Puppy Love: Part 7 & 8
Sunday, June 11, 2006

It's been a while since part 7 so i'm reposting it in front of the new part. Sorry it's taking so long.


“Now, ya’ll know we got a job to do.” Mal looked at each of the gathered faces in turn arranged in a semi-circle around him in the cargo bay.

“Kaylee, Simon, you two are gonna follow along in about, say, an hour. Kaylee, think ya can rough Simon up enough so he don’t look so respectable?” Mal nearly grinned at the glint that suddenly appeared in Kaylee’s eyes. “I thought so. Go on now and get to it.” Kaylee took Simon’s hand and led him sputtering away.

“As for the rest of you,” he turned to Inara, “’Nara, you got any less . . .” he gestured vaguely, “fanciful?”

“I’m sure I could find something suitable.” Inara rolled her eyes and left for her shuttle.

“Zoe, Wash, and Jayne, you three come with me now. Hayden will meet us at the bar in around an hour and a half that’ll give us time to look the place over casual-like.”

Lil’ Captain barked and stood up on his hind legs as though asking what his part would be. Mal ignored him.

“Sir, out of curiosity why’d you send the others off to change?” Zoe asked.

“Well, see, lately things don’t seem to wanna go according to plan so they’ll be our back up. Not to mention did ya see the look on Kaylee’s face when I sent the two of them off? Like a kid sent to a candy store without supervision.” He chuckled.

“As delightful as that was, sir, won’t they be more of a liability than a help?”

“Way I figure it the more eyes watchin’ our backs the better. Plus I don’t plan on them being needed anyway.” Mal turned to Book. “I conjure you won’t mind sittin’ this one out and sheppardin’ River.” Book nodded consent and went off to find River whistling for the puppy to follow him. Lil’ Captain stayed put for a moment hopeful, then followed reluctantly.

“Alright. Let’s move out.”


The bar could’ve been one of any on a hundred rim worlds. Dank, dusty, reeking of unwashed bodies and alcohol. In a word, it was perfect. They blended right in, except for maybe smelling a bit less ripe than the rest of the patrons.

Mal sat at one table with Jayne and Zoe while Wash and Inara sat at another attempting to ignore them. Kaylee and Simon huddled in a back booth heads bent together, deep in discussion. Two guesses as to what they were talking about.

All was quiet. Or rather all was noisy and boisterous, but to the expected level. Nothing to worry about. It was still about fifteen minutes till the meeting and if everything went according to plan they’d be leaving richer and lighter in the hold than they’d arrived.

A voluptuous, blonde server wearing a daringly cut top walked towards Mal, Jayne, and Zoe’s table, her hips swaying and her eyes fixed on Mal. She stopped in front of him and leaned over giving him a perfect view of her ample cleavage. “Anything I can do for you, honey? Anything at all?” she winked at him.

He smiled up at her, a part of him wondering if Inara was watching. “You can do something for me.” Jayne piped up before Mal could answer.

“Jayne.” Zoe’s voice was low in warning. “We have business to see to.”

“We got fifteen minutes.”

“Jayne.” Mal’s voice silenced any further protests. He turned back to the server who had started pouting. “There is somethin’ you could do for me.” She smiled widely. “See that woman over there,” he gestured toward Inara with his chin, “could you take her a glass of your fanciest drink and put it on my tab?” The blonde was downright frowning now. “Oh and if you wouldn’t tell her who it’s from? Thanks.” She huffed off to get the drink and Zoe raised one eyebrow, not quite a question, but close enough.

Mal shrugged suddenly uncomfortable, not quite sure his own self of his motives for sending Inara the drink and remaining anonymous. Jayne just sat back his arms across his chest, a grumpy expression on his face.

That’s about when the go-se hit the fan.



Sunday, June 11, 2006 9:57 PM


"That’s about when the go-se hit the fan."


Monday, June 12, 2006 3:44 PM


Ah...the influece of canine love...;)

Glad you're back in the saddle again, SerenityGrey! Can't wait for what happens in the bar:D



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Puppy Love: Part 9
The gos se hits the fan.

Puppy Love: Part 7 & 8
It's been a while since part 7 so i'm reposting it in front of the new part. Sorry it's taking so long.

Puppy Love: Part 7
Mal seeks some advice from Zoe.

Puppy Love: Part 6
Mal gets more than he bargained for in response to his question.

Puppy Love: Part 5
Mal continues to reject the idea of letting someone cuter than him join his crew.

Puppy Love: Part 4
Mal continues to reject the idea of letting someone cuter than him join his crew.

Puppy Love: Parts 1,2,&3
A lighthearted story about our favorite crew and a new member. Enjoy and Comment!

Falling In Love
i'm flying under a new sn so i thought i'd repost some of my fanfics. This one is a "what if" Mal had stopped Inara after she said she was leaving. PLEASE COMMENT.