Loyalties - Chapter 2
Tuesday, August 15, 2006

(post-BDM) Still considered "armed and dangerous" by the Alliance, the crew is hunted by a ghost from Mal's past, who leaves Simon Tam no choice but to decide who he would rather save; his sister, or the love of his life...


The traditional obligatory offering to Boss Joss. Love the work, got bored, and decided to to run with it!

This is a story co-written with a very good friend of mine. Action, adventure, drama, sweet Kaylee/Simon stuff, and BIG DAMN hints of Mal/Inara.


Inara offered Mal a quiet smile before nodding and making her way over to the table. So far so good, as far as she could tell. No one besides Jayne had tried to ruin the evening with ill-placed jokes or rude remarks, and she and the Captain hadn’t even started bickering yet. Her smile remained genuine as she finally took a seat at the table across from Kaylee. She smirked at the young mechanic, answered by an enthusiastic grin which clearly told Inara that Simon was doing and saying all of the right things.

When Kaylee thanked him for pulling out her chair for her, Simon felt his whole face light up. He bit his lower lip and nodded his head. Stepping back once she was seated he moved to the side and finally took his seat. Near Kaylee of course. Why would he move? It would be an interesting dinner without Jayne in the room. There was still the ever silent Zoe, who was currently eating and doing some work still. His eyes lifted from the table to find Mal's.

Mal jerked his eyes in Zoe's direction and Mal's followed to his second in command. She wasn't looking too good these days. Kind of sick like, but he just figured that to be she was still upset over losing Wash. They all were. Wash was close to him. Almost like a best friend if Zoe hadn't had that spot. He sighed and wiped his mouth off with a napkin that the doc had picked up in one of the towns. He glanced at Inara and back at Zoe. He looked back at Simon and shrugged. Not much he could do right now. She wouldn't acknowledge what he was saying unless they were in private.

Simon nodded and looked at Kaylee offering a peaceful smile. He nudged her some with his arm and went back to his food pretending he had done nothing. That was the beauty of being with Kaylee you could act like a complete child sometimes and she didn't mind. Simon had never had someone who he could let that guard down with. For so long he had been stuffy, reserved and a bit nervous about girls. With Kaylee it was different. His free hand slipped under the table and gently took Kaylee's. With his good one he stabbed his fork into his food lifting some into his mouth.

Shocked at first by Simon nudging her in the shoulder, Kaylee finally smirked playfully as she suppressed a giggle. Now here was a sight for sore eyes: Simon actually lightening up. Though granted, the last few weeks had done a world of good for the doctor’s nerves. The threat of the Alliance had been all but extinguished.

Granted, they were no doubt still on their tale in some respects, by more importantly, River seemed to be getting better now that the secret that had been eating away at her mind was now known to everyone in the ‘verse. She kicked him gently under the table to return the gesture, but found herself blushing uncontrollably as he grasped her hand beneath the table. She held on to it firmly, her thumb stroking the top of his palm.

Aided by her keen and perspective skills in reading people’s expressions, Inara caught the glances between Zoe and Mal, and could sense the unspoken tension there. The Captain undoubtedly was worried about the recent widow’s condition. Wash’s death had deeply affected them all, but Zoe was still well entrenched in the mourning process. Not that she should have been done by now, but it was keeping the entire crew ill at ease.

Simon glanced at Kaylee a slow smile forming as he watched her. He felt her finger running over his hand and he wanted to lean over and kiss her just once, but he figured that Mal would say something about not doing that at the dinner table. He tended to make it not fun. He licked his lips and continued eating. He couldn't help his smile. It seemed to keep growing the more and more he held Kaylee's hand.

He was like a little kid again. For so long Simon had not been able to enjoy himself. He had been forced to take care of his sister because if Simon didn't who else would? Not Mal. Not Zoe. Certainly not Jayne and he wasn't going to force Kaylee too. She might to help Simon out, but he knew how uneasy River could make her feel. Hell River made him uneasy sometimes, but he loved her and nothing could change that.

He looked up some over Kaylee's head trying to see into the cockpit. He wanted to get a look at River and check on her. He didn't like leaving her alone sometimes. Especially since Jayne went in there. He didn't want Jayne making her mad and then him ending up dead. Ok maybe he did, but that wouldn't be good. Jayne helped the team a lot and they might kick River and Simon off the ship if that were to happen.

Kaylee was enjoying herself far too much to mind Simon’s curiosity regarding his sister. He had every right to be at least mildly watchful of her. In fact, it was one of those things that she found most endearing about him; it was just too selfless the way he looked after River, protecting and fighting for her if the situation called for it. His duties as big brother came first and foremost, and that was an aspect of their relationship which Kaylee respected completely.

