I'm a new fan... and very sad
Sunday, June 25, 2006

i know this is all old nesw to all of you, but i just finished watching Firefly and now i'm very upset coz its all over. there's so much i want to know... can anyone help?


i just signed up then, after spending the last few days watching Firefly, knowing that i wouldn't find out what happens in the end. in fact my entire day has been blemished since i finished the series and the movie this morning because thats the end. yes i know i'm a ridiculous fenatic but i cant help it! there are so many questions i have but i wont go through them all, just the more pressing ones

first off, who doesn't want to see Mal and Inara finally get together, in a similar way to how we want to see Simon and Kalee as well. but my obsession goes further...

what on earth is so special about Shepherd Book? he gets special medical attention on the Alliance cruiser and the bounty hunter in Objects In Space says he's not a Shpeherd.

what did the Alliance really do to River? i mean we know that she's some kind of psychic killing machine but what was her purpose? why is she so unstable?

since my beloved series has been canned if anyone knows of any wed site or other that can answer these questions please help a poor obsessed fan out.



Monday, June 26, 2006 4:57 AM


Read some fan fics, that's how a lot of us deal with our obsession until there is another movie/series made.

This, however, is a fanfic forum, so its in the wrong place.

Look at the top and click 'Community' and there are the forums for posting things like this.

Monday, June 26, 2006 7:40 AM


Read fanfics. Mine preferably. ;) Write fanfics.

There is immense possiblility. I'm as addicted to this site as I am to the show... Yes.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006 6:22 AM


Oh how I share your pain! I've found the best way to get past the angst is to write the stuff yourself. Next best thing: read the stuff here. And for your River question, my humble answer can be found <a href=""here</a>

Tuesday, June 27, 2006 6:22 AM


Friggin links!!! Try the good ole copy and paste:

Saturday, July 5, 2008 6:43 AM


*grins* Can't say I'm a Mal/Inara fan. I think the tension and the banter and sarcy comments would be spoiled by resolution. But if you like that pairing there's some comms and groups out there for it, which probably go through all kinds of possibilites. Same for Kaylee/Simon-I think, well I know for a couple of them, there are character comms too. At least on livejournal, I'm not sure about journal fen or insane.

Fanfic are good for exploring the option, I'm a fan of the what if and AU fics especially. Roleplaying, discussing is good too. Plus there's always hints, not that you can always believe them, dropped by the actors themselves at cons and things like that-lol, a lot of which feed back to fic.

There's also the 'glow' archive-if you google 'firefly glow' you'll find it-which has a lot of fic and a lot of different lj groups some of which you might find explore your questions.


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I'm a new fan... and very sad
i know this is all old nesw to all of you, but i just finished watching Firefly and now i'm very upset coz its all over. there's so much i want to know... can anyone help?