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Sex, gorramit. Tab A into Slot B. One chapter only, no sequel. You no likee, no read, okies? Kaylee and Simon in a wheat field, against a tree, on the ground. Yeah, I did it, but I'm still faithful to Jayne, I swear!
This bit of porn without plot goes out in thanks to Engine Angel and Leiasky for their tender little Silee-craving hearts. Leia is a new reader of my own goods, and me of hers, though she can only see Kaylee with Simon, and I'm dedicated to getting her and Jayne together, freakin' A! And Engie's brand new first-time ever fic "Carnival", published yesterday, got my juices flowing to take Silee into the rain and into each other. Oh! And Riverismygoddess gets a shout-out for linking me and Leiasky in mutual author-awareness. Please leave feedback, will ya? I don't own these characters, but am thanking Joss for the loan.
A Little Love on the Prairie
Kaylee walked the lonely prairie on Quintessa, her small calloused hands stroking along the heads of golden Alliance wheat, head tilted downward to add sight to what tickled her fingers, making them curl inward.
With two senses filled, she didn't catch the approach of Simon Tam, his long narrow feet consuming the distance between them.
Thunder rolled, kindly aiding the young doctor, masking the patter of his footsteps as he quickened his pace toward the pretty lass with hair the color of rich wet earth. His long slender fingers reached out toward her shoulders, gripping her there before his body came to a halt close behind her. Kaylee jumped in his grasp, muscles tensed tightly in fight-or-flight as she was turned toward him by hands made strong by delicate humanware work.
He towered over her slight form; she barely had time to register it was Simon who had her before his mouth dipped down to claim hers.
She sensed whose mouth was moving hard yet langorously on her own by his scent alone until his growled, "Mmmmm," hit the shells of her ears to tackle her mind, rolling her thoughts down into gorgeous joy at the full realization that her Simon had her at his mercy out in the middle of nowhere. He was holding her tightly, his hands sliding down her upper arms to her elbows, his arms doing all the maneuvering since she couldn't bend her own toward him.
He kept them sealed together, the rosebud of her lips mobile and seeking out the texture and taste of his own. Kaylee's voice gave him sounds of pleasure that reverberated through the man, sliding fingers of sensation down his spinal column, straightening his back causing him to arch into into the softness of the woman's middle.
The sky instantly grayed overhead, clouds clotting and gathering like cream whipped to a frenzy by a jealous god. The lovers clutched and swayed, growling sweetly against one another's faces, their kiss increasing in desperate need. Simon's hands left her elbows, slid back up her arms and shoulders to the sides of her face, marveling at the feather softness of her skin under his fingertips. Her own now freed fingers sought a hold on his bottom, tugging him in close, his long hardness a welcome balm to the almost hurting need centered in her abdomen.
She felt as if she could almost anticipate the next move his hands, mouth and body would make toward hers. The softness of her tried to answer the hardness of him, encouraging movements she wanted, needed to experience. Muscle and bone reached out as if to merge with his in harmony, in a symphony of desire. Kaylee suddenly drew a hair's breadth away, drawing in air and releasing it on a sigh back into his warm mouth in the two syllables of his name, plus one. "Simon, Love..." She spoke it softly to him, the pause integrating at a cellular level as his eyes and ears processed the endearment. Simon took her bottom into his hands, lifting and centering the young woman where his body needed her most, just as wide wet hard drops pummeled the wheat field and the lovers as they stood swaying together in the rain.
"Dui niu tan qin," Simon gasped once the feel of the pounding storm had begun to penetrate the fog of Kaylee goodness he was shrouded in. "We'd better find some shelter, Darling, maybe under that big tree on the hill over..."
He stopped in mid-sentence as the woman pulled away from him to watch his face as he spoke. Her army green tank top smeared with bits of old engine grease, was plastered to her front. Twin pert breasts were bonded to the material, small hard nipples peaking, tweaking the folds of the garment into a second skin.
He no longer felt the rain.
Simon bent almost double, slammed one strong arm under her knees and caught her shoulders securely in the other as she laughed in his arms, her own ramping around his strong neck for the short run on his two legs to the shelter of the tree. His breath came hard in his lungs, but not from exertion. It was due to the tightness in the fork of his expensive trousers not having been designed for a man's anatomy to come upon such beauty as he cozened in his grasp, such loveliness as he planned to disrobe and have his way with, soon as he could manage it.