Hoping to help lighten the mood, Inara placed a hand tentatively on Mal’s to get his attention. She leaned closer to speak in a hushed voice to him. “I believe under the circumstances, a toast may be in order, Captain?” she suggested in a warm, yet commanding tone.

Inara's hand on his own caused Mal to look down at it. Then he glanced up and turning to look at her. That put their faces close. Mal nodded and looked down coughing some. He took his glass and tapped his somewhat grungy hand on it, gaining the group’s attention. He stood up and looked his table over. Even Zoe dared to look up at what Mal was doing.


As Jayne stepped into the cockpit, he bowed to not smack his head. He picked up an apple taking a bite, leering over at River in the pilot’s seat. "Not crashing us is ya?" He asked taking a seat and leaning back. She was way better company than those four and Zoe the mopey mope. Zoe noticed Jayne's exit and took it upon herself to perhaps leave, but she stayed seated feeling she'd like it much better in here.

River kept her eyes focused on the stars out in front of her, sitting completely still with her legs pulled up around her chest. She didn’t make mention of Jayne’s presence, even though she’d been aware of the burly man heading toward the cockpit before he’d left the kitchen. “Can’t crash,” she stated matter-of-factly. “Not flying.” Not looking to Jayne the entire time, River’s attention remained fixed on the cold black outside Serenity’s hull.

“Vacuum. No air to fly in. Riding propulsion waves from the standard radion accelerator.” She spoke as if rocket science were as common a subject as their next meal. Though, even River had to admit, her comments these days were mostly out of fun with Jayne; only made to annoy or creep out the burly man sitting beside her.

Jayne gave River an odd look as he began to eat. His fork hung in the air mouth wide open as she kept rattling on. He finally got a bite in and shook his head chewing. Swallowing he leaned forward. "Well you just keep on doing what you’re doing then. You couldn't have just said can't crash and left it at that could you?"

River shifted in her pilot’s seat, not really paying attention to Jayne’s complaints. “Others’ coming soon,” she commented without much thought to the words. Her insight into the future had become as commonplace to her as breathing was to the rest of the crew. She hadn’t quite gotten a grasp on the concept of how disturbing she could sound when she got all clairvoyant on them. She stretched her arms, glancing down at the blank indicator screens.

Jayne lifted a heavy brow and finally finished eating. He put his plate on the ground and put his hands to his stomach. He lifted the corner of his mouth and belched as he watched River. "Whatcha mean others? You mean like ships approaching?" He asked standing up. Stooping he looked over the monitors and sat back down puzzled at what she was talking about. Maybe that mind trick thing was expanding. Maybe she knew something the monitors didn't. People really didn't give Jayne enough credit. He was smart when he needed to be.

They couldn’t sense their approaching company, but she could. There was no mistaking it; the vision of the future blared through her senses like a blast of sound through fog. But what was truly uncertain was the intent these strangers had. River sensed that whoever these people were, they were somehow connected to Captain Reynolds. “Won’t be too long now.”

"Won't be long till what? You speakin’ in code, gorramit, now stop! Tell me who's comin’, crazy. He asked leaning forward.

River watched Jayne from the corner of her eye. “How should I know?” she answered nonchalantly, reclining in her chair. She was really just teasing the older man, but it was true that the girl never found it easy to articulate her visions to the others. “The man in black knows Mal. Knew him after the war.” She looked to Jayne, her expression suddenly dead serious.

Jayne listened closely to her as she told him who was coming. Alright so she had managed to creep him out again. God he hated when she did that. She was so annoying sometimes. "Knows Mal? Our Mal? Tall seemingly unfriendly and mouthy fella?" He got up and went around to where she sat.

“He brings death and suffering. Knows what’ll make them hurt.” Noting good would come of this man’s arrival; that much was certain. “She’s not safe. None of us are.” River wasn’t trying to upset Jayne; she usually couldn’t control the details she got from these moments of sight.

"He brings death? Well that don't sound too good." He said scratching his head quietly. He glanced back trying to see into the kitchen. He should tell Mal and the others, but they were having fun. When she mentioned they weren't safe that made up his mind. "Alright wind talker lets go talk to Mal." He grabbed her by the shoulder and hauled her outta the chair.


Delicately lifting her glass in tune with Mal, Inara watched silently as he stood awkwardly for her suggested toast, fighting off the smallest of smirks.

" we go. Toast to a job well done by Zoe, Jayne and myself. We did good. Gonna get a nice pay day. That'll keep us in the sky for a while. Also to Simon. Boy if you weren't so in love with my little Kaylee then we wouldn't be eating so good. So thanks to you. Remember you hurt her than I get to hurt you." Mal smiled politely.

