Sunday, July 30, 2006

A piece of a larger puzzle seem to fall into place.


Ok, so this is my first ever fanfic here. Kinda nervous about posting it here. I know it's dialogue light, I'm hoping to improve on that in later fics. Hope you enjoy. Have any suggestions, I'll be happy to take the constructive critisism.

Disclaimer: Serenity/FireFly, Mal and Crew are not my creation, but are sprung from the mind of Joss Whedon. You know the copyrights and stuff. New character is my creation though. :)

I apologise for any spelling and grammar errors. Spelling errors I blame on the fact that I'm using a laptop...stupid keyboard. Grammar errors...well....nobody's perfect. :) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

'It always seems to happen like this,' thought Mal, 'Can never have one simple job go easy. Always has to be gorram difficult.'

They had just landed at the docks of Dryden, they had just completed their job, they'd slipped by all the Alliance patrols, got what they were paid to get. Got paid for what they dropped off. And now coming back to the ship, the entire crew was staring down the barrels of weapons of most unkindly folk. It had to get better, it just had to.

"Now c'mon guys," Mal started, taking a step forward off the ramp of Serenity, "We're all just folk, trying to make a living. I don't know what all the fuss is about."

One of the bandits, Mal assumed he was the leader, made a threatening movement with his weapon, "We'ze ginna take yo' ship. Nowz jist git off that ramp, real slowly, and back away." Each of the mans words was followed by a fountain of spit. The man spat into the dirt in disgust. Then wiped the remaining spittle from his chin with his hand.

Mal looked to his left and saw Jayne, just itching to get into a fight. To his right, Zoe, his first officer, stared intently. Mal knew she was doing a head count, figuiring what weapons they held, and chance of survival. Mal already knew what the score was. Sixteen seemingly angered men, all armed to the teeth. Survival: slim and none.

The men looked as if they were a rag tag group, they wore patch work jackets, torn pants, and the leader, the one who'd been doing the talking, had an eye patch over his left eye. Each face was weathered by years of hard work and toil. They all looked the same, yet each exuded their own barbaric passion.

"Hey hey, easy now. This is my life," Mal said, waiving a hand behind him, motioning to Serenity and her crew, "You take this ship, you take my life, and that, that isn't good. How about I make you a deal, I'll give you all the money in this bag," Mal held up a duffel bag that was filled with cashy money, "And you go buy your own ship. That way guys, are happy."

The one eyed leader seemed to think about it for a second, "Throw in the whore, and the girl in the cover-alls and we have a deal."

Mal almost had to stifle a smile, as serious as this situation was, he knew Inara had to be stinging right about now. Before he could make any sort of reply, the screams of men filtered through from the rear of the rabble.


"Throw in the whore, and the girl in the cover-alls, and we have a deal."

Thats all he had to hear. He knew he'd have to intervene sometime, and this definitely was it. He pulled the goggles from his eyes and onto his forehead, he didn't need them anymore. He dropped from his stoop on the loading dock crane, using the zip-line to slow his silent descent. He'd descended 200ft in a heartbeat, and was standing before four of the men who were on rear guard.

He'd caught them off guard, they'd never even thought to look up. Amatuers. Before the first one could even bring his heavy shotgun to bear, his head rolled off his shoulders. Three more swipes with his sword, and three more men fell, one missing an arm, another the top of his skull, and another just fell to peices.

The other twelve in the group all turned to face the new party, expecting to see a squad of soldiers, what they saw was one man, dressed in a skin tight black uniform, with armored plating on his chest, groin, elbows, knees and shins. They also saw the wicked blade he held, dripping in their friends blood.

He stood there, taking in the scene, watched as they surrounded him. Heard the muffled orders of the browncoat, the crew of the ship running inside. His scenses were alive, burning inside him. But he also felt something else, something strange, something very familiar, but different from his very reason for being there.

He heard the click of a bullet chambering, felt the heat of explosive gases propelling it's deadly cargo, and saw the muzzle flash. Without even drawing a breath he brought his sword up, and angled it slightly...


Mal, Jayne, Zoe and the rest of the crew watched from a safe place just inside the cargo ramp door. River had been sent to the cockpit to get Serenity in the air, but the ship wasn't getting the proper power. Kaylee had been sent to the engine room to try and figure a way to move the ship.