Under the spreading wide-leaved tree, his arm left its grip below her knees, swinging her form to face him fully, cupping the full roundness of her bottom as he slid her down his frame. Her face stayed turned up to his like a bright sunflower to the blessed thirst-relieving rain. Her Simon-thoughts were written all over her pretty face. Thoughts of what was to come from him to her and back again flitting across her like so many butterflies on a shallow pool. She bathed in happiness just then, knew it was about to exponentially increase to a deluge soon as they could gain the benefit of skin-on-skin, quickly, oh please, Buddah, make it quick.
"Simon, I want..."
"Yeah, Kaylee, me too." And he kissed her again, backed her into the wide smooth trunk of the friendly tree, awning of its full leaved limbs giving some protection from the sky water plonking down ever harder into the darkening earth outside the purview of its branches. Kaylee's hand sought upward overhead to hold a palm-width of limb. Her leg cocked at the knee, snuck in behind Simon to place a rounded heel into his thigh. Her neck arched sweetly, head tilting, mouth moving, playing, lips and tongue pure loving torture to the man she held with remaining arm around his own neck. She pressed her wet shirted breasts into him and he could take no more.
Simon broke away, ten fingers sliding under her shirt to cup her breasts that were clearly visible through the soaked cotton. His little lover still held him by way of one small foot around him, but her hand left his neck to follow the path of her eyes down his chest and to his nethers where he stood up and out, fine woven material of the pants wetly tented to her man's length. Fingers smoothed over his rock hardness, making him shiver at the contrast of cold water and warm woman's hand.
Her shirt was off her in a trice before her hands had his pants unfastened, they and small clothes beneath were slammed down to his knees. They had the wrong combination of clothing removed for what they both wanted hard and now, but that difficulty was soon removed by way of Simon and Kaylee using four hands to unfasten, unzip and rip away her calf-length cargo pants, no panties to worry about. Down her slender legs and off her pointed arched feet went the pants to land in a patch of earth as damp and richly dark as the woman's hair.
Awkward though he was with his own trousers trapping his knees in a 12 inch stance, Simon Tam positioned himself at the lady's opening, her white thighs spreading for him, wating for him, all access pass to take them both where they, gods knew it, had to go. The heat of him against the gothic arch at the top of her cleft riveted the attention of them both, two sets of eyes looking downward where his crown disappeared into the southern curls that matched her lovely head of hair. His gaze left her then as his eyes closed in the sure realization that his body's denial had begun to end, would soon be cemented by connection to this woman in his arms, the love of his life.
"Kaylee, I don't know how long I'm gonna be able to make this last, forgive me, neh? And let me, because I swear I can't help it, not now, need you so much, bao bei."
She answered him by raising on tiptoe, her eyes sweeping up to his face, then back down to his nethers, small icy hand gripping the hard flared base of him to guide the rest of him down her slit and snugly inside.
Simon gasped deeply, unintelligible love-words jacking out of his throat into the damp threads of her hair. His talented hands slid down her bare back between it and the tree trunk, mapping down her to her bottom, then to the backs of her thighs, lifting her into the strong saddle of his hips against hers. She obligingly curled both legs around him, knees resting beneath his elbows, arms around his neck like vines on the tree base that gave them a canvas to paint their bodies against.
Kaylee rose and fell on Simon with the cadence of his hips thrusting strong and true. She sucked air sharply with each push of him into her, of her back into his arms, then exhaled his name on a soft sigh each time he withdrew only as far as he was willing to remove himself from her warmth, just enough to let the friction build them both toward inevitable crescendo. Not yet, though, not yet any release. Not when it was this good, this strong between them, the need building seeking flowing finding permeating every cell's make-up.
He adjusted his angle slightly, ramming up to drag the head of him along the ribbed walls of her passage, his pubic bone flush with hers, bone and flesh grinding, him holding the push a second, sensing Kaylee's wanting him right there, 'Don't move a muscle, Simon, especially not that one,' he smiled ruefully at the self-talk.
