devil's advocate
Saturday, October 7, 2006

So many Silee fanfics with pregnancy that I thought to play devil's advocate and write this real quick. Not exactly how I would like to see things go but, you know...devil's advocate and all.


"So we'll head to Persephone and see what we can't unload there but, in the mean time we just need to hold tight before..." Mal was interrupted by a coughing Kaylee. She had been looking a bit green during supper. "Li'l Kaylee are you feeling a'right?" "Shiny Captain. Just a little bit of a cranky stomach. Nothin' worryin' about." "Maybe, Simon you could give a once over to Kaylee makes sure she ain't bad off in anyway." "That's fine captain. If you want Kaylee we can go straight after dinner." "No! I's really all just shiny. Nothin' wrong here." "Well, that may be but, you still need to be visitin' the doc." Inara caught the worry mixed in with Mal's casual demeanor. It had been about a week now that Kaylee hadn't been herself. In fact, it was only a few days ago that Inara herself had caught Kaylee asleep in a chair midday. "Perhaps Mal's right in this mei mei. We'd never want anything to happen to you," Kaylee stared down at her plate; pushing the protein substance about. She never was very good at lyin' especially not to her Cap'n' or 'Nara. "I'm really a'right. Thanks you for beins so sweets." Simon who had stayed out of things until now decided to pipe in. He could never let one of the crew fall ill under his watch. "Kaylee, it will be no problem and it won't take very long for me to make sure that everything is okay...." "It's not that! I'm really not gorram sicks!," Kaylee couldn't take it anymore. The lies and secrets were just too much for her to handle any longer. It just wasn't in her. A perplexed Mal stared at his mechanic. This wasn't like her. "What is it li'l one? What's goin' on?" The words bubbled up from Kaylee with all the anxiety of the past few weeks flowing out as she stood up knocking her chair over. "I'm pregnant!" The crew stared at Kaylee not knowing what to say. Mal was the first one to break the silence. "I thought you were a gorram bit smarter about these things. You houzi de pigu doctor!" Inara reached up to keep Mal from reaching across the table and strangling Simon. "It won't due anyone any good Mal,"

"It'll make me feel a damn sight better. What do you have to say 'bout it?" Mal stared holes into the young doctor and if it were up to him he might just make a real one.

"I--I--I mean that we ne--never..."

"Spit it out before I let my better judgement take o'er,"

"He's tryin' to say that we never sexed one another," Kaylee's voice small and anxious. She never meant to cause anyone trouble.

"Not his? Then who in the 'verse is this father of that there baby?"

A voice came from the doorway. "It's mine." All eyes went to the entrance as Kaylee greeted the speaker.

"Hi Jayne. Didn't mean for you to find out this way,"


Saturday, October 7, 2006 11:54 PM


Way to put the cat among the pigeons but what happened with Kaylee being all moon-eyed over Simon? Also, need to tidy up with the spelling and such. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Monday, October 9, 2006 5:39 PM


Oh...I smell an angst-filled sequel where Kaylee's still wanting Simon but carrying Jayne's baby due to a drunken mistake or some other oneshot incident;)

Really fascinated by what you got here, Milia! Definitely wouldn't mind seeing more:D


Saturday, October 14, 2006 7:26 PM


Little rough in terms of the writing but I like the idea you had behind it. Simon and Kaylee always do seem to have gaggle of kids in every story and while I generally enjoy the Silee it's nice to have a change every once in a while.


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devil's advocate
So many Silee fanfics with pregnancy that I thought to play devil's advocate and write this real quick. Not exactly how I would like to see things go but, you know...devil's advocate and all.

just a start
This is a starter which I haven't finished or really done much than type the heck out of it. It's the start of something much bigger.