The man had a way with words, Inara thought jokingly. Though in all honesty, his blunt nature was one of his more endearing qualities, considering some of his more than annoying habits and quirks. But she had to admit that she couldn’t really have him any other way. Malcolm Reynolds, even on his good days, could be a conundrum wrapped in an enigma. And Inara…well, she found it intriguing, to say the least.

Kaylee herself couldn’t help but blush slightly. Granted, she and Simon had already discussed the full extent of their feelings for each other- exchanging the proper ‘I love you’s’ as they progressed – but she had to admit that it was more than a little awkward hearing the Captain mention anything of it out loud.

“No worries, Cap’n.” she said in a half-cheerful, half-teasing manner. “I’ll beat you to it.” She tapped on Simon’s shirt collar in a mock threat, and let herself fall into quiet laughter. Inara found herself joining the young mechanic in the chuckles, and smiled appreciatively at Mal for his attempt.

"Wonderful. Eatin time." Mal said sitting and looking Zoe's way.

Zoe even dared to smile. She shook her head and piled her work up. “Headin’ to bed captain.” She stood and headed to the bunks. Mal licked his lips, sighing some. Least she smiled.

Inara watched the captain sit down silently, only to see Zoe seem to be ready to make her way out of the room. “Goodnight, Zoe,” she offered with a polite smile to the woman, watching her stand from the table and leave. She was worried about the woman’s condition, but had no doubt that the best response would be to give her some personal space for now.

Mal's best friend was fading into darkness fast and there wasn't much he could do to help her. He had never lost someone like she lost Wash. Sure he had lost Nandi and he felt something strong with her, but in all honesty not a single person in this room could feel the way Zoe was feeling. And that single though broke Malcolm Reynolds to a million little pieces on the inside. He would never show his feelings, but he had them. Locked deep down and inside his head.

He let out a sigh when Zoe didn't respond to Inara's call of goodbye. He just continued on eating. He too even glanced back to the cockpit to check on the happy Jayne and River. Granted River gave the captain the wiggins he still didn't want to see her making gravy outta Jayne's brain or something. Then again Jayne's brain was pretty much shot to hell anyways. However he did glance Simon and Kaylee's way. "Well just know if you hurt her I'll be the one playing doctor." He said shaking his fork at Simon.

Inara’s eyes silently followed Zoe out of the dining hall, but was brought back to the party at Mal’s continuing threats. “Mal!” Inara scolded the captain in a quiet yet firm tone, glaring up at him. Although the smirk was still present on her features.

Mal looked up innocently mid bite as Inara yelled at him. "Aw, what? He ain't takin’ no offense to it. No harm no foul." He said nodding and finishing what he intended to eat.

Simon felt a little bit frightened by the captain’s threats, but that just made him want to not hurt her more. Made him want to do right by her and show her everything he had to offer. He wanted to make her feel special and turn her life into something great. He did however give Kaylee's hand a little extra squeeze.

He knew that the young mechanic would put him in his place; he was sure if he ever hurt her, she'd be the one dishing it out. He liked that about her. He liked the fact she could handle herself. It made him smile a bit too. He leaned over after he swallowed and whispered into her ear. "You uh you look too amazing for words." Pulling back he offered her a simple shy grin and looked down at his food.

Kaylee felt as though her insides were boiling, she was so unaccustomed to this kind of fawning. She didn’t quite understand it, though. She and Simon had been together for a while now, and they had built up a great deal of trust and comfort around each other. But all bets were off when they stopped being alone. Honestly, she still acted nervous as hell around the young doctor in social situations like this. Subconsciously, she wished that she and Simon could be alone, but she was having far too good of a time flaunting in front of Simon to want that just yet. She caught Inara’s gaze for a moment, and the two young women exchanged knowing smirks.

Delicately continuing to eat her dinner, Inara glanced over at Kaylee and Simon. The two lovebirds were certainly hitting it off this evening. Kaylee looked adorable; Inara had decided almost immediately after helping Kaylee put on the kimono that she was going to let the girl actually keep it. Besides, jade was never really her color. She brought her eyes back to Mal, making sure that the captain would sit without causing further strain. Mal lifted his head up to look at Kaylee, but he found her and Simon cozy and couply looking. He coughed a bit and watched Simon snap to attention in his chair and move away some. Mal was like a dad in some ways to Kaylee. He was just looking out for her the best way he could. He wasn't nobodies daddy, but he could help her out. He could give her some advice and try his hardest to keep those boys from hurting her and that meant Simon too. Simon was enjoying being so close with Kaylee, but Mal's cough made him tense up and move away from Kaylee like a kid caught making out in a public by the Alliance or something. It was just a nervous situation that Mal was putting him in right now.

