The Hunt
Monday, August 7, 2006

A sequel to The Question. Kaylee coms back to the crew two years after being taken by the alliance and she is very different. 50 darkfics challenge.


Title: The Hunt part 1 of 5 Author: Dani (meimei42) Fandom: Firefly Character: Kaylee Prompt: 11. Weapon Word Count: 1293 Rating: M (just to be safe) Author's Notes: Not betaed. This takes place 2 years after 'The Question'. Also Squish gave me the idea for this story. I wrote about a page, maybe a page an a half and then gave it to my boyfriend who wrote the rest. Pretty much all the action is his, so the writing style is probably a bit different, but I thought it was neat to be able to work with him on this. So I hope you enjoy. And Tag spacemonkey43!

Underground is prompts 6 - 10 50_darkfics prompt table


“Kaylee?” Mal whispered. He hadn’t thought…they had looked all over the ‘verse to find her. Two years had passed with no luck and now here she was, standing in front of him, her eyes glazed and unseeing. Serenity had landed on Boros for a shipment drop off. When the ramp had lowered she had been standing there at the docks, just waiting silently.

Mal took a step towards her but felt a hand stop him. He looked down to see River. Where had she come from? “Not the same,” the girl shook her head. Mal looked around him; just about his whole crew was in the cargo bay, all staring at their former mechanic. He turned back to Kaylee, she hadn’t moved since they had arrived.

“Mei mei?” Inara whispered from a few feet behind him. The companion moved forward but Mal shook his head quickly. River was right, something wasn’t the same.

“Kaylee why don’t you come ‘board Serenity and we can have the good doctor take a look at you,” Mal suggested, nodding his head towards Simon. At the word ‘Serenity’ Kaylee’s eyes dilated, her demeanor changing instantly to one of feral ferocity. She was a blur of motion, charging at Mal in the blink of an eye. She launched herself at him before anyone could react, spinning a complete revolution in the air, her foot landing squarely on Mal’s chest, slamming him onto his back, the air pushed out of his lungs.

The initial shock of Kaylees attack wore off and Jayne lunged towards her, arms outstretched to encircle her. Kaylee landed on the balls of her feet, her leg muscles flexed as she immediately pivoted on her right foot. Her body spun around quickly, her left foot shooting out, taking Jayne in the right temple with a loud crack. The mercenary’s head jerked painfully to the left, his body following in a revolution as he land on the metal grating of Serenity. Inara ran towards Mal as he staggered to his feet and fought to gain a breath. Jayne groaned while he put his hands under himself to rise.

Kaylee scanned the cargo, her dark eyes stopping on River. Simon cried out Kaylee’s name as he ran across the catwalk and down the stairs. She didn’t register that she had even heard him, her eyes now blazing with intensity at River who calmly stood a few yards away. Both women locked eyes at each other, on the surface Kaylee was a seething storm about to erupt, River the calm before the storm. The eerie stillness shattered as Kaylee ran towards River, closing the distance between them with a speed that would have betrayed her small frame. River stood stock, her face serene as the other women engaged her. Kaylee struck with her right hand in a vicious jab for Rivers face. The pilot turned her body slightly to the side as she arched her back, deftly dodging Kaylees fist.

The former mechanic immediately caught herself, and used the momentum of her punch to turn to the left as she jabbed her elbow backwards. River ducked her head, barely avoiding Kaylees elbow as she dropped into a squatting position, pivoting on her left foot, her right leg fully extended as she spun, sweeping Kaylee’s feet out from under her. River followed the spin and untwisted into a standing position in one fluid motion. She took a defensive stance, her hands mimicking her feet, the forward, her right slightly behind.

Almost as soon as her back hit the floor, Kaylee tucked her knees to her chest as she rocked backwards, placing her hands on the ground behind her head. She kicked out and arched her back, landing in a squatting position. Tensing her thigh muscles, Kayle straightened her legs, vaulting herself at River. Again River stood motionless, waiting for her opponent to come to her. Kaylee stopped herself a little further back this time, her arm swinging across in a vicious left hook. River stepped in as she swept her open hand to the right, forcing Kaylees fist out wide, missing its mark, as her right arm tucked back, and then shot forward towards Kaylees face. The older woman brought her forearm up, driving River’s hand upwards, missing its mark. River brought her foot up in front of her to snap straight out, kicking Kaylee square in the face. She staggered back wards, a small crimson line appearing on her split lower lip. Both girls launched themselves at the other in a blur of motion. The crew watched in awe, stunned at the graceful dance that both Kaylee and River were entwined in. Although it looked almost as if Kaylee’s attacks were the mirror image of River’s, they lacked the smooth, graceful ease of River exuded.

