Pulling the trigger is easy; it’s the backlash that hurts. Ch. 7: The Calm Between The Storm
Monday, August 28, 2006

There is a little intensity in Chapter 7 but most of it is smooth sailing. This chapter brings a little bit of hope to some of the crew, that is before the big showdown starts because we all know its coming soon, giving it a couple of more chapters. ENJOY. "Sometimes there is a light at the end of the tunnel and sometimes it's just the train approaching."


Zoë still had her ear pressed firm against the door and Mal was still trapped on the other side, undoubtedly at Niska’s mercy. Zoë stood firm against the door eavesdropping on the occupants of the room, but she only managed to catch bits and pieces of the conversation that was happening on Mal’s side of the door. The information Zoë did gather wasn’t quite enough for her to piece together what was exactly going on, but it was more then enough to point her in the direction of where she might need to be heading next.

If Zoë had heard correctly Niska had made a deal with some men who ached to get their grubby hands on Simon and River. I guess this is what it felt like to be between a rock and a hard place; Zoë didn’t want to leave Mal but it wasn’t like she could exactly get to him either. And if she did manage to somehow pry open the door that seemed to be cemented in its place, then what? What lay on the other side of that door was news to her; she was neither prepared nor willing to risk barging into a dangerous situation with no means of getting out.

Beside the others needed her help, Zoë had no intention of leaving them either. If she had learned anything from their last encounter with Niska it was that he feasted on other people’s pain, the kind of pain that made death seem like the best option. Niska would keep Mal alive as long as he could so he could put him through hell and back, over and over again, this Zoë knew was a fact. A fact that had made her decision less easy but also caused weary to creep over her composed demeanor.

Zoë took a deep breath, gulping the air that flowed into her throat down fast as though it might be the last one she ever took. Then she slowly removed her ear from the door, the voices on the other side had ceased, a thought Zoë dared not dwell on. It was hard leaving the captain behind, especially given his present company, but what had to be done, had to be done.

Zoë turned expertly on her heels and proceeded to walk down the dank corridor. “Hang in there,” she pleaded silently to Mal; a message she hoped he would receive and directions she prayed he would follow.

Zoë had been walking for some time and despite not knowing if the direction she was traveling in would lead her to her destination she continued to press on. Zoë halted to a stop once she spotted a broken down directory of the old penitentiary, chances were River was being held in the securest place, a place where getting in would be just as hard as getting out. It was clear to see where the directory was afflicted by time, the glass that once held the map in place had long since been shattered and the directory hung up by a single corner. It was spotted here and there with aging which caused some points on the directory to go unidentified.

Once Zoë was able to charter her way passed the incomplete map she found what it was she was looking for; 4 levels down, 2 corridors to the left, and 1 to the right was definitely the place where she would would find River. Now all she had to do was hope that the space from this point to that one was all clear. Zoë ran her finger once more over the decrepit directory memorizing her intended route which started where she stood and ended at the prison’s ‘death row’ cell block.

This definitely had to be where River was because prisoners unfortunate enough to stand on ‘death row’ where locked down tighter than a lose bag of platinum tied to a space pirate’s hip. Death row gave birth to the meaning ‘it all ends here,’ once you crossed that blackened threshold there was only way you where meant to leave and kicking and screaming wasn’t an option. Unfortunate, indeed, were the poor souls that had to endure being in the presence of their demise every day because unlike some of the other prisoners all the inmates in the ‘death row’ cell block where destined to ‘die behind bars’ or so to speak.

Once Zoë was sure she had memorized every step, foot, and turn she had to take in order to reach ‘death row’ she proceeded down the corridor closest to her and set off in hopes of finding River. Zoë strode down the uninviting halls and passageways, her eyes where ever watchful and she had a quicken rhythm to the wide steps she placed hastily on the ground. Each step carried Zoë closer to her destination and when she had finally moved to take the final right turn that would bring her to the entrance of the ‘death row’ cell block she lessened the pace of her steps and slide into the cover of the shadows.