To think him and the man were cutting food earlier bickering and now Simon was snapping to attention in a damned chair. He finally loosened up and let out a slow sigh. He really was not enjoying the captain at this particular moment. He'd do anything for a moment alone, but he knew how much Kaylee liked party situations where she got to wear fancy dresses and such. So he was staying for her. He took another bite and glanced at Mal glaring.

Simon would be content with just Kaylee hand for the time if the captain wanted to ride his case about every little gesture. He was gonna have to notice sooner or later that Simon had no intent of ever hurting her. She meant too much to him. Hell he had worked so hard to keep her with him. Back during practically the only battle Simon participated in besides the one to save the captain he had worked so furiously to keep Kaylee with him. And then with one final move he took one to the chest and he was on the floor before he could think. That had been the worst time of his life. He could still see River staring down at him with those eyes. She was never a burden to him. Never ever. Which reminded him to give another glance to the cockpit.

Kaylee watched Simon glance over at the cockpit, and smiled reassuringly, keeping hold on the young man’s hand. She knew that he was worried about River, but Kaylee knew that she and the Captain and the rest of the crew would do whatever it took to keep his sister safe. She figured they had proven that tenfold from their battle with the Alliance and the Reavers.

Inara watched, satisfied when Mal finally settled down. The captain shook his head and quietly nudged Inara, finally returning to his food. In her shock, she glared hard at Mal when the man nudged her from his seat. What was he, 6? Sometimes, his immaturity knew no bounds. But Inara had to admit, seeing Mal watch Kaylee with such a big brotherly protectiveness was something that she never tired of. It humanized him in many ways.

Having put up such a hard façade ever since she had arrived back on Serenity, Mal had very few moments where he actually relaxed. There were moments when Inara even asked herself what in the ‘verse was keeping her on this ship, but it was those times when she remembered Mal. Who was going to keep the man out of trouble if she wasn’t around?

Mal caught the glare and laughed softly as he ate his dinner for the night. It was great to mess with his companion friend. Just he didn't seem to call her a whore no more. It would only make their relationship strained. They had managed to fix things since her leaving and coming back. He didn't want her leaving again. She may have spun him about and sent him into a foggy ocean alone with nothing, but a life raft she sure did it nicely though. She sure made him feel good too.

He nudged her again and gave an innocent look as he looked towards the kitchen area. It was too easy. He was going to have a good night. Messing with Simon and Inara.

The second nudge only got a smirk out of Inara, as well as a cough on her part. She shook her head, feeling much like a babysitter at the moment. The man was insufferable, but perhaps she was getting used to it. Hell, perhaps even enjoying it some days.

Kaylee held gently onto Simon’s hand, fighting the urge to glare at Mal along with the others. “Let’s just…enjoy the meal that Simon ‘n the Captain made. You two did an amazing job.” She sniffed the air, detecting the wonderful aroma of the strawberries, their scent overtaking much of the table. Simon knew her weakness for them, obviously. Chewing on her lower lip, she stood partially out of her chair, and reached for several of the red berries, bringing them back onto her plate in anticipation. “We should get jobs like this more often.”

Finally Simon looked back to the others when Kaylee spoke up. "Mal kinda just whined the whole time." That caught a glare from the elder man.

Inara chuckled at Simon’s comment, taking a sip of the saké which had been placed on the table. “Ah, the one skill I already knew the Captain to possess in spades.” She smiled wide and pretentiously at Mal, taking another sip of her saké, looking rather innocent.

Mal would admit he was a little bit childish at times. He liked to have his fun and enjoy it. He never complained unless he was doing a taste he hated and despised. Or if he hated a certain person. Or if he was bored. Oh and when in pain. Other than that Malcolm Reynolds was one happy camper. Inara commented back to Simon he rolled his eyes.

"You twos best keep your traps shut about my whining. What if I whined and got you two left huh? What then?" It would never happen. The captain was too much of a softy at times and he was always a victim of it. He hated to think of himself as soft, but it was the truth. He couldn't help it at times. It was his curse.


The Decommissioned Alliance Frigate Steerpike loomed in orbit over the planet Persephone, its sensors tearing through subspace. On the ship’s bridge, Commander Kerrn Draedon sat in his captain’s chair, skimming through a small data pad that a consultant had handed to him. The Alliance, in association with The Blue Sun Organization, had released a press notice to all authorities of the severity of crimes posed against the very fabric of civilization in this galaxy. All thanks to the fools that Draedon . A goal which he was reading through at that exact moment…

Several lines of green lettering flashed before him on the screen.