Mal’s eyes were wide as he moved to stand next to Jayne “Are you seeing this?" he asked, the surprise clearly evident in his voice.

Jayne nodded as he watched the two trading blows with each other. “I cant believe she can fight like that.”

“Maybe we should go in and break em up now?” said Mal, crossing his arms over his sore chest, making no move to follow through with that suggestion as he eyed Jayne.

“Suppose,” replied Jayne, “though them fighting’s kinda hot.”

Mal started to look towards the girls when he did a double take back at Jayne, arching his eyebrow critically before shaking his head and returning his attention to the two women fighting. Both River and Kaylee were sweating as they circled each other. Kaylee moved in and jabbed her right fist towards River’s throat. But River swept her left arm out, blocking Kaylees attack before swinging her right fist to slam into Kaylees jaw, twisting her head to the left. Kaylee spun, turning her face with the hit and avoiding most of the damage it would have dealt. The mechanic brought her right knee in towards her body as she pivoted on her left leg. She stabbed her foot forward, painfully slamming into River’s stomach. A surprised River sucked her stomach in, throwing her hips backwards in an attempt to avoid the bulk of the force from Kaylees foot. The impact still knocked River back a few feet as Kaylee steadied herself, flexing her jaw muscles.

“Say it, Simon!” River yelled. Simon looked confused for a moment, his eyes wide as he watched the fighting in front of him. Kaylee ran towards River once more, her fist snaking forward. River dropped onto her bottom, rolling backwards as she brought her feet upwards to slam into Kaylees stomach, doubling the other woman over and smashing her into the crates at the other end of the cargo bay. The genius then brought both knees into her chest and heaved as she straightened her legs and somersaulted backwards. .

“Jayne grab Kaylee.” Mal order. Jayne nodded and rushed towards Kaylee while she lifted herself from the wreckage.

“Say it!” River yelled again. Kaylee was back on her feet in moments, ignoring Jayne completely. She moved to run towards River as the large mercenary grabbed her around her middle, pinning her arms to her sides. “Simon!”

It took a moment for it to click in the good doctor’s head, but realization dawned on him and he blurted the words out as quickly as he could. “Eta Kooram Nah Smech!” Simon shouted and within seconds both River and Kaylee dropped. Jayne held onto Kaylee as she crumpled in his arms while Mal rushed to pick up River.

“That was Kaylee?” A voice from the doorway of the lounge asked. Five heads turned and looked at Jordan, the ships current mechanic. Mal and Jayne just glared at him before carrying the two unconscious girls towards the infirmary.


Monday, August 7, 2006 12:48 AM


This is truly some of the best stuff I have seen, Dani. Really, I did love it. Particularly the feeling of desparation.

Oh and a special review for your bf: Nice action sequence! :)


Monday, August 7, 2006 6:19 AM


wow! i never ever thought of Kaylee and River going at it. that was awesome!

Monday, August 7, 2006 9:05 AM


that fight was so good, it was really vivid, congrats on that. love this line:
“Suppose” replied Jayne “though them fighting’s kinda hot.”

Monday, August 7, 2006 9:06 AM


Wow! That was an unexpected twist. Very interesting. Hope to see more!

Monday, August 7, 2006 11:26 AM


Kaylee's gone all Academy grad? Oh...that's gonna mean some fun times are ahead:(

Definitely give your BF major props for writing the action sequence, Mordsith....certainly was done in a way that was realistic to the characters (i.e. Kaylee being capable of fighting that proficiently, but witout River's natural balletic grace) and was damn riveting!

Can't wait for part 2:D



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Complicated: Part 1
Kaylee/OMC (for now). A new man comes into Kaylee's life.

Final Goodbyes: Sweet Surrender epilogue
Epilogue to my story Sweet Surrender. Takes place a few years after the end of the story.

The Hunt: Chapter 3
Two years ago Kaylee was kidnapped by alliance. Now she has returned to Serenity under mysterious circumstances, a living weapon and a very confused girl. This one kinda squirked me folks, just warning you.

Jaylee. Kaylee has some mixed up feelings.

Trapped: Chapter 2
Help arrives, but a little late? Simon/Kaylee

The Hunt: Chapter 2
Kaylee wakes after Simon puts her to sleep with the safe word. Mal is uncertain what need to be done with his mechanic.

Who I am
Kaylee finds Jayne in a bar with a whore on his lap. Jaylee. Song fic, angsty.

In the Way
Jayne's big brother act gets in the way of Kaylee getting some lovin'. Set pre-series. One-shot Kaylee/OMC

Cut Off
Angsty piece of Jaylee I wrote to get my muse going. Part of the 30_angsts challeneg. The ship has crashed and Kaylee is trapped in the engine room.

Teacher's Darling
Inara is reminded of a dear friend and lover. Implied Mal/Inara.