The Deal
Sunday, June 4, 2006

This is a sequel I guess you could say to 'This One's On Me' Silee. Simon asks Kaylee to come with him when he leaves the ship.


Title: The Deal

Rating: pg

Fandom: Firefly

Pairing: Silee

Characters: Simon, Kaylee, Jayne, Mal

Word Count: 1258

Summary: Drunk Kaylee, Simon asks Kaylee to come with him

Warning: I don't own the characters or the 'verse am I'm not making any money off this

Authors note: Not betaed, sorry.


They stared at each other for a long moment, their gaze refusing to break. "You’re still here," Kaylee hiccuped. Simon had been waiting on the ramp when Jayne and Kaylee returned, Kaylee completely smashed. Jayne had giving Simon a grunt and handed a drunk Kaylee off to him as he went off, mumbling something about his shoes.

"You’re drunk," Simon replied, letting out a long breath.

"Didn’t think you’d be here when I got back," Kaylee said.

"I couldn’t leave without saying goodbye." There was a quiet moment between them before Simon moved towards her, taking her arm gently. "Here, let’s get you sitting down," Simon said softly.

"I don’t want you to leave," Kaylee mumbled as Simon lead her to the galley. He sat them both on the couch and looked up at the mechanic.

"It’s for the best. I never planned to live the rest of my life on a spaceship. At least here I can help people. Give River a stable home. These people need a doctor too, and River seems to enjoy being here. The alliance has finally stopped looking for us, we can start living a normal life again."

"Livin’ on a spaceship ain’t livin’ a normal life?" she asked, her words slurring a little. Simon smiled and kissed her forehead.

"You’re very drunk."

"I’m not so think as you drunk I am," Kaylee shook her head.

"Come with me, Kaylee," Simon asked. It wasn’t the first time he’d asked her. She’d always looked forlorn whenever he did, begging him not to go. She’d never said she wouldn’t come though. He could see how the decision was tearing at her, but Simon couldn’t pass up the opportunity. Not for himself and not for River.

"But Serenity…Simon this is my home," Kaylee said. Her eyelids were drooping some as she spoke.

"It wasn’t always your home and it isn’t always going to be your home. One day you will leave. Why not now?" Simon cupped Kaylee’s cheek and turned her face to look at him.

"Now ain’t exactly the time t’be asking my mechanic if she’s ready to jump ship," a voice from the doorway startled the doctor. Simon looked up to see Mal approaching them on the couch.

"Would it be alright if we waited one more night, Cap’n? Before River and I got off ship?" the doctor asked. Mal nodded and looked over at Kaylee who was looking a little green. "Think it would be best if you got her to bed before she throws up all over my ship."

"I think so too," Simon said, standing and helping Kaylee to stand as well. She was a little wobbly on her feet and so Mal moved to help get her to Simon’s room, neither wanting to try and get Kaylee down her bunk ladder. Once they had her in bed, Mal looked over at Simon.

"I ain’t gonna ask you t’stay," the captain started. "But I want you to know you’re welcome to stay."

"Thank you, captain. I appreciate that. This is really what is best for both River and I. I think I should let you know, in the morning I will be asking Kaylee to come with me again. I love her, you know and I want to be with her." Simon waited for Mal to speak his peace, not really sure what the captain would say.

"If she decides to go with you, then I won’t make a fuss about losing the best damn mechanic I’ve ever met. If she says no though, I don’t want you pushing her into doing something she isn’t ready to do. We’re a family on this boat, and she may not be ready to leave. If she isn’t, you have to respect that."

"I would never make Kaylee do something she isn’t ready to do," Simon said. He looked down and saw the woman that he loved was already asleep. He smiled to himself, a sad sort of smile. If there was one reason to stay on the ship, Kaylee would be it.


"How much exactly did you have to drink?" Simon asked as he placed the cold compress on Kaylee’s aching head. The morning had come too quickly. Simon had spent half the night up worrying if he was making a mistake and the other half watching Kaylee sleep, wondering if it was his last chance.

"I dunno. Jayne bought, I just kept drinking," she said quietly.

"I’ve given you something for you head. You know, River and I were already supposed to be off ship today. Serenity should already be in the black by now," Simon said.

"You stayed ‘cause of me," she said quietly, "’cause you want me to come with you."

"I do," Simon nodded.

"Serenity’s my home," Kaylee sighed. "I love her so much, she’s my girl and I don’t think there’ll ever be a ship in the ‘verse that will ever compare. You want me to leave me home."

"I love you Kaylee. I’m asking you to leave you home for a different home," Simon said.

"What would I do?" Kaylee asked.

"Shénme?" Simon’s brow drew together.

