Thursday, July 27, 2006

Well, after getting NO response at all from this site as to whether there was a Serenity 3D Model out there anwhere, I found one. Why I'm putting up here is beyond me, it won't happen again!



Thursday, July 27, 2006 3:20 PM


mmm...bitter is probably not a good strategy for winning friends, I'm thinking.

Thursday, July 27, 2006 4:31 PM


Agreed, but that is one damn shiny image man! Where'd you find the model? I have been looking forever for one myself. Sorry if you got no help. Maybe the thread got ate up. This site is a bit of a black hole for threads like that.

Thursday, July 27, 2006 5:01 PM


Yes please do share where ya got the model!!! Sorry ya had no initial input, but I DO LIKE IT !!!!!

Thursday, July 27, 2006 5:31 PM


wow... that's bright... not bad though, like the style. Though I'm not sure that getting no answer from a forum is something worthy of getting in a tizzy over... Had I have seen your post, I would have answered. The model is for Lightwave and can be found at for those that don't know. I'd of thought most of the veterans on these boards would have known that. I play with the model all of the time and have posted numerous compositions of. I would encourage you to continue posting your work.

Thursday, July 27, 2006 5:47 PM


wow, what a dick. cool pic though

Thursday, July 27, 2006 6:40 PM


Actually, dude, according to your profile this is the only post you've ever made on this site. Could be you tried and it got eaten up (there were some serious issues not long ago that resulted in very limited access to the site for weeks, and a bunch of stuff getting dumped). I suggest you shrug off whatever past transgressions you perceive, and you could maybe find a place here. You certainly post pretty enough pictures!

Friday, July 28, 2006 3:59 AM


To see the items I've posted... click on my name, in yellow, at the top of this post. This will bring up my profile. Scroll to the bottom of the page and on the right side you will see the most recent items I've posted, click "view all..." to see all of my work.

Friday, July 28, 2006 9:25 PM


Eh...not getting a post is one of those things that hurts truthfully, but it's not proof positive of no one caring;)

This is great, BTW, the3dgm! A slight bit less transparency to Serenity and things would be even shinier;)



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Mal and the Virtual Browncoat
OK, I'm just fooling around, but was just looking at the greetings to a new member and noticed all the comments about the 'Virtual Browncoat', so I thought you might want to see one! He is a long way from done, a sneak peek if you will.

Serenity, Wash and Mal
Maybe hard to see in this one but we now have Wash and Mal on the bridge. Two down, seven to go! :^( Find the main problem I've been having with Serenity in trueSpace and she is partly corrected now, autoFaceting can kill you with it's mind!!! Enjoy!!

Treybor's Serenity model with my first attempt at Wash flying it. . .I'll keep working on him, and yes I know he's a red head!! :^)

. . .watch how I soar!
Thanks nanite1018, one of these days I'll actually have the movie or show on when I do one of these! :^) Again, Treybor's Serenity! You guys seem to like the 'pretty with words' type, so here's mine for you!

Firefly 2
Just adding a little be of metallic look to the Serenity model to make it a little more 'Shiny', the problem when I watch the TV shows or the Movie is that it was simply made to look as they wanted. On a planet it could be chrome with no reflective qualities or it could reflect the environment or. . ., and the same thing when it broke atmo. Enjoy comments welcome!

Firefly 1
I'm sorry! I put up the original and not the signed and credited copy, my bad! Thanks to those who had commented and THANKS to Casivona(sp) for pointing it out to me!!

Well, after getting NO response at all from this site as to whether there was a Serenity 3D Model out there anwhere, I found one. Why I'm putting up here is beyond me, it won't happen again!