To have made it this far just to get caught now would have been pointless, so when Zoë heard the shuffling of feet up ahead she took the precaution of trying to make herself as invisible as possible. Several guardsmen bustled noisily from the entrance of the cell block and marched rowdily past an unseen Zoë who was hugged closely up against the inviting darkness.

Once the last echoing footstep of the guardsmen faded well into the distance Zoë cautioned out of hiding and proceeded with stealth toward the entrance of the ‘death row’ cell block. Zoë stood outside a high black door that was closed and it had a giant lock fixed firmly to the front. The door had all the signs of ‘no visitors welcomed;’ no sane person would be trying to see what lay beyond that door.

Zoë reached for the lock expecting it to refuse her entry to the world beyond the door but one tug and the lock broke smoothly from its place. The lock had long ago rusted past the point of useful and had all but crumbled with the continuous opening and closing of the door it was fixed to. Everyone knew the lock served one purpose to give the illusion of security; it had worked because Zoë had prepared herself well in advance for some good old fashion breaking and entering, now it just looked like she would be entering.

Zoë dropped the shards of rusted lock from her hands and placed them tightly across the handle of the door. She pulled the handle of the door in her direction and with great effort she manage to open the heavy door wide enough to allow her room to pass within. Once inside the area beyond the door Zoë was surprised to be standing in a room field with light, it was so luminous that Zoë had to wait several minutes before here eyes could get used its intensity.

When Zoë could see with out having to squint she ventured further on past the door and the more she walked on the more she was convinced she was in the right place. Zoë wasn’t looking at empty cells, dreary prisoners, or anything for that matter that would give the impression of a prison. Instead she saw endless computers, processors, field machines, medical supplies, scanners, all kinds of ‘this’s and that’s’ that made the room look like a laboratory. That’s how Zoë knew she was in the right place, these people meant to do what they had done to River again, and this place gave them full advantage of that opportunity.

Zoë stopped sizing up the room when she heard noises indicated someone was coming her way. There where no shadows to hide behind due in part to the bright lights of the room which erased any possibility of them. So Zoë hide behind a counter and listened to the scurrying of shoes across the polished floor and when curiosity got the better of her Zoë chanced a glance from behind the corner just in time to see the figures of two men in black suits and blue gloves rushing out the door.

Once Zoë had seen the men vanish behind the door she preceded down the hallway the two men in the black suits had just ventured from. Each side of the hallway was lined with doors, Zoë walked toward the first door and turned the handle it opened without hesitation and Zoë went in. Inside the room was a table in which there sat stacks of papers, flexi’s, and other documents. Zoë approached the table picked up the piece of paper lying on the top of the closest stack to her.

Her eyes moved rapidly across the piece of paper taking in every bit of information she had read; the document was about River. It contained all kinds of test results from experiments they had conducted on her in the past. Zoë set the piece of paper back down on the table and pick up another document; it too contained test results for River. Zoë continued to sort through the document and each document continued to contain some information about River.

When Zoë was done investigating the room she walked out closed the door and headed to the next available room. This room was the same as the first, filled with documents all pertaining to River, and all the other rooms after that yielded the same results. Zoë had reached the final door of the hallway sure she would open it only to find a hefty amount of paperwork all devoted to River and so it had surprise her when she saw a key code resting next to the handle keeping the door locked tight.

There was a reason this door was locked, Zoë knew that, and was certainly going to find out what secret lay hidden behind it. Zoë tried to force the door open but it stood firm against her protests. A password, the only way Zoë was going to get that door open was a password. Seeing as River was these people’s obsession Zoë went with the obvious and punched in ‘River’ on the key pad, the key pad still displayed the words locked and Zoë knew she had chosen wrong. Next she tried ‘Tam’ but there was no luck the door was still locked. Zoë did a combination of ‘River’ and ‘Tam’ as well as many other guesses but none opened the door.