"What would I do? You’d doctor, what would I do?" she asked again.

"Whatever you wanted to Kaylee. Greenleaf is a big planet. Coleman isn’t a huge town, but there are always things that need to be fixed. Does this mean you’re considering it?" Simon looked at her hopefully.

"I guess until now I just hoped you’d change your mind. Decide not t’leave. You’re really goin’ aren’t you?" Kaylee asked.

"I think River needs this, as do I. They have a wonderful medical facility not more than an hour away. Not as good as the core, but I think I would really be able to help my sister there." Simon cupped her cheek and kissed her forehead. "Please come with me bao bei."

"Guess I can’t say no to that," Kaylee whispered. There eye’s met for a moment and Simon broke out into a warm grin.

"If you aren’t happy I promise I will flag the captain down to come get you just as soon as you say the word," he reassured her.

"Doubt I could be unhappy with you there," Kaylee smiled back. Her eyes broke away from his and she looked around the infirmary, letting out a long breath. "I’ll miss my girl somethin’ fierce. I’ll miss everyone on this ship. Guess I gotta follow my heart though."


"You just let her go," Jayne shook his head, looking away from Mal.

"I ain’t her daddy, Jayne. If she wants to go, she’ll go," the captain said. Simon, River and Kaylee were already impossible to see against the horizon. Still both men stared out like they were expecting their mechanic to come running back any minute.

"You coulda said somethin’, asked her t’stay. Who the hell is gonna keep the ship goin’ now? With you flyin’ and no mechanic, might as well shoot myself now ‘cause there ain’t no way we’re gonna be able t’land this thing right." Both men stared at the horizon again. "Doc better not mess it up."

"You weren’t good enough for her anyway, Jayne," Mal said, not looking at his mercenary.

"I know I wasn’t," Jayne sighed, turning and heading back to his bunk. Mal waited another moment longer before he too turned and headed for the bridge. He needed to find a new pilot and a new mechanic next stop. For now he needed to get the hell off this planet.

a/n: the 'I'm not so think are you drunk I am' line I totally ripped from M*A*S*H*.


Sunday, June 4, 2006 12:28 PM


YAY!!!! Silee goodness!!!! Gotta love it! And, thanks for this. Really.


Sunday, June 4, 2006 12:29 PM


Glad you enjoyed it.

Sunday, June 4, 2006 12:47 PM


I feel so sad that Kaylee left Serenity though if anyone could break the family it would be Simon. Kaylee loves him so much but I feel very sad. Not sure how River feels about it or whether she was given much choice but nothing will be the same now. Ali D
You can't take the sky from me

Sunday, June 4, 2006 1:22 PM


What? Noo...they can't leave Serenity! It ain't the same if Kaylee and Simon aren't around for moral and medicine:(

But you did a wondeful job here, Mordsith....all parties in character and expressing realistic feelings about the situation. Interesting final comments from Jayne and Mal though; kinda strikes me as an odd note to end on. Oh well:)


Sunday, June 4, 2006 2:00 PM


Oh, boy. You've gone and broken up my family even more! I would think that Kaylee is going to agonise over her decision. How could she not given that Serenity is her girl? I especially liked the comment by Jayne at the end (nice nudge to Jaylee) as it shows a bit of introspection by our merc which is always a good thing.

Waiting for the next chapter...

Sunday, June 4, 2006 2:04 PM


Very cool, and refreshing, coming from you Mordsmith as I was pretty much convinced you only wrote Jaylee! I think the moment Kaylee said yes could have been a bit more emotional, but I like the dynamic this will open up, having them off ship - you are going to continue it, yes?

I hope so, as I'm sure all S/K fans are!

Sunday, June 4, 2006 2:10 PM


Just when you thought you had me pegged right? Lol. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I may ship Jaylee, but I do enjoy Silee. I *heart* Simon lol.

As for the emotion thing with Kaylee. It was hard to write, deciding exactly how she would feel. She loves Simon, but she loves Serenity as well. I think it is a bittersweet decision for her. So I did my best to try and show that.

BEB--as for the odd note at the end, I was just trying to tie it to the drunken Jayne/Kaylee story I wrote before this. Maybe Jayne's little thing for Kaylee didn't come out right in the first part. My apologizes if it didn't.

Don't know if there will be more of this or not. I would need some serious plot bunnies. I have a couple things floating around, but they're all angsty and drama filled lol.

Sunday, June 4, 2006 2:36 PM


Read this one first and then went back and read the prequel, if you will, to this.

Please don't take any of the things I say as 'criticism's' per say (read my blog so I don't have to explain myself in this review!)