"Ahhhhhh, Lover, don't. Just don't. Move," the woman astride him confirmed in one disjointed phrase as her own body's joints locked, then freed themselves to allow for a complete wrapping up of Simon Tam in Kaylee's arms and legs. She whispered something against his chest, he urged her back enough to try to read her lips, if not able to hear her voice.
"I'm cumming, Simon, oh chiu, it's there, it's there, it's..." He held her fast to him, slid out and back in once more, manhood sealed to her as he felt the beginning of her passage's pulsing that followed her words.
His balls constricted, hugging the warmth of his body even closer when they sent the thick whiteness to bathe her core from the opening in his shaft butting up against Kaylee's womb. Simon shouted her name as his manhood gave her his own cumming, gift to her body from his own, thankful paean of a song of surcease they would repeat for as long as they lived together.
They held each other close, breath mingling in puffs of cloudy vapor as the leaves above them occasionally tilted to send driplets of soothing rain onto their heated flesh. The water was welcome as it sought to come between them, sending fingers of fluid to slide along both chests and bellies, blocked by the man's thick sinewed connection to the woman below, impatient raindrops barely stopping at the roadblock to drip through mingled nether hair.
"Tickles," she laughed, one leg draping away and off of Simon's hip to rest on the ground. He tried to limit the water's passage, hoping to keep them sealed tightly for a few minutes longer. He swept her close to him, slid them both down the tree to the mossy earth at the feet of the venerable guardian. Above her, he shifted to his elbows and shrugged out of his jacket, her hands unbuttoning the small buttons of his white shirt, peeling it back and away. Her flip-flops and his dark loafers were toed off and discarded, leaving the two bare and damp, but warm with the fire of their union still effective below.
"Again already?," she asked, her eyes alight with pleasure at the endurance of her man.
"Yes. That is, if you're up to it?"
By way of answer, she tilted her hips beneath him to slide him in another inch, arching her back at the combined pain and pleasure at the tip of him that was as near as it could possibly be to parting the opening to her womb.
"I suppose that's a yes?," he asked, raising up on his knees pull back out enough to see what she'd do in reply this time.
"Tyen shiao duh, Simon!" she gave him, along with a shaft-choking squeeze of her strong muscles by way of encouraging him to get down and into her. He did his best, burrowing back into her heat with some difficulty until she relaxed enough to aid him fully inside. He played a soothing sliding song on her body, length stroking inside her, tip almost leaving her, last inch of him teasing, circling her opening before he plunged back inside to fulfill them both once again.
She came before him, then again, before his more satiated state allowed him to let another lesser load of cum streak into her. Kaylee "Unnnhhhhed" as he throbbed inside her, his movements interrupting and yet enhancing the flutters of her own. "God, I love you, bao bei," she half-cried, her hand covering her eyes to mask the joyful tears that gathered there. He balanced above her on one elbow, fingers of the other hand taking her own down from her eyes to see and then to kiss away the misty drops that he could tell weren't rain.
"My own Love, my little angel mechanic, I love you too, so much, ahhhh, so much."
-End- A Little Love on the Prairie.
Okay. So I was tempted, VERY tempted, to have this end on Kaylee waking up in Jayne's arms, herself feeling guilty at realizing she'd just been unfaithful to our Jayne in a dream. Hey! Did I ruin it just now by saying that? Oh well, sorry, Silee fans, but I've gotta tell ya, as a Jaylee Girl, I was gorram tempted to end it that way. It was loyalty to Engine Angel and Leiasky that stopped me. Anyhow, tell me what you think, good or bad, will ya? I'd appreciate a line or two. It's so easy, you can even do it anonymously, just type and run. I'll appreciate it! Love you all. Ciao for now.
Mandarin: Dui niu tan qin - Play the lute to an ox tyen shiao duh - In the name of all that's sacred
Cantonese: Chiu - F*ck or damnnit
Sunday, August 13, 2006 9:38 AM
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Monday, August 14, 2006 5:25 PM
Tuesday, August 15, 2006 1:49 PM
Tuesday, August 15, 2006 3:33 PM
Saturday, August 26, 2006 10:14 AM
Wednesday, October 25, 2006 7:35 PM
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