Friday, June 30, 2006

über short wash and zoë moment. sweetness ensues =)


note: i think i may have borrowed this idea from some other fanfic but i really can't remember who! if you know (or if it was you) can you tell me, 'cos it's been buggin' me. anyway, this is a little z-w moment from zoë's point of view.


Even when he doesn't have to, he likes to sit up there, alone with the stars. I go to bed but he stays, just watching, listening to the hum of Serenity as we slip through the night. He has that connection with her and with the black. He can sit and watch and listen all night.

Finally, he comes down though, pushing the hatch open so slowly it doesn’t make a sound, slipping down the ladder, his footsteps softer than a whisper. I hear him undress on the edge of consciousness. My mind half awake, I hear the brush of material against skin, the rush of air as his shirt drops to the floor of our bunk.

Then I feel him lying down, slipping beneath the covers. He does it so gently you can hardly tell, but I know he is there, even when I am sleeping, I know he is there, his warmth against mine.

Now I feel the brush of him against me and I smile sleepily, reaching out to hold him, to let me be held. I love the feel of his strong arms wrapped tight around me, the only place I feel completely warm, completely safe, completely complete.

But my hand finds nothing but cold sheets. My heart misses a beat and my mind jolts awake. My eyes blink open to find emptiness. Confusion blinds me for a moment as I wonder where my husband is.

Then the realisation comes.

He’s not coming.

I fall flat, winded, gasping for breath. Tears, tears I had not allowed to fall, burn in my eyes as the feel of the cold bed next to grips at my heart. A sob rises in my chest and I wrap my arms around myself, but I need his arms. I need him. I cry out, my lips shaking, my throat tight, a desperate moan. “Oh, Wash!”

There is no one to hear, no one to comfort. I am alone.

Our bed is too big now.

My bed is too big…

The End


Friday, June 30, 2006 6:43 AM


Absolutely LOVE this. So very poingnant. Y'know, you and I, we should pair up on the Wash ficness...

Friday, June 30, 2006 9:06 AM



Friday, June 30, 2006 1:02 PM


That was really good. It got me a little misty eyed...

Monday, July 10, 2006 8:50 AM


sad....but good. i love all your w/z fics!

Friday, August 4, 2006 12:15 PM


lovely, poignant


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