First off, it was a nice change to see you write S/K :) I can see in your characterizations that you seem more comfortable writing Jaylee. Though maybe that's just because you've done more of it:)

Few misspellings and stuff in this one that you might want to go back to correct.

Wish you'd have delved into the emotional aspect of Simon really wanting her to go with him and not letting her go without a fight, yet willing to let her if she really wanted to stay. Some more emotion from Kaylee would have been nice as well. I didn't get the feeling she was REAL torn up about Simon's decision to leave.

As for the first story, I just have a hard time wrapping my head around Kaylee off getting drunk with Jayne because Simon has chosen to leave. I'd have loved to have seen how emotionally upset she was because of his decision. And even how Simon came to the decision to leave in the first place because it couldn't have been easy, especially if he loved Kaylee.

Now, before people start to send me hate mail because of something they perceive is is flame in a review, I'm only saying these things because of the emotions this story has evoked in me when I read it. If I didn't care, I wouldn't bother to review.

I, obviously, write S/K pretty much exclusively so I've formulated my own opinions on their characterizations which don't match some people's so please don't take offense at this review! That is not my intent at all. Like I said, if it didn't affect me, I wouldn't have bothered to type all of this out!

Sunday, June 4, 2006 2:58 PM


Certainly a mixed response. Not sure what I think exactly. Maybe I'll back of Silee until I get a better head around it.

Sunday, June 4, 2006 3:09 PM


>Maybe I'll back of Silee until I get a better head around it.

The more you write, the better you get :) Definitely write more. You'll make the S/K fans happy!

One thing I found that REALLY helped me with characterization (and I'm sure you'll notice I don't get it right all of the time!)is having a GOOD beta reader that doesn't mind telling me when they thinks something sounds off.

If you've got Jaylee beta's, they may not be able to help you with S/K characterizations because of how they perceive the characters.

Sunday, June 4, 2006 3:11 PM


My Jaylee beta reader already offered to beta this story. If I write Silee, I may just not post it. I'm not sure. I think I have Jayne down better lol. I like Silee, I think I'll just read everyone elses though.

Sunday, June 4, 2006 3:34 PM


Maybe its because you have a Jaylee beta. If they don't like that pairing, they aren't going to be as perceptive to the characterization differences.

If I ever tried to write that pairing, I would not use my S/K beta because I know they are not as knowledgeable with the characterizations of that pair. I'd probably go to Jacqui but then she'd probably fall over dead of shock if I asked her to beta a Jaylee story! laugh

Definitely keep writing S/K. And definitely post the stories! I didn't dislike this story, or its previous one, I just have different characterization opinions on some aspects of it. Doesn't mean what you wrote is wrong:)

Sunday, June 4, 2006 3:38 PM


My beta didn't actually read this. She said she would beta it after the fact. She enjoys Jaylee and Silee though. I *heart* Jacqui, I think she would drop dead if you told her that. I would almost dare you to do it just to see her reaction lol.

Anyway, I don't have any Silee plot bunnies right now.

Sunday, June 4, 2006 4:59 PM


I believe Kaylee would leave Serenity, if Simon asked her to, but not with out a LOT of talking, convincing and maybe a little fighting! I agree with the emotional aspect of the comments above but I am glad you tried something different for yourself. Hope you keep writing S/K!:)

Sunday, June 4, 2006 7:34 PM


Just wanted to say I really liked this. Hope you keep it going!


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Complicated: Part 1
Kaylee/OMC (for now). A new man comes into Kaylee's life.

Final Goodbyes: Sweet Surrender epilogue
Epilogue to my story Sweet Surrender. Takes place a few years after the end of the story.

The Hunt: Chapter 3
Two years ago Kaylee was kidnapped by alliance. Now she has returned to Serenity under mysterious circumstances, a living weapon and a very confused girl. This one kinda squirked me folks, just warning you.

Jaylee. Kaylee has some mixed up feelings.

Trapped: Chapter 2
Help arrives, but a little late? Simon/Kaylee

The Hunt: Chapter 2
Kaylee wakes after Simon puts her to sleep with the safe word. Mal is uncertain what need to be done with his mechanic.

Who I am
Kaylee finds Jayne in a bar with a whore on his lap. Jaylee. Song fic, angsty.

In the Way
Jayne's big brother act gets in the way of Kaylee getting some lovin'. Set pre-series. One-shot Kaylee/OMC

Cut Off
Angsty piece of Jaylee I wrote to get my muse going. Part of the 30_angsts challeneg. The ship has crashed and Kaylee is trapped in the engine room.

Teacher's Darling
Inara is reminded of a dear friend and lover. Implied Mal/Inara.