Outside the ship was the damndest thing any of them had ever seen. One man with a sword, dressed all in black, taking on twelve armed men with guns. He'd just deflected a bullet from one of the bandits and into another. Upon seeing that feat, Mal had decided not to step in, this wasn't his fight anymore as far as he was concerned. Defending the ship, it's crew, and getting off this rock were his concern.

They were transfixed on the lone man in black. He moved with a deadly grace, cleaving limbs, dodging punches and kicks, and deflecting bullets. What was he? Some drugged up idiot looking to try and end it all in spectacular fashion? Guns fell to the ground, cut in half, or the limbs of their owners seperated from the bodies. The lone man was like a tornado in the way he moved, spinning, dodging, slicing.

At one point, the remaining six tackled the lone man and pinned him to the ground, getting ready to deal the death blow. All of a sudden, all six were knocked to the ground for no good reason. As they stood, they went right back into the slaughter. With one circular swipe, three more fell to the ground, no longer among the living.

The last three begged off, backing away from the lone man, they ran away, disappearing behind some cargo containers. The man then turned to Serenity. By this time, Kaylee had returned to the ramp to give Mal the news it would take a few hours to fix Serenity, and saw Zoe, Mal and Jayne pointing their own weapons down the ramp at the man. Kaylee looked out at the man, and gasped in horror at the scene outside.

He took one step, then another, seemingly weighted down by something. They could hear his ragged breathing, which was a shock considering the super human feats they had just witnessed from him. He sheathed his sword on his hip, and took another step. He tried to pull down the face covering that concealed his looks. But it looked like he was struggling. Again he struggled with the mask, and again he gave up on it.

Mal held up his pistol, not sure what good it would do, although the sword being put away was a slightly good sign. Jayne was pensive too, holding Vera, Mal could see that Jayne was actually shaking a bit. Zoe had her Hogleg shotgun ready to go, and she too showed signs of trepidation. Simon was behind them, holding his hands to either side, trying to get Inara and Kaylee behind himself in a futile attempt to somehow shield both of them.

The man held out one hand, as if to grasp at something that was just in front of him, "Bu...tter..f-fly," the word seemed to get caught in his throat, as if he were choking for air while saying it. He fell to his knees, his breathing shallow and laboured, still holding out his right hand. He fell to all fours and began crawling towards them a few more feet, then finally collapsed onto his front, but managed to roll over onto his back.

"" This time what he said was clearer, the voice didn't seem almost inhuman this time.

"What in the name of all that is sane is goi-" Mal was cut off as Kaylee blew by him, running as hard as she could down the ramp. Simon chased after, and so did the rest. Mal didn't want nothing to do with the stranger, whether he'd saved them or not.

Kaylee slid to her knees and came to a stop right beside the man. Simon tried to pull her to her feet, but she fought out of his grip. Jayne held Vera about an inch from the mans face. Mal and Zoe stood watch as Kaylee pulled the mask from the mans face.

Kaylee leaned down to embrace the fallen man, her sobs audible, everyone around awash in confusion.

Surprisingly, it was Inara who spoke first, "Who is he Kaylee?"

Between sobs, Kaylee pulled herself from the fallen man, but remained on her knees. She wiped the tears from her eyes, "He's...he's my brother..."


Sunday, July 30, 2006 1:24 PM


Oh, very nice start. I figure that since Wash and Book aren't in the story (River was sent to get Serenity in the air . . .) that this is post-movie?

Anyway, this is interesting and I hope you continue.

Sunday, July 30, 2006 5:46 PM


I wonder where this is going? KAylee's brother os some kind of special ops guy? My interest has been piqued! Please write more!

Monday, July 31, 2006 6:07 AM


I've got to admit, you've got me interested. Thought for sure he was the Operative.

So... What's next?

till later.

Tuesday, August 1, 2006 5:55 AM


So is Robert an Operative? I'm guessing the Butterfly must be his pet name for Kaylee though what the good gorram is going on is anyone's guess. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Wednesday, August 2, 2006 8:47 PM

BLUEEYEDBRIGADIER's bro is an Operative or supersoldier? Dang...;)

Can't wait to read part two, RubberDuck:D


Thursday, November 23, 2006 3:58 PM


Oh, that was good, you know how to pull at the heartstrings ;) Still I hope that Kaylee's not going to be hurt by her brother's sudden reappearance.


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Butterfly Part 3
A puzzle that continues to change shape. An answer to an ever changing question.

Butterfly: Chapter 2
Did the piece of the puzzle fall neatly into place? Or did it just reveal a bigger puzzle?

A piece of a larger puzzle seem to fall into place.