patrolman: Stop right there! Tius De'Larian: GOt one open! Alliance Patrolman: You'd best get down on the ground, fella. Tius De'Larian: Crap... Alarm! Alliance Patrolman: yes, you. "Black" Angus Spindle: Hello. Can you help us? We were trying to find a bathroom, and... Alliance Patrolman: *guestures to Captain* Alliance Patrolman: Right. Alliance Patrolman: You're going to the office. Trent breaks into the home, and goes in alone. Magistrate's Home Trent Logan: I'm in. Magistrate's Estate Alliance Patrolman: Let me put these cuffs on you, all right? "Black" Angus Spindle: The office? Now there's no need for that. If we made a mistake we'll just move on. Alliance Patrolman: No trouble. Alliance Patrolman: What? More of you? Marc Bennet: *sneaks up behind the guards and whaps one on the head* "Black" Angus Spindle: Yeh that'll be the day. *tries to sslug him* Magistrate's Home Trent Logan: I'm near the Magistrate, I think hes alone. Magistrate's Estate Jinny Souderton: *hides* Magistrate's Home Trent Logan: hides being the gong. Trent Logan: What should I do? Magistrate's Estate After Marc and the Captain attack, the guards fire their stun rifles at point blank, hitting the Captain once and almost knocking him out. But the rest of the crew overpower the guards, and the Captain staggers to his feet. Tius De'Larian: *sigh* ...But i found a way in "Black" Angus Spindle: Let's get going then. Marc Bennet: let's go go go I already unlocked the gate Magistrate's Home Trent Logan: Hurry up, dammit, or I'll have to go in alone! Magistrate's Home Trent Logan: The Magistrate is in there. Marc Bennet: camera's out Trent Logan: It's bashin' time! Unless you can unlock it. Another servant, this one also a martial arts expert, is quickly overcome by the group. This time, Trent shot the guard with his carbine, so Jinny uses her medical kit to stop the bleeding and quickly pack the wound to avoid a murder. "Black" Angus Spindle: Leave him. Tius De'Larian: We lonly need to find Fes Marc Bennet: there ya go Trent Logan: We can interrogate him. "Black" Angus Spindle: Lets get our man and go. Trent Logan: Fine Jinny Souderton: *avoids the cameras* Jinny Souderton: *treats his wounds* "Black" Angus Spindle: Damn. Damn damn damn. "Black" Angus Spindle: Is he going to live? Jinny Souderton: he'll live "Black" Angus Spindle: Makes no diffrence. We're good as dead. Come on. Jinny Souderton: let's go The group rescues Fes. The young man was addressing the hologram recording of a beautiful woman before the group came into his room. It turns out that Fes is none other than Fes HIGGENS, the SON of the Magistrate. Apparently Fes went against his father’s wishes and became a sort of new Hero for Canton after Jayne Cobb left. He’s been helping the local mudders steal some mud shipments for themselves, but was caught by his father. Now, he heads out with the group, after retrieving a handgun from where it was hidden in a potted plant. Trent Logan: Look, just, calm down and come with when I holler, I'm going to ensure its safe. "Black" Angus Spindle: Look we dont have time for this. Fes Higgins: Hold on. Fes Higgins: *reaches into pot. Fes Higgins: All right. Magistrate's Estate Trent Logan: Crzz, this is Trent, the way is clear, bring him. Fes Higgins: There will be no going home now. Fes Higgins: He won't let me live next time. Marc Bennet: sorry Jinny "Black" Angus Spindle: You made your bed. Marc Bennet: let's get out of this place! Fes Higgins: I only hope I can be a hero like they need. "Black" Angus Spindle: Now let's get you out of here so we can get paid. Marc Bennet: before the guards wake up Tius De'Larian: Agreed Fes Higgins: All right. The group takes Fes back outside town, near their shuttle, and he says goodbye. The group has agreed to sell the mud shipment on behalf of Fes’s group, not the Magistrate. They’ll get ten percent of the proceeds themselves as a reward, though it’s risky to anger their employer, Badger of the world Persephone. They gather inside their shuttle and proceed to take off. Shuttle Tius De'Larian: We seem to be missing a barrel Marc Bennet: it's in the storage Tius De'Larian: Ah ok Marc Bennet: fly fly fly away... Trent Logan: Ready to go? Jinny Souderton: yup *happy* "Black" Angus Spindle: Now what? We can't go to Badger after THAT deal. Tius De'Larian: Captian Spindle ... a moment Trent Logan: *starts the prechecks* Wait.. uhm.. "Black" Angus Spindle: Yes. Tius De'Larian: I'd like to join your crew. Trent Logan: Marc? Jinny Souderton: sighs Marc Bennet: yeah Trent Logan: Somethings wrong here. Marc Bennet: *examines the controls* Marc Bennet: *runs systems check* "Black" Angus Spindle: Hrm. We'll talk... later. Jinny Souderton: alliance doing a land lock on us? Tius De'Larian: I knew someone should have stayed back... those hoodlums probably screwed with the ship Tius De'Larian: Thank you Tius De'Larian: *straps in* "Black" Angus Spindle: Strap up everyone. Logan take the stick. Marc Bennet: *straps in* "Black" Angus Spindle: *monitors for pursuit*
The End
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