Zoë didn’t know this men who obviously knew River too well and River hadn’t been with them long enough for Zoë to know a lot about her so her options where beginning to run out. Zoë made a list of the things she knew about River, it was a very short list. Neither ‘Simon’, ‘brother’, or ‘crazy’ unlocked the door.

Zoë tried to remember back to the day when Simon had told them about what had happened to his sister. Zoë tried to force herself to pick out phrases and words from Simon’s story that would somehow lead her to discovering the password. After a little thought two words stuck out in Zoë’s mind ‘gifted’ and ‘genius’ both of which River was. First Zoë punched ‘gifted’ into the key pad but nothing happened next she entered ‘genius’ the results stayed the same. Finally when she began thinking there was no hope she punched the phrase ‘gifted genius’ into the key pad and a green light blinked happily indicating the door was now unlocked.

Zoë pulled on the handle and pried opened the door and much to her relief a disheveled River stood looking back at her unharmed and happy to see her. “I knew you’d come.” River managed before a string of ear busting alarms sounded in the hallway indicating a breech in the facilities. “Come with me little one.” Zoë said as she grabbed River’s hand an led her out of the room, unknowing that she had not just saved River’s life but also Simon who was moments away from a bloody death.

….…“Have it your way doctor; you seem to know too much anyway.” The first man stated as he reached in his pocket pulling out a thin blue stick gripped tightly between his blued gloved fingers.

“We’ll tell River you said hi.”

The two men walked stiffly towards Simon devious grins creeping across their faces. This time Simon had no problem staring this hwoo dahns in the eyes, he would be fearless now and ever if that’s what it took to save his sister. The blue gloved hand was moments away from triggering the ‘blue wand’ that would send a massive amount of hurtin’ Simon’s way. As the first man’s hand inched to activate the ‘blue stick’ ringing alarms caused him to stop dead in his tracks. Those alarms meant only one thing, they where being breeched, someone was trying to free River Tam……


Simon hadn’t expected to go out like this, ever since his stay on Serenity he figured he would more then likely die in some bloody unimaginable way, but not like this; a part of him thought they would never get caught. But here he was face to face with the sumbitches that had done the THINGS they had done to River; where more than likely gonna do those things again to River, and there was nothing he could do about it because they had all intentions of killing him then and now.

The two men in the sleek black suits approached Simon the one on the right dug deep into his pocket retrieving a tiny ‘blue stick.’ Simon knew better than to underestimated the capability of that little ‘blue stick’ because after all these where the men who had turned his baby sister into…well Simon wasn’t quite sure what they had done but they seem to have devoted their entire lives to the cause.

Simon had wore a brave face up until the instant he saw that blue hand about to trigger the ‘blue stick’ at which time he closed his eyes in hopes of shielding himself from whatever excruciating aches awaited him. The seconds ticked away with a slow rhythmic anthem and Simon waited for the painful moment when he would no longer be a part of this ‘verse, the moment he would truly be without River, but that moment never came.

Simon always imagined the ‘afterlife’ would be peaceful so when the sound of ringing alarms filled his ears he was caught by surprise and opened his eyes to find the two blue gloved men arguing. Simon only caught the ending of the sentence being shared by the two men as they turned in haste out the door, ‘…trying to free River Tam.’

And just like that all threats that had so recently been hounding Simon where gone; he was safe and free. Simon stood up and walked out of the room he was going to find the others and save his sister, no one was going to touch River. The blue gloved men hadn’t finished off Simon Tam deciding he was no longer a priority, containing River Tam at all costs was their number one priority now, so they had left Simon untouched and unguarded. But what they failed to realize was Simon Tam was probably the biggest threat they could have ever imagined and they should have killed him when they had the chance because like a wolf on the prowl he would soon be coming in for the kill.


Wash leaned heavily against Kaylee as she helped support him with every quaking step he took. They had been walking for sometime now and the longer they walked the more strength Wash seemed to lose. With each passing step Wash’s body drew closer to Kaylee begging her to hold up its massive frame. Wash would have collapsed long ago, his body pleaded for release, but there was no giving up so he dug deep to uncover what little strength still dwelled inside of him and they struggled forth in search of Simon.

Kaylee somehow imagined this all being a little easier in her head. Where was Simon? They had checked every room they had passed on the way in hopes of finding him waiting on the other side, but no such luck. Finding anyone, anyone at all would help, even if it was just to relieve Kaylee from the burden of having to watch her friend die. Kaylee knew they didn’t have much longer, her hands where stained a deep red from trying to stop the blood that rushed out of Wash’s wounds; there had been so much blood.

“You tell my wife I love her, okay ‘lil Kaylee.” Wash slurred as his body slumped against Kaylee causing her to fall to the ground cradling his head in her bloody hands.

“No, you stay with me Wash! STAY WITH ME!” Kaylee screamed. “Get up Wash, we have to go find you some help, we have to go find Simon, we have to…” The tears choked Kaylee causing her words to stay stuck in the back of her throat.

“HELP, SOMEBODY HELP ME!!” Kaylee screamed but her pleas fell on deaf ears and all she could do was wait….


Simon navigated the stuffy corridors; his first stop would be the infirmary. He would load up on supplies just in case the others needed medical attention; he wanted to be prepared for any and all scenarios. Simon must have been closed to the infirmary because he reached it within a matter of minutes or maybe it was his tingling ‘doctor sense’ that lead him there, either way he had made it.

Simon approached the entrance and pushed open the old door to find to his disappointment a dusty and half-stocked infirmary. Simon found a discarded bag laying across the floor which he scooped up and quickly shook out its contents. Once the bag was empty Simon carefully began searching the room, he rummaged hurriedly through all the cabinets and drawers choosing the least out of date medicines and other items of value then he placed them cautiously into the bag. Simon loaded his bag with as much stuff as he could carry then gave the ancient medical center once last solemn glance before he turned to leave.

Simon had barely taken a few steps out of the door before he heard a faint noise which caused him to stop. Simon turned his head in the direction he assumed the noise was coming from and strained to hear exactly what it was. Soon Simon could distinguish the noise as a voice, and the voice wasn’t as faint as it first had been, it was distinctly getting closer and closer. As the voice neared it became clear enough that Simon could understand what was being said ‘help me, help me.’ It didn’t take Simon long to realize that he recognized the voice…it was Kaylee.

Simon rounded the corner with expedience and if it hadn’t been for his profession the sight that lay before him would have caused him to break down into tears. There was Kaylee dragging a very bloody and barely breathing Wash in Simon’s direction. When the scene before Simon finished relaying itself to his brain he ran as fast as he could to help Kaylee with Wash.

“What happened?” Simon asked

But Kaylee could not respond, her voice was lost and all she could do was let the tears that flowed from her eyes tell the story. Simon still held the bag he so recently had just filled with medical supplies in his hands. He threw the bag to the ground and quickly began digging into it removing bandages, salves, antibiotics, and anything that would help. Simon went to work and Kaylee watched through teary eyes as he began making Wash better.

Simon managed to stop the bleeding and he had cleaned the wounds carefully, Wash was going to be okay but he needed to be moved to the infirmary for stitches and some rest. “Kaylee we need to get him to the infirmary, it’s just around there.” Simon stated Kaylee stood up and grabbed a hold of Wash’s ankles as the pair lugged the injured man into the infirmary.

Once inside Simon thoroughly cleansed and disinfected Wash’s wounds then he began the task of stitching him back together. With precision Simon worked the needle in an out of Wash’s skin until the last stitch was in place and Simon had completed his suture. The wound had been deep, very deep, that’s why there had been so much blood but thankfully all vital organs had been missed; some just barely. With the hard part over now a heavily sedated Wash began his process of healing.

Simon could see that Kaylee was still shook up by all that had taken place so he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her close as all brave fronts broke and Kaylee collapsed into a fit of tears. Simon never let go of Kaylee, he just held her closer and when she was done crying Simon reassured her that everything was going to be alright, she even managed a slight smile.

Simon told Kaylee about his whole ordeal; about the blue gloved men, and someone trying to save River. And in turn Kaylee told Simon about how her and Wash had been captured, about Niska being involved, and about how Mal had arranged some kind of deal for their freedom. Kaylee told Simon about EVERYTHING and as she told the tale the memories brought her back to the verge of tears but Simon just continued to hold her tighter.

“It’s going to be alright bao bei.” And for the briefest moment Kaylee was allowed to forget that they where all trapped in a nightmare because how could this be anything but a dream with Simon so sure of the fact they where all going to be alright.


Tuesday, August 29, 2006 12:30 AM


This is great but I am a little confused. Did Simon just take Wash back inside that torture facility to stitch him up? Also some spelling and mispelling needs tidying up otherwise this is terrific. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Thursday, August 31, 2006 8:14 PM


Ditto to what Alison I got the vibe when you had Simon thinking that he's dropped a bit too much into Rimspeak or Jayne's head (whichever would be more odd ;D).

Still...loving what's here;)



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Pulling the trigger is easy; it's the backlash that hurts. Ch. 9: Courage, Honor, and Illusions
Here is Chapter down two to go...Enjoy!!!

Pulling the trigger is easy; it's the backlash that hurts. Ch. 8: Lurking on the Right Side of Wrong
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Pulling the trigger is easy; it’s the backlash that hurts. Ch. 7: The Calm Between The Storm
There is a little intensity in Chapter 7 but most of it is smooth sailing. This chapter brings a little bit of hope to some of the crew, that is before the big showdown starts because we all know its coming soon, giving it a couple of more chapters. ENJOY. "Sometimes there is a light at the end of the tunnel and sometimes it's just the train approaching."

Pulling the trigger is easy; it’s the backlash that hurts. Ch. 6: And We All Fall Down
Chapter 6 is finally up, I was fighting a bit of writers block, but I got it done yeah. Jayne, Kaylee, Wash, and Simon aren't looking too good. Everything seems like is going downhill pretty fast.

Pulling the trigger is easy; it’s the backlash that hurts. Ch. 5. Devil’s Advocate
Chapter 5, it's Zoe's time to kick some butt. We get to see what's happening with Kaylee and's not looking to good. Mal exchanges some words and some threats. And Niska graces us with his prescene but not so gracefully. Comments appreciated.

Pulling the trigger is easy; it’s the backlash that hurts. Ch.4. Unmasked
Jayne does what he does best, kicks some butt. Zoe is hot on someone's trail. And Mal gets to see who's turning the wheels behind this whole ordeal. Sorry for the wait on chapter 4. Enjoy and feel free to comment.

Pulling the trigger is easy; it’s the backlash that hurts. Ch.3: Broken & Unsafe
Things get very interesting for Kaylee and Wash.
Comments appreciated.

Pulling the trigger is easy; it’s the backlash that hurts. Ch.2: Time divided
Here's chapter two in which we get to see what each of the crew is up to. I make it sound so casual especially since a good portion of them have been captured. Please enjoy and feel free to comment.

Pulling the trigger is easy; it’s the backlash that hurts. Ch.1: Taken dead or alive.
I thought I'd try my hand at writing some adventure. Pre-Serenity so all of our lovely crew is entact. Please tell me what you think, should I continue?

A little less then nothing
This is my first fanfic so be gentle. Comments, ratings, and insights are welcomed and encouraged. I would like to know how I'm doing. It's a mix of the present and the past. This is post-Serenity: S/K, M/N, J/Z, plus an appearence by River. I hope you enjoy it.