Wallpaper: Make it Stop
Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Further adventures in layering :) Again, this came from messing about with images of River - in this case River's heartbreaking meltdown on Miranda and one of those creepy flashbacks during the fruity oaty bar scene. Who was that creepy old lady anyway?



Tuesday, November 7, 2006 12:29 PM


very nicely done.

Tuesday, November 7, 2006 4:21 PM



Wednesday, November 8, 2006 8:47 PM


Ya know...this is inspiring in the amount of raw emotion it conveys, DesktopHippie;)

Gotta ask though: is the semi-transparent shot on the left part of River's flashback just before she goes ape-shite on the Maidenhead's patrons? Cuz if it is, River's eyes strangely don't look like her eyes...almost like the mental tampering was manifesting through her occular pigmentation changing...


Thursday, November 9, 2006 4:05 AM


In answer to your question, BEB, the transparent shot on the left *is* part of River's flashback just before she goes nuts in the Maidenhead. But... it's not a picture of her.

I'm sure you've noticed that while River stares at the screen there are a few ultra-quick, almost subliminal, shots of something completely different. I got curious once and slowed my DVD speed right down so I could watch them all frame by frame.

The shots we see are (in sequence):

-River's eyes, staring full into the screen, looking decidedly menacing

-A dead body on Miranda

-The Operative

-River in the lab seen at the start of the movie, with that needle thing stuck on her head

-A Reaver, snarling at the screen (taken from the earlier Reaver scene)

-The shot I've used above - a partial face shot of a very creepy looking old lady

-Another shot of River in the lab, this one showing more detail than the first

I have no idea who the old lady is - she's never seen in the movie. I'm assuming she's one of the key members of parliment The Operative mentions. Maybe we'll learn more about her in the sequel :)


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Animated Avatar: Random Jayne
100x100pix. Random images of the man they call Jayne.

Animated Avatar: Random Wash
100x100pix - random Wash images.

Animated Avatar/LJ Icon: Random River
Random shots of River from the series and the BDM. I have similar icons for Mal, Jayne, Wash and Simon that I'll post next week. Need to save more images for Inara and Book!

Animated Avatar / LJ Icon: Get's Awful Lonely
Based on a screenshot of Kaylee on Haven in the BDM that I've used a couple of times before. I've always thought this quote suited the image perfectly. 100x100pix

Animated Avatar / LJ Icon: Let's Moon 'Em
Just a silly little Jayne icon. Did a non-animated version before. 100x100pix

Animated Avatar / LJ Icon: I Love my Captain
Just for giggles. 100x100pix

Animated Avatar/LJ Icon: Hurt
Before anyone says anything I am painfully aware that this is the most morbid and creepifying animation I've ever done. Just trying something a little different. 100x100pix. Lyrics are from the Nine Inch Nails song 'Hurt'

Animated Avatar/LJ Icon: Random Kaylee
Just a collection of Kaylee moments. 100x100pix

Animated Avatar / LJ Icon - Strong Women
Based on some thoughts I've been mulling over for the last while and will post in my blog as soon as I get the chance. I'll be posting a few animated icons over the next few weeks so feel free to let me know any particular themes you want covered.

Avatar / LJ Icon: Mal - The Message
100x100pix. I love the way Mal looks in this shot.