AUTHORIZED ALLIANCE PERSONNEL ONLY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ...incoming transmission... ...OFFICIAL ALIIANCE INTELLIGENCE REPORT... Fugitive Profile

Name: River Tam Age: 17 Physical Description: 5' 8" , brown hair, brown eyes, Subject is charged with Resisting Arrest, 1st Degree Treason....FURTHER INFORMATION PRIORITY CLASSIFIED Last Known Whereabouts: Last sighting was reported at the capital city hospital on Ariel. Unknown informant provided Intel on the location and whereabouts of the fugitive. Evaded police apprehension. List of docked aircraft of capital city's docking bay provided in attached document .~. CONSIDERED ARMED AND EXTREMELY DANGEROUS --- Secondary Target

Name: Dr. Simon Tam Last Known Occupation: Trauma Surgeon at Osiris Capital Hospital Age: 24 Physical Description: 5' 10", brown hair, brown eyes Subject is charged with Resisting Arrest, Aiding the Escape of a Wanted Fugitive, Illegal Confiscation of Government Property...FURTHER INFORMATION PRIORITY CLASSIFIED Last Known Whereabouts: Last sighting was reported at the capital city hospital on Ariel. Unknown informant provided Intel on the location and whereabouts of the fugitive. Evaded police apprehension. List of docked aircraft of capital city's docking bay provided in attached document .~. PROCEED WITH CAUTION...

Draedon studied the screen in boredom. This was all information he already knew. And considerably more, in fact. The Alliance didn’t want to give any more information than was necessary. He scanned the sheet. Not a thing mentioning the incident on Miranda, nor the ensuing battle between an Alliance Operative . Scrolling down to a search option, the commander typed in various search parameters.

...Additional Analysis ....searching Ariel Docking Reports.... ...compairson of time frame of reported sighting incident with docking reports matching... RESULTS: .:5 MATCHES FOUND:. ...further analysis... SEARCH...cargo/transport vessels... ...1 MATCH FOUND... ...Mid-bulk Transport. Standard Radion Accelerator core. Class code 03-K64--Firefly.

Finally, some headway. He selected the match.

...Designation: Serenity... Ownership Report…Captain Malcolm Reynolds…

Draedon’s eyes paused at the name, a thin smirk forming on his lips. Well, well. this was going to be an interesting assignment…


Much more to come! Please R&R!


Tuesday, August 15, 2006 7:16 AM


Still liking this. And am looking forward to more.

Though, I believe Simon has blue/grey eyes, not brown.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006 8:47 AM


oh, snap, they are blue, aren't they? Thanks for that, my bad :P

Tuesday, August 15, 2006 12:29 PM


And River's are brown, by the way. You got them switched. :)

Tuesday, August 15, 2006 1:35 PM


heheh that must've been it :P Thanks guys!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006 9:07 PM


Oh crap...things just got mighty unshiny:(

But I can't wait for more...what does that say about me?




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The Family Cobb – Chapter 3
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Matters of the Heart - Chapter 5
Mal/Inara centric fic.
When an old face from Inara's past arrives on Serenity, will Mal be able to handle the competition? Will the two finally be able to get over themselves and admit their feelings for one another?
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Matters of the Heart - Chapter 4
Mal/Inara centric fic.
When an old face from Inara's past arrives on Serenity, will Mal be able to handle the competition? Will the two finally be able to get over themselves and admit their feelings for one another?
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Matters of the Heart - Chapter 3
Mal/Inara centric fic.
When an old face from Inara's past arrives on Serenity, will Mal be able to handle the competition? Will the two finally be able to get over themselves and admit their feelings for one another?
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Matters of the Heart - Chapter 2
Mal/Inara centric fic.
When an old face from Inara's past arrives on Serenity, will Mal be able to handle the competition? Will the two finally be able to get over themselves and admit their feelings for one another?
(Sequel to "Loyalties"...spoilers to prequel included!)

Loyalties - Chapter 10
(post-BDM) Still considered "armed and dangerous" by the Alliance, the crew is hunted by a ghost from Mal's past, who leaves Simon Tam no choice but to decide who he would rather save; his sister, or the love of his life... FINAL CHAPTER!

Loyalties - Chapter 9
(post-BDM) Still considered "armed and dangerous" by the Alliance, the crew is hunted by a ghost from Mal's past, who leaves Simon Tam no choice but to decide who he would rather save; his sister, or the love of his life...