Nobody Dies Alone
Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Bit of Mal's thoughts from the end of 'Out of Gas' Been liking that one a lot of late. Dialog is not mine.


Mal could make out mutterings. Something about blood. Jayne was always talking about blood. His eyes fluttered. He turned his head. Zoe's eyes met his. She was lying on the counter.

"Welcome back, sir." She sounded relieved.

Mal was confused. "I go somewhere?" he asked groggily.

"Very nearly." Book stood and approached Mal.

"I thought we lost you." Inara said, her gaze tender. Mal didn’t miss the 'I'.

"I been right here." His gaze passed over them all then turned to Wash who was sitting at his side.

"Wash, you okay?"

"Yeah, Mal, I'm fine." Wash's eyes were soft.

Mal's gaze shifted to Wash's arm. "You got a thing on you're arm." He pointed. Shouldn't have yelled at him, thought Mal. Now he's gone and got himself hurt.

"Yeah." Wash glanced at the arm, appearing surprised to see the band. He didn’t elaborate though. Only later did Mal realize that Wash was giving him blood. Wash who he had been cruel too. Wash who hated needles.

"Try not to speak. You're heavily medicated and you lost a lot of blood." Simon checked all the instruments and uncapped another dose of medication.

Mal groaned and rolled his head from side to side. "I thought I ordered you all off the ship." He paused, confused. "I call you back?"

"No, Mal, you didn’t." Wash said gently. His eyes had a haunted look in them.

"I take full responsibility, Cap'n." Zoe looked at him fondly.

Simon added, "The decision saved your life."

"Won't happen again, sir." Zoe's lips twitched.

"Good." He paused. "And thanks. I'm grateful."

"My pleasure, sir." Zoe said softly.

Jayne began whinging about the smell in Inara's shuttle and Mal could only think of how much he liked to whinge. And how easy he was to talk down. And Inara. How she had convinced him to rent her the shuttle for such a low price.

Kaylee came in. "Hey, Cap'n."

"Hey." He said.

"You fixed the ship. Good work." She looked real proud. Mal smiled at her.

"Thanks." He remembered how proud he was of her the first time she ever fixed Serenity.

Then Simon played his part and told everyone that Mal needed his rest.

"I think the doc might not be wrong about that one." Mal slurred. "Just gonna need a few." His eyes closed. But he was worried. He lifted his head again, "Y'all gonna be here when I wake up?"

"We'll be here." Book assured him. Kaylee nodded emphatically.

"Good," his gaze passed them all again, lighting on Wash. He envisioned that lip covered in hair again and managed a small grin. "That’s good." He lay back. All was well. All that he loved. Serenity was not dead. And neither was Zoe. And he'd somehow made it too. Imagine that. Sleep took him. Peaceful, untroubled sleep. Serene